Palworld: How to Host a Server without Steam Setup Dedicated/Community Server with SteamCMD

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hello in this video I'm going to show you how you can set up a dedicated or Community server in P world without having to use the steam account so if you try to use Steam for hosting a server you need to be logged into your account however there is another way that allows you to set up the server but you don't have to be logged into anything and you just need to download something else instead however the server will work on Steam so what we are going to do is use the uh steam CMD this is an application made by steam that allows you to host different servers without having to be logged on Steam so I'm going to uh leave the link in the description for you to download the the steam CMD I'm just going to download mine here we want to unzip it and once we have our steam CMD in a folder then we can start it when we run for the first time we will pretty much download the whole application so treat it like an installer uh which will download everything that needs to be uh downloaded these are just pretty much files that allows you to host these servers and they will be uh created in the same folder where you have the steam cmd.exe so give it a few seconds or perhaps a minute and then you should be good to go after you have this step where you have Steam and above that you have loading steam API okay we can start using the steam CMD so we're going to use login Anonymous like so we're going to use an an anonomous account so we don't have to use our uh Steam account at all and after that once we are logged into the anonymous account we can use the app update command like so and then we need to enter these numbers 2 39401 this is pretty much the ID for the uh P worlds server and we're going to download the server now for the P world all right so after we download and install it we can now close steam CMD and every time you will have to update the server uh due to the game version being update on Steam you will have to do the same thing in steamcmd so we will have to log in and then up update all right now we can go to the steam apps uh folder common and over here we have pile server these are all files that we need uh to run the server now depending if you want to have dedicated all Community server if you want to run dedicated server then you can simply run pile server .exe however if you want to use a community server then you need to create a shortcut so we're going to right click this file and then create shortcut over here in the shortcut we need to add a starting argument so we're going to right click and then go to properties and then over here where we have Target we want to go all the way to the right and then add this text over here minus epic app equals pile server after that apply and okay and now if you want to run the community server you need to run this exe instead of this one and if you want to use the dedicated server if you want to run the dedicated server then you want to use this file instead and now we need to start the server for a second so I'm going to use this one simply because I want to use a community server then we should see this window over here we need to allow and if we see this text then our server is already running now we can close it and then we need to open this default pile word settings.ini this is uh well this step is for those who want to customize the server uh in some ways we need to open this uh file in any text editor that we have it should look like this and what we need to do is copy line four and five together like so copy it then we can minimize that then go to pal saved config Windows server and then we need to find Pal word settings. II file over here and once again open it in any text editor once you do that we want to paste the text that we just copied however make sure that this file has only two lines so as you can see over here I have line three and four that is completely empty we want to remove these lines this is how we which should be only line one which should be this one and then line two which should be the option settings and now if we want to we can also customize some data we have some uh difficulty settings over here so we can adjust them here and we can also set up the server name over here we have server name we can change that we have the server description we have admin password we have server password so if you want your server to be private then you can set up the password over here we have the port which we don't need to change uh public IP I believe can be uh empty and Aron and Aron Port whatever so yeah if you want to customize some information about your server you can do that here and after that save the file after we make the changes we can go back to the initial folder where we have these two files uh that run and start the server so we can once again run our server so let's double click that once again everything is running and now we can join our server in order to join our server we also need our IP so you should use any website that shows your uh IP and then you need to paste it into the field in the game so we want to join multiplayer game and then click okay and at the bottom over here we have this field where we can enter our IP simply because because Community servers list or the official servers they don't work really well at this moment so paste your IP over here don't change the part unless you changed it in the um in the settings and then if your uh if your server also has a password then uh take enter password and then click connect and it should be done and that's it thanks for watching leave a like And subscribe to my channel and see you my next videos bye
Channel: Games & Apps Tutorials
Views: 4,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, guide, how, to, palworld how to, palworld game
Id: GdTmr0xgvF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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