Paint with me - oil sketches \\ Jim Reno

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[Music] [Music] with me let's start writing our history [Applause] everybody and welcome back to my channel welcome to another paper with me first of all I wanted to apologize for my voice I think I'm getting sick so just in case a little bit of raspy it's also like 8:00 in the morning so yeah anyways I'm just so happy to be back with another painting video I feel like I haven't done one in a long time I think it's because I was traveling not to Japan and then I went to Vegas right away so it took me a little bit to get track the things for sure and as I mentioned always in my videos the hard part of painting like the hardest part to me is starting like what I'm doing we're now just cleaning the pallet cleaning the brushes opening up the sketchbook or getting the panel yeah that's definitely hard part once you've done it you're chilling like at least to me also be careful with the palette knife because I cut myself and it hurts really bad but yeah so this time I just wanted to like do some sketches nothing really fancy you saw me previously putting my gesso which is a primer into my sketchbook honestly after this video that might be the worst gesso that I've ever tried it wasn't even like absorbing the oil it was rejecting it and I ended up hating the sketch that I did you will see later on it was like a hand sketch but yeah I was like what the hell Blake it was so bad I mean it was a cheap who's kisser but oh well so while that was drawing I decided to do this I sketch I've already done was one of these in the past and sold it out of my store as an original and I think it's pretty cool that I can just sell originals at like a somewhat reasonable price that's why I love this kind of format and I just love sketching guys the reason why I haven't many consists in with a store it's basically because it just honestly it takes a lot of in Word and I love love sending prints like I was the fact that you guys like them and buy them and put them in your house and yourselves I think that is awesome the problem is that I feel like I was doing the job of like five of the people because I was obviously doing the hard work and then printing it and then packing and shipping and then dealing with like the customers and if everything went wrong it would also be me so it was a lot of time and I don't know it was a little bit stressful and sometimes it gave me anxiety because I want things to be perfect for you guys I don't want you to deal with like delays or anything and sometimes I would get to my emails really late but it was just selling to work so I was thinking it but this time maybe hiring someone or asking someone to help me to find them and ship them because I think that will be awesome I would really appreciate it oh but yeah so this one is gonna be up on my store and as an original of course I have elder Prince maybe I do but it's just so small that I feel like I can do more of these and you guys can have more originals but yeah also a little rants here about USPS which is the shipping company it's the government one I guess it's like in Spain which isn't called couriers but anyway so USPS oh my gosh I'm so mad at it because they always mess it up somehow I so many times it has happened and that my actual like the print has come back or I don't know it's just so bad but it's the cheapest one because I remember asking USPS how much they would charge me for yeah just like a document envelop and they said between like sixty and a hundred dollars and I was like what it's if they don't look like what the hell so yeah in the meantime I'm gonna be using USPS for now but I really hope in the future I will use like a different company that is much better and it would like a tracking number what you think is really important and so here I'm just adding some little stars I really really like the combo of yellow and blue it was complimenting the eye color a lot much better but yeah also I feel like I'm very rusty in this video like oil painting wise I'm sorry about that but I still hope you guys enjoy yeah I feel like when you like we stop I don't know stop driving for like some months I guess and then you pick up the corn you're like oh I haven't practiced in a long time but yeah also I still need to mourn --is-- but yes moving on to my other sketch here I was struggling so much but I decided to just live on the video so you can also learn from my mistakes because not everything ends up being I guess a good visually or beautiful like I like I said I was struggling a lot with blending the colors and also I don't want to use the guest as an excuse I was also struggling with actual like the hands you know that the structure and everything and the lighting oh boy but I went back and forth and I tried to make it as as proportional and as good as as I could [Music] you are my favorite shade of a flower my favorite stones [Music] and so I decided to start another one this time in a panel which is where I usually paint it's a wooden board with already primed in with better primer obviously and like I said because I was little rusty I'm doing quote-unquote like easy sketches and oil that will allow me to get back on practice and that would also enjoy so what I decided to paint I thought it was like very beautiful and still I struggled I juggled because the bag it's like a very flat surface and there's not a lot going on so I was like how can I make this interesting how can I make this more 3d like and more fleshy like but yeah I I under the process a lot as you can see the panel that I'm using is my usual palette which is very warm very pink and the pink side I would say that's why I decided to complement it at the end with some bluish color as you can see right here [Music] so before I finish the video I want to say a huge thank you to our sponsor today which is the kill chair this is my second time doing a video with them so thank you so much Africa reading with me so you guys don't know what skill sure is it's basically an online learning community for creators with more than like 25,000 classes and yeah I guess whether you want just fuel your curiosity your creativity yeah that's why you're watching this video series just perfect because there's like tons of different classes the ones that I chose or these two illustrators I follow one of them on Instagram and I think she's pretty funny she makes her own comic books yeah and if you get like prima memberships you can get a limited access so you can join the classes that I just like right for you Skeletor is also giving away a free two month limited access trial tomorrow subscribers with a link in the description box so coach that out and after those two months when you have already played with Skillshare it's only ten dollars a month but you can cancel anytime so yeah I think it's somewhere two skills here thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoy it and yeah I'll see you guys very soon bye [Music]
Channel: Jimena Reno
Views: 902,278
Rating: 4.9863129 out of 5
Keywords: paint with me, jim reno, renosaurio painting, oil painting, sketches, oil sketch, gesso, gambling, how to oil painting, hand sketch, eye study, back study
Id: O8alj6Qa2ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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