Painting the '59 Dodge Coronet completely.

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[Music] all right so it's about time i check in with you guys i have been really busy check it out the trunk the trunk lid is done i had a little spot i had to re-prime i already reprimed it and blocked it basically i blocked out the whole trunk lid and i found a little just a tiniest little ding that just quite wouldn't block out so i went ahead took care of that re-primed it re-blocked it that deck lid is straight we're good to go there uh the doors all four doors check it out every one of them completely blocked ready to go the somebody asked me are we jamming this thing are we painting the jams yes we are i mean look i've stripped these jams completely down to bare metal just like i did the rest of the car anything that needed to be treated got treated with the eastwood you can see here where it's black there were a few spots here and there that did need a little bit of treating you can see here on the on all the jams anything anywhere where there was even the slightest bit of surface rust left behind after all of the sanding and the grinding i did treat with that eastwood stuff uh jury's still out on the eastwood i don't know i mean i've never used it before they say it's good i guess time will tell we'll find out i'm over here doing the hood now this hood turned out to be quite a project all by itself very very time consuming on this hood in fact i probably got three days on the hood alone but check it out man would you guys look at this look how smooth this thing is turning out very very nice didn't have a whole lot of bodywork to do on the uh on the hood but there was a spot right here in the center where it looked like someone had probably closed it down on a screwdriver a wrench i don't know closed it down on that on top of the air breather and it left a pretty good little spot there that had to get fixed but as you can see i mean can you can you tell that anything was there so i have people ask me all the time you know which is better wet sanding or dry sanding and in my opinion it's just a matter of preference i do prefer wet sanding when possible because it does keep the dust down i'm in kind of a little area here dust can be a problem and this definitely will keep the dust down for sure so i kind of got to thinking about it uh since we're going to be spraying all of this all at once i mean we're doing the whole car all at once two-tone the whole nine yards it's all getting done at once that is going to create a ton of overspray and up till now you know we've been dealing with the overspray by just kind of cracking the door open and letting a fan just kind of carry it out the door and that's gotten us by so far but man it kind of sucks really so i thought it was time for a window there we go check it out finished cutting that out i got a big old window man it's like five feet tall it's a pretty good sized window look at that thing man check it out you guys there it is we got her in she screwed in the hole now i'm gonna have to go through and and fill in two by fours through there to kind of go around it obviously haven't done that yet i will though but for now i've got to get back to painting i just needed that in there uh here we go man i got to get this car out of here i've already cleared out the other side of the shop and we've got some cleaning there man i mean you see all the leaves and the dirt and everything and not to mention the cart itself is filthy it's got dust all over it so we're gonna get it out blow everything out blow the shop out give some time for the dust to settle just a little bit and then we'll roll everything back in and we will start wiping everything down and start the masking process good so foreign so a lot of contraptions working out pretty good i made that just to kind of hang the doors up to get them out of the floor and keep me from having to lean the doors up against anything or up against themselves or anything like that now that they're completely blocked they don't want anything to happen to them so i just kind of hung them up there to get them out of the way i got plenty of nice thick newspaper like several layers in between here so they don't bump into each other any that kind of stuff this is what i've got going going on over here check it out uh when i worked in the paint and body shop we had what was known as christmas tree stands and this is what they were uh of course theirs were a lot fancier they had wheels on them you roll them around this is just something i grabbed out of the scrap pile and just kind of welded it all together just a bunch of old metal and uh this is the way it works uh in the body shop that it would have some you know wing nuts and whatnot so that you can adjust and move these up and down the pole in and out any which configuration you could possibly imagine you could accomplish with those stands but they're pricey you know and i need two of them i need one for two two doors we have four doors here so i need one for uh each pair of doors uh we're talking y'all get 300 bucks or more we're not spending that obviously we don't do that here so you know for the price of some welding gas and some welding wire and just the most scrap i have laying around in the yard here we go man we got ourselves a christmas tree stand it's really freaking cool because you could get in here and you could do anything that you need to do on both sides of the door what i'm going to do is i'm going to take that door and we're going to stick it right here on this side just opposite so it's nice and balanced and all that good stuff and uh it shouldn't go anywhere we should have plenty of room in between the two panels i could get in there spray everything i need to do this should work out great i got another one over here on standby for the other two doors we're gonna do it the same exact way this ought to work out nice now obviously i wish they had wheels on them and i guess we could get carried away and do all of that but we're not going to this is going to be kind of a one-time deal as far as this goes who knows how long it might be before i needed to do this again and if i do i'll do it the same way i'll just get here and tag it all together and we'll be good to go [Music] okay there you go one completed christmas tree stand that's what we used to call them anyway uh i think that's gonna get it i think it's gonna work i think they're just up high enough off the ground i should be able to i should be able to work all the way around it with no interference from anything you know one door shouldn't interfere with the other all of my little rods and whatnot are all kind of over out of the way so we should be able to get inside of here paint inside the jambs and out which is good because on this particular car being a two-tone paint job the two-tone actually wraps around inside of the jam it does that on the whole car uh quarter panels everything that uh that two tone is going to actually both is going to go in just inside of here and it stops right in here it doesn't go all the way in but it does come inside here so i don't see any way to do this properly without doing it in a million pieces so that's why we're spraying all the panels off the car that way we could get in there do all the jams and make it look like it's supposed to all right y'all last door let's do it [Music] [Applause] so [Music] why look at him shaking i know man that was a rough ride but that's it we're done they're staged good to go this is what i got going on just like this and i'll scoot the hood down here a little bit kind of get it away from the trunk lid i mean that's way too close we'd never be able to paint it like that obviously so anyway let's get all this turned around and uh everything lined up the way we need it to and we'll start cleaning all of this up and start putting some tape on it so i came out to the shop this morning i'm gonna turn the lights on fire up the old air compressor and uh this is all i got nothing nothing we're in the dark i wasn't sure what was going on so i took the old breaker box part and there's nothing going on in there everything's cool nothing caught fire no sparks or anything so i went out to the pole and i'll show you guys what i found out there kind of kind of funny this is what i found out here ants this thing is just loaded with ants right on the breaker and it's not allowing it to make contact anymore this is hot all the time right here this is what comes in from the pole goes through the meter comes into here and then from here on is me from this point on is me again this is the electric company i know most of you guys know that so obviously even though you know i could come in and turn the breaker off i can't touch any of that stuff all of that it stays hot i would have to have the electric company come out and shut it off hopefully i can clean this out without dying that would be nice all right here we go [Music] hope if i turn the valve all the way on right and my lamps are all over there oh no they're blowing all over oh crap they're on my arm now look at them running out of my breaker dude what am i gonna do about this y'all i'm gonna have to call the electric company out here and have them shut this thing off that breaker's gotta come out i gotta thoroughly clean that that thing is packed with so many ants there's no way that's ever gonna work again this is 80 degrees today today was my paint day what the hell if it wasn't for bad luck i'd have no luck at all so i guess we're going to spend the weekend in the dark and uh again good thing i put that guy in that that's perfect got a little bit of light i guess all right now that we're disconnected let's get down to it we'll get this pulled off of here see if we can't figure out what's going on we can fix it or if we got to replace it all right i've got everything i've done comes out just like that easy enough looks like it's got some screws in here i could take it apart i've never done this before so this ought to be a learning experience hopefully it works i don't have to buy a new breaker because i think that's over a hundred bucks hopefully this will come apart pretty easy there we go oh my god look at that oh my god yeah i don't even like how that looks i might have developed a phobia this is going to be in my dreams tonight unfortunately i don't have very much air pressure because i don't have any electricity to pump up the air compressor [Music] but i did manage to get all the ants blown out of there i actually took this apart and got the contacts got them all cleaned up to where it's not gummed up anymore i think i could put the cover back on it and we'll call the old boy back out here in just a little bit he says he's just right down the street from here so it's not a big deal he said he'll come back and reconnect the power after i hook this back up and find out if it works or not here we go get that back on there and hopefully this works all right so i jumped ahead a little bit and did a little bit of masking off camera i didn't figure i'd bore you guys too much with all that we've showed that a million times already on this project so just went ahead and knocked it out and good news obviously we got the electricity back on so awesome i've already ran a nice even coat of sealer on all the parts that i'm actually going to be putting this white paint on you can see this will be what below the trim line will be white all that's going to be white on everything and it's going to go just up inside the jams okay so what we're going to do on this part is we're going to go ahead and we're going to hit it with the white we're not going to use any tape at this point what we're going to do is we're going to let the white paint sit overnight and dry to the touch so that we can come back and actually put tape over it and then that will split our color and create our two-tone effect [Music] so so we've got the first coat on and man it's looking nice it's looking very nice you can see where it kind of wraps around into the jam like i was talking about now we're set up here to where we can go in and tape off our lower section but of course like i mentioned before we gotta wait till tomorrow to do that it's gonna have to sit overnight obviously when you put your tape on it you're gonna you're gonna mess up your new finish it's gonna be too sticky but check it out man it's looking really nice i'm impressed with the way that paint lays down it lays down very smoothly i hope you guys can see that but man i think that lays down awesome now that color is going to split like right here on this edge where it folds over and the rest is blue and then up here obviously with the trim holes and down i've explained this before i know in case you're new from here down will be white and then this section up here will be blue the jambs as well they'll all be blue with the exception of just this lower portion here like i said it's it's going to split like right there but like i mentioned before we are going to have to wait till morning before we could put that tape on to split the two colors so for right now i'm gonna go ahead and hammer another coat on not really gonna bore you guys with too much of that i know you guys are ready to see that beautiful blue paint go on i am too so you know we'll get a few shots of me hammering on another coat and then we'll come back tomorrow [Music] alright so brand new dave we're coming out this morning and we're starting our two-tone that's where we're at now we're going to start that beautiful blue paint but before we do that we do have to go over a few things we got to do a lot of taping a lot of masking as you can imagine so i wanted to show you guys this right here this is how the colors are going to be split just like that we'll do that all the way down the side it's just going to wrap just inside of here and then that's actually a panel sitting on top of another panel so there's a nice little edge here and this is basically just gonna stay white really good spot to split the colors and that's the way the factory did so that's how we're gonna do it and it's just gonna run right through here all of this stays white and then all of this inside of here turns blue and we'll do that all the way down the side okay so there's one completed door fully masked ready to go this is set up for the two-tone effect i'm using a 3m tape it's kind of a kind of has a real slick rubbery finish to it and supposedly it's going to create a really fine line 3m makes it this is what the inside of the door will be like right through here you'll see these little holes that's where the weather stripping is going to go so the color actually spits splits right behind the weather stripping so it's cool you won't even see that line yeah i don't know what's going on with this guy i thought if i open the window he'd go away but it didn't work well y'all i had to tape my brand new window shut look at that that bird was not letting up that poor guy must have set out and banged his head up against that window for hours and i finally was like i got to do something i was afraid he's going to hurt himself so we still get the benefits of the ventilation but with half the sunlight i guess but i guess we'll be all right uh he did go away i haven't seen him hit the window one time since so i guess it's working i guess he uh was seeing his reflection in the window i don't know my wife she's native american she swears that kind of stuff means something i don't know what i asked her what does it mean i don't know well i suggest you brush up on some stuff i need to know what this is about okay so check it out man we got this entire side masked off and ready to go all the way down the side obviously everything that you see covered with paper will stay white and everything else will be blue so there's that slide done i'm gonna go over wrap up the driver's side and that's it all four doors are done i may have showed you that already so we're just about there okay so the driver's side is done now as well we got everything y'all it's all completely masked off i'm not gonna lie that was a lot of masking so i've got a lot of cleaning to do i'm not gonna bore you guys with all that i've showed you that a million times it's it's literally just wipe on and wipe off we've all heard it before wax on wax out what same thing and you see what it picks up and it'll do that just about every time i swear everything is completely wiped down and cleaned we are mixing sealer this is the sealer that we're using just so everybody knows in case you're new to the channel we got this from tcp global and it's been great i mean i've never sprayed it before i've never used this stuff ever and i'm impressed with it it lays down very very nicely so this mix is one to one and basically this is the sealer this is the catalyst without this this won't dry and also you can put a splash of reducer in it as well which i have right here and all that does is uh it just helps it flow out of the gun a little better and kind of helps it lay down with less orange peel and like i said just like one splash of that at the end is all it takes so let's get this mixed up one to one obviously you know half of this and half of that and then a little tiny splash of this at the end is all it's going to take on that so one to one easiest mixing ratio that there is don't get much easier than that right so we're gonna mix this up enough for a whole pot and then we're going to get to spray now what i did is i went up to the number four here with the sealer now all i got to do is just go up to the next column and go up to the number four again this is for all you guys that don't know i know most you watch it know this kind of stuff but there are some younger guys that are kind of new to this stuff maybe they're on the fence maybe they're thinking about doing a project like this and they're just not sure if they want to do it or not so we like to kind of explain to people what they're getting themselves into in case it's their first try and by the way there is nothing wrong with being new at something in my opinion it just shows that you have courage to try something without having any prior experience and that could be that could be downright scary some of this stuff right so i'm not gonna look down on anybody for being a noob that's what you want to call them so anyway let's go up just to the number four there that ought to be good uh this is i just ran out of the other one that's all this is the exact same thing i just the other one we ran out before the mix was complete that's all that was so same thing we didn't switch up on you or anything now what i said before about a splash at the end they're saying you could use one part of the reducer at the end but we're not gonna quite do that i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go one capful right there at the end call it good and we're going to we're going to mix this up and start spraying all right she's all stirred up let's pour it into the pot here um notice i'm straining going into the pot as well even though we already strained it into the mixing cup you can't strain this stuff enough you guys all right let's pop the cap on there with the collar twist that up these are nice these are made by ppg and it's just it's a liner with a cap and they're disposable which i'm out of by the way anybody wanting to donate there you go man i need some more of those i don't know if i showed this to you guys before let's let's take a second here uh these are pretty cool they're disposable they're made by ppg and this is simply just a liner see if i can get it out of it make this is a liner that just goes right down the side of your cup and you're supposed to throw them away when you're done although fun fact i've been using this same cup the liner and the cap through this entire project dude we're getting by on the nitty-gritty around here man i thought this was kind of interesting this is why we strain look at that look at how much of that what what on earth that is a lot look at that chunks and that's after shaking it and stirring it for ya 30 minutes at least so when it comes to tack cloths i know i've explained this in previous videos but like i said we're going to go over it again in case anybody's new all right when it comes to these right here the yellow ones they're very sticky they're not like the blue ones the blue ones aren't quite as sticky as these uh these here i was always taught to pull them apart i know a lot of y'all probably been leaving them folded up when you're using them i was always told to pull them apart get them all fluffed up you know like so and then you want to just kind of set them somewhere and let them sit for a few minutes you know like 15 minutes and what it does it just gets some of the stickiness off of because they are extremely sticky and you don't want to wipe them on the surface and have any that sticky residue be left behind onto the surface that would be bad so just kind of let them sit for a minute somewhere and uh it'll kind of take care of itself i apologize for the noise i had to kick the heater on it's a little chilly out that's okay um anyway we're just going to kind of cruise through here we're not going to get too crazy too fast anything like that we're going to do our paper even yep that's right you're going to go through and just kind of run your taco real lightly don't be careful you know you don't want to mess up nothing you want to be careful just kind of run over your paper run over the entire surface from top to bottom right and this is the perfect time and probably your last chance to really get in there and check your masking tape and make sure nothing's come undone you want to go over all your edges make sure that tape is all on there the way it's supposed to be definitely don't want any of the sealers or anything to bleed through because something came undone and you missed it so this is the perfect opportunity just kind of slow down run through here and at the same time make sure everything is still stuck the way it's supposed to be all right so the cedar's in the gun uh let's get our first coat on [Music] so there we are one full coat of sealer over everything she's all sealed up good to go and at this point we'll just let all that dry for i don't know maybe about 30 minutes or so and uh it should be ready just to spray paint right over the top of it we won't have to do any kind of any more sanding or anything uh one thing we will do once it's dry to the touch after about a half hour we will go back with our tack cloth and re-tack it back off that is an extra line of defense against dust and dirt and uh you can do that as long as you let the sealer set up to where it's dry to the touch we're looks like we're pushing over 75 degrees in here which is good because it's only like 50 outside so this is working out just fine and we're going to keep rolling right along with this i wanted to show you guys something you guys probably noticed i've actually got a paint suit on gloves you know of course respirator things like that you know i went years without using this stuff and it's not good i don't recommend it you guys probably see some of my earlier videos where i'm not using any of this stuff and it's just it's not a good way to go and i wanted to show you guys something um you would think that overspray would stick to the outside of your glasses but the weird thing is for those of you who don't know it actually sticks to the inside instead which is very strange i was always told that the isocyanate i can't even say isocyanate something like that science gotta love it that stuff is actually attracted to the moisture in your eyes and that's why it fogs the inside of your glasses instead of the outside so that's pretty weird stuff you guys uh they tell me stuff like that i tried it my damn just to protect myself because that's that's no good man i mean that's weird why wouldn't it go on the outside why would it skip and go around to the inside that's some strange stuff so anyway just something to think about you guys protect yourself man it really is important all right y'all we are finally getting to the good stuff and i already popped this lid loose this is the blue this is what we've all been waiting for there it is ah man that looks good i can't wait to get this on there let's get some on the stick here i've already been stirring it up a little bit we don't have anything stuck to the bottom that's always good man look at that that is beautiful i can't wait to see that against that white i think it's going to be so great this is factory colors for anybody that didn't know already now the paint's going to be a little bit different than the sealer the sealer was a one-to-one mixing ratio one part sealer one part catalyst this paint's a little different it's four parts to one so this will be four parts paint one part catalyst and just like the sealer you can add a splash reducer at the end and that just kind of helps it flow out of the gun a little bit better we mentioned that earlier kind of helps it lay down become a little less orange peely as they call it but that's it four to one is the mixing ratio so remember before for those who don't know we did one to one that was the column here all we got to do is go on down to the four to one column we'll go four parts color we'll go over to the next section go all the way up you know just that little bit there and that'll be your catalyst and then one little tiny splash at the end of the reducer if you want it's optional and that's it that's how the color gets mixed pretty easy all right so paint's in the gun everything's mixed up i've gone over this whole thing with the tack cloth twice i mean i really went in and kind of blew a little air on it and attacked it at the same time it ought to be good to go and uh this first coat is going to be kind of like a tack coat what they call attack code it's just going to be kind of a light mist and that'll just kind of make everything nice and sticky for this next coat to stick to i don't want to take any chances with this metallic i don't want to get any runs any kind of weird splotchiness or anything so we're going to be real careful with this when it came to the white not too much to worry about you can kind of just hammer it on and go but when it comes to this metallic especially blue it's kind of unforgiving and you want to be sure to put it on good you don't want it to be you know anything too heavy too light runs any of that for sure all right so i got my gun set at about 25 psi we're gonna do about a 50 overlap and like i said we're just gonna kind of cruise through here really quickly just get this kind of attack coat going that's about what you want it to look like when you're done we'll let that get nice and sticky and then we'll come back and do another coat after that and the next coat will be kind of a medium coat we'll talk about that in a minute for now i got to get the rest of all of this to look like that [Music] [Music] all right y'all so there's the first coat you can see what i'm talking about you kind of see through it it's just kind of just kind of fogged on there really lightly see real good on the quarter here that's all you want on that first coat that's just a safety precaution to make sure that the next coat has something to hang on to because the next coat's going to go on much heavier or in kind of heavier not much heavier the next coat will be like a medium wet coat and then on that coat we're going to go for coverage so when we're done with it we won't actually be able to actually see through it anymore that's what we're going to do right now i've already got the the paint in the gun ready to go let's just hammer it on there [Music] so all right so now that we've let the over spray calm down just a little bit here we go let's take a look at that second coat i think she's looking pretty good check it out so what we got to do now we're going to put a third coat on and it'll be about the same thing kind of a medium wet coat and then we'll have to do what's called there's several names for it's called a drop coat a mist coat control coat whatever you want to call it and it's kind of where you just turn your pressure up and just fog it on there really good now what that does it kind of evens up all of your metallics and things like that and we'll do that at the very end i do want to put one more coat on it that'll make three coats total so far there's two on it now i'm gonna put one more nice medium wet coat just to make sure we're all covered up real nice make sure she's got enough protection for years to come right all right so we got the paint in the gun we're going to get our third coat on right now okay so now that we got all three coats laid down all i want to do is do what's known as a drop coat i'm going to turn my pressure up just a little bit and we're just going to kind of just plug it on there really and what you're doing is you're just evening up all those metallics in case they're kind of you know don't look real even they might look a little heavy here or a little light there or whatever that will even it up so that's all that's for and that's it she's painted at this point i'm gonna let it dry for a little while and then i'm gonna start peeling some tape because i want to see what it looks like against that white that's what we've all been waiting for right this is where it all comes together everybody this is what we've been waiting for all this time really cool that's awesome that's what we've been waiting for right there look at that that's what i was talking about how it just kind of wraps just right into just right inside the uh door jamb here the white color just kind of wraps around in there and it's just split right here where the two panels one lays on top of the other here makes a perfect spot to split your colors and that's what the factory did and so we went back with with exactly what they did and man seeing it all fresh new like this is just awesome i mean look at this this makes all that hard work worth it look at that oh that looks so good that looks so what what is this guy doing here get out of here a little bug hiding under there glad that part was already dry but look at this [Applause] i'm not gonna lie this spot here kind of had me worried because i noticed my tape had kind of come unstuck there but i noticed it in the sealer stage and i caught it and i was able to to get it to go back hopefully it stayed stuck there we go yeah i mean that looks nice and don't forget i mean a big old piece of trim goes over this i mean even if it did bleed through or was a little weird it would probably cover anyway but we still want it to look nice i mean that's that's cool peeling that tape off like that and seeing them two colors coming together man that is just awesome and then again i guess like before it just kind of wraps itself up into the jam there and that's what it looks like the door's the same way it kind of goes just around just inside this here's the driver's side front door see how it turned out get this off of here there we go see what i'm talking about how the two-tone wraps around just inside of the uh each door each panel whether it's the fender or what fenders doors quarters whatever it all all that two-tone goes wraps around inside the panel just makes it a little extra nice and of course ready to go with the rest of it so yeah man i'm digging it how about you well this guy here was a lot of work that's 50 louvers and that that little piece there that goes up on the cowling up by the hood um each one of that all had to be stripped down to bare metal i got a lot of it with the wire wheel but the wire wheel would only go so far as we had to get in there and hand sand each one of those louvers down to the bare metal a lot of work but totally worth it it shouldn't have any trouble with it peeling or anything like that so no diy paint job that's been basically painted out in a barn i mean we're not in a paint booth or anything like that unfortunately they're going to come with their share of mishaps and there's one right there can you guys see that yup my gun dripped a little bit of moisture right out of the air chuck right onto the fender right there the first thing you see when you walk up to the car gotta love it right so obviously we got to do a little bit of color sanding and buffing things like that not a big deal it's all part of the game that stuff should rub right on out of there and then we could just buff right over it and you never know it was ever there so that's the plan anyway lots of stuff like that still to go on this project and obviously lots of uh putting it back together good lord we got a lot of that to do well all right everybody i'm gonna go ahead and get out of here this video has got to be long by now um this is where we're at be sure to tune in next time and uh we'll probably be putting it back together get it outside so you guys can get a real good look at it that'd be awesome we got miles of trim things like that that's got to go back on lots of work i mean it we got a ton of work left to go but look at where we're at man this is really cool things are starting to come together that's really awesome you guys please like share subscribe all of that good stuff i appreciate everybody watching check out my instagram link in the description facebook weird beard on facebook all that i appreciate all the support and like i said man when we get to the end of this whole deal i'm gonna give shout outs to everybody that's donated supplies and and things like that very very much appreciated i can't even believe how much stuff you guys have been sending it's really great but for now we are out of here i'll see you guys next time man that's fun peeling that tape off there [Music] you
Channel: Weird Beard
Views: 136,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Copart, IAA, IAAI, Tarvarish, Salvage, Rebuild, DIY, BHPH, Car lot, flip, samcrac, DIY Gang, KARR, B is for Build, Auto Auction Rebuilds, Cars, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Honda, Mercedes, Infiniti, Land Rover, Mazda, Nissan, Datsun, junkyard digs, vise grip garage, community not competition, backyard resoration., diy paint job, 3m, tcp global paint, complete paint job, primer, block sanding, masking tape, auto vlog
Id: ygB3aRoNAD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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