i painted a surrealist self-portrait

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welcome back homies today we're going to be painting my space also known as a self-portrait this idea came to me two months ago it started in a matter of steps and I'm going to show you that now first there was a vision in my head and then I took that vision to a piece of paper like this and I drew this little face face and there's like water in the face and then I did a little thumbnail as we have here a little more detail a little bit more effort than can you see it there it is and then I made this you see that and then today I went to the very complicated maze that only I believe people with an IQ of Albert Einstein can understand how to figure out is Photoshop does that make sense well you know what I mean here's it and I put some grids on it my attempt to do math let's hope it it works sometimes I think I'm right with math and I'm really not right but I think I'm right and it feels all right but it's not right all righty game plan first we're going to be painting this as a white acrylic so it's nice and smooth and not rough and so that I can draw draw draw all the fine details to my pleasure and then we're going to put graphs the lines the graph the math stuff and then we're gonna do the under painting with acrylics because those dry fast and then we're going to go in with oil like a real artist shoot now that if you use acrylic you're not really when I say paint with me my face self portrait abstract quite a hunk a hunk of a chunk of paint here I'm just gonna slather lather massage it in there oh this was way too much because it's oh wow why just making nice I know I know I do not approve all right hmm all right he's like mm-hmm all righty so I painted it white and it's just occurred to me that I would like to sleep so we're gonna resume this tomorrow I'm gonna go to bed because it's 9:00 and usually I would go to bed at 12 but I'm trying to become a better person because 20 and go to bed whoa look at my self-control realizing I need to sleep so I'm going to sleep yes see you tomorrow hello it's me a day later actually that's lied to me a lot of days later nothing has changed has been sitting here waiting for you so we're gonna do the grids and then we're gonna start painting hoorah hello it is me my math skills have come to use even though I learned these math skills in the fifth grade but they are still useful now I'm gonna sketch out my face if you would cut someone's head in half which you wouldn't but if you would if they had a bun you can't really like cut their bun in half that wouldn't really work cuz then you would cut their hair and then it would just be this weird oh there's two options here I could make it like the cut the hair was cut or I could just have my hair be down I think the cut hair could be an interesting thing see you in a little second hello why do I always do this hmm I like it okay so I did it let's get a little assuming yeah this looks okay this looks on point I want this to have a Vincent van Gogh color theme but also like Frida Kahlo self-portrait so here's a portrait of Vincent van Gogh's okay just looked up on the interwebs we're actually starting this thing guys we're actually starting it out we're we're doing it this way did you see that okay I'm gonna clean that up and we'll resume this all right hello welcome back I cleaned up the mess that I made because I sort of the oh sorry this just felt for you there's no problem till I don't even know what I'm saying anymore what was I saying I don't know but I think this is a white and I don't know where the cat went and it's been sitting there for like a week oh yes so soon here is a paintbrush I need to like slouch because this is what is happening why is every move on your part I haven't even gotten paint on the canvas okay you move this up because it's not good for my posture no sorry I want to have a nice straight back I'm 78 years old you know I'm expecting plenty of people to click off of this because I haven't even gotten paint on the canvas yet and so it's like Bob Leavy why are you so slow but it's a process and we are all here for the process well I am you don't have to be do what you want you can skip ahead go ahead do it the rest of us are here for the process your decision great looks so official nice orange I don't know what I'm doing and the same stuff and thinking that the results would be what I want but I don't know what I want I like the paint figure that out let my mistakes make the art boom see this is beautiful see that satisfied mm-hmm it's like a corn maze corn maze now what are those like roll thingies that you see on the farm land hey they're like hey rolls you know I'm saying I'm mixing mixing you know this is might be one of the longer videos I'm going to ever upload because normally I just like cut out all this talking that I do for no reason but this time I think I'm gonna keep it in the process as I've said before no no okay I need to get new teeth just take those out very good what do what I have I need a breath okay we have this burnt sienna a little dollop I just want to know so crazy you know it's fun like dull so I'm gonna put a little bit oh yeah wouldn't even see it and it made a difference this is not interesting what am i doing baba nyonya you are so stop it you were interesting oh yeah it's perfect you see this color you see this color yes weird green I think this just straight out of the bottle is perfect let's shake it up alrighty let's do a little zoomy on our little palette here it is now I'm really serious and we really really are starting this we're gonna start with the eyeball well I'm just gonna really slouch I don't have to slouch I can just make the easel higher genius oh yes good are we happy or are we happy we're just gonna go in with like darker colors I don't know exactly what steps to take but I know at some point we will get there because the universe is on my side I am wearing this come on like ooh Harry I'm it is my painting outfit and that is that do not judge I don't know why I wanted to say that I just needed to we're gonna take a step back the thing is is I like this and actually looks like a face so success but it's a little dark I want it brighter more like these orange and yellow tone might be starting from square one I wanna start with this side and trying to get it home and then try to replicate that on that side hi um I didn't really expect to go this far with the acrylic which I think we all knew was happening so I think we're just not going to paint with oil it's looking a lot more van Gogh II then I was expecting does this even look like me no but it's a face that's that's good this has improved so much before it was like this gross mushy mush this side is lighter and this side is darker but right now they kind of look like they have the same amount of light and shadows so we need to make it will meet but we need to make it obvious that this is the light side and this is the dark side okay kind of looking like a mess right now I'm not it kind of always look like this so that doesn't mean anything what's the plans plan so do the lips and then we'll dip it background good idea I'm a genius okay Libby's head is that the right choice I think so oh never mind we're just gonna make it I guess like the rest should be zooming I don't think you can see what I'm doing zoom using on the Libby's I kind of feel like I played drives it just feels wrong because I don't know if this is what I would do if I would just want to create a piece straight out of my head and this was mostly inspired from Van Gogh so maybe I'm crazy but it's like is this really me I don't know but inspirations everywhere everyone's inspired from everyone so this is valid mmm that looks about right okay this is good now let's do the background cuz it's fun that's fast that's enjoyable it's the sky layer at the top or on the bottom I think it's lighter towards the top because then there's less oxygen and things up there so it's not as dark does that make sense was I just scientific I think so but it may have been false so what I'm gonna be alright lighter at the top okay yeah that feels right I don't know if that's right let's look up what pictures of the sky nevermind I was wrong it is wider at the bottom why is that why I don't know and I'm not gonna wind up because are you busy so it's lighter at the top okay no I'm selling her at the bottom at the bottom why my sister okay so it's lighter to talk right no lighter past the bottom what the heck why do I keep on getting I think this is telling me I need to stop but I'm not gonna stop I'm gonna keep going I'm gonna finish the sky and then I'm going to bed I know I need to be sleeping soon but let's just put some desert stuff here now I'm gonna go to bed see you tomorrow no I don't know I'll see you the next time I see you you lose hello it's me some time later by the way you could probably tell how long she's been taking me by the growth of my roots because I don't think they were this long in the beginning let's just make the this what is this desert look good I don't really want to mix anything on a pallet so I think I'm just gonna mix it anyone that opposes that's okay now let's do this guy I have why did I just do that what was I thinking I like that shade for this guy a lot work yes I'm missing an ear on this side huh this dark color looks a lot better because it doesn't make as much sense like when it's everything you expect it's not very much fun oh I guess I thought that would be there and it is and then it's just doesn't get your brain gone who I'm like sweating for some reason I don't know why though okay I want to see you like right here I think there's enough like a wavy stuff going on so we're gonna make it look like a like a glass or you couldn't even know that its water in there because everything else is balloon my skin is blue so it could be like any weird thing in there it looks pretty good on camera I'm trying to see it but then my face keeps covering it I'm gonna step back for a second one moment oh yeah oh he just looking a little weirdly curved right there I'm just gonna make the inside of the skull kind of just the same scholar this game is killer this scholar what is happening to me games good okay the same color as this part we need to the line right here where if you would cut your face in half what you wouldn't there would be a thickness of your face by the final stretch and that final stretch is doing the hair here is the color you see this leaf okay it's about to ask you if you saw it so I want to add some cold stuff and I need to put my big tear thing well is there paint on my face I don't know when that got there and do we want another tear I think I want another tear I know there comes a point where you're done and you should just stop I don't know if I'm at that point I know what to do I'm gonna do dots I'm ready we're done I didn't know whether or not I should be like given insight into the meeting but for any of those who are still here might as well I guess the symbolism for me it can be interpreted differently everybody have the cars the symbolism for me would be that sometimes we just feel like we're in a desert and drying up into everything that's keeping us alive such as water because we need it is draining out of us and yeah that's that but then I guess it's important to find what gives us the water what gives us life anyways yeah thank you for watching this was kind of everywhere but I'm gonna go to bed just like the other three times four times I don't know that I did this painting so thank you for watching I hope this was fun for you and satisfying and enjoyable and entertained you bye bye bye bye
Channel: ANJA
Views: 760,315
Rating: 4.9755211 out of 5
Keywords: selfportrait, vangoghstyleselfportrait, fridakahlostyleselfportrait, i painted a self portrait, painting a self portrait, an abstract painting, abstract painting, painting abstract, anja, anjapainting, anja art, anja painting, i painted an abstract self-portrait, painting abstract art, abstract self portrait, painting, anja self portrait, i painted an abstract self portrait, anjaisfunky, acrylic painting, acrylic paint, acrylic abstract painting, how i painted a self portrait
Id: 80mz7Y6qC6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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