Quick Guide to Prot Paladin in Season of Discovery - Phase 1

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hey y'all my name is JY and today we'll be going over prop p and tanking in season of Discovery now uh full disclosure none of the um information I'm giving y'all is any of my original thoughts these are all thoughts uh Theory crafted on the Paladin Discord and by the legend himself Walter I will put a link to that Discord in the description below if you pause this video right now just go to that Discord and didn't watch the rest of this I would not care I just want this information to get out to you one way or another and to save you all time instead of asking questions find the sod Theory crafting for prop outet and check the pin messages and you'll get all the information there so the first thing I want to talk about are the specs that we're playing right now um the cool thing about this is is there's not one particular spec you have to play to be a viable tank in season of discovery which I think is pretty cool cuz we're not forced into a meta right now um the three specs that we're using that have seemen to be the best are a holy red spec a spec I used while leveling up and dungeoning a full prod spec that's the only spec I have not played yet and the red twoand tank spec now full disclosure if you want to go full red and still sword on board you can you can just do some amazing damage and still be a tank with a two-hander as well each of these specs have their own pros and cons um but don't let anyone tell you that it's a bad spec there are no bad specs there have been some stuff going around that Holy is bad it is not it works you can definitely do it people have said they've cleared BFD 7 out of 7 while doing it but there are some cons when you play that spec um the pros though is that you get consecrate um which is huge for AOE pulls especially while dungeoning if you watch what I'm doing right now in deadmines I'm pulling a large group blasting consecrate blasting Divine storm and just amazing AOE damage and threat I am not even running a hand of Reckoning you can see that and I'm still holding all my threat even on bosses like van CLE you can see right here I'm holding some pretty good threat I don't need hand of Reckoning for that you just need righteous Fury to hold your threat the cons though is the major cons is that you are starved for Mana after that initial pull of all your cool Downs now I found it actually pretty fun to think about what my next move had to be like it made your next choice very meaningful it's just not as easy when you don't have that Mana it also makes having C strike even better cuz it generates Mana for you so if you really like that play style of what am I going to do next it has to be important then you'll really like playing holy another con is that it is the worst offs speec for when you want to go red and what I mean by that is that all your talents are not DPS talents right here is the holy talent tree you go five out of five for divine strength five out of five improve seal righteousness that's the seal you'll be using in the spec one for Consecration and though going all the way over to the red spec for Benediction to reduce the Mana cost of your judgment and seal spells by 15% I will also put a link to these talent trees in the description below the next spec we're talking about is the full protection spec I'm going to talk the least about this one cuz I have not run this one yet but you get improved righteous Fury which makes your threat just really really good you get Blessing of Kings you get Precision which really goes well for your offs speec too and you put four out of five in the toughness and five out of five in to improve Devo AA it's a really good mitigation spec this next spec is the best spec it is our retribution twoand tanking spec you can also sword and board spec this as well it's just fine you get a lot of great talents here you get steel of command which we'll use you get pursuit of justice that 8% speed is significant especially around the world remember this is your best offs speec performance CU you still get to be a Retribution Paladin um we go Five Points in the benediction three out of five into deflection two for improved judgment and three out of five for conviction this is the spec that I'm running right now as you can see here's me running sfk and here's the thing guys when you're doing dungeons you do not need hand of Reckoning I know the talent said uh to use hand of Reckoning Rune you can use your Crusader strike you will not need that in dungeons even in black feam deeps as you can see right now I'm not running hint of Reckoning I'm still using Crusader strike and I'm still holding aggro as an off tank throughout most of that raid if you're an off tank you only need hand of Reckoning for bosses like gura keris or aamay for doing that Strat that need a ton swap talking about runes the runes you'll always use for your chest is divine storm it's just great AOE it's good damage you get healing when you use it it's the Rune you'll always take for chest for your legs we actually have some variety here you can use Avenger Shield which will be your default but if you ever need a kick like on kist if you're short kickers or if you're having you know the heal healers in BFD heal a lot cuz we don't have enough kickers you will want to go rebuke it's not going to cost you a lot of threat not having Avenger shield for your hands if you're off tanking Crusader strike is good and if you need a ton swap go with h of Reckoning if you feel like you're getting actually chunked pretty hard go with hand of Reckoning cuz you get that nice damage reduction when you're below 35% Health Aus it it looks like a tank Rune it smells like a tank Rune it is not a good Rune do not use this you don't need to use this ignore this pretend it's not there we will not use this make sure you're kind of mixing the stats or getting around remember we are not like wrath the lch king paladins where strength is our King try and get some gear that has intellect on it or Spirit on it for that Mana regen we do need Mana even playing red spec I find myself getting Mana starved way sooner than I'd want to so having some intellect and spirit on your gear is not a bad thing when considering your B weapons you want to go for slow that goes for both one-handers and two-handers um which means that the oneand tank weapon they put in the dungeon is really not that good for us because it's a 1.3 weapon speed we don't like that unfortunately we want to compete with our DPS players for that hone Darkwater toar that will be our B you could get this as well it's just not as good damage this is going to be our B uh one-hander from The Raid but a protector sword is also really really strong it has has stats on it with stamina this is probably our overall B is getting this sword at revered with Silver Wing Sentinels as far as professions go mining and blacksmithing are really good options for us as we can craft a lot of our preis gear like the silvered bronze boots silver bronze gauntlets the Green Iron boots and the Green Iron gauntlets are also good options and we get to make this big one right here The Shining silver breastplate what I'm going to say next is a uh pretty decent spoiler for season Discovery so if you want to skip that and kind of learn it on your own I'll give you about 5 Seconds to do that right now so this actually can be converted into epic crafting gear um I have not discovered how to do that yet I was told some stuff about it I kind of want to learn on my own I've seen people with it but that does help cuz that is obviously going to be our B miss all right lastly at the end of this video I want to go over some tips and tricks that might help you when you're propil and tanking if you decide to go the uh red spec and go two-handed end sword and board there's a macro where you can throw your Avenger shield and then immediately swap to your two-hander and I'll put a link to that macro in the description below make sure you do your P Quest chain level 20 for vargan fist this is an amazing pre-bus weapon you will have this for a long time until fathom blade or the Epic two-hander do this Quest chain as soon as you possibly can next make sure you do stock AIDS and do the quest chain from deadmines all the way through stock a to get seal of Ren everyone's doing this right now you'll have people help you the mobs get level to level 32 you'll have a lot of people helping you out get this Quest done this ring is amazing next get honored with the silver ring Sentinels you can get that rep to the ashenvale PVP event and you can get a little rep with that with warong Gul wins at Friendly you get this Rune at honored you get a nice neck and at revered you get a really nice oneand sword The Protector sword that is one of your best oneand sword options there's a really nice Quest chain in duskwood where you can get this spark metal koif item level 33 which is actually higher item level than the gear in BFD it starts with Sven all the way on the left side of the map you have to fight some level 28 mobs in duskwood then some level 29 28 mobs in the wetlands and then eventually a level 32 mob with two level 28s around him so find some other male wearers who want to get this hel with you a lot of people are doing it right now so it shouldn't be that hard to do it looks like a long chain it's not a lot of it turning ins and talking there's only three parts like I said where you actually have to kill some mobs for items or for Quest objectives and I think that's it guys uh if you like what you watch give a like give subscribe for some more content Post in the future if you see something that I'm totally wrong in saying you know leave a comment below make make a discussion below just be respectful about it um again I just wanted to share this info out to everybody to make your life easier if you can't find information on being a prop Paladin don't forget to check out all the links below to help you out join the Paladin Discord and uh thanks for stopping by all thanks for staying high and I'll see yall next time
Channel: Jurdi
Views: 25,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #worldofwarcraft, #wow, #wowseasonofdiscovery, #protectiopaladin, #paladin, #wowguide, #sod, #seasonofdiscovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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