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okay oh you got the order of services tonight whoo order of service savings this morning okay same as this morning yeah what is it when do i get up that's all i'm concerned about after the contribution yeah after the concert first thing happened no song before me yeah yes that song before contribution and a song our god he is alive okay that's it [Music] good evening everyone it is great to see you here tonight we are excited to be together and glad that you come to be a part of our evening worship here tonight just a couple of reminders about some things that we mentioned this morning one is obviously our grief workshop uh that begins on friday of this week there are schedules for that uh out in the lobby it's friday night at seven uh saturday night at seven 00 and then we meet again they finish they finish actually sunday evening week from today we'll have a five o'clock class before our evening worship at six and so just check the schedule but it'll be a great weekend for all of us to be involved in and looking forward to that and also there's two tables out in the lobby that's going to be reduced down to one by next week and that's materials for our knock on your neighbor's door that's scheduled for saturday october the 2nd so load up on those materials that you can take and and share with others and let's make every effort to reach out to those that we can let's bow together and pray and let's focus on our worship of god tonight holy father we are grateful tonight to be together we are thankful to you for this great privilege of worship and we pray that everything that we do as a part of this assembly tonight might bring honor and glory to you in jesus name we pray amen [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] lord be godly for me [Music] [Music] r [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] in me if anyone in his presence would like to protect the lord's supper tonight could you please raise your hand after each prayer i would like to read for you a free scripture to get your hearts in tune to the lord's supper tonight and it's taken from the 11th chapter first corinthians starting at the 23rd verse for i received from the lord what i also delivered to you that the lord jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me shall we bow and give thanks for the bread most holy and righteous heavenly father truly it's the privilege and the honor to call you father and we thank you tonight that we came out during the suffering all of the abuse scorned and ridiculed that our lord endured on that cruel cross of calvary he did it not for himself father but you know and we know that he did it for each of us tonight we thank you for this indescribable gift that you've given us and we ask that we will partake of these ambulances that represent his body in jesus name i will continue to read for you in the same way also he took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes shall we give thanks for the cup once again father we come we're on behalf thanking you for the many blessings of life even a spiritual life that we obtain through the offering of your only begotten when he shed his blood on the cross that we might have forgiveness of sin we thank you for this opportunity heavenly father which is ours tonight to be among the saints and remember that cruel cross that i'll save you and do it it is in this name we pray amen uh so uh bob and pick that one up now sorry about that foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you'll now have the prayer would you pray with me please our great and glorious father in heaven by the blood of jesus we ask that you forgive us of our sins by his blood we have the ability to come before thy throne as an anchor and truth to know that thou is truly with us father help our souls to be clean before you for us to be focused on truth and light father we're thankful for so many things for knowing that you've given us all things that we need to pertain to life and yet we have so much more homes to live in and beds to sleep in vehicles to drive pantries full of food beyond that father you've given us the church brethren that are concerned about us encourage us and uplift us when we're down father we're grateful for your plan we're thankful lord for this congregation we're thankful for those members of this congregation that are truly servants of yours father bless them we're thankful father for our health that we're able to be here this evening we're thankful for this country father we pray that we will be a light to this country that we can be a lighthouse to show people the way the to build a community built on truth and righteousness father we're mindful of those that are sick those are dealing with health issues ongoing we're grateful for those that have been sick and have been returned to their health father comfort those that are sad have lost loved ones deal with depression deal with things that going on that perhaps we're not aware of father strengthen them and help us to know those facts to bring them up in prayer and to reach out and encourage father we pray for our shut-ins and the lonely times that they must have we pray that we'll do something about it we pray father for our widows and many of us don't understand the sadness and the emptiness after years of a marriage that they deal with we pray that we'll let them know that they're in our hearts and that you'll give them the peace that only you can our father we're mindful of our elders our deacons and our preachers and all the work that they go through and their families the sacrifice that they give father bless them and give them peace father we're mindful of our teens it's such a great group of kids coming up perhaps not in the world's eyes but in our eyes in spiritual things just a fantastic group we pray that you'll bless them and as they walk with you give them guidance and hope and joy father we pray for strength and courage we pray that we'll be bold for you that we'll call right things right and wrong things wrong that we won't sit on our hands and that we won't be silent strengthen us in all things lord by our savior's name and amen this evening scripture reading will be from the book of first kings chapter 12 verses 26 through 33. that's on the pew bible if you'd like to follow along on page 316 first kings chapter 12 26 through 33. and it reads and jeroboam said in his heart now the kingdom may return to the house of david if these people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the lord at jerusalem then the heart of these people this people will turn back into the lord reborn king of judah and they will kill me and go back to rehoboam the king of judah therefore the king act asked ask for advice made two casts of gold and said to the people it is too much for you to go to jerusalem here are your gods o israel which brought you up from the land of egypt and he said and he set one up in bethel and the other one he put in dan now this thing became a sin for the people went to worship before the one as far as dan he made shrines on the highest high places made priests from every class of people who were not of the sons of levi jeroboam ordained a feast on the 15th day of the eighth month like the feast that was in judah and offered sacrifices on the altar so he did at bethel sacrificing to the calves that he had made and at bethel he installed the priest of the highest places which he had made so he made offerings on the altar which he had made at bethel on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in a month which he had devised his own heart and he ordained a feast for the children of israel and offered sacrifices on the altar and burned incense [Music] um [Music] what the lord have done your blessings in them one by one count your blessings see what god hath done come them true by one count your many blessings be where god had gone so long the conflict whether great or small do not be discouraged god is overrun count your many blessings angels will attend help and comfort give you to journey blessings name them one by one count your many blessings zero god sorry pray together holy righteous heavenly father truly died our great and awesome god is not the creation that we are so mindful of right now but it's the o heavenly father thou creator of everything on heaven and on earth we thank you for the many blessings that you bestowed upon mankind even the orphan of your only begotten our lord and savior jesus christ yet the physical blessings are so numerous at recent times take you for granted father we thank you heavenly father for each and every blessing that come down from above and we asked your heavenly father that you would teach us as you would guide us that you would protect us and that you would give us everything and that we would come up before thy throne and off up the great thankfulness that is through your name bless this church heavenly father and all that it do bless each and every member heavenly father who's a summit here and we ask that we will continue to worship and praise our name forever in jesus name we pray amen will you please stand with me as we sing this song before the sermon this evening [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] following that's what it's all about tonight uh gonna be the next king that's the way it works isn't it and so the people came to rehab and said lower our taxes your father was too heavy he went to the older men and the older men said you need to listen to the to you need to listen to this information political decision that you're about to make and then he went to the younger men and the younger men said oh no increase the taxes just show them who's boss and when rehoboam followed the advice of the younger men the kingdom of solomon that stretched all the way from the river of egypt above the river euphrates one of the great great powers in the world was suddenly divided and 85 of the kingdom that had been solomon's kingdom turned their back against a real boom and selected jeroboam to be their new king now jeroboam's important and that's what this part of this lesson is all about you want to know where religious division comes from look at first kings chapter 12 and you will see exactly where religious division comes from where where all where's the religious division where did it come from well that way in the beginning and prior to the death of solomon there was no religious division everybody went to jerusalem everybody used the priests that were there ordained by god but look at what happens what what jeroboam does jeroboam in verse 26 said in his heart the kingdom may return to the house of david if the people go back to jerusalem political decisions can create denominations and denominations are created by political decisions can i illustrate what are we divided about today religiously in america abortion homosexuality trans transgender individuals in our society you look at the list of all of these things and there are denominations that have within the last 15 years changed their doctrine on the basis of the fact it is not a politically good decision to stay with what we have believed where did the denomination come from in the imagination of jeroboam in his heart he thought it up that's where denominations come from he says to the people now if the people go back they will then will not uh worship me they'll be they'll turn their house their their devotion back to the house of solomon david and solomon and so the king asked advice and made two calves two calves of gold and said it's too much for you to go up to jerusalem it is too hard to be the church of jesus and so denominations come because people are not satisfied and we try to find a more convenient way to do it it's too much for you to go up to jerusalem and said it's too much and therefore here are your gods and he created two calves the re the heritage that comes from when they came out of the land of egypt remember the golden calf that aaron built and god's response to it he ignored what god said religious division comes when you ignore what god says and he made two calves and then he put them in a place of convenience one at bethel in the southern part of his new kingdom that northern kingdom that stretched all the way from bethel all the way up to the northern edge and that's where dan is and he says these are your gods these are your gods who brought you up out of the land of egypt guess what god did bring them out of the re out of the land of egypt religious division comes because people take that which is in the bible and make it a part of their religion the gods who brought you up out of the out of the land of egypt did that happen absolutely and he made it look like these were the gods that had done it verse 30 says now the thing became a sin you've got to underline that and understand that the bible teaches religious division is a sin hear these words and let them sink deep into your hearts and in the hearts of all of the religious people in america i beseech you by the mercies of god that you all speak the same thing all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you but that you'll be perfectly joined together of the same mind and the same judgment and when people condone religious division and begin and start a brand new denomination which is the kind of thing that's happened in the last 10 years with community churches not seeking to be a church like the one jesus put on this earth but a religion that is convenient to man that has within its shades of the teachings of god and shades of the teachings of jesus religious division is wrong first corinthians 1 10 says same thing same mind same judgment and the thing became a sin and look what he did he made shrines on the high places and made priests from every tribe who were not of the of the sons of levi but he made priests religious division comes about because people want to have it sort of like what's in the bible instead of what's in the bible he made priests like those of the tribe of or they're they're not of the tribe of levi levi was not one of the ten tribes that departed and then he says in in in the next verse he ordained the feast on the 15th day of the eighth month you know what's wrong with that there was already a feast on the 15th day of the seventh month and what one month what one month's difference does it make and religious division comes about because people try to make something that looks like what god said and he did he was sacrificing to the calves that he had made and they had animal sacrifices before he brought in his new religion and it had within it feast days on the 15th day of the eighth month leviticus chapter 23 verse 33 said had to be in the seventh month like it folks our responsibility is not to build in this building or in our lives and in our influences on this earth a church that is like the new testament church i have no desire to be a part of the of the church that is the closest to the new testament church i want to be a part of the new testament church and there's a world of difference you think those two two concepts through well it's the church closest to what's in the bible no it is the church of the bible like there was that temple worship down in jerusalem because solomon had built the temple that was god's approved way and you make it closest to that it's still not that and our heart's desire is not to build a church that is like a new testament church our hearts desire in this place is to build the new testament church so we made offerings on the altar verse 33 which he made on the at bethel on the 15th day of the eighth month and the thing which he devised in his own heart that's where religious division comes from now you can take this whole lesson and amplify it in fact one of the questions we'll look at in the beginning part of our lesson tonight as we do soldiers christ is this very thing what did jeroboam do to keep the people from growing back and and and worshiping at jerusalem and depose him as king it's important for us to do what god says and that's why we were singing this song of invitation have you in your own heart decide i've been doing what god said i know the lord said to arise and be baptized and wash away my i've never done that then do you believe in him enough to do what he said when he said he who believes and is baptized shall be saved never been baptized he who believes and is baptized i believe i'm saved no no he who believes and is baptized shall be saved what you said may be close it may be like what he says not what god said and so you and i need to understand that we need to do what he said what do you say believe in me turn from your sins repent except you repent you'll perish confess your faith in in in me for romans chapter 10 verse 9 and arise and be baptized and wash away your sins ever done that why not you know what they did in that time in the bible times you know what god did when they did that the lord added them to the church not to a movement not to a church that is the closest thing there is to the new testament church he added them to the new testament church and if you'd waited one day or if it were possible for you to wait all of the days since that day of pentecost he'd add you to the same church if you tonight do what he did what they did in acts chapter 2 he'll do the same thing for you if you're an unfaithful christian this song is also for you it's just an opportunity for those who need to make changes in their lives to make those changes and you can let it be known you're ready to make those changes by coming to the front right now as together we stand and sing will you come [Music] [Applause] across the united oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] you is [Music] ah [Music] let's pray heavenly father we so thankful for all our many blessings we thank you for the opportunity we've had today to to come together and study your word we ask that you be with each family here and bless us and keep us safe help us as we go out into the week to have the courage to talk about your word hopefully bring others to you as we continue our study this evening help us to properly handle the bible and spend the time to to learn more about the old testament it's in jesus name we pray amen all right let's get started on service of christ we're passing out new cards tonight so let's just uh uh be aware be very very very much aware of that uh let me just mention one thing about this grief seminar it's for every one of us whenever we were in huntsville right after rose coleman had died and judy was really trying to deal with the death of rose i took judy i thought well that's what she needs to talk to ron and don williams it was it was actually ron williams we talked to our don williams i can't they're twins anyway i talked to ron don williams okay and uh and what he said to judy help me unbelievably you're going to deal with death death of a spout death of a child you're going to deal with death in your life you need to make sure you come and somebody asked me this morning can i invite my friends and neighbors perfect absolutely open up your eyes and and and tell everybody you know about it having a great great great seminar two men who are really qualified to be able to do this and use it as outreach that's why the church exists and this is so easy for us to do to do uh that very kind of thing by in inviting them here let's get to the to the uh to to to to the questions number one uh solomon is dead question from the from from the prophet card what happened to israel when solomon died what happened to the kingdom it divided it divided geographically east west north or north or south which way north south all right you've got it you've got you've got you've got bible maps uh uh in in the back of your bible here you've got it this is this is where the promised land is it at various times that's the promised land and so you're in this land and the sun and the kingdom of god reaches under the time of solomon all the way up to iran almost to iraq or to iraq almost to iran i'll get it right this time god you're all the way up there all the way down almost to egypt great world power great influential world power even known by the queen of sheba which is down on the on the southeastern corner of saudi arabia i mean you stopped thinking about it she traveled 1500 miles close to 1500 miles at least over a thousand to come up because he'd heard the wisdom of solomon solomon dies what happens to the kingdom it's over i said in the lesson just a moment ago 85 of the kingdom turned their back on god and thereby turn their back on sharing in the promises of god i'll make of you a great nation put you in a great land and send a great savior and they turn to a piece of gold that look like a cow i want you to understand the decision they made it's going i thought an easier way to serve god and so how what does jerry warren do do well uh the question is well the question is who are the first kings if i say jeroboam who who would you reckon would be the other one it helps if you know they rhyme see i grew up in the church and i thought they were identical twins you i mean i grew up in the church i just worked out all of these bible problems and everybody had names that sounded like were twins so i was sure solomon had sons one and they were named real boy and jeroboam i could never have been more wrong jeroboam was the son of nebat rehoboam was the son of solomon and so they even turned their house on the back of david on the house of david you've got to understand what's happened they've given up on god now how many tribes were there in the northern kingdom if there are 12 tribes in all and 85 percent of them walked away from god about what percentage of them walked away 10 of the 12 tribes walked away 10 of them and there's tiny little kingdom of a pardon of the tribe of judah and and and the smaller much smaller tribe the tribe of benjamin and the rest of them left god you've got to understand that and the book of first kings tells us about this division and so we start tonight we pick up where we left off we got up to the death of solomon we then laid aside the death of solomon and went to the poetical books because they were written during this time and so we covered those books that were written by david and solomon psalms proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon we studied that now we're getting back on the history mark and so the kingdom is divided and there are there uh there's a northern kingdom what's the name of the northern kingdom israel do you remember the way i do what's the name of the southern kingdom i j right here's your eyes here's your jaw okay israel to the north judah to the south and if you're having trouble just ask dan what weird way to stick that in your head and that's that that's the way it sticks you know some way i'll get it to stick in it but i'm telling you i love my way of of remembering better in your way of forgetting it okay but uh and you you you gotta your mind's gotta be putting brains in there in their backwards and everything you've got to you you've got to you've got to got to understand um the the truth about that so you've got the northern kingdom how many kings were there in the northern kingdom how many kings in the southern kingdom 19 how many godly kings were in the northern kingdom zero how many how many godly kings were there in the southern kingdom that really tried to serve god some of them partially served god how many other would you count as being god fearing and faithful to god four four out of 38 kings serve god so the southern kingdom's not all that much better than the northern kingdom but one of the questions that is asked there is the uh it is the um let's see um well let me get down to it the uh the righteous kings and the southern kingdom must be a prophet priest must be a priest must be a priest christian the right four righteous kings asa asa jehoshaphat hezekiah and josiah i wish bob over here you remember how he taught us this he stood over there when we had four groups over there and i walked over there and he helped me do this he's going to assa i saw like he was a japanese fat uh wrestler you know asa assad asa stands over there he stood here and i went and said and what's your name he's saying so fat so fat so fat who's this of other righteous king jehoshaphat and then i walked over and he was standing over here and and it's obvious he has something in his hands king what do you have in your hand he has a kia that's what he has he has keys he has a kia okay and so that's the name of that guy's hezekiah and then he went over to the live section and he was going ah he's sighing four righteous kings assad jehoshaphat hezekiah and josiah i don't know if that helps you at all or not but it really has helped me now then where and and this this is not one of the questions but where do i find the names of those 19 southern kings in one place where can i find the names of a a listing of those 19 kings of the southern kingdom matthew 1 the begets and that to me is such a vital thing in being able to be a soldier of christ and use the old testament look in matthew chapter 1 we read about the death of solomon and solomon begat real born and real born begat asa and asa began jehoshaphat who will beget and so for a while two of the four righteous asa and jehoshaphat are there and then curtains curtains all the way almost to the end of the southern kingdom and all of a sudden hezekiah comes on the scene right before the southern kingdom is destroyed hezekiah comes on the scene and they're brought back to god guess what happens when hezekiah stops being the king his son's manasseh they forget about god wicked king and and so you've got manasseh you've got ahab you've got you've got uh uh you you you you've got all of you've got ahaz you've got the uh you you've got all of these southern kings and everything terrible and wretched and 25 years about 25 years before the end of the southern kingdom josiah comes on the thing that's first kings folks and that's what we're trying to do is to survey the bible and until and and to look at look at these questions look at these questions from uh the well you see it on the on the prophet card the number of kings in the northern kingdom you see that you see the number of kings in the southern kingdom the number of righteous king in the north the four righteous kings of the southern kingdom that that is not on the on the uh prophet card it's on the other card now up in the northern kingdom back to the to the to the prophet car who's the king up there who's the most famous king of the northern kingdom not not not jeroboam america ahab and what's her name jezebel am jezebel so what's first kings all about it's a historical record of the divided kingdom and so the lesson tonight talked about how it came about where did the denominations come about where did the false religion of the northern kingdom come about it came about because of the uh the of a political religious decision that jeroboam made so he could remain to be king and people make all kinds of decisions so they will be popular and then we get a matter of convenience and ignoring what god says and they sort of make it like what god said makes everybody feel real good you're religious yeah we don't do it on the on the seventh month we do it on the eighth month because that fits our culture better that's what this whole story is all about whatsoever things are written the fourth time we're in for our learning are we never going to learn how much of the bible we've got to read before we learn this is what it's all about this simple story from first kings chapter 12 and first kings chapter 13 you've got to spend time there and see what happened israel the powerful kingdom of solomon ceases to be why because they disobeyed god there's a question somewhere on here about the uh uh what what would happen what what the prophet said look at look in first kings chapter 14 got your bible here it is uh uh an incident that that happened there is this message that is given in first kings chapter 14. and uh the the question is i can't i can't cannot find the question here's the answer to the question moreover the lord will raise up for himself o king over israel who will cut off the house of jeroboam what's going to happen to jeroboam for all that he did first kings chapter 14 verse 14 he's going to be cut off he's going to be his sons his and grandsons will not be the kings there are about four different dynasties of all those 19 different kings that are up there all of a sudden they'll just get rid of the king get rid of all of his family and kill all of his kid in relationship here's the amazing thing the reason this was going to happen is because in him there was found something good toward the god of israel in the house of terrible there moreover the lord will raise up himself a king over israel who shall cut off the house of jeroboam that is his day what even now for the lord will strike israel as a reed shaken in the water he will uproot israel northern kingdom right after and even while jeroboam is leaving the prophet of god says he's going to wipe out the house of jeroboam he will operate israel from the good land which he gave to their fathers and will scatter them beyond the river up beyond the euphrates river because they have made their wooden images provoking the lord to anger you've got to understand right as it happened the god of heaven said let me tell you what's going to happen first you're going to see jeroboam's house wiped out and then you're going to find the destiny of that northern kingdom longsuffering of god 200 years he let those north 19 kings of the northern kingdom lead the people in rebellion against god and then he did what he said he was going to do i'm taking this northern kingdom and i'm taking them beyond the river you know where you know what nation there is up there assyria and that's exactly what happened to this northern kingdom god said he was going to do it and 200 years later he wiped out the prophet said speaking for god listen to god say it three times i will overthrow overthrow overthrow the house of israel why because they provoke god to anger folks got to do what god says and this is one of those stories in the bible that talks about how long-suffering god is i don't know any of us who'd be that patient for 19 kings one after another after another not a single one of them said let's return back to god jack you sort of got close but he never made it let's turn back to god it's not going to happen not a single godly king and so that northern kingdom went into a syrian captivity what is the book of first kings all about verse 11 chapters solomon what happens when solomon dies and there are all of these stories that are really really important because you've got these kings but we focused on the kings can we come back now and talk about the prophets do you know the last 17 books of prophecy of the bible are books of prophecy 39 books in the old testament and almost half of them 17 out of 39 were written after the death of solomon 13 i mean pardon me 17 of the 39 books of the old testament were written to 38 kings and then after those kings no longer ruled and the both nations went into both northern and southern nations went into captivity and returned from captivity during that period of time the last 17 books of the bible are written now what we did is that we studied historically and got all the way up through the exodus joshua into the promised land ruled in the promised land by judges they asked for a king god gives them three kings for you know 40 years each 120 years saul david and solomon and then we stopped why did we stop studying studying that and why do we stop in first kings chapter 11 because we then turned and looked at the books psalms proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon that were written during the times of david and solomon then we've come back and we've come back to first kings and we've started right in in first kings chapter 12 where the kingdom is divided that was the sermon and that's the class tonight what happens when solomon dies and we're going to study the historical part of it where we're going to find it we're going to find it in first kings second kings first second chronicle and then when they come back from the captivity ezra nehemiah and esther guess what's happening during that period of time during the time of first kings chapter chapter 12 as we introduced this tonight all the way through ezra nehemiah and esther the last 17 books of the bible are being written your friends and when you first start reading the bible we'll think it is all historical and you start in genesis and you read it all the way through and it's all chronological that is not the nature of it the books of the bible think of them being on a library shelf and on the library chef there are the books of moses first chef genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy what happens in those books nation of israel is born and so then you've got 12 other historical books those first five books of the law books of moses but we call them the law but there's probably more history into than there is law the law given by moses and the accounts of it genesis through deuteronomy second chef the next 12 books joshua through esther on the next ship historical books and then you go to the public library you've got a section where you help the poems poetry literature and that's what you have the poems on one chef job psalms proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon and then you've got a book that has the last 17 books and that's what you read about first kings through esther that's the introduction we're trying to get this finished and we're going to we're going to go rapidly we spit we're trying to speed up because guess what's going to happen in i guess in january david is that where it's going to start we're going to start an amazing study of the life of jesus i have learned more of the life of jesus in the last 18 months working with david studying the life of jesus i have learned things i never even knew were in the bible i am so excited and hardly wait for january you are dismissed for tonight you
Channel: Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ
Views: 245
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mA-sWrcWkAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 17sec (4877 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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