Evidentiary Faith I (Show Me What Ya Got) Sept 19, 2021

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[Music] jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] he'll never forsake [Music] has departed and the lord [Music] you don't have to worry [Music] it won't last [Music] to a brighter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold on hold [Music] but he will bring you [Music] peace down [Music] is [Music] again [Music] yes it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to a brighter [Music] [Applause] hold [Music] i know it gets hard sometimes but [Music] that the lord [Music] rain he'll cause the sun to come out again [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] mountains keep me in the valley hide me from the rain my mind is awesome heals forever keep me in the valley hide me from my body my god is awesome my god is awesome [Music] my god is awesome savior of the whole world giver of salvation by his stripes i'm healed my god is awesome today i am forgiven his grace is why i'm living praise his holy name my god is awesome he's awesome yes he is oh my god is awesome [Music] he's mighty good morning everyone we hope and trust that everyone is here for the express purpose to worship and praise god this morning we will open up with i keep falling in love with him i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again he gets sweeter and sweet the rest of days go by the love between my cedar and i i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again i keep falling over and over over and over and over again i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over he gets sweet and sweet the rest of days go by over and over and over again a he keeps blessing me over and over and over and over and over again he he's blessing me over and over and over and over and over he gets sweeter and sweeter lesser days go by what a love between my savior and i i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again a he keeps blessing [Music] over and over over [Music] he keeps blessing me over and over and over and over again he gets sweeter as the days go by oh what oh between my seder and i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again i keep falling [Music] over and over and over he gets sweeter as the days go by [Applause] over over and over and over our next election everybody will be happy there's a happy land of promise over in the great beyond where the sailor shall soon the glory share where the souls of men shall enter and live on forevermore everybody will be over there everybody will be happy [Applause] see his praises [Music] all ages [Music] everybody will be happy [Applause] [Music] we will praise everybody [Applause] everybody will be we everybody will be [Music] next election i love my savior too after which we will have scripture reading and prayer jesus my heavenly king loved me i know praises to hear my sing on where i go closely to him my clean blessings still flow i love my savior too where and i love my savior he [Applause] [Applause] [Music] his will always never reply nearly to hear my praise i will not in my i help my savior [Applause] he loves me [Music] everything i [Music] [Music] will never end up his arm i love my savior too [Music] he loves me too is [Applause] he loves me [Music] i do [Music] our scripture this morning has been taken from joshua chapter 2 verses 9 through 11. and the scripture reads and she said unto the men i know that the lord has given you the lamb and that your terror is falling upon us and that all the inhabitants of the land think because of you for we have heard how the lord right of the waters of the red sea for you when he came out of egypt and what he did unto the two kings of the emeralds and were on the other side of jordan sodom or whom we utterly destroyed and as soon as we had heard these things our heart did melt neither did there will remain any more courage in any man because of you for the lord your god he is god in heaven above and in earth may the lord have a blessing to the reader through a keeper of his holy and divine word now let us bow together in prayer almighty god our father it is through your son that we bow humbly and petition this prayer father we are so thankful for your mercy your grace and your love for us and as you've been so diligent to stand by us in these times of difficulties and challenges of life for that god we are so thankful that we were able to put our trust in one who is able to calm the seas and the waters of life did god help us to be more thankful help us to have more courage to move forth and challenge those things that stand before us day by day and dear god we pray that we have come this morning with a receptive heart ready to receive thy wrath word is able to save our soul and help us lord to do according to your ordinance according to your statute where we might live life that is pleasingly inseparable in your sight and move forward to a high calling in christ jesus did god we pray for those who are less fortunate than we are those who are sleeping on the streets those who have no place to lay their heads in these difficult times that one might sometimes find him herself in we pray blessing upon them and to god we pray to god for those who are sick those who are experiencing health and medical medical challenge of life dear god we pray that you will extend to them a hand of healing to help them overcome their physical challenges in life give them courage hold on to your unchanging hands regardless of the challenges they might face they regard those who have broken heart those who are lost loved ones strengthen them and give them a sense of consolation and help them lord to embrace your will for their loved one for god you know but we need you know what we must face we know what is coming in the future but you know that you hold the future and dear god we pray for this congregation as a whole continue the lord to help us have the commitment to do your will and not our will give us lord the faith to be committed service in the kingdom of god give us determination to do those things that are right to be the one who can stand tall in the midst of suffering give us lord the faith to hold on to god and changing him and that god when we have ran the final race of life and we have made it over the hill we'll look upon your face a face of countenance and peace and hear a voice from you saying well done that good and faithful son dear god for this will be enough for this is our prayer we pray in our son jesus name amen our next election before our minister let it rise let the spirit of the lord rise rise [Music] rise among us let it fly [Applause] let the spirit of the lord [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let the oh of the lord let it come on the glory of the lord let it rise come on [Applause] [Applause] let the songs of the lord let them rise come on come on [Applause] the joy of the lord let it rise come on let the joy of the lord let it rise come on and let the prey praises of our king come on [Applause] [Music] let the spirit of the lord rise come on let the spirit of the lord come on and let the pray please [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good morning everyone i just reminded myself that our health care providers that this congregation would tell a former president you spread if you don't inject it good morning everyone once again we're extremely happy to have you those within our sanctuary audience our virtual audience and our virtual audience of our deaf members that are being facilitated on a consistent basis by uh brother and sister ron kyle we continue to pray for sister wanda cobb she had has a significant back injury and uh ron of course is taking over many of her duties without death uh and facilitating their worship this morning i want to thank him for what he does and his capabilities in doing all of that so if you're working with us in this audience the sanctuary audience or our virtual audience or the virtual audience of our deaf members we're thankful for your presence in our worship today and again i want to thank brother robert gildersleeve and brother robert beeman for their continued vigilance in getting our building preparing our building for worship every week and of course as i mentioned our audio visual team who continues to help us and our information technology team who continues to help us every week and as they rotate in and out and continue to keep all of our platforms available for viewing i continue to thank brother mark marshall thomas brother abraham clark and minister robert beeman and even brother chuck former yesterday for his uh help and being security for us as we uh were at the building for the contribution uh drop-offs and the communion package pickups that are held each saturday from 11 a.m to 12 noon uh once again thank our health ministry for continuing to be so consistent in vetting us as we come through the building every sunday i think it's so important for us to do that uh and if you continue to want to worship on as a in the virtue i'm sorry in the sanctuary uh during this unprecedented period in our lives please rsvp sister lavonda hildreth no later than the friday preceding the sunday that you want to attend her email address is in the information thread in the weekly announcements that are made available to this church when you do that your reservation will be confirmed our multi-purpose facility will be the only other available seating for worship but you should be able to participate in all of the components of worship and be socially distanced in that facility as well and as you know keep in mind there are four layers of protection that we now know that work against covet 19. the wearing of masks the washing of the hands consistently social distancing and the vaccination and i say that because you know we're in a social media world now and there's there's so much information out there there's misinformation and a lot of these people who have misinformation have a lot of followings you know one of the most recent female celebrities i won't call her name challenge dr anthony found she the department director of the infectious disease on on cobot and vaccines injections and no telling what she's injected in her body over the years to continue to look the same way but i won't go any further but believe me if you are unvaccinated you're at a great risk for getting covert nikon and that's why it's very important for you to do this our children as i mentioned who are presumably healthy now represent a quarter of all new infections in the state of alabama the state of mississippi the state of louisiana and the states of florida and of course florida all of these states have the lowest percentage of people fully vaccinated and the highest percentage of new infections go figure that out so neither one of these layers are a hundred percent effective but each one as a health ministry would say each one is just another layer of protection to keep you and your family members away from this devastating disease and so we continue to pray for our health care providers our teachers our students who find themselves on the front line of this war every day we pray for your safety your security and your protection and i want to thank brother john pox jr for his outstanding job and leading our song worship to god this morning as well as brother henry mcgowan for doing a very job and the comprehensive very good job in the comprehensive reading of our scripture so important [Music] in other words show me what you got show me what the pandemic i think is the perfect time for god to look for the evidence of faith in his people what a time that's affecting the whole world the whole country the whole state the whole city and our communities even what a time for god to look for evidences of faith in his people amen in this particular story the israelites were about to enter and everybody turned their bibles to the book of joshua chapter 2 verses 9-11 in this particular story the israelites god's people were about to enter the promised land of course moses who was a great lawgiver had already passed he was off the scene he was dead and gone and so now the whole nation was now at the banks of the great jordan river and the bible says in joshua chapter one on three occasions in joshua chapter one in verses six verse number seven and verse number nine god tells joshua the new leader who took over for moses to be strong and to be courageous folks it takes a lot of strength and courage to be a good leader it does take a lot of strength and courage to be a good leader especially during these times and when you're a good leader to your driving force can't be i just want everybody to like me and so the decisions i make are decisions that will carry everybody's favor for me rather than it being the right decision so when you're a good leader it really challenges you when you want to be light and everybody wants to be liked we want people to like us don't we sure we do but one of the issues is is that your driving force when you're leading can't be your number one issue can't be will the people like what i want us to do our leaders elders deacons and ministers know that managing a church at this time in our lives takes consistent spiritual and emotional strength there are some decisions that are made that are unpopular and there are some uh even churches of our law right now that are wrestling with this concept that now we are packaging communion separately you know that there are churches they have a problem with that and what they're saying is that we have denigrated the worship so now what we're doing we've got these little package that means and what you're doing if you just rip it and sip it that's where y'all take communion now y'all just riveted and sipping seriously i mean we want to do what's best and in the best interest of the church what's in the best and see we don't fall in love with the form when the function is what's important the function is what's important it's not the way you do it is what you're thinking about when you do it let everyone examine himself and so they eat of their bread as big as they cook let me tell you how to do it i mean we got that's why we had problems with the one couples you remember the one covers back in the day they got their scripture from where the bible says and he took the cup and so everybody's probably have drink out of one cup you think about how much tuberculosis and coughing and spitting and flu and people that's a little too tight y'all laughing but that that was a problem that was a problem so then we got the ribbon and sipping crack so the principle must be what scripturally is in the best interest of the church what scripturally is in the best enemies uh interest of the new testament and this is the same principle we use in families what what's the what what what's interest what's in the best interest of the family here it's not what's in my best interest what's in your best interest what's in trey's best interest was it my mother is what's in the best interest of everybody that's why we make decisions that everybody can id can deal with what's in the best interest so in joshua chapter 1 look at joshua chapter 1 and verse number 11. we're told and the israelites were told that to wait three days on the banks of the jordan river before crossing in the canyon gracie they were told to wait three days on the banks of the jack river before they cross in the canyon and you have a whole nation looking across the river they see what we call the promised land that was canaan over there but they had to stay over here and wait three days to go over there they were told to get all their supplies ready in three days after waiting on one side of the bank they were going to cross over to the promised land because one of the hardest things one of the hardest things for children of god to do is to wait on the blessings of god one of the hardest things right now for folks is to wait for this pandemic to die down but here's the point god must have a purpose in what he's doing that's why children of god choose the way we wait on god because we believe in whatever purpose that we can we can't uh uh or figure out what it is because we're not god but whatever his purpose is we've got to wait because god doesn't have a purpose right amen if you're waiting on a job a promotion as a child you know god must have a purpose in your way you know sometimes we go over the line of progression and we we're trying to follow the rules and the regulations and all these kinds of things but god has a purpose for you as well in that waiting process because god knows sometimes if he puts you right at the front in the beginning you may forget it you may think you deserve this position amen so god has a purpose in our way if you're waiting on the right hand you gotta do i'm gonna go that is if you're waiting on the right why god's got a purpose in your way and sometimes you know when you folks have seen looking you know i remember when i was dating my wife she put me on probation early in our dating process pat jill elliott put me on probation you know what that means you go check me out to see if i was who i said i would ladies you can't let the driving force be i just want to be light y'all didn't know i was going there you got to put guys on probation you know and some of these good companies when they hire you sometimes the first three months the first six months they put you on probation on your own you don't have all the rights and privilege in your responsibilities of the company when you first get there but they hire you for the first three to six months and watch you the volunteer wanted to watch me let's see about who i said i was if i was on time when i said i was going to be on time that's what companies look at they put a certain time they say you need to be in work at this particular time does this person come consistently at work for the next three months if they do kyle but if they come to work on three months old time to smoke a reefer can we do a drugstore see the drug screen is indiscriminate the judgment don't care who you are because it's a you know it's a machine it is what it is if it says it's in there is in there amy ain't me amen you know some of us have to wait in the right medical procedure we have to wait i got a relative right now who has it who has had a transplant organ transplant and what he had to do was wait for the right organ he could just say y'all give me the first one that comes up y'all know i'm sick he had to wait on the right one god has a purpose folks you're not waiting we have to wait for the pandemic to help define what the new normalcy is going to be we don't know we don't we don't know if the coronavirus is a seasonal thing like the flu because we're getting it now in february it seems to be you know once everybody gets vaccinated and if we don't know if there's a single thing so that we'll have to get a corona vaccine every fall or every spring like we get a flu vaccine every fall how do you do that don't you get vaccines everywhere right so we don't know right now what kind of situation this is is it a seasonal thing is it a year-round thing how is it going to end up but the the coronavis is going to have some sensor on that and god's going to have some sex so we wait we don't grow tired of wearing masks we wait we don't go tired of social distance and we wait we you know one time how moses was up on the mountain for 40 days waiting for god to tell him when to come down amen amen jesus says in luke chapter 21 verse number 19 in your patience possess you your soul your salvation can be in your patience your salvation can be in your ability and your commitment on waiting amen so why did god want them to wait three days before the crossing to capture jericho so that's the question and believe it or not raven i'm rounding the turn i'm entering the home street not gonna be up here all day like i am sometime i heard the people i heard their cries run so i shouldn't be loved so the only point i want to give is this next point why did god want them to wait three days before crossing the river to capture jericho and the reason was there was a soul in jericho to be saved there was a soul in jericho there was somebody that god wanted saved in enemy territory and so he had the children really but wait three days to get that soul out of there i'm coming home to you in a minute in chapter two the bible says before the strong jericho joshua had sent out two spies into the city of jericho now these fires were forced to hide in a woman's house in the city whose name was rahab there's a lot of the whole preaching story about rahab but they were forced to hide an enemy territory in this city in a woman's house by the name of rahab and the bible tells us that this woman made those spies promised that since she hid them they had to save her in her whole household when they came to war and attacked the city that's what she made them promise because she knew they were coming and she made them promise that they would do this the spouse then promised her that they would do so in the book in joshua chapter 6 and verse number 23 the bible says because of what she got from those five she saved her the bible tells me verse number 23 she saved her mama she saved her daddy she saved her brothers she saved her sisters she saved everybody that was connected with her because of what she did when she made those spies promise that now the question is how did where she get her face from i mean you think about it she wasn't an israelite she wasn't living like chris where did she get her faith but now in hebrews chapter 11 when the bible lists the hall of fame of faith abraham's eyes jacobs moses and all these folks you know who else is in there rahab's in there rehab's in there so the question is how does she get her faith and that's the answer the question is this she acquired her faith like we acquire our faith in the book of hebrews chapter 11 verse number six you know the scripture will but the bible says that without faith it is impossible to please him listen now for he or she that cometh to god must believe number one that he is and number two that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so let's see if rehab satisfies those two criteria let's see here look at what she says to those spies in joshua chapter 2 verses 9 and 10. she says to those spies this is this is the woman who's not in israelite she says i know she says i know that the lord had given you the land i know now i think i suspect not it may be a possibility i know this woman says that the lord has given you the land and that your terror is falling for us and all the inhabitants of the man faith everybody's scared of y'all i know this i got evidence and look what she continues to say in verses 9 until she recounts to those spies the drying of the red sea by the israelite god she went all the way back then when moses was alive see did y'all see what i'm saying she went all the way back then when moses was leaving not joshua she heard about that she knew about there was evidence that the red sea this great body of water had dried up because the israelite god dried it up and she recounts that to the spider she also recounts the two mri kings she talks about the amyloid kings that were read by brother mcgowan and our hearing this morning that their kings and the kingdoms were destroyed because of these risks risky like god so therefore her faith in god folks was acquired by the supernatural evidence of the presence of god in the life of god's people that's where she got her faith now the supernatural evidence of the presence of god in the life of the people of god i'm coming to you in a minute all of the citizens came and were afraid of the israelites because of the factual evidence this woman had evidenced the factual evidence of what the israelite army was already accomplishing and the city of jericho was next see they knew they were next they were next on the map these folks were undefeated unbeaten until i scored upon and y'all next they're coming come amen so one of the most important factors and i'm taking coming home now one of the most important factors in saving people's lives is the supernatural evidence of the presence of god in the life of the child of god let that soak forward because that's for all of us even during the pandemic you see even during the time that one of the most important factors for saving people's lives is the supernatural evidence of the presence of god in the life of the child of god do you see what i'm trying to say well if you see where you ever did where is the evidence of the supernatural presence of god in your life where's the evidence you remember james in james chapter two i think about verse number 18 james says he was given an announcement he said you say you have faith and i have works he says you show me your faith without your works and i will show you my faith by my word y'all see that don't see that so there's got to be some evidence that people see that people can talk about that is evidence of the fact that there's a supernatural presence of god in your life show us what you got that's where i got that parenthesis from show us what you got folks and i suggest you this morning as i close one of the items that attracts men and women today to the church of christ is how its christians handle everyday problems how christians handle everyday problems is what attracts people neighbors community members to the church of christ amen how christians handle their battles attract non-believers to the faith why why you see it up there a lot of non-believers have the same battle is the pandemic only affected non-believers no the pandemic affects christians and non-christians the problems affect non-believers only probably affect christians as well as non-christians and so i believe then how christians handle that battle attracts non-believers to their faith how you handle everyday problem is an indicator then of the supernatural presence of god in your life think about the life of paul this is secretary chapter 11 verse 1. just think about this i'm going to quote this paul tells the corinthians of the jews five times received that 40 stripes saved one thrice was i beaten with rods thrice was our stone once i suffered shipwreck a day in a night i've been in the deep he goes on to say in peril with waters and pearls of robberies impelled by my own countrymen in paris by the heathen in perils in the wilderness in perils in the city in perils in the sea and imperials among false brethren and weirdest and painful is in washington's often in hunger and thirst in fasting often in cold and nakedness how can he go through all of these things successfully you already know the answer there was a supernatural presence of god in the life of the apostle paul and of course galaxies chapter 2 and verse number 20 tells paul tells us i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not all but christ who lives in me and the life that i now live i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me philippians chapter 2 verses 12-13 this is what paul tells us where for my beloved as ye always obeyed not as in my presence only but not much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling listen to this this is my point for it is god which worketh in you there's a supernatural presence of god in you it's the god that works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure so people in society are looking at us as rahab looked at the israelites how are we handling these difficult times do you know people watching you christian do you all know not know that people are watching you even though many of us are working at home some of us are going in and coming back are different types of ways of working and worshiping different types of ways of earning a living now people are watching christian folks because they already know that you claim to be a christian what the world is saying show me what you got show them what you got if we as christians are always depressed in tears and work great in our poor performances with our performance in our work performance evaluations always complaining about lies and its consequences for people will not be attracted to that kind of faith if you're always the complainer if you already got a problem if you don't gripe it about the life that you live if you always talk about how god is messing with you and you can't handle things if you need the non-believers for counseling if you need the non-believers for counseling do not believe the one what kind of christian is this do y'all see what i'm trying to say even in this pandemic folks are looking at us how we're handling this thing that's why romans chapter 5 remember when i say the word glory i mean putting god on display that's what glory means paul says in romans chapter five verse number three he says for we glory in what tribulation what does that mean we put god on display in tribulation and then he goes on to say because tribulation produces patience patients experience and experience hopelessness if we'll see there foresee that huh and hope making not a shame because the love of god is scattered abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit matthew chapter 5 verse number 16 there they glory me let your light so shine talking to christians talking to christians in the pandemic let your life therefore so shine before men that they may see your good works and glarify again put you on display gloria you're putting god on this play when you glorify god when you let your light shine during these time periods in our life how will the christians handle difficulties then in our homes for instance is indicative of the supernatural presence of god in the life of the child of god folks i've seen christian marriages christian marriages headed for divorce but they were saved by the supernatural presence of god in one or both of their lives i've seen that folks headed for the most christian because they decided to follow self-denial that jesus talked about in matthew chapter 16 verse number 24 when he said if any man will come after me let him deny himself let her deny herself and take up the cross the causes are agonizing sometimes you have to agonize in a marriage y'all not listening y'all know what i'm sometimes you have to suffer in a marriage jesus can talk to you about something sometimes you get psychological rules in a marriage jesus can talk to you about psychological wounds amen he can even talk about physical rules what do you mean but we have to continue to not i want to look at this because this is something that's important first peter chapter three and verses one and two look at what the bible says i'm gonna give some extras to me peter said wives y'all listen up in the same way submit yourselves to your own husband so that why so that why so that if any of them do not believe the word they may be won over without words by the behavior of their why when they see when they have evidence when they see the purity and relevance of europe now this going for heavens too pewter could have justified what put husbands in there whereas why but that's the point there you see what the point is peter said your spouse would likely be converted if he saw a saw sermon rather than heard one do y'all see that you know yeah you know people i'm gonna bring my i'm gonna bring my husband church so you can preach no no you're preaching to him at the house by the way you're living by the way you treat him by the way you respect him you're preaching to her at the house by the way you live with her by the way you reverence her by the way you respect her that's the best sir i couldn't give a better sermon than that in your house amen amen amen peter says your spouse will rather be converted if he saw a sermon rather than heard one because he's seen the supernatural presence of god in your life he said some things he knows how you used to have it y'all not hearing me he said he knows how you used to handle it he used to have a time he say something that's going to be from father the word said back to him sometime another even though you were a christian you know what i'm talking about but he knows that there's some supernatural presence in this woman's life that i'm not used to and i love it how christians handle the difficulties at work is indicative of the presence of god in the life of the child of god how we handle our enemies how we handle work folks that we don't like or that we know don't like us you know folks in the south will tell you they don't like you they were socially distancing even before the mass came out i didn't mean to go there but you understand what i'm saying but how we handle our enemies is indicative of the presence of god in the life of the child of god that's why jesus said matthew chapter 5 verse 4 to 44 love your enemies bless them to curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you he said for you doing that you like your father you're acting like your father which is in heaven so how christians have their own illnesses is an indicator of the presence of god in the life of the child of god you know the world's not the only people who have diabetes christians have diabetes the world's not the only people that have hypertension christians have diabetes and hypertension it was not the only people that have arthritis christians have diabetes arthritis and hypertension it was not the only people that have lupus christians have diabetes hypertension arthritis and loopers but the question is how do we handle those kinds of things because the world is looking to see how you have your part because they got something like you got and they want to know how am i supposed to deal with what i do y'all see that this is what paul says in romans ii corinthians chapter three verse number two i'm closing that he says do we make him he's talking about himself do we talk about himself do we begin to commend ourselves or need we as some others epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you in other words as an apostle do i need to get you to send me letters that recommend me or do i need to bring letters that recommend me from you he said i don't need those i don't need anything written he said you are my letters you are my letters you are my epistles written in our heart known and read of all me into something to know that we represent christ in the world no matter what's going on in the world that god gives us an awesome responsibility this is what should we write his name to represent his name wherever we are whatever factory we're in whatever office we're in whatever cubicle we're in whatever computer we're looking at represent jesus christ because you wear his name you see how you choose to live represents the god in you how we choose to live represents the god in us so then the question is my last life because of your consecrated life because we're living a consecrated life this is the life that paul wooden was talking about on our virtual thing this past week because we live a consecrated life people will start questioning you you know i understand you see what i just feel the music like the church in the bible i understand you have plurality of elders a plural of leaders called elders like the church in the bible i understand that all of your members are simply brothers and sisters there's no right reverence most holy rebels or other flattering titles like the church and the bible i also understand that all of your members are baptized into christ and taking holy communion every lord's day like the church in the bible what are you people trying to be what are you trying to be you want to be the church in the bible is that all right well that preached that's all we're trying to be see the only difference between the people that lived in the bible the new testament times in us is they lived in and we live now but we practice the same thing because when we practice what they practice we know that god is pleased with that the bible says in john chapter 4 verse number 24 god is the spirit and they that worship him must not might not should but must worship him in spirit and in truth and that's why we practice the way we practice and that's why we preach where we free so if you had a christian this morning i invite you to a relationship with jesus christ but first of all hearing that jesus christ died was buried and rose again to 30. that's what was preached in the new testament that converted people to christianity you believe you need to believe that same gospel you need to be willing to repent of your sins you need to be willing to confess that jesus christ is god's son confession just simply means i believe that jesus christ is the son of god i believe in god i believe in jesus not some god in in in islam and all i believe in jesus as the christ the son of god and then be willing to be baptized for the reason of your sins on the other hand if you know you already know that there's some things that you've been doing at work or at home that has not represented the supernatural evidence of god in your life and you know you you know you should represent that you need to make a change as well you can also do that being a christian by submitting a response to the invitation by either sending us response uh prayer request the prayer dot request at williamsport church of christ.com or if you're in the audience sanctuary audience as a man comes around to lift the offering with a basket please just put your card in the basket we will mount you the proper time let us stand for the invitation on him oh jesus is the only one for me [Music] won't get me down cause they hear my [Music] sweet peace of mind [Applause] jesus is the only one for me when i think of him my [Music] all the troubles of this world get me down [Music] [Applause] oh jesus is the only one for me when i think of him my mind is worried won't get me down cause in here my [Applause] peace [Music] says after several studies i have decided that my understanding of my baptism was not as clear as i did so i am rededicating my life that's all but he promises let us know this excuse me spirit holy spirit dwell when he turns my my set on my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] find and make a here on this weekend by your amazing grace spirit holy spirit come offer me a holy it spirit me said my soul my soul completely free to be inside your heart and make my way [Music] him in a brand new place and see my [Music] [Applause] me all your goodness grace and high stay beside me every year and be my dream [Music] holy spirit dwell in me [Music] i'm gonna hide behind [Music] behind the [Music] i'm gonna hide [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] i know that jesus is jesus is the mind i know that jesus jesus is my mind and i know that jesus is my [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] you know i'm going wherever [Applause] [Music] rowing is [Applause] low [Music] [Applause] [Music] the son and the holy god yes [Applause] my precious anger is is [Applause] to die [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] i with he glory all [Applause] [Music] holy [Applause] is all day hail on the jesus i am singing my song our joy will ever be his love is everything to me he [Applause] is he my savior he's my king [Music] everlasting spring [Applause] [Applause] song i see my king and o why did they love him he's my king no other my savior he's [Music] is who trust his saving grace go way home to sing and tell his story in the [Music] [Applause] he is my king no other is above him all day long here to praise i see he is my savior he's my king [Music] when the savior calls [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] listening for my name i'll be somewhere listening i'll be listening i'll be somewhere listening for my name if my heart is right when he called me and if my heart is right i will my name [Music] my name i'll be somewhere listening i'll be somewhere listening i'll be somewhere [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] i'll be somewhere miss me for my name i'll be somewhere [Applause] i'll be somewhere miss me now be somewhere miss me for my name i'll be i'll somewhere somewhere listening i'll be somewhere miss me for my name i'll be listening how we miss me now be somewhere bless me for my name i'll be somewhere his name somewhere listening i'll be somewhere listening for my name is the early church jerusalem the saints i have ordered the churches of galatia even due to eve upon the first day of the week let every one of you play by him the story that god has prospered him that there'll be no gathering when the leadership had a status very much up which we are able to make our contribution to the following of the gospel now let us vow to god we thank you for all the pleasure that you have made for us we pray for the funds that have been given great father you use for the building of our kingdom here on earth we thank you lord for all your blessings but this is our prayer when you pray amen it is by the grace of god that we have been able to progress to another and part of faith in our wishes for you paul in your plans for the ultimate sacrifice of the lord said jesus christ of name for the salvation we are so thankful for this consideration of our shall come anywhere and for this we are thankful for matthew chapter 26 verses 26 and as they were eating juice with bread blessed breakfast disciples and said take eat this is my father he took the cup and he gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink eat all of us so this is my blood or the new testament which you shared for many for the mission of sin but i say unto you i will not drink against which i foreign you with you in my father's kingdom tell us here thanks for the sacrifice to god we thank you so much for your loving kindness for your love for us the sacrifice you made and sacrificing your body on the cross for the saving of mankind and i have to take this prayer that has taken matters always pleasing myself for is um likewise he gave and he shed his blood on the cause of calvary for the same grace of all now as we take this cup and take it down is i wish so hey good morning again it's a blessing for us to be here we appreciate so very much god given us this opportunity and we're very thankful to him and we're thankful to all of you for joining us today in our worship to the lord our announcements for the morning are as follows we have begun our southwestern christian college drive sister patricia black who's done this for some time is spearheading that this year as well thank you again patricia for doing that so please make sure that you mail all your donations we're gonna do it a little bit uh different this year mail in your donations to sister patricia black and all this is information that's in your thread uh it says 1805 ontario circle bessemer alabama and make your checks payable to the woodland park church of christ and in the notation line just put southwestern christian college and also pat has a cash out i don't know how cash apps works never done one of those but those of you who do that that's in the thread that too however you do not see patch he'll tell you how to get it done okay and if you like to be a bowser women or browse a woman rather that's another part of our support of southwestern christian college the membership is twelve dollars annually so again if you can please help support southwestern christian college in america remember our bible classes this evening both men and women they are at 6 00 pm 5 pm i'm sorry 5 pm thank you and on next saturday we have our marriage ladies class which will begin at 1pm and our married men's class which will begin at 2 30 pm okay our prayer requests this is from willie davis we are asking prayers for dorothy and her family for the passing of her sister many pearson we are also asking for safe passage to and from memphis for the funeral funeral tentatively scheduled for saturn tracy reynolds says i repent of my sins and shortcomings and praying for my physical and spiritual strength i also ask prayers for my uh sadie steele as she will have a procedure on friday and please keep the rentals more hamilton holidays thompson steele and the nelson henderson and mario clay family and your prayers so so gunshot says we are requesting prayers for spiritual mental emotional and physical strength during these difficult times this is from a so this is from sister cole lamont she says i first want to say i enjoy every sunday worshiping with you all i am traveling september 23rd through october 6 and i'm asking for prayers for safe travel too during and a safe return i ask for prayers that i will not be exposed to any illness or anything during my travel and a safe healthy return malcolm little is requesting prayer for himself and the little family for strength and guidance sister shirishia hillary is asking prayer for alison as she recovers from surgery i also pray for the protection of reese hillary and harlan and all our children as they attend school during this pandemic i also pray for my spiritual growth and my family prayers are requested for brother ernest for mr ernest winston who is the brother of sonia and dorothy sonja wilson and dorothy elliott he's in the va hospital sister deborah gildersleeve asked us to pray for the family of anne ratcliffe who passed after open heart surgery beverly moore asked that we pray that her brand will be successful and pray for her family sister erica casselberry asked for prayer for herself her spiritual strength and also she asked prayers for jennifer castleberry for her spiritual and physical strength as well tamikio mitchell is requesting prayer for herself for physical strength and for guidance she's asking prayers over my surgery this monday and pray for the surgeons and myself for a speedy recovery prayers for my family while they are traveling sister cynthia williams requests that we pray for anthony robertson and family and said he has lost his grandmother he lost his grandmother this morning sister betty mcdonald asked us to pray for she's asking prayer for herself and for brother joe smith who is her brother she says that brothers her brother has coveted asked us to pray for him betty also says prayers of thanksgiving for darwin and i now have a home of our own no more staying with others although i am thankful to all who bless me brother woodard is asking us to pray for himself and for his wife sharon for herself for spiritual and physical strength and for traveling grace as they will be traveling up to georgia for another treatment and he also asked us to pray for miss jackie ross for her spiritual and physical strength miss ross lost a child perlane harris is requesting uh prayer for william glenn for spiritual and physical strength mr glenn is her nephew and he needs prayers as he has cancer and is going through chemo treatment i believe those are all of the announcements as well as prayer requests and if you allow me one personal moment of reflection this is highly unusual we generally recognize those who have birthdays by putting their names up on the screen but this person is not a member of our congregation so her name is not on the screen i want to say happy birthday to my mother-in-law she is 98 years younger as as we all say as we get older to have her she has her health and activities of her limb and i thank you sister b for being a wonderful wonderful mother for those of you who may not know in my early years as carolyn and i were married and as we uh while we were married during our marriage we all still married and we had two children we were rearing them and we were coming to church and you know how far we live and we like to come to evening services we're not for my mother-in-law and for my father-in-law who snap past okay uh then that would not have been possible when we were when we would leave services on sunday sister b and brother robert always had a meal for us and a bed for us to sleep that afternoon and so she always did that for us so that we could come back on sunday nights and wish it with you so that's just one of the things i wanted to say thank you and we are trying to get her to 100 and after we get her to 100 we want to work on her next 100 unfortunately i have to end on a sort of a disappointing note i just ray just told me that a couple of vehicles have been broken into i don't know whose vehicles they are so we'll do what we can to assist whoever's been the unfortunate victim of whatever mischief is going on so let us pray our father we come to you and thank you god for your many many blessings you indeed have been good to us you allow us to see another day and you allow us to i've seen many years and we're just thankful for that god we have so many prayer requests that have been that we want to consider this morning so many members and friends who are having surgery others who are having treatment for chronic illnesses and god we pray that you would just be with those who are about to undergo the surgeon's knife we pray god for a successful result in a speedy recovery we're thankful for what you've done for those who have continued to battle cancer and other chronic illnesses that they have we thank you for what you've done to for them and we pray god that you will heal them of their other diseases we pray for those who are spiritually and physically weak who've asked us to pray for them and with them we ask god that you might lift them up and make them strong in the areas and where they are needed we pray for those who are grieving this morning because of the recent loss of loved ones we ask that you will touch them and comfort them as only you can we pray for those who are traveling we pray god that you might be with them keep them safe in their journeys to and fro we pray for those who've asked us to pray for success in whatever business endeavors they have and if it be your will we do ask for that you might bless them therefore and we're thankful for those who have been able to find the permanent residence and we are thankful for those who helped others in their time of need and so at this point in time god we ask that you just continue to be with all of us keep us safe until we are able to meet again it's in the name of jesus we pray and ask all things amen all right we'll dismiss and we'll begin on this side of the building uh no
Channel: Woodland Park Church of Christ Birmingham, AL
Views: 347
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qc42WlI2VwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 35sec (6575 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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