EXTREME CLOSET CLEANOUT *marie kondo is quaking*

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[Music] so I have this running joke when people come over to my apartment that I literally live in a gigantic pile of clothes this closet is full of clothing this entire section of my floor is covered in shoes I have this entire clothing rack worth of jackets I have enough sweaters underneath my bed to last me through the next several ice ages I have this chest of drawers in my bedroom full of bras underwear and other bedroom items and yes I have clothes stored inside my desk because I ran out of room everywhere else yes I have a problem yes I have a problem in case that wasn't already clear I have been synote despite what it may look like I actually did not snort chocolate flavored cocaine up one nostril I just did a really bad job of lending my nose contour I'm so sorry it's gonna be gone in the next clip I know it looks ridiculous right now anyways I have been itching to make a closet clean out video for a while now this is such a first world problem but when I come back to my apartment like it's almost suffocating because I'll pretty much always have clothes on the floor clothes that I need to fold clothes that I need to wash clothes that I need to put back in their space in the closet clothes that I need to hang up so today I am going to do a big-ass closet coin out I've done closet clean out videos before but it's kind of just like a light let me get rid of a couple of the pieces that I don't really wear anymore but this time I really want to pair down my wardrobe to only stuff that I am excited to wear this is gonna be hard for me because I do get really emotionally attached to my clothing and it kind of reminds me of like past versions of myself if that makes sense but I honestly think that it is time for a change I want to be able to open my wardrobe and just love everything that's inside it be able to really easily put together an outfit and get on with my day maybe I'm just going through like a weird and minimalist quarter life crisis I don't know I'm so excited to get rid of a bunch of my stuff pass it on to a better home sell it invest that money in my retirement fund and yeah let's get started so my normal closet clean-out strategy in the past has been to just flip through my clothing and pick out the stuff that I want to get rid of but knowing brain and it's laziness I feel like that method makes the default keeping clothing so when I'm on the fence about a piece of clothing I'm gonna end up leaving it in my closet because it's already there so I might as well so in order to like reverse-psychology myself I am gonna take out every single piece of clothing from my wardrobe I'm gonna put it over there on a clothing rack and then I'm only going to bring back the pieces that I actually want to keep and so the process of getting naked in front of a very large ground floor window and trying on all my clothing began here's the criteria I came up with for whether I should keep something number one do I wear it often not just like do I wear it a couple times a year would I miss it if it went missing from my closet or what I probably fail to notice at all okay I am so conflicted because on one hand this is the most gorgeous piece of clothing I have ever thrifted I've been saving this dress for one day when I get nominated for an Oscar or I go to the Met Gala like this is it this is it I feel like Katniss and The Hunger Games like I could just do this all day it's so pretty basically I'm trying to calculate how many years it's gonna be until I win my Oscar to see whether it's worth keeping in my closet because on a day-to-day basis I have no reason to wear this I think I should probably sell it I don't think I'm gonna win an Oscar everything like the next 10 years huh number two does it fit me well without any caveats like I can't have eaten lunch before I try to squeeze into it it just needs to fit my body as it normally is do you ever going to talk that you want it to fit you so bad but it just doesn't fit that's this tall for me it is so cute it has this little tie detail in the front but my ribcage is too damn big for this top and I keep convincing myself like oh maybe one day my ribcage will shrink and suddenly this top will fit and it'll be amazing but yeah my ribcage is going nowhere or if it doesn't fit well could I easily fix it with a sewing machine and if so then it's gonna go in my alter pile these are my bougie booty redone jeans but I think they just need to be altered a tiny bit like I gotta take in the waist maybe half an inch and then crop the bottoms a little bit more number three is it a fabric that feels comfortable and high-quality you know like when you're just surrounded by a good quality denim or a good quality leather and you feel like good seit Oh No maybe I'm just under it for fabric it might sound like being picky but I find that if it's an uncomfortable fabric I will always find an excuse not to wear it number four doesn't make me feel like myself as I grow up I'm trying to transition a little bit away from the like quirky colorful trendy Urban Outfitters girl that I think I've fallen into a little bit why did I buy so much animal print and elevate my style into something that feels more unique a little bit more grown-up and vintage and I'm really excited about that so to help that process I only want to keep pieces that I really feel like aligned with my new sense of style and number five the good old Murray condos does it spark joy doesn't make me happy to look at and am I genuinely excited to wear it these corporate hands are like my favorite of all time there's no way I'm getting rid of these how can you not feel sexy in these they're amazing if it's not a definitive yes to all five of those criteria it's going in myself / donate pile this is my pile of stuff to keep this is my pile of stuff say goodbye to I do realize the irony that I'm somebody who talks about sustainability yet I own so much clothing and I'm gonna be getting rid of a lot of it but at the same time I have totally felt like I need to keep up with trends and that also I just could never have too much clothing that's what I thought for a really long time and I'm finally getting to the point where I realize that I don't need more clothing and I'm trying to dissociate from the mentality that advertising really enforces on all of us which is that you constantly need more stuff I'm so sorry if I came across as a hypocrite that's the last thing that I want but I thought I'd just be honest and show you guys like this is this is my problem too this is how much [ __ ] that I own also this is gonna sound incredibly obnoxious and hard to relate to but now I get a lot of PR so companies are sending me free clothing and it feels really hard to say no to because first of all I love fashion I love clothing and second of all I still have that like free shampoo and a hotel room type of mentality where if something is free I want to go and collect it because it's [ __ ] free and that's exciting but as I'm doing this job for longer I realize that it's my responsibility to say no to this clothing if it's not thing that I'm going to wear for years and years because that clothing could otherwise go to somebody else or those resources could be allocated somewhere else it's this weird tug between my fashionista materialistic brain and this like environmentally conscious minimalist brain and I don't know how to reconcile the two but I'm really trying yeah sorry I'm not I'm not great at this I'm not perfect at all I'm working on it thanks for coming along with the journey you know what else I've noticed is that I have this tendency to obsess over things when I'm online or in-store and before I buy something I envision myself wearing it in all of these amazing scenarios like I'm gonna wear this on dates I'm gonna wear this in Europe I'm gonna wear this on a romantic night out and then I get the piece of clothing and I feel like all that magic disappears I think it's some weird product of advertising where when it's a piece of clothing I don't own I project this fantasy life onto the object but then once I own it it's like part of my life and suddenly the piece of clothing isn't that amazing to me anymore again that's something I'm trying to dissect and recognize in my own head so that I stop buying things that I don't actually need now the hard part to tackle is gonna be this weird pile of t-shirts that I have at the bottom of my closet basically I ran out of room to hang stuff up in my closet and I don't have like a dresser set of drawers to store t-shirts like normal people so I just have piles and piles of tops at the bottom of my wardrobe which is objectively just an awful way to store clothing to push you guys back a little bit this is one of my favourite t-shirts of all time I'm never letting this baby go this is my one classic white t-shirt and I wear this shirt I kid you not every single week which is amazing I want that to be like all of my clothing something that I actually reach for on a daily basis these t-shirts are from the Naval Academy I spent a week there the summer of my junior year of high school because I legitimately thought that I wanted to enroll in the Navy at some point in my life which is so absurd knowing me now but I'm trying not to keep stuff that's too sentimental but I am gonna keep this red one a company sent this one to me and I thought it was so cute hot new me coming soon I've been meaning to wear this shirt for a while but I'm just like not enough of an e girl to pull this off I own like four very similar off-white graphic t-shirts that I thrifted and I've been hanging on to all of them because I'm just so proud when I throw something that's that's really cool like this t-shirt but at the same time I think just owning one of my favorite vintage graphic t-shirts is gonna be enough for me because honestly I don't wear a t-shirt and jeans that often anyway and when I do I always end up reaching for my favorite shirt which is this one this was like my first Urban Outfitters shirt that I ever bought myself and it says coca-cola and Japanese which is just capitalism at its finest I literally paid thirty five dollars for a t-shirt to advertise coca-cola [Music] this puppy cute with this outfit actually that's cute the question is whether I can wear it with a bunch of different outfits I feel like I'm getting back into my default mentality of if I could wear it I should keep it but I'm gonna stick to this Marie Kondo thing of of does it spark joy do I love it if I don't love it I'm gonna get rid of it good job Ashley at this point I realize it's may be getting a little bit tedious and a lot of bit obnoxious to essentially hear me complain about how many nice clothes I own and go through each piece individually so here is a speed round of sorting to the wondrous tune of sun-eater know what gets don't be funny thing about giving I got the trees blowing in the wind with the clouds blowing over sin I have two nearly identical from denim jackets are you [ __ ] kidding me why do I go in so many jackets tell me how it is I think you wanna stick at me possibly five ways Dan the tape myself is still thinking you can still eat before you thinking flawed as I bet they're gonna sing it but it has a rainy days you strive to deal without at energy if my shoes had to pay rent for the amount of floor space that they're taking up I think it would honestly be like $150 a month here in LA okay so I'm just gonna try to go through this as objectively as possible and just get rid of the shoes that I haven't worn in the past few months maybe we're gonna give them too much these are the same high tops that I own since my freshman year of college so if three years ago I got these and they're still they're still going steady this shoe is super cute but sometime in the past couple months I lost the other side I have no idea either how somebody manages to lose only one side of a shoe in her own apartment hello and welcome to my underwear cabinet the part of my wardrobe you've all been waiting for so I think like most women I own about 15 different bras but I only ever wear two of them we've got strapless bras we've got Lacey bras we've got these things that always fall off my nipples and yes I am storing my pasties on a ziplock plastic bag because I lost the original plastic vacuum tuba maybe that's part of the problem actually I'm not sure if that's the best way to preserve the adhesive so let's see oh that's a bodysuit this is one of those like lingerie things that you buy and you think you're gonna wear all the time and then you never actually do it only kind of hot though just saying okay you know what this one's going back I went to my phase where I was really into lingerie but there is only a certain number of sexy bras that you need like frankly I am not having sex enough that I need a sexy bra for every day of the week I need a sexy bra for like one and a half days of the week at most and the bonus of being single is that if you're sleeping with different guys you can rewear the same sexy bra for all of them and they'll never [ __ ] know that's really efficiency at its finest ladies what [ __ ] top can I wear this with oh my goodness this is an artifact this was like the first training bra that I got from Target when I was I don't know when my boobs came in I think I might have been 14 at that point my boobs were definitely small enough that I didn't really need a real bra but I just knew at that time that my friends had transitioned from wearing Aeropostale candies to wearing real bras so I whined 1 2 I remembered reading in some trashy online article that if you sleep without a bra your boobs are gonna sag sooner because they need to like be supported all the time so for like 5 years I wore an underwire bra to bed every single night anyways it is time for me to get rid of this sad little flaccid torture device alright underwear this is gonna be a fun one for all of our I was gonna say our resident pedophiles I guess I'm old enough that I can't call creepy men pedophiles anymore so for our resident creepy men welcome hello thank you for the adsense money I do very much appreciate it if you wanted then no me just a random amount of dollars in exchange for no nudity whatsoever it's gonna be linked down below I have neither the time nor the commitment to fold my underwear into little packets like Marie Kondo suggests in her book but what I'm gonna try to do is like a continuum of sexy to period underwear so all of my like sexy thongs are gonna be on this side and all of my comfortable blood-stained grandma panties are gonna be on this side now it's time for socks I was actually able to consolidate my socks into one drawer instead of two so I ended up with this empty one at the bottom alright and that brings us to our final boss the desk drawer full of my pajamas and objectively too much athleisure for somebody who hasn't worked out in the past six months and frankly has no plans to get started anytime soon this is the beloved periodic table shirt if you guys have watched my videos for a long time you know this is my like lumpley outfit basically my mom is a chemistry PhD so I borrowed this t-shirt from her when I was a kid I never named it back but I loved it literally to death because there's this gentle with the armpit I don't have that much stuff from my childhood in fact I disappoint the one thing that I still have from when I was a kid so I think I'm gonna keep it I just need to find out a way to repair this like black hole of an armpit hole I managed to narrow down my comfy clothes to just two pajama t-shirts two leggings and too comfy shorts and fit them in the last door of my bedroom dresser that was empty from earlier leaving my desk were open for actual desk related things that is a wrap so here's a final roundup of the clothes I decided to sell this ended up being around 100 pieces or half of my wardrobe I'm gonna do a whole video next week on the behind the scenes of how I took photos and listed and shipped my clothes so stay tuned for that in the meantime I had a couple baskets to donate because the clothes were either too small for me to model and sell them or they just weren't in good enough condition to sell and lastly I discarded my used socks and underwear because frankly nobody wants those unless of course you're that one creepy dude who emailed me last year asking me to sell my used underwear to him but let's not think about that one shall we anyway here is my finished closet I'm honestly so happy with it I think that I kept the perfect amount of clothes for kind of the space limitations of my current living situation but I also feel like I didn't over purge either and I still have plenty of clothes to make a bunch of different outfits for my job which is YouTube obviously putting away my clothes and picking out an outfit in the morning has become so much less time-consuming too because I just freaking love every piece that I kept I still have some sweaters and jackets on my clothing rack in the living room but underneath my bed is so much clearer and my shoes now only take up like $70 worth of rent on my floor every month so at this point my closet has been cleaned out for around a week and a half and at the risk of been really cheesy Italy has been life-changing I sound like an HD TV show but seriously I did not realize until all of my clothes that all of those shipping packets were out of my apartment how good it felt to have my own space that was organized that was clear that was only full of stuff that I liked that finally was not buried in a gigantic pile of clothes I am just like excited to be in my own home which is a good feeling also I wanted to note that I think for a lot of people especially like on social media the closet clear out can kind of be a feel-good shell for what is essentially throwing out old clothes and then making an excuse to buy newer trendier clothes that is not my intention at all I'm not gonna like go on a big shopping spree to replenish my wardrobe or anything if anything this closet clear out has finally taught me how much work it takes to get rid of stuff that you accumulate and that even when clothing is cheap or free it does come at a cost not only environmentally but also in terms of space in my home and space in my head and time in my life trying to cleaned up and put it in my closet and if I buy anything new it has to be something that I really really [ __ ] love because otherwise it's not making its way into this wardrobe that is all I have for you guys for today thank you so much for watching as always and I'll see you guys next week bye you
Channel: bestdressed
Views: 3,720,890
Rating: 4.9791908 out of 5
Keywords: extreme closet cleanout, closet cleanout, closet clean out, closet cleaning, organizing my closet, cleaning my room, organizing my room, closet organization, marie kondo, closet organization for small clothes, closet declutter, declutter, closet clean out 2019, closet clean out try on, trying on everything in my closet, trying on all my clothes, closet clean out and organization, closet clean out minimalism, closet cleaning time lapse, konmari method, closet purge
Id: 0nFRKNt0-WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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