Painting a GIANT Bunny?!

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[Music] hey it's me so I'm going to start off this video by admitting a failure I have a confession a deep dark confession oh gosh last year I did a video decorating eggs and it was kind of like my Easter themed video I did it around Easter I also said that I would do it again this Easter and some of you remember remembered that and started reminding me you got to do the Easter thing again you said that you would don't let us down I saw the reminders I I did I said to myself oh they remembered great you know what I'm not going to do that but they're going to be fine because I have an alternate idea for an Easter video this year so I'm still going to do an Easter video and I feel like this is even better than the eggs maybe next year I'll do the eggs they're going to be so happy about what I'm going to do this Easter they're not even going to care they're going to forget about the eggs Easter is over okay no Easter video no eggs no fun special Easter surprise things did not go according to plan the problem is what was the problem Oh blob Universe originally I was going to do the video that I'm doing today which is Loosely Easter themed I was going to do this before the start of my blob Universe series but y'all were stressing me out I was getting threats like every video like you need to go back to blob universe or else I don't really know what what or else means I think it's mostly a joke but still it was stressing me out we need to move the blob Universe videos sooner cuz some people are losing their minds out here those ended up taking me so long I didn't have time to film and edit my Easter video in time for Easter and so it just here I sit doing an Easter video several weeks after Easter I'm not proud of it that's an explanation that nobody asked for relevant information for today I am still going to do the video that I wanted to do for Easter it's really not that specifically Easter themed so I still feel like I can do it if you watch my unboxing videos you may remember the one where somebody sent me giant papier-mâché bunnies are they ringing any bells I wasn't sure what I was going to do with these they're honestly just massive also I I'm not I'm not super inspired by them they don't have like that round cutesiness that I usually gravitate toward clearly these are Easter decorations okay he's holding a basket of Easter eggs we are going to change that their identities as these folksy Easter Bunny no longer because these are so massive I am going to start with one of them if we really love how this turns out and it goes according to plan I'll come back for you I have more of a Clear Vision for her than him which means I just panicked that I broke him did I break you I'm so sorry he's okay just go put him on the other side of the room no no no no no no right she is adorable I don't want to insult you I think you're great but you're not good enough I want to change the shape quite drastically I think the only way to do this is to sculpt onto it the thing is she is very large and she's also very lightweight like I don't know how to demonstrate how light she is but very light I can't really use my very heavy air dry clay that I normally use on her she'll just be tipping all kinds of ways boom does anyone recognize this bucket recently I did an art things to do in your board video and I talked about how I bought this whole bucket of air dry clay discovered that it doesn't hold detail very well and it just doesn't hold its shape well enough for me to use for most of my projects so I came up with this weird idea to like use all of it up and get rid of it a couple weeks after I do that I realized I need some really lightweight clay to sculpt onto this massive Bunny and I need a lot of it perfect wait a second I used up most of that on that stupid clay painting thing so I had to buy another bucket I went from trying to get rid of this stuff to buying more of it why is this bucket exploding oh goodness gracious there's like a whole corner of it that's dried out this stuff is really the worst you better be worth it my plan is to use these buckets a very fluffy lightweight clay to sculpt onto her I'm so excited about this idea I hope I don't regret it she reminds me of someone the shape of her dress the way that she has her hands her regality the donut Queen the donut Queen is a squishy that I painted a long time ago at this point I actually turned myself into the donut Queen one time I love this character however she usually gets left out of different projects that I do simply because she's the only human character that I've made that I actually like she just looks kind of odd being the only human so it's actually on my art ideal list to convert the dut Queen design into an animal design so that's what I'm going to be doing today in order to make this happen this is going to need a lot of sculpting on top of and I'm kind of nervous about it no time like the present I'm standing let me just get started on the sculpting this is all the clay I have left you literally can't see that this is all the clay I have left after using most of it on that wonderful little canvas oh this stuff is such an experience the goo is just legendary it's really fun to play with though she's wearing this kind of like Pilgrim style dress we need her to be a queen we're going from peasant to royalty quite a leap for her I want to smooth out the bottom of her apron to just make it one big ball gown this stuff is so difficult to work with just smooth out the bottom make it like the apron never happened now whoever sent this to me did do some things to it I definitely see white paint drips there's also pencil lines sketched on somebody had a plan for her and um that got abandoned this Clay is so hard to smooth out these edges are rough rough rough rough rough rough the edges of it just do not want to smooth out completely it's going to look a little lumpy forgive me I feel like a lot of dut Queen's appeal is actually in her hair that gradient of color in her hair but this bunny doesn't have hair and I'm not putting hair on a bunny I have to figure out how to bring this into this design without making it a part of the hair all right I've literally spent like 20 minutes smoothing this out or trying to but as you can see I've smoothed out her dress so that it looks more like a ball gown shape I do wish that it were like flared out more for a big ball gown but that's going to take so much clay I just don't know if I want to put that much Clay on this next I'm going to work on her sleeves donut Queen is wearing like little puff sleeve things currently she has long sleeves on so I'm going to smooth out the sleeve and then make a puff on top of it she's going to have some real thick arms how big of a puff do we want that's cute water helps a little bit but it also makes the clay pretty slimy I'm doing it for you girl actually it's for her but you will be her we got a nice little puff sleeve there I just got to smooth out her hand to make it look like there's no sleeve leave there okay there we go as I was doing this I realized my plan in my confused little Noggin was to take a donut this one and have her holding it what I didn't think about is that this big fat bouquet is in the way it's not going to lay on there what do I do can I cut this off I think this is like paper mâché I should be able to oh gosh H hello hello do we have a small saw I could handle without harming myself what did you bring me got a couple of options I don't know if they're exactly oh my gosh why are they so dirty what is this e okay so this is what I have to cut why are you looking at me like that what about sandpaper sandpaper to take this whole thing off oh take the whole ball yeah I want to remove this whole thing why is it funny I would try the the drywall off this one no no no I can't do this why do you need the lump removed because I need to turn her into the dut Queen and she needs to be holding a donut but the donut won't go on there unless I remove the lump do you have any squishy hands what this what is this what is this for cutting Jello-O I believe metal it's not metal okay there we go Bo how are you going to fill the H wait a second do you say of that yeah it's going to be a gaping hole what a mess and all the crumbs are sticking to the clay I've done it I need to clean up all this dust definitely would have been better to do this first mistakes have been made now I get to deal with this issue Jordan suggested patching the hole with tape I actually like that idea oh [Music] all right let's see just patch over that nice and easy there we go sweetie you're okay now I'm going to take the dut and just put it on there this might actually work I'm going to cover this with some clay so it's not so atrocious to secure this in place I think I'm going to use hot glue spread this all over there I have only the head left the shapes are pretty pointy and just not like that rounded cutesiness that I usually go for that was stupid I am going to attempt to just round out the shape of the face a little bit I've spent another 20 30 minutes smoothing out that section and it's not smooth I think we're just going to have to accept that lumpiness is a part of her where is her neck the paint job is going to to determine how good this looks this could go really wrong the last thing I need to create is the top headdress thing she's got a crown which I completely forgot about I'm going to have to try to sculpt it and the dut on top I have so many squishy Donuts I just wanted to use one of these I'm trying to save myself some sculpting I'm going to cut this dut see if that'll fit is that working you know I think that's kind of working oh I cool down my hot glue gun dang it I'm going to let my gone heat up in the meantime I'll start sculpting this stupid Crown fortunately her crown is really simplistic I'm going to keep it that way something like that I mean that's kind of cute it's kind of sad that you can't see her bunny ears from the front you can't even really tell that she's a bunny she's not a bunny she is a bunny she's not a bunny this smells about ready so I'm going to just secure this dut on I think the sculpting is actually complete oh my gosh it's so messy I'm hoping the paint job we kind of cover that up at this point I do have to wait for the clay to dry and this clay takes an obnoxiously long time to dry so I'm going to have to leave this for several days and come back to it to do the painting and I'm so scared I've done what I can do for now hey I'm back it has been a few days she's still alive fun fact I actually had to visit her in the night well I didn't have to but I did occasionally after the babies go to bed I just pop in here and check on what's Happening you know just see when I checked on this in the middle of the night I was pleasantly surprised to find that a lot of the little lumps had smoothed out I mean don't get me wrong the lumpiness is still there it's just taken down a notch it had also completely shrunk all of the work that I did on the dress was basically undone I frantically slathered on a whole other layer of very thick Clay on top of her dress and it looks like that has done the trick I'm actually relatively happy the only thing that I hate about it is the ears I feel like it would be so much cuter if you could just it's kind of like species surprise you know oh what is that a weird looking person no it's a bunny spes surprise today I am going to focus on the painting of this I am wearing painting clothes I'm ready I have selected colors reminiscent of the original dut Queen I also did a little sketchy sketch on my iPad of how I want her to look and it is scary the sketch is scary I guess it's time it's time ow I'm just going to start in with a nice coat of white and this is going to be really really boring we're just going to speed through this not me I wish I had the power to speed paint in reality I'm going to be painting at the same rate that I always do but uh you're going to speed through this okay her dress is white and wasn't that magical and spectacular I'm going to keep the little pink ombre that's on the original dut Queen so this appears to be the right color paint on that pink the pink border around the bottom of the dress that involved blending it all out which took some time but here we go little omness I'm going to move on I did use squishies on here technically to preserve squish ability I should use fabric paint on them but I'm using acrylic and this is going to hurt me a little bit but I really do not want to worry about having to match an acrylic color with a fabric paint color and so I'm going to use the same paint for for the whole thing I did use squishies but they're not really too squish there now I'm done now I'm not going to squish them anymore just like for her I did her skin color and the doughnut color the same bunny dut Queen is going to have the same fur color and donut color so I'm going to do all of that okay got her nice dut SL fur color so I'm just going to start filling in the base layer of everything her little puff sleeves are in the same Pink as the bottom of her dress the original dut Queen's dress is actually completely white but I think for her I'm going to do some of her hair colors in the top of her dress as well so it's going to be slightly different but it'll have the same Vibe so there was a lot of blending to do many many touchups many painting in little crevices my favorite crevices but I cleaned it up I added the gold accents to it boom here she is and yes I am in a different outfit it's the next day this is day three I need to finish this today but I'm like bothered by so many things and I'm trying to let them go oh i' never touch that up so many lumps and I don't know which side to be on you're just in my way all the time she has a present that's for sure I don't know her chest looks kind of weird because it's still like poked out why is the dut like that really all that's left to do is start filling in the details she's got sprinkles all over her dress so I'm just going to put those [Music] on sprinkles are done I think I need to just focus on this dut this is my last bit of white paint hopefully this is enough to do what I need to do here well that's getting a little bit cuter all I have is a doughnut decoration in the face I am going to go ahead and do those feel like a makeup artist really bad one you okay that is driving me crazy can you stop oh also her ears I think I want to do some little inner ears yes I just licked her boom sprinkles I got to do this face now I'm going to need a pencil ow hello sweetie what does your face look like Queen's got a little bit of a smile to her a Regal smile that's my Regal smile I was born to be royal a hint of Joy but not too much being Queen is a lot of responsibility she looks weird oh no I'm just going to go for it all right I need to just draw this face you know what I don't like the smile I think she needs to be serious take this seriously it's not a joke that is royalty if I've ever seen it I a little toughed of fur sketched out on her forehead sometimes I add that and then people say that it looks like a unibrow it's not a unibrow though it's just like supposed to be like a little fur it's on the forehead it's not in between the eyebrows I don't see unibrow there we go sweetie are you okay are you sad it looks like the weight of the world is on your shoulders wait I did that on purpose come here you got something on your face the last thing that I need to do is the drizzle on her dut all righty all of her donut Queen colors are present on the drizzle she lives it is dut Queen queen of donuts she is a bunny now I feel like I just now finished this usually I have time to process before commenting I don't really know what I think about it yet I think I like it I think I think there's a lot of things that are wrong with it but I also think that I could probably dedicate 6 months of my life just touching up all the little crevices in this I think that I don't want to do that I think she's done I think I should stop saying I think the biggest thing that bothers me about this is the shape of the chest honestly I don't know that I could have really improved it given what I had to work with it doesn't really look like she's holding that donut like kind of looks like it's just floating there it's all a little bit wonky I am happy with the overall Vibe of this I will definitely bring bunny donut Queen back in Future projects and she might look even better when I bring her back cuz I'm going to fix a few things I spent three long days on this girl we got really close and bonded during that time but also I kind of hate you thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 1,825,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PxqRa90e0zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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