Paint With Me! Studio Ghibli 🌿✨

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i am back with another paint with me video i am finally going to paint kiki's house from kiki's delivery service it's something that i've been wanting to paint for a while now but have been just too intimidated to start but since now i've been painting a lot more with wash and been practicing landscapes i thought it was only fitting to finally tackle this challenge i'll be doing a bit of talking in the background but for the most part i try to keep this one a bit chill so you guys just can enjoy the music play this video in the background while you guys are working or studying but yeah i hope you guys enjoy the video i started off with a rough sketch just to get an idea of where everything should be i try not to draw too many details because in the end i just end up painting over it anyways so i just try to get the general shapes or big pictures down on paper once i'm done i usually use my kneaded eraser to lift most of the pencil when i was first starting off with squash my sketches used to be quite darker so when i would use a lot of water it would tend to mix with the paint and it would just become a hot mess but i learned from mistakes and now i make sure to erase most of the pencil and keep it really light as possible [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i started off by just applying a base layer to the sky since it's just blue with a bit of clouds and the grass area since it was mostly green i try to do a gradient where it went from light to dark since that's how the reference photo looked like [Music] i think at this point i was getting really over it i tend to be quite impatient if i don't see it turning out or it looking like it should be um i tend to want to give up or just start over but luckily my sister told me just to keep going and so i just took a break for that rest of the day and continued the next morning [Music] painting the house was actually quite intimidating there was just so much going on it was a bit hard to figure out where to start so of course i just started with the greenery since there was so much of it [Music] i don't normally paint with greens so it was a bit of a challenge figuring out how to mix all the different shades i think i only have one tube of green paint in the windsor newton gouache and i think i have like another one in the um acrylic gouache so just mixing all the different shades and colors took quite a bit of time as you can tell from my scrap paper on the side all the swatching i had to do to get the right color [Music] do as i waited for the house to dry i proceeded with the grass area [Music] do [Music] do [Music] i then went in with a darker shade to try to add in the shadows and just be able to define where the house starts and where it ends it was looking like a bit of a mess i felt like everything was just blending in together it was hard to tell where the house started and where the trees [Music] started [Music] [Music] [Music] i definitely struggled with the front of the house i don't know i felt like i kept going back and forth with adding the shadows and like lightening it up for the highlights um it looked a bit flat to me i spent quite a bit of time just playing around with that area [Music] at this point i finally started adding in the little details to the window and that's when i started getting excited because it was finally looking like something like the whole time before that i was just biting my tongue telling myself not to stop i was getting really frustrated but um yeah just like these little details finally made it look like what i was trying to [Music] paint [Music] so [Music] so on to day three [Music] i think at this point i was ready to be done with the house i think just using all these greens and not being able to use any other colors started to bore me so i just wanted to finish it up as fast as i could so i can start painting some colorful flowers [Music] and please don't mind my head i honestly don't know how people take overhead shots i tend to get really close when i'm painting so it was a bit of a challenge having to paint from further away so i wouldn't block the camera [Music] [Music] pillow [Music] no pink no green and yellow cause it's under [Music] clothes the presence [Music] [Music] those two i've been painting for a year now and i actually started last year with watercolor one of my first watercolor paintings was the scene where kiki is leaning out her window and this year i was introduced to gouache so i mean it only seems fitting that i finally did this with the gouache that's about to go down sudden rain and grey sky goes through me playing [Music] i tend to be the type that loves clean straight lines and like super clean details but i've been trying to work on letting that go like no one's gonna be staring two inches away from your painting so as long as you have the general shape of what you're trying to paint i feel like that is good enough so i attempted to do that with the windows for the house so it looks a bit messy when you get close up but i mean in the end i feel like it came out pretty well [Music] tonight [Music] and i still can't believe i did see you in a far away place [Music] emotions of you and so you let me know [Music] at this point i was pretty much done with the house i'm just adding a bit more um shadows and lightening the highlights but yeah i think i was i was ready to move on and start painting some flowers [Music] is you bring me to the priests i love your heart to you whatever i see hear you [Music] adding the branches to the trees was so satisfying because it was finally looking like a tree and not just like a big old bush so i really liked how that part turned [Music] out [Music] finally a color that is not green [Music] do [Music] do [Music] i struggle a bit with the bushes surprisingly i don't know i felt like they were just looking like blobs i was trying to add in the shadows that i saw in the photo um but they ended up just mushing together not in a good way but i think luckily once i started adding in like the color to the flowers it finally started to look like a bush [Music] now it was time for me to start painting the flowers in the front i was a bit scared so as you can see i had to practice on a separate piece of paper before i did it on the real thing i don't know i get a bit nervous sometimes but i mean luckily gouache is quite forgiving so as long as you wait for it to dry you're able to layer on top of it if you do end up messing up [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] adding in the color for the flowers was quite exciting i got really bored just using all the green so [Music] i just wanted to be done with it [Music] that is ancient sorcery [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so at this point i could almost see the finish line i just needed to finish up the flowers in the front um add more to the side bushes [Music] do actually forgot to add in the details to the one of the windows on the house i ended up doing that off camera once i realized that i forgot to paint in the white lines [Music] but yeah i've finished up the painting by just darkening in the shadows um that way there's more contrast and the flowers are more defined and they don't blend in with the grass and finally i finished it up by adding in the detail to the walkway just adding the little cracks to the stones or the brick was really fun to do it was something really subtle but i feel like it just adds to it and it completes it [Music] do [Music] and we're finally done i was honestly so excited just to be done with it i felt like it took me longer than it should have and now for the best part some washi tape peel action i hope you guys enjoy foreign sadly the tape ended up ripping part of the paper but i mean it was just at the bottom so it's okay [Music] i'm honestly pretty proud of myself for finishing this up can't believe i was gonna give up but luckily my sister forced me to finish it and i'm really glad that she did well i hope you guys enjoyed this video remember to like and subscribe if you did let me know what you guys want to see in future videos i'm open to suggestions i hope you guys are having a lovely day and i hope to see you guys soon [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Marlene Vega
Views: 196,940
Rating: 4.9889402 out of 5
Keywords: kiki's delivery service, paint with me
Id: bxYhv2deXxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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