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[Music] hey guys and welcome to my first ever apartment all by myself I am so excited to live here and I'm even more excited to finally not have roommates for like the first time in my life my apartment is a studio so this is the main room in the apartment which I would currently described as having a bit of a hoarder chic aesthetic I moved into this apartment two full months ago but I was way too busy taking finals and then promptly having a post-grad existential crisis to properly unpack anyways what I'm really excited for in this apartment is this absolutely gorgeous window and for the first time in my life hardwood floors now the floor plan of my apartment is a little bit confusing but if you'll stick with me through these double doors in the main living room area is a walk-in closet which happens to fit a full-size bed perfectly yes feel free to insert all of your jokes about me being in the closet here off the closet slash soon to be proper bedroom is a bathroom and this is honestly looking pretty good so far all it needs is some more storage for my kind of tornado of makeup and skincare products here now if we circle back through the main living room through this doorway is a little dining nook that I'm planning on converting into a home office where I can do all of my editing and the kitchen now I'm not a huge fan of the mix of brown and tan and black and silver here but never fear my friends I have a plan to fix it as well all right without further ado let's get started with this apartment makeover and also pray that I don't lose my deposit because my landlord knows about my YouTube channel now so haha that's that's great [Music] how crazy ages so the first step in my apartment makeover was hunting for some dead people furniture luckily for me turns out the dead people in my neighborhood has very good taste so here's why I cook them first I got this dresser for thirteen dollars which is so beautiful I actually can feel kind of bad putting my period underwear in it I got these armchairs for $80 each which kind of look like a taxidermy of your grandma's carpet but [ __ ] it I like them I also first did this chair last year and it is still my favorite piece of furniture I've ever found so I'm definitely keeping it despite the fact that I now I'm outnumbered by armchairs three two one inside my own apartment honestly my armchairs could beat me up in a fight if they wanted to I got this vanity for $40 I wanted at least one lighter colored piece of furniture to help kind of open up the apartment and make sure it was a two-way down with dark wood furniture I got this mirror for ten dollars because I have a kink for vintage gold mirrors and I don't know how to stop I picked out a bunch of vintage Cubs and mugs for like one to two dollars each and filled them with some baby plants and last but not least I got this solid wood desk in the sales section for one dollar this desk was literally $1 I kid you not one dollar I probably already said it in the voiceover but I will say it again this desk cost me $1 quite possibly the best deal since the Louisiana Purchase branded this desk like pretty much any furniture that you thrift is gonna come with a couple scratches and chips in it so we're gonna give this baby a quick little facelift so first to fill in the scratches I bought these wood markers from Home Depot they're basically brown markers that you can use to color over the scratches in the wood to make them match the stain of the rest of the desk and make them less noticeable then I wiped on a wood finish I like to think of it as a nail-polish topcoat for furniture it kind of just makes everything look shiny and new and further reduces the texture of the scratches and there we go she's looking well not quite brand new but at least a newer version of old than she was before now that we have all of my furniture picked out we have a nice vintage gold theme going it's time to get started and making over in this apartment I feel like an HGTV presenter every single time I do one of these transitions hello from my bedroom and a full month later from when I film the intro segment of this video because I never cease to amaze myself with my ability to use small and insignificant tasks to indefinitely avoid doing anything meaningful and challenging so as I briefly mentioned earlier this is a super large walk-in closet that also has been doubling as my sleeping Cave nephilim we all might be thinking Ashley why why the hell do you want to sleep in a closet willingly for this apartment I wanted to do my best to separate my workspace from my relaxing personal space so pretty much the whole rest of the apartment is gonna be my filming and editing space but this bedroom is gonna be my little safe haven where I can relax and sleep and hopefully for once in my life escape the constant pressure to be working all the time well it is 5:30 7:00 a.m. the night before I'm putting out this video I have not slept so turns out that didn't work but I do have a nice bedroom so here's how I made that [Music] as you can tell I am a professional [Music] oh but we won an old pair of underwear I forgot I had a condom wrapper David's friends hat and Miss neck pillow you never know what you're gonna find kids now I ask myself Ashley what would make this bedroom look cute and cozy and like it's owned by an 80 year old British grandma who owns ten cats oh that's right folks wallpaper in my last bedroom I played it very safe with like a minimal white theme and I really liked that look but this time I wanted to change it up with something more colorful and kind of push myself out of my interior design comfort zone so basically in only a research about wallpaper I found out that there are three different types the first is traditional wallpaper where you soak the actual paper and then stick it to the wall and this is the most affordable but the most labor-intensive to apply and to remove basically to remove it you have to like soak it with soap and scrape it off the wall which did not seem like a particularly Brent to a friendly solution secondly there is peel and stick wallpaper which is basically like a gigantic sticker it's really easy to apply and remove but is really really expensive I calculated how much it would cost to cover my bedroom and it would be around $600 so I'm opting for the third type which is paste to the wall wallpaper it was still pricey but definitely less pricey than peel and stick wallpaper total it cost me around $200 to cover my entire bedroom transitions I got this special type of wallpaper that you still have to apply with a paste but once I move out of this apartment because I'm renting I can just peel it off the wall and it's supposed to come off cleanly in one piece fingers crossed it actually works that's an issue for one year from now Ashley good luck taking off all this wallpaper I feel like I'm making a bread starter and like sprinkling my yeast over the water except there's just a lot of water and if I eat this I will die after a thorough stir my wallpaper snot was ready to get sneezed all over my bedroom wall I just brushed it on in a pretty generous layer and then lined up the wallpaper with the edge of the wall and pressed it on huh it actually stuck I'm so impressed I used this plastic wallpapering tool that I bought for like two dollars to smooth out any air bubbles and to crease the wallpaper at the bottom right next to the crown molding then I used scissors to trim a straight line across the crease and voila one strip of wallpaper down about 100 more to go for my second strip it was pretty much the same process but I had to take extra care to match up the pattern between the two strips so it looked like the branches just continued seamlessly from one to the other now in the middle of this strip there was a circuit breaker box because this is literally a closet so I had to use an exacto knife to trim around the edges so my wallpaper lay nice and flat against the wall you can use the same technique if your wallpaper hang around a power outlet or anything like that don't worry though if this awkward white rectangle is pissing you off I'm going to go cover it up at the end so just pulled onto your panties for like a couple more minutes [Music] my next wallpapering challenge was this awkward corner basically there's this wood panel left over from underwear the closet shelf used to be and oh boy it is attached to the wall I tried to pry it off but I could not for the life of me so I just had to work around it and smooth the wallpaper around on one side and then kind of like cut and origami the other side together into utley flat a little bit confusing it's not perfect but you know what this wallpaper and share from clueless would say is like a Monet from far away it's okay but up close it's a big old mess I don't know if you guys can see but up there he's a spider especially a little spider but like it's kind of big as far as spiders go especially compared to me like absolutely gigantic I don't know how I'm gonna send it off I have been waiting for the past half an hour for this spider to leave I cooked myself dinner I drank some Lacroix I went to the bathroom [ __ ] still here not to be a stereotype but I have never removed a bug from my own house I used to get my parents to do it and now I normally get David or whoever I am [ __ ] at the moment to do it but today I'm 21 and I am a grown-ass woman and I am still [ __ ] terrified but I'm going to do it because I'm a strong strong independent woman huh I got it top 10 most terrified oh no it's moving [Music] after I finished laying down the final few wallpaper panels I went back to cover up that circuit breaker with a leftover piece of wallpaper trimmed it to size and smooth it down so it's as not noticeable as possible it's definitely still noticeable but like it's not quite so bad anymore and that's really all I'm asking for alright eight hours and a solid ten cans of Lucroy later yes I have a look Corey addiction and it is a problem my soon-to-be bedroom is completely wallpaper [Music] now all the Plus is to finally put together my bed frame because Dave and I broke it like four months ago unfortunately it wasn't even in a fun sexy way we were literally just moving my bed and we pulled it apart at the wrong angle so I just to read drill a hole in my bed and then I'll finally have a place for this hole to get drilled get it babe never mind okay this is the problem child where we broke off a dowel oh this is what I bought the drill floor cuz I'm how I had to drill the out of the hole dad did [Music] there's actually very soothing to the inside like being inside the womb [Music] hey guys it is four [ __ ] months later I no longer have a boyfriend but I do have an ear infection so who's the real winner here so let me backtrack and explain why it's been taking me so long first of all there is just my crippling indecision which is a whole issue in and of itself second of all though my original plan for this wall was to build a giant wall-to-wall bookshelf from scratch I held these inspo photos it was gonna be like very Gatsby chic but then over the past four months I slowly realized one I have absolutely no woodworking experience whatsoever - I only own one physical book and it's a cookbook because I am an audiobook [ __ ] okay and third of all I had this fun little quarter life crisis where I realized I don't actually want to live in LA any longer because it's just slowly making me more and more superficial and I want to move out of this apartment pretty soon all of that combined I realized it was not the most practical idea to spend weeks and weeks and hundreds of dollars building a gigantic bookshelf I did want to do something fun with this wall though so I settled on more wallpaper this apartment they do very slowly just becoming me wallpapering various surfaces I promise there will be some non wallpaper in content to later in this video so I'm gonna make this real quick because you literally just watch me apply wallpaper for like ten minutes straight so this time left is gonna be over in three two one finish Wow it makes like an hour worth of work who look so easy when you put it in like 1,000 times I feel like I'm on the set of a very hipster music video and that sees always my goal with life so I will take it and those are the doctor now to see whether I need antibiotics for my ear infection but I will see you guys in a couple days to finish up the rest of the apartment buddy [Music] hello and welcome to 90 degrees to the west to my other wall of my living space it is another two months later but honestly are we surprised at this point not really at this point the jury's still out whether I'm gonna finish this apartment makeover before we are all under sea level and humanity no longer exists they seem to be taking an equally long time at this point I've gotten rid of my ear infection and my shitty attitude about being single so we love character development vanity because I'm not actually that good at makeup and I'm gonna use a sewing desk and say yes I am finally going to hang up this gold mirror my friend Damian gave me this mirror when he moved out of LA two years ago and it has been sitting on the floor ever since but I finally went to Home Depot and I bought drywall anchors which are this like plastic shell that goes around her screw that latches onto the wall and allows you to hang much heavier objects than just a regular screw and now we just pray that it doesn't fall down and completely rip out this wall I also got a stool to rest my buttocks and the best thing is I like slides perfectly underneath the vanity so it doesn't take up any extra space next I'm reading the big guns with this double veterans clothing rack I made a little video about how I built it you guys want more detail but to give you guys a quick version I basically got a bunch of steel pipes from Home Depot assemble them all together screw them into a wood base and then Wheelan ethics and now I have a giant rolling closet essentially now through this archway there is a little closet that's about three feet wide that holds most of my clothing but I wanted to opportunity to have a little bit more storage especially because like my actual closet is now my bedroom I also just find clothing to be like a really nice and decoration in a way I think it's just come on up it's a fashion dirty but I love like curating a little pallet of clothing and like looking at the textures and fabrics and that leads me to the most exciting part for me which is this cold beer I have always wanted just like a huge statement mirror for my room and I'm really happy that I finally got one we've got our teenage mir year and then we have our granddaddy of all mirrors over here also this is gonna sound like the most la thing ever but I also wanted a mirror to cover up my heater because it's a little bit ugly and I never actually end up using it aesthetics before thermodynamics hmm nope nice try actually nice try okay actually let me see whether this looks better was like the clothing rack rotated if you like this composition with a little bit crouched me [Music] okay nope that's worse interior designers PV out at me in the comments and tell me how to arrange my furniture better thank you so anyways speaking of fashion as decor I have a bunch of handbags to hang up and I thought what better way to store them then to just arrange them on the wall like be pieces of art that they are so I already went ahead and I screwed screws into the wall and I'm just gonna hang these by their panels and last but not least I wanted a way to cover up the top of the heater unit so I have a scrap of the wallpaper I used in my bedroom and I thought it was too beautiful to go to waste so I'm just attaching it with some magnets onto the top of my heater unit a word of warning I would not recommend attaching flammable materials to your heater if you do actually turn on the heat okay like you don't live in Southern California so yeah please do not start a fire because of me and now we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to indulge Ashley slightly unhealthy so my plan for this side of the room could pretty much be summed up in one word which is plants over the past year so I have developed a slightly unhealthy obsession with plants as a coping mechanism for my complete lack of other human interactions I mean not the plants or humans but um they feel like they kind of have personalities unlike people in LA so a couple of months ago I already went ahead and installed this curtain rod and some curtains and I did a really horrible job of filming yet because most of my clips were out of focus anyways I had these curtains now now one thing I'm weirdly excited about in this apartment is having a real windowsill previously I lived in buildings that were constructed in the 70s or something they weren't quite as old as this building so they didn't have this wood frame around the window and I just love the look of things resting on a windowsill one day when I like own house I want to be able to have a little like reading nook by my window I think that's like the cutest thing ever but obviously this is a little bit too small to hold my button right now so instead we are gonna fill it up with plants so I have been saving up kombucha bottles for the past several centuries and I figured they were actually the perfect wig to fit on this windowsill also a fun fact about glass is that even though we associate glass packaging with being much more environmentally friendly than plastic it actually takes a lot more energy to melt down glass and recycle it than it does plastic so really the best thing you can do if you buy a product in a glass jar is to reuse the glass so basically what I've been doing is soaking my bottles in a snow pea warm water bath I leave them in there for usually like two days and then the label will slowly deteriorate okay don't judge me I'm literally just doing this inside my blender because I don't own a bowl that's big enough to fit kombucha both after soaking for a couple days the label should be bushy enough to just scrape off and I also cut off the plastic ring around the top so that it looks a little bit cleaner and now we have the perfect container for propagating plants so in my experience the easiest plants to propagate is Pozos this is like the basic house plant she's very easy to grow she's very low-maintenance and it's also very easy to get her to have babies okay this is a weird metaphor I need to stop calling my plants anyways I here is how you propagate plants take some scissors and two to four new leaves you want to make sure you get a clean amputation don't just like rip the limbs off because that will kind of traumatize the plant and it makes you a Me's less likely to sprout so then I fill up my glass with some water you can also optionally add some plant food or some rooting powder which is supposed to help roots sprout faster but in my experience pothos like even in regular water will start sprouting roots pretty fast so it's totally not a necessity and then you just repeat that process for several months on end until you have a small army of plants to put on your windows [Music] so I know what you're thinking Ashley that can't possibly be enough plants I wanted some hanging plants in this corner because I think it helped to draw the eye upwards and especially in my apartment that has pretty tall ceilings I think it'll help give it like a very lofty jungle vibe I don't know I like plants I want more of them if there's one thing that I have learned through my years of owning plans it is that plant hangers and pots can really [ __ ] add up like the plants themselves are honestly less expensive than the pots and all the decorations so I decided to teach myself to make my own macrame plant hands to make this plant hanger you will need macrame rope cut into eight pieces that are about ten feet long each a gold ring this is optional but you can buy them for like $2 at Joanns and I think it's a nice accent a bit of tape to hold your ring in place while you work and optional but beneficial several years of experience making friendship bracelets in middle school and optional but not beneficial this terrible haircut so first up I'm looping my rope through the ring and pulling down the ends until they're even if you don't have a ring you can just fold the rope in half and tape it down here next cut a couple feet of rope and create a little loop then wrap the long end around as many times as you can thread the end through the loop and then pull the other tail to tighten the loop until it goes inside it's like a little old scarf trim off the ends and now we have a neat little knot next separate your strands into groups of four so we can get to braiding to do a four strand braid you take the rightmost string pass it over the next string then under the string after that then over again repeat that process with the new rightmost string you go over under and over and over and over and over I like to think of it as moving but it's just a super tiny four string scale okay once you've braided a couple feet it's time to secure it with a square knot to do this you take one string and loop it over the middle strings then you take the other string under the middle strings and through the loop sorry why did I say under like that yeah I'm getting into like tutorial Lafley mode then pull it tight then you rinse and repeat just make sure you alternate which strain you start with one podcast and or jam session to Harry Styles new album later you've got yourself four braided strings next to create this netted effect that's gonna hold the pot we're gonna make square knots using two sets of strings from two different rates basically we're making like one big incestuous gameofthrones family tree so I spaced my knots around five inches down from where the braids ended and I knot in each around four times to complete the net you're gonna need to bring the two edge strands together and knot them together so you have this kind of like full circle that will hold the bottom and last week just not all the ends together and gave your tassel a little haircut to use the plant hanger you kind of open one side shimmy the plant in and then pull everything up so I don't sound like I'm telling you how to like put on a condo um you just like pull it up and it looks like this and here is how the finished plant hanger looks [Music] [Music] wonderful idea [Music] hello and welcome to my kitchen home to many a failed cooking experiment and the very occasional successful cooking experiment the first thing we're gonna tackle are these somewhat mediocre countertops we're gonna cover them up with contact paper this is basically like waterproof wallpaper for your countertops I promise there will be some non wallpapering content to later in this video I promise there will be some non wallpapering content non wallpaper in context I thought this giant roll for around $60 in a black marble color so hopefully it's gonna make these granite countertops look a lot more chic and blend in with all of my black appliances now given the fact that I have never applied an iPhone screen protector without getting bubbles I'm not super hopeful about covering my entire [ __ ] countertop seamlessly but we're just gonna start at one corner roll it out and see what we can do alright I'm leaving a little bit of overlap over here so that I can wrap it around the edge of the countertop and hide this like rounded edge so to apply the contact paper I'm peeling back a little bit of the backing at a time to expose the sticky part sticking it down smoothing it out making sure it is all air bubble free before I move on to the next section I found that it really helps to work in small sections because if you unveil like too much of the sticky side and once it gets really overwhelming and it turns into like one giant sticky mess as you would be able to see here had my hair not photobombed of a shot I use an exacto knife to trim around the edges of the sink now I was originally buried that kind of in the splash zone here where water could get onto the contact paper it would slowly like sink under and unstick the contact paper from my counter but by the time I'm editing this video and recording this voiceover I've actually been using it for a lot of months and it has not come unstuck at all so I'm actually very impressed I cut my finger with an exacto knife I'm just gonna wrap it in a pad because I don't have band-aids in my apartment this is probably the best DIY in this entire video now the contact paper was looking a bit wrinkly around this rounded nub of my counter so I blasted it with a hairdryer it's how I got shrinky dink for those of you who like live through the glory days of mm as it heated up it slowly shriveled so the wrinkles look less noticeable so since you have a relatively famous strip of granite to cover I figured to make this process a little bit more really I'm just gonna really a word it's it's less unwieldy is what I'm trying to say I'm gonna probably cut a thin strip of my contact paper so I can smooth it over I'm gonna leave a little bit of extra though so I can trim it off at the end so here I'm just continuing that process doing some more smoothing some more healing more seriously considering just becoming a contact paper ASMR Channel [Music] at least I wouldn't get copyrighted and demonetised every other video then here I kind of [ __ ] up and I accidentally left a gap so I just patched it up with a little contact paper band-aid and now no one except me and two million of you guys will ever know that I messed up for real though I was surprised with how forgiving the contact paper was pretty much every time I messed up I could just patch it over with a little piece of contact paper and it really wasn't that noticeable hello and welcome to the anus of my apartment as you guys can probably tell I am in a bit denial about how much [ __ ] you can reasonably fit at the edge of a sink surprisingly none of my makeup has ever fallen into the toilet but it does pretty regularly just fall off the edges of this thing so the main issue here is really just that I need more storage I got this kind of industrial looking shelf situation as a gift only problem is this lighter wood color doesn't match the dark brown cabinets in the bathroom so here's a quick fix for any wood furniture thrifted or otherwise that you want to change the color ground I started by removing the screws and separating the wood panels from the rest of the shelf then I lightly sanded the wood to remove the smooth layer of varnish on top and to create a rough surface that the new stain could really sink into it's kind of like trying to watercolor a piece of paper versus trying to watercolor a piece of packing tape one is a lot harder than the other I used some canned vegetables to prop up this plank so I could easily access the sides and then rubbed on a dark stain and palm stain is what color's the wood and poly is what gives it that shiny finish normally they're sold separately but this is kind of a two-in-one like a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner except that it actually works and doesn't leave your hair super greasy while I waited for the first coat of stain to dry I installed this pipe near to match the pipe vibe of the shelf which in retrospect was actually completely unnecessary but I warned you guys up front I have a kink for cool mirrors and I really like this one and I also spent an embarrassingly long time trying to assemble this laundry hamper are there like 70 different parts it's a [ __ ] laundry hamper I should definitely be reading the instruction manual but huh [Music] here is the instruction manual huh and by far the best thing about this hamper is this a perfect fit for my door alright now that my shelves are all dry and nice and stained they honestly looked so much classier and nicer than before I'm gonna screw them back onto the shelf and then we can install the show alright I guess this is our last room in the apartment makeover so I'm gonna take a couple weeks to a couple months to put the finishing touches on this place do all the styling shelves plants I don't know finally [ __ ] clean my shower so I'll see you guys then for the apartment tour although I guess I guess for you technically it's not a couple months technically it's coming in three two one hi Architectural Digest welcome to my Los Angeles studio where I live with myself my 51 plants and the voice my head that tells me I'll never be good enough come on oh it's not you're not a real camera person you're just my own hand that I edited in to make it look like somebody was knocking on my door let me let me show you around so right when you walk through the door you enter into this entryway as the name would suggest Ashley believe it or not the word entryway is actually derived from the Latin roots entry and way which means the place where you enter an apartment this apartment tour is off to a great start already I of course have a mirror to check my face before I go out of the apartment to make sure that I'm not like covered in boogers or anything like that and I also have the closet that I didn't turn into a bedroom this one holds most of my clothes and my lighting equipment when I'm not using it and in my never-ending mission to stuff as much clothing into this apartment as possible I hung up some hooks for my most worn purses and I also have some shoes lining hallway over here so in the main living area let's start off with the living room which is the physical embodiment of how I socialize which is to say was a maximum of two people at a time and preferably at least two feet apart bonus points if both people are actually just vintage armchairs and I don't have to talk to them at all literally every single person who comes into this apartment included the plumber for my building makes fun of me for these armchairs because it just makes it so obvious that I don't have a lot of friends I make fun of myself for it a lot but in reality I have come to peace with it and the fact that I just like interacting with like one human at a time or just being by myself so there wasn't a whole lot of point in spending a lot of money on a couch and dedicating a lot of space in the apartment to it and at the end of the day I do like my little armchair buddies I think thank you since the armchairs are so bulky I went with a really minimal table that's just large enough to fit a book a cup of coffee a plate of objects that have absolutely no purpose whatsoever but look kind of especially pleased right next to the living room area are these double doors which normally I keep closed during the day so that I have more of like a clean living room area but during the next time we open them up and it leads to my bedroom you can also enter through this door but I figured that double doors were more dramatic also just like look at how many [ __ ] doors are in this apartment it's absurd anyway yeah [Music] welcome to where the magic happens and by the magic I mean hours of listening to my next-door neighbor have sex through this incredibly thin wall sex noises aside this really has quickly become my favorite room in the apartment I have never had a place that feels so cozy and comforting and like intimate one of my friends described this room is a vintage sex dungeon which is really my entire brand to be honest something feels really nice about being able to close the entire world way and just have a little dreamy space for myself I don't know I spent a lot of nights like looking up at the ceiling and tracing all the wallpaper and it's just a really nice place to get like reflective to relax even though this space is really tiny and it did get like very very sweaty during the summer and I honestly think I lost a good number of brain cells the remaining brain cells that survived me burning a brick pattern into styrofoam and inhaling the fumes for my last apartment makeover I lost some of those overheating in this incredibly badly ventilated corner of the apartment over the summer but then I got some fans going I got some crosswinds I think I was able to salvage at least two of my last few brain cells in this corner which is literally the only floor space I have in this closet slash bedroom that isn't taken up by my bed I added this dresser that I thrifted I love how the gold peach shape of the handles kind of matches with the gold leaf motif a leaf motif dr. Seuss is quaking the leaf motif on the wallpaper now figuring out a lighting setup for this bedroom was a little bit weird because it's a closet in case I haven't mentioned that already so there are no outlets in this room and the only life that I had was this weird little bulb that's screwed into the wall it doesn't even come with a light switch so the only way you can turn it on and off is to unscrew and rescrew in the light bulb every single time you want to use it so my solution was to sell all of my data to a device that listens to me non-stop in my own home in exchange for a minor convenience of being able to turn on this light bulb hey Google turn on my bedroom look at that totally worth all of my privacy basically I installed a Philips hue bulb which you can control over your phone or a smart device in my case and more importantly for me you can also create custom colors on it which is really exciting because I love like setting a mood I love a cool lighting scheme it's been really cool for videos and also as always for sex an unexpected bonus on this bedroom has been the fact that it is the only part of my apartment that you can't see from the street for those of you don't know my apartment like is on ground level so people can just look into my window and see me here it's been nice to have a place where I can have sex without people on the street hearing and seeing me and instead it's just this guy who can hear everything now through the living room this section is pretty much the exact same as you guys saw it last so I really won't waste too much of your time on it this of course is my corner for getting dressed and kicking an egregious number of mirror selfies this is my grandma's sewing corner where I try to repair clothing and not stab myself with too many sewing needles at a time this is my window for admiring my plant children and avoiding eye contact with strangers walking by now in this corner of the apartment on the other side of the window I left it a little bit sparsely decorated I just have this stepladder which I stained a darker brown color to match with the windows granted I did a really messy job of staining it but at this point like I have kind of [ __ ] done spending like 150 hours making over my apartment and this is also where I store my fighting a lot of people ask me like why the hell would I have a bike inside my apartment and it's because I don't have a parking spot and I meet my bike out on the street even if I lock it up like slowly all the parts of my bike will get stolen one by one by people in this neighborhood but anyways what I need to I can move the bike away get this out of the way too and in my Buffa's armchair out of the way I now have this entire blank wall for me to shoot book books and outfit videos on Wii has been really useful because it is like surprisingly hard to be able to find a blank surface that you can fold up out then you can fit a full body [Music] so this is the corner of my apartment where I probably spend the most time although I don't think I've really shown you it so far in this video I did fill myself putting together this part of the apartment but I was a year younger at that point and just trying way too hard to be funny I got this faux kal hydro yes it is faux so vegans don't unsubscribe why was I like that to give you guys the quick version though I painted the edges of this window because I wanted it to match the wood frame in the other room I don't care what Christine from simply me illogical says this is the realest peel born oh my god no hey do you have a window fetish after all I brought in my $1 desk from Goodwill I bought a dark brown leather chair - and I put together this shelf to hold my camera equipment and would you guess it more plans the instructions said two people recommended and I'm is slowly starting to figure out why that is [Music] we're in lady's 40th office I went for a very like old man dark wood type of vibe I wanted my office to look like it was owned by the type of man who would call me oriental you know oh and I was finally able to buy a desktop computer which has been an absolute lifesaver when I'm editing a video that has like 16 hours of footage like this one so yeah overall it's not a bad place to spend most of my time and it is conveniently right next to snacks in the kitchen speaking of ah at last back in the kitchen where I belong so last time you guys saw the kitchen I had just applied the contact paper but I decided to add a couple of finishing touches to make it feel a little bit more homey I have this nice rack where I can you know cook things stab an intruder the choice is yours real talk though somebody keeps knocking on my door at like 3:00 a.m. and they won't go away for like an hour so I legitimately have grab this knife in the middle of the night and just like stood by my own door waiting for them to go away hashtag just girly things you never know when you're gonna die in your own apartment and you're constantly afraid that men are gonna kill you great for some additional storage I added this industrial kitchen rack and I also just like the look of my pots and pans hanging up brenton my pan did look a lot more aesthetically pleasing when I originally bought it but now it is just like completely covered in Burns ooh it's very uh rustic chic let's call it oh one huge perk though of this kitchen is that the refrigerator opens the wrong way I was not kidding about my liquori addiction by the way to end on perhaps the most anti-climactic note of all time here is my bathroom it looks like a bathroom since the last time you saw it I added a couple plans one of which is absolutely surviving living her best life one of which is really struggling this year but so am I so I don't I don't blame her maybe 2020 will be your year buddy and really the creme de la creme of this entire apartment is this sign that I found in a trash pile on my street it says no dumping allowed and yeah I put it in the bathroom because I have the humor of a 12 year old boy thank you so yeah that is my entire apartment at the risk of ending on a bit of a cheesy note I wanted to thank you guys were literally allowing me to pay my rent I've said it before but I'll say it again you guys are the best stripper daddies I could ever ask for ironically hope that I've spent the past 11 months putting together this apartment I decided that I'm moving across the country to New York in like three weeks because I love to suffer no in reality it is time for a change but I've also had a lot of really good memories in this apartment and I'll miss it so thank you guys so much for watching as always and I will see you in my next apartment bye [Music]
Channel: bestdressed
Views: 8,260,508
Rating: 4.9507856 out of 5
Keywords: apartment makeover, ultimate apartment makeover, extreme apartment makeover, los angeles apartment, apartment tour, LA apartment tour, apartment tour 2020, bedroom makeover, the ultimate bedroom makeover, room makeover, extreme bedroom makeover, room makeover on a budget, house tour, home tour, sweet digs, how to wallpaper, houseplant tour, bedroom transformation, apartment transformation, contact paper, kitchen makeover, bathroom makeover, room makeover aesthetic
Id: 7hKTaDncNic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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