Packet Tracer Lab L2 Switching and VLANs | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] and welcome everybody it's a fabulous Sunday that means it's for me in us its CCNA and Sunday if you're looking at this or watching this at a later time it's perfectly great it's good to have you here if you have not already yet subscribed to the channel please take a moment to do that hit the alert Bell make sure you get all the updates and our objectives for this packet tracer lab session is to focus on VLANs and switching and now if you're saying hey Keith what exactly are VLANs and how does switching work and so forth I would have Australian first of all it's a great question second of all I'd encourage you to grab the art go to the master playlist here on YouTube on my channel for CCNA 200 301 and I put them in order you can just pick and choose and go right down the list so this packet tracer lab which I'm gonna walk you through it will give you the opportunity to practice some of the skills and knowledge you've learned about VLANs and about switching and get a functional network so without further ado let me share with you how you can get this file packet tracer as a heads up is downloaded from netacad comm you get a free account at Cisco at netacad comm download package fascia and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna walk you through starting with a basic framework how we could implement VLANs and make sure that our connectivity works in a lab that is partially built and gives you the chance to take it to the next step and make it fun easy for me to say and make it fully functional so I'm glad you're here let's go ahead and take a look at how we can get this file and then we'll walk through it together so this is a browser I have open and this is at the keith Barker comm and that's where you could go to get the packet tracer file that we are going to start with so the package ratio file that I am going to start with doesn't have the complete solution it's just a basic framework and that way you and I get to focus on the concept of the VLANs and making sure we have end-to-end connectivity so if you go to keith barker the keith barker calm and click on downloads or scroll down either ways great here is the file we're gonna work with today cisco pt4 packet tracer layer 2 switching and VLAN so i'll go ahead and click this arrow right here and that asked me if I want to open or download I'll go ahead and say I'm gonna save it and now it's gonna say that into my downloads folder let me go ahead and bring that open so here's my downloads folder I'm gonna extract that extract all and I'll put them right there in a separate folder great so these are the three files that are in there one of them and this is so cool because what you can do is you can go ahead and share this with people if you'd like take that zip file and it has the packet restore lab the title it has the instructions of where to get it and also it has the details we close that has the details on what we're going to do so in this lab what we're gonna do is we want to use VLAN 10 for the laptop and the server and VLAN 10 is using the network of 1067 that a 3.32 trunking is already configured dhcp services already configured have fun and then there's a link down here for the discord server and I put here a link for downloading this file in case you share this zip with somebody so they can download the file and do it on their own and also a link to the master playlist so if something wants to come back here and do the walkthrough and watch the walkthrough they can see it so that's one of the files there is this package is the details another file is the actual see here oh this the the thumbnail that I used for the video and let me bring that over burnt here it is right here so the reason I had that out of the thumbnail is because if someone's going through the playlist I think I wanted that specific package facer lab on youtube you can just go to keith barker networking actually Keith Parker Channel and just go down on the master playlist and look for the one that looks like this I put a little red icon here for a cisco packet tracer that way you can easily pick them out of the playlist if you just want to get more and more hands-on practice to reinforce what we're learning all right and then finally I've got the actual lab itself which is the one we just download and unzipped and it's right here so we'll just open it up and that's where we'll start so I've already logged in to use a packet tracer so it's just going to ask me to its gonna bring it up you might have to real aughh in if you have logged out previously and let me just line up the slide for a moment do-do-do-do alright here we go I'm back in let me size this a little bit too you slide that over just a little bit there and let me make it a little bit bigger - okay so our objectives let me get my pin out our objectives in this package is your lab is regarding VLANs and layer 2 switching and I drag that over here fantastic and let's do this so in this apology I've got a laptop it has a wireless module in it I've got a generic access point so it's not using a controller it's just an autonomous access point that's providing access to the network I've got three switches switch one two and three and I've got a DHCP server and it has an IP address already on it so our goal if we look if we look at our goal again it is let me bring up the PDF there here it is our goal is to use VLAN 10 and make sure the laptop can open the web page to the server at 10.67 - 8 3.35 so we have a couple of ways of tackling this we can start at the server however we can start at the client and I would say let's start at the server and let's just verify its IP address so in packet tracer we can hover over this and there's the IP address of 10.67 to a 3.35 we could also open it up and go to config and go to Fast Ethernet 0 and just verify the IP address great so it's got an IP address and that's all so let's make sure that it's in VLAN 10 because the goal said we want the client and the server to be in VLAN 10 so the way we would verify that is we go to the switch so one of the switch and then your output on your screen if when you do this lab if you don't see the port labels you just go to options and preferences and there is an option right here to go ahead and say all the ways show port labels and that way you can tell exactly what ports are there and in use especially if you're not if it's not between two Cisco devices and you can't use CDP it's a great thing to have that documented all right so let's let's verify on switch 3 that port FA 0 / 2 is in VLAN 10 so to do that we'll click on switch 3 that brings up the physical view of switch 3 I'll make a little bit bigger here I'll click on the C light and let me scoot this over a little bit more alright alright well give us a little more real estate to look at the screen alright here you go come on buddy come on alright they put down my pin for a moment alright so one switch three let's do a show VLAN brief doesn't be great she'll be that brief says that fa0 flesh too that's this bad boy right here is assigned as an access port and VLAN 10 so that's a great start so this the server is in VLAN 10 and that was our goal and we already verified the IP address on that device so let's hmm and it said trunking is already in place that means trunking here and trunking here is in place let's go make sure the lap I don't see the little symbol here for the laptop having a wireless connectivity through the access point let's tackle that one next and also at this point I should point out this if you want to pause me right here urghhh stop the truck and work on this on your own to help verify the details of how to create the VLANs and make sure it's all working pause me right now download the file do the work and then you can come back and enjoy me and we can draw your time together for the walkthrough so anyway and want slice that's great or if you want to watch it once and then download the file and then walk through it and then watch it again if you have problems either ways great but the key is the secret secret sauce is make sure you have a hands-on practice that way you can run into challenges and problems and opportunities for improving and then improve and then as you do more and more hands-on practice whether it's live gear or simulations like packet tracer you're gonna get better and better and more comfortable with the technology and that's the goal is to really understand how it works and be able to configure it and the skills are really important as we start troubleshooting because then we can say oh this isn't working why not we can look in the details of it alright onward and upward so let me clear off that and let's go to the laptop so here on the laptop hmm okay so I'm gonna click on the laptop icon here and let's go in physical view I'm gonna zoom in a little bit and let's go to the desktop and to our let's go to config device must be powered on ok well a huge clue that if this device isn't powered on it's not going to be too effective in connecting to anything with a copper UTP cable cat5e cat6 or with a wireless module so right here I can see in the physical view that it has a wireless module here and so let's go ahead and power it on so I'm gonna click on this power button right here and now it's powered on alright yay now it's powered on oh and now it's connected says this little icon here so let's uh let's hover over that device and it has oh look at that IP address any time an IP address starts with 169 that means that it's an automatic private IP address assignment and it's not good so if it's a DHCP client which it likely is that means it couldn't get to the DHCP server so let's do a few things let's let's go to switch 1 and make sure this port FA 0 / 1 is in VLAN 10 because that's where the server servers in VLAN 10 let's make sure switch 1 port FA 0 / 1 is an access port in VLAN 10 as well so we'll click on switch 1 we'll scroll over a little bit here and once we size these and we don't close these windows we can just pop back and forth between these devices it'll be really easy without having to resize them every time so let's do a show VLAN brief all right couple problems here one is FA 0 / 1 right here which is this bad boy which equates to that interface it's in VLAN 1 and the second problem is that there is no VLAN 10 at all doesn't even exist so it's hard for a port that's connected to an access point to be and VLAN 10 if the port isn't assigned and also the fact that there is no VLAN 10 so this is a this access point is configured as a lightweight or a autonomous access point it's not talking to a controller think of this access point like a bridge between this port on the switch and the wireless clients it's the same layer 2 network for the connectivity purposes so we need to create VLAN 10 and assign this port to VLAN 10 if we want the access port access point to be in VLAN 10 and thereby the client also being in VLAN 10 again without any type of wireless LAN order and play a play at all so let's fix that and again if you're want to walk through this stop me stop me now and you can walk through this on your own and then come back and and enjoy the solution together after you practice it if you like hands-on practice is the key okay so switch one we could do this config T and interface FA 0 / 1 now what tradition is going to happen where if we don't have a VLAN that the VLAN doesn't exist if we assign a port on the switch to that VLAN it'll do two things it'll say in the port and on most environments it'll create that VLAN right there as well so instead of saying VLAN 10 enter to create the VLAN and then going to the interface and then assigning the switch port to that VLAN we can do it in one fell swoop and interface config so interface FA 0 / 1 checking my port great and switch port mode access so some access port and switch port access VLAN 10 ah look at that I even give you some message so hey doesn't exist but I'll create it so now we do I show you that brief now we have VLAN 10 yay and we have FA 0 / 1 associated with it so if we go to the PC and I'm gonna shower it off and power back on so here on the physical view I'm gonna power it off power back on yes that's a nice clean way of saying okay all bets are off let's see if the DHCP process works again if it gets an IP address and then we can ping the server we're good to go so let's give it a moment so no IP address set yet ok DHCP could take a moment but you know it takes longer than DHCP timing out for a failed DHCP yes it's it's not happening let's go over to the server while we wait for that at the server I just want to verify that DHCP services really are enabled they're supposed to be so we click on services on the server and yeah DHCP and the DHCP service is on and it's handing out IP addresses on the 10.67 to a 3/32 dot thirty-two network and it's gonna start at dot forty so this client should get an IP address somewhere between dot forty and forty nine I guess that 44 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 6 5 8 4 9 yeah so 42:49 doesn't seem like 10 addresses but it is anyway let's go back to our client and yeah it does not have an address yeah let's just verify the client real quick so if we go to config & Wireless 0 it's supposed to use DHCP and it's got the information here for the Wi-Fi oh look look look look it says shows connected here huh let's see what the IP address is uh-huh yeah so this isn't good I mean we have the connection to the AP that's wonderful but it does not have an IP address so let's a couple things we could do we could hard code an IP address here on the laptop in that same subnet and just try to ping to the server and that way if it's a DHCP related issue we could solve it that way hmm really the choice is ours I just give this another moment so wireless IP dhcp usually I'll show an IP address down here the IP address that it got and I don't see any hi Peter we had a 169 address a while ago and now we've got nothing so let's do this just for a test let's take this server which is at the IP address 1067 a 335 and let's hard-code an IP address in that same subnet on laptop on the laptop and then we'll go ahead and just try pinging across and that way we can if it's DHCP related we can resolve that later so on the PC out of the laptop let's go to wireless 0 IP address static and let's configure 10.67 dot 83 dot what was the server let me see click yeah sorry wasn't done yet wasn't done ok it's 35 let's make the client 36 because there's no other IP addresses in use since topology at the moment so let's go back to the client and 10.67 got 80 3.36 and i'll put the mask on the next line like it wants me to 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot what was the mask I believe as a 27 bit mask which would be that so join us for subnet Saturdays and in the playlist there's a whole section on IP addressing and subnetting I believe that was correct mask we'll go ahead and confirm that let me go back over to the server just to verify the mask real quick so config our physical config interface 0 yeah so a 27 bit mask so let's go to the PC and try to ping that address so we'll go to the desktop command prompt and we'll do a ping to 10.67 dot 80 3.35 yeah that's not happening all right so the focus here is a lab on VLANs and switching so we have a sign let's take a look let's do a rolecall real quick of what we've done and then we'll finish this off and wrap it up if we get the if we get the full connectivity here in here so we assign this port already was in VLAN 10 this switch didn't have VLAN 10 so we created it and assigned this port to feed on 10 so the access point is the in VLAN 10 the client connected at access point would logically also be in that VLAN and then we statically assign the address of dot 36 on this guy this guy is 35 so IP dressing in that flash 30 in that top 32 subnet should be fine you know we didn't check it check this out if this guy didn't have VLAN 10 on it at all it's also a good possibility that switch 2 also doesn't have a VLAN 10 and here's the bad news if switch 2 receives the frame that's tagged over this trunk trunking is already set up but if it receives a frame that says hey this is for VLAN 10 and switch to says I don't I don't know what that is I don't know what VLAN 10 is I don't have a VLAN 10 it'll drop the packet and that could be causing our problem as well because one of the things that people forget especially when they're brand new to networking is that if we're forwarding a frame of data for VLAN 10 all the way across the network every switch in that path needs to know about VLAN 10 that it exists even if they only have trunk port supporting it so let's check that out let's go to switch 2 and here on switch 2 let's go to the CLI and as to a show interface trunk I still make sure we have trunking in place yeah so we have trunking in place only this yeah so it's trunking on both ports and if you haven't gotten to trunking yet there's a couple videos in the master playlist that cover trunking in detail but we've got two trunk ports for one going to switch one will notice which three only look at this VLANs in spending tree forwarding state and not pruned all we have is B than one and I bet you yeah if we do show via that brief this switch doesn't know anything about VLAN 10 and that's why those frames when it sees them says I don't know what VLAN 10 is and it drops them right there in the middle of this topology so let's create VLAN 10 so we'll do a VLAN 10 there we go and show VLAN briefed so now we have a VLAN 10 there's no access ports associated with it but if we do a show interface trunk now we have forwarding on ports VLANs 1 and 10 are both being supported and forwarded over these trunk links so that was the missing piece let's go back to the laptop and let's try a ping ok so now the ping works to the server but I want to get DHCP working and making sure that DHCP can be used so let's go to the client again I'll close the desktop here let's go back to config and wireless 0 and let's use DHCP oh yeah so this just got the IP address right there 1067 a340 which is the first IP address in the pool that the DHCP server is handing out and if we go back to the desktop and we go to the command prompt let's try the ping again fantastic we can also do commands here at the CLI like IP config just to verify the details of our IP address and the goal what was the goal Keith well the goal is to have the laptop open a web page at the server on the server at n6780 3.35 so let's try that and if that works we're done and we can move on to the next lab or the next video or whatever is next in your studies as you pursue your skills and improve your skills in CCNA so let's go back to packet tracer Wow lots of windows open here and oh yeah back to the server back to the client I'll close this window with little X and let's go to web Wow full screen works full screen works and right here just gonna click on web browser and we'll put in the IP address of 10.67 dot 80 3.35 and by default because the browser assumes it's going to use HTTP that's what it would use and there we go this is the packet tracer web server at thirty-five that's our webserver it's our webserver also acting as a DHCP server so there's a small page there's the image page here's the image so the web services are working through this layer to network so here's what we've accomplished in this packet tracer lab I threw in a couple snacks because I want you to work through these and have a good time learning and getting better couple problems here and this and if you're looking at the very end of this video this is a spoiler alert for what we just did but we downloaded the packet tracer lab from the keith Barker comm we then brought it up we had logged into Cisco's netacad so that we could actually run packet tracer and then we turned on the laptop it was off by default we created VLAN 10 on both switch 1 switch 2 because it wasn't even in existence we set up the access port on switch 1 for the port that connects to the access point to be in VLAN 10 and then those were all the problems and in the process we did the process of elimination about what's not working here why is that not working and I encourage you to take some time scheduled 10-15 minutes download that file take that zip that has the instructions also has the packet tracer lab and also the document the PDF that includes the URL for the master playlist and I would encourage you to take advantage of all those resources and that's my call to action is to if you haven't yet take a look at that master playlist that keith Barker here on YouTube and enjoy it and if you want to brush up on another skill or two feel free to just enjoy that playlist and I'll be adding new videos as I have been for the last three months I'll be adding new videos at least one or two every single week including some new packet tracer labs that you can download practice to hone your skills so thanks for joining me it's been great having you and I'll catch you my friend in the very next video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 27,936
Rating: 4.9772081 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, cisco, 200-301, Cisco CCNA, Cisco Certification, ogit, vlans and trunks for beginners, vlan trunking, Cisco VLAN, cisco vlan configuration, vlan, configure verify and troubleshoot vlans, how to troubleshoot vlan issues, packet tracer labs for beginners, packet tracer labs, packet tracer labs ccna, packet tracer labs with solutions
Id: 7y0DEbAur-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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