painting for the first time in 4 years...

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it smells like art class already I have not smelt oil paint and so long I don't think you're supposed to Huff paint but oh baby that smells like 11th grade to me so if it wasn't already readily apparent based on my bangs neurotic tendency to remake every single video thumbnail about 15 times until it's perfect and vaguely bisexual vibe I was an art kid growing up I took art classes all throughout high school and I liked art so much in fact that I was willing to take those classes despite the fact that they lower to my weighted GPA which is how you know 16 year old Ashley really liked something I actually loved art so much that I wanted to either be an illustrator or a graphic designer for a really long time but then I decided that art school might be kind of a risky use of money so I decided to go for something much more practical instead and go to film school haha let's take a look at my old high school portfolio shall we my previous work includes smash hits such as a aggressive number of mediocre still lives this fish who desperately needs a tampon a still life of rotting vegetables that I painted with my bare hands yes there were some very strange prompts at my art classes and this vaguely vaginal flower that is still hanging up at my parents house today now eventually my senior year when I was taking AP art I finally like stopped getting these random prompts for my art teacher and we had a little bit more freedom to kind of like develop our style and figure out what we actually wanted to make which was terrifying but exciting at the same time so I started to develop this style of like semi grotesque surrealist portraits a lot of which were very sloppily executed thanks to my impending seizure itis but these two I'll put in here are actually ones that I kind of like so that is today this style that I'm going to try to emulate ever since I went to college I've never really had the space or time or honestly desire to get back into art even though it was something that I kind of knew I would enjoy I guess I was just too busy doing like YouTube and film school and interning and all that's shabang to really remember that I have hobbies that used to bring me joy so today for your viewing entertain I thought I would try to paint for the first time in three and a half years ever since I left high school I have no idea how this was gonna turn out anyways this morning I biked over to the Bob Ross merch store and I mean art supply store and I spent an exorbitant amount of money on a bunch of different oil paints and brushes let's unwrap this baby and get painted oh so I've already done a tiny little mock-up of what I want my drawing to look like it's gonna be like a portrait but she's wearing kind of like a Victorian collar of like roses and vines that are growing on her neck very like edgy Tumblr Girl Meets choke me daddy so I'm gonna flush out my doodle a little bit more on this canvas before you get started painting and I've been filming this intro for like an hour and a half now because I've just been trying to procrastinate actually having to do this artwork because I'm very nervous about it we're gonna get started for real also sorry if the back of my hair is really ugly I only ever curl the front bits because I don't really give a [ __ ] what the back looks like so it's like a nest back there my apologies okay so my our teacher always scolded us if we ever took a photo on our phone and tried to draw a base off of that because she said that you didn't really get to see like the full form and the way the light bounces off objects I don't know if he said a phone camera didn't captured it properly I don't know if it's just a weird boomer thing but I am going to try to make miss Collins proud and just paint off my face based in this and just paint off my face based and just painted my face and just paint my face based off of what's in this mirror so if you see me making a really really stupid face just know that it's because I'm posing for myself in the mirror okay not gonna lie for not having drawn for like five years that's a pretty promising nose already not like I've actually painted anything yet but you know we're off to a decent start realizing it is very very hard to keep my face at this angle and look at myself in the mirror and draw myself on a canvas at the same time because my eyes can only be in one place but we're gonna make my best attempt okay so here we have the finished sketch I'm not gonna lie it really doesn't look like me at all like the nose is there the rest I'm not super sure but at least we have a general face looking shape here Oh No why does this one have diarrhea I feel like such a legitimate artist look at this palette when I was in high school we would use two styrofoam plates taped together and the palette so I've never actually used one of these like proper barbarous situations anyway I have a strange addiction to watching paint mixing videos on Instagram it's like visual ASMR for me it's so good so here I'm gonna treat you guys to a little paint mixing porn YouTube don't de monetize me please god forbid not another one oh I just remembered I think you're supposed to do this with a palette knife and top with a brush because I think it looks like really bad for the brush but I don't have a palette knife so we are going to have to roll with this this is like trying to match your foundation shade at Sephora but like ten times harder yeah that's close the money better than my actual foundation shade match let's see what we can do my art teacher always also said that like skin is never one color it's never just beige it's never just a pinky tone there's like a million different colors in the shadows there's like some blue in some areas under your eyes there might be some green in the shadows so like when you look at yourself in the mirror you really have to pay attention to all the different undertones of your skin which I'm trying to do right now but probably quite badly like um this shadow at the edge of my nose is a little bit redder question mark oh god I'm just looking like a [ __ ] fruit loop now [Music] next have always been so hard to paint for me because like you can tell when a neck looks wrong but I don't know how to fix it it's a very like odd shape here I'm just going in with a small brush and adding a darker Brown to add some detail to the eyes and nostrils I'm gonna do the eyebrows now which given the fact that only like fifty percent of the time I can draw on my own eyebrows properly he's not gonna be promising but we'll see what I can do okay at this point I think we have a pretty good start on the face I know everything is not blended that way but I generally do like it when you can still see some brushstrokes but I think there's always a fine balance between it looking messy and it looking impressionistic and I think I lean on the messy side so we're gonna try to move around with this face a little bit more later but in the meantime before my skin color is dry on my palette I figured I should actually finish up this like decolletage collarbone area which means it's time for me to strip because you girl need the reference yeah okay I'm gonna get painting now and also zoom in so you can't see quite so much of my boobs [Music] does it kind of look like a rainbow vomited on my canvas after drinking a vanilla milkshake yes but doesn't also kind of vaguely resemble a neck / collarbone area also yes I'll go back and smush this around a little bit more to try to fix it later but in the meantime I was getting a little bit frustrated so I am going to move on to an easier and more fun part which is the hair this has always been my favorite part to paint because it's just like so free flow and you get to feel like honestly so far I have been having a good time first of all I like have not gotten out of my head in a long time and just concentrated on physically doing something for a really long time and it's super nice like even normally when I'm editing I'm at my computer near the internet so I like to get distracted watching YouTube videos and like reloading tweets and [ __ ] like that this is like as close to meditation as my hummingbird pho brain will ever did so it's been nice I also thought that I'd be able to listen to music while doing this but honestly it is taking all of my free hours so I've just been sitting here in silence for the past three hours just like stroking away that's what she said three hours though that's that's an endurance man okay let's bring you back in for the hair for my hair color we're gonna go with mostly burnt sienna and then add a little bit of blue to make things even darker and ashy err let's see what that gives us [Music] I spent the remainder of the evening munching away on fruit snacks and Lucroy and fussing about with the face area I spent around three hours ultimately making very my new changes but I think the whole thing in art is that it's like the amalgamation of these tiny final touches that make your thing five percent better than it was before and then you just kind of keep inching up by five percent over and over and over again until you've made something semi decent here and painting the whites of the eyes but I'm leaving out the people's because I thought it would have a cool like Billy Eilish when the party's over vibe once I added the vines like creeping out of her tear ducts then I tried to smush around the neck a little bit more but I figured I made it even worse and finally I went in with a light wash of some pink on her cheeks to add a little rosy blush and that is a wrap on day one here is how my progress was looking so far now on to the next day so despite leaving my painting in front of a fan all night to dry I seem to have vastly miscalculated just how long it takes oil paints to dry which is to say a very long time and more time than I have before Thursday comes around and I need to put this video out so today when I paint on all of my vines and flowers that are going around her face and her neck I am just gonna take a paper towel and like wipe off whatever wet paint is left in the area that I need to paint over and then paint over it and hopefully it won't turn into a giant smudgy disaster stay tuned to find out kids this feels deeply wrong Oh [Music] okay and pulling up a reference photo of Rose here so I'm not gonna lie this rose was a struggle bus a struggle Rose I'm not sure if it's just that I was rushing because I had to finish this video my kind of shitty reference photo or my complete lack of experience drawing roses but I just could not for the life of me make it look non bla Bueller now originally I had planned to paint around 10 different roses but given how the first one went I decided to opt for some structurally simpler planned life [Music] hi okay so update I did not think it would possibly be harder to draw flowers than it was to draw a human face but oh boy this is difficult I've been trying to go for flowers that are more naturally like brushstroke II kind of like Bob Ross happy little trees where you can just kind of like slap them on the canvas now I'm gonna try to keep that Bob Ross mindset when it comes to this rose let's pretend like it's a happy little mistake Ashley I think that I'm worried about is that like compared to the rest of the painting this rose is so much more flat and amatuer that it looks very out of place so I'm gonna do my best to wipe it off with a paper towel and then paint my hair back over it and hopefully it'll blend all together and nobody will be the wiser so I guess here I'll talk about a little bit of the meaning behind my painting this guy sounds so cringy and hashtag deep but here goes nothing so I guess I've always been attracted to the idea that the things that we're told are beautiful like physical beauty success money or in fact kind of grotesque behind the scenes the nice spent prodding and picking at pores or obsessively counting calories early mornings loss to work day until you feel like you're a shell of a person they're not they're not beautiful I gave her these pseudo leafy devil horns and rolled back eyes because I guess in a way she has become her own demon by letting all these a quote-unquote beautiful things creep underneath her skin and that is why I never explain art because I sound like a tumblr post in cursive over a stock photo of a sunset anyways here I took the back of my paintbrush and I decided to etch a line down the center of my flowers honestly I wasn't sure if this was gonna look really stupid or not but it turned out to be a really easy way to add some detail and dimension to my otherwise very plain plants at this point I was feeling real inventive so I also dipped a pencil in some paint and looped on some tiny white petals hello okay I am now in another t-shirt because I think we all saw this coming I spill oil paint on my other shirt so right now it's in the kitchen sink drying off but anyways I think I'm like nearly almost kind of satisfy dish without the Spade thing is looking the truth is I we're gonna be satisfied with it but I think one of those things that art is like trying to figure out when you're done because sometimes if you keep going and trying to fix things even more then it just gets worse and worse and I was totally guilty of doing that in high school like I would get to a pretty good point and then be like I can make it 1% better and then smoosh around my painting more until it was like a disaster and there was no command-z in real life so that I just ruined like a bunch of paintings by doing that stuff anyways I'm going to try to restrain myself and stop right here my last step though is gonna be painting in a little background mostly because I need to cover up the dead body of this X Rose that we have in the corner here I've been staring at this painting for about 10 minutes trying to figure out which color I should paint the background I think I'm gonna go for a sage green color your some more paint mixing horn are you dirty dirty bastard thing how do you like it I've recently become a little bit obsessed with this color because I saw it on so many doors and interior design books when I was in London it's like a soft muted green color which I thought would contrasts well with the rest of the painting while still fitting in with our overall like green pink pastel color scheme oh this is a good feeling guys like the feeling of having a really loaded brush on a canvas and just like smoothly going around a corner our kids know what I'm talking about that's good that's a good [ __ ] next I went in with a finer brush and maneuvered around my leafy details now originally I was nervous whether the background would look too streaky and messy but I ended up really liking the texture of the thick paint and the brushstrokes leaving around the leaves and ultimately that rose really did end up being a happy little mistake turns out that the sage green covered it up fine and I actually liked how that little bit of red popped through near the leaves and added a cool new dimension to my painting finally I painted the edges a light cream color I felt like the bright white of the plain canvas was fighting for attention with a bright white of the girls peoples and the flowers and detracting attention from my actual painting so I just wanted to paint it a slightly darker and more muted color and last but not least I am just fussing around with some finishing touches I decided this one vine looked a little bit too much like a booger so I decided to cover it up and make it climb down the bottom of her mouth instead okay I think that's it here is the finished product in total I spent around 12 hours painting this between yesterday and today and I think it was 12 hours well spent you know my painting is not perfect especially like around the collarbone area it's a little bit confusing it's a little bit messy her left armpit looks a little bit moldy but I guess the point of this wasn't to make something perfect it was just to uh challenge myself to do something creative and to have a good time so a couple of takeaways from this experience first of all I was surprised that my art skills had not completely evaporated in the past four years part of the reason that I had procrastinated getting back into art for so long is that you figured that art scale was like playing an instrument or working out where if you don't lose it if you don't use it you lose it I was surprised how much of my technique or lack thereof and general style remained the same even while I wasn't creating art for like several years so I would recommend like if you guys are ex art students as well or just haven't painted or drawn in a while it's definitely not that intimidating to get back into I think you would be surprised second of all it has just been really really nice to make something that I wasn't like afraid that people were gonna judge me for that I wasn't trying to sell that I wasn't trying to mark it in a certain way and just like make something for the fun of making it in today's day and age we are all so [ __ ] busy all the time and granted like you gotta hustle sometimes but I think there has been a lost art of having hobbies like nobody actually has hobbies anymore they only have side hustles and this desire to monetize every single aspect of your personality and your life speaking from personal experience because I have pretty much monetized everything that I loved fashion film myself well I'm not sure I love that but we're working on it ironically I think I like painting now better than I liked it when I was in high school because that classic thing happened where when you're assigned something for school I like started to resent it because I just like have a deep rooted for a sentiment for authority but now that nobody's telling me to do it like I feel that pure excitement to make something again so yeah I think I'm actually gonna keep painting like a look and said on my free time whatever free time I have available which is not that much but I'm gonna make it so that I can paint and enjoy my life if you have any old hobbies or old passions that you used to love but you've let go because everything in your life is stressful now I would recommend you know diving back into it I had a good time doing it and I think you guys will as well coal's oh okay thanks for watching I'll see you guys next week bye [Music]
Channel: bestdressed
Views: 1,736,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: following a bob ross tutorial, painting timelapse, art timelapse, bob ross tutorial, paint with me, painting for 24 hours, painting for the first time in 5 years, art school, oil painting, oil painting timelapse, painting for beginners, ex dancer, ex dancer tries ballet, art portfolio, reviewing my old portfolio, reviewing my old art, painting tutorial, painting a self portrait, art school vlog, draw with me, art student portfolio
Id: v1Xyz9QzHoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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