🔴Live Quiz: What's in Your Show Commands? | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] [Music] and welcome everybody go ahead and feel free to sign in we'll get started here in just a moment all right agent snail first one in [Music] congrats [Music] [Music] all looks good i enjoy spending a few minutes every weekend with you everybody saturdays we have the office hour and then sundays is the quiz so it's great to have you [Music] mr webster welcome welcome everyone so glad you're here if you're new to the channel my name is keith barker it's good to meet you i'm a double ccie that basically boils down to an individual who just won't give up and is okay doing a tremendous amount of study for long periods of time but i got my cci my first one back in 2001 which is over 20 years ago and cisco was the single best technical decision i ever made in my life so i spend time on youtube and the discord server just helping individuals primarily with ccna and getting that first step in the right direction in a direction in it and the 999.js trick to saying keith could you record and edit this one please um yeah i'll do that let me hit the button right now thank you for that so often times if i'm doing another quiz where we've had another one like it i will if it's already edited i'll just go ahead and use the edited one in my library so ah thank you blendano that's very kind um there's a a list of like 40 plus quizzes in my playlist right here on youtube this it's all free and uh i will record this one this is going to be a little bit different as in discord yesterday in the office hour and i asked hey what do you want for a topic and uh several of our crew there uh recommended that i do a combination of technologies with show commands like based on this output based on this output based on this output and so it's gonna be a little spatter spattered it's mattered it's gonna be all over the board today technology wise the low spf little spanning tree little layer two ether channel um based on show commands uh so i hope you enjoy it i i've never done one like this before where it's a lot of different technologies but i think it'll be fun so thanks for the recommendations yesterday and uh i'm excited about delivering it so we're gonna start here in just just a few moments again good to have you if you're brand new to the channel uh this channel these days is all about ccna technologies fundamentals getting people up and running and i wish you the best of success in whatever i t challenge you're on it's also a good idea to refresh from time to time and uh it's good to have you so thanks again blending here for the super sticker appreciate you [Music] all right frosty's asking how old are you well some mornings i feel pretty old and some days i feel pretty young i was born in 1964. so i'll let you do the math on that one i was born in march of 1964. all right well let's get this uh let's get this party started we've got about over 100 people logged in and got uh or just close to that i think that'll increase as we go forward all right let's go the way this works is the questions will be presented on your either on your screen or on your mobile device if you're logging in that way the pin code is up at the top right or the top it'll be at the bottom once we start the game i would encourage you not to answer in the chats because that's where people can ask questions and things and i don't want to give anything away there so let's go ahead and start and let me do an intro ah i'll do an intro later here we go all right this is the kahoot this is all about show commands called got output question mark uh i hope you do great on these here is question number one of 13. it is multiple select choose at least two or more before you submit based on this output which of the following are true so there's at least two that are true maybe more good luck everybody [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so all right they're all true i will i will go ahead and um record i am recording this i will edit this at some point and put it up live as well let's just take a moment and peek and see why the answers that they say are true are true just for a moment so switch ones bass mac address ends in e680 and so if i get my uh i get out of pen real quick a pen a pen that color will do all right um this e680 right here this bridge id this is for the computer we're looking at the first one talks about the root bridge and then the second one talks about us and if we are the root bridge it'll be the same so this is which one it's base mac address is this you can see it without a show version of the software so that's the base mac address is part of the bridge id the priority in combination with the mac address and other questions it asked about oh it also said that switch one is directly connected to the root so if we are looking at the cost to get to the root right here off of port channel 12 and the local cost is 12. that implies that we are directly connected to the root bridge on that interface or that port channel logically and let me uh take a peek at the rest here switch one is the d switch one is using the default priority oh which it is so there's the 327 it's okay 32768 which is right here and then they also include the actual vlan number along with that so that is the default priority for a switch and it's also using rapid spanning tree and that's shown right here spanning tree enabled protocol rstp which is rapid spanning tree or is this friends column 802.1 w all right that was a lot of information right there let's see how we're doing all right the classy sloth well stop the truck i am a huge sloth fan as you can see by this guy right here so classy sloth way to go you're in first place 3036 points oh my gosh this is gonna be a great day great game uh wonder fox power possum flying koala and agile puffin are all in the top five but it's still early here's question number two based on the output that's about to pop up what is true i'm looking for a single answer here i believe yep i just peeked at all the answers i'm just looking for one answer [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i have a question in the queue from the previous questions sid is asking so port channel interface cost is 12 with a question mark uh it depends on what kind of ether channel you have so port channel is an ether channel bundle so it could be made up of fast ethernet or it could be made up of gigabit ethernet or somebody could have just hard coded the actual uh cost there so it depends on the type of interfaces how many interfaces and so forth all right so based on this question if we show media the only true answer is router's running ospf and the reason i think that's i see a little bit joking the re so uh this is what we uh talked about in discord yesterday and the question was can we get us a quiz based on a bunch of output so i look at this just between us uh you know in this room i look at this i think oh my gosh there's just you know t l d r it's just so darn much output but we really don't have to you know it's not like reading a book where you have to really read the whole book to kind of get it you just kind of look at the pieces that make sense to her that you need to for that part so what do we know about this i know that it has an ip address that's it right there um i know that the mtu is 1500 bytes fantastic i i can see here that it's joined some multicast groups now computers with ipv4 don't just join multicast groups for fun there's an application or something that's going on and so 22405 is the multicast group that all ospf speaking routers join and if you're special and you've gone to medical school or you have a degree a doctorate you can become a dr or a backup dr a designated router all kidding aside and that's why this is showing up and dr has joined that group so this guy this router is running ospf and it's a dr or bdr and then the rest of this is not really relevant to the question so that's that's how i would approach that and as you you know the part of this part of the uh let me go back to my right tool here part of the secret in doing well with technology a vendor certification is learning it labbing it up but also just you know digging into something that's new and keep on going that's really and the more experience you have and the more practice you have with that technology the better you'll get with it and then you'll be able to apply those skills in a real world environment once you get hired for a job in the real world so that's why green is the right answer all right let's see how we're doing oh wonder fox 3875 points power possum agile puffin bronze dragon and caring ant because he cares all right let me see if there's any other thank you very much for posting the pin uh the pin number currently is down the bottom right if you need to join if you're just coming in late uh feel free to join us and that's where you want to answer the questions all right here's question three of thirteen why would a port such as two slash zero slash two in this output why is it missing [Music] good luck [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right why would a port such as two slash zero slash to be missing from this output two correct answers on the board if it's a trunk it won't show up in that output that's one amp reason or it's a layer three interface uh with somebody went to the switchboard and said no switchboard so it's like what do i do what do i do i guess it better be a layer three port and those are two reasons why gig00202 wouldn't show up in this list with show vlan brief we could do a show interface status and that would show you all the interfaces and what they're currently doing but show vlan brief trunks and layer 3 ports are not going to show up there okay how did we do bronze dragon crushing it 5260 points all right and uh legend sloth is also in the mix and classy oh my gosh it's like a sloth party i'm so happy about that i really am no lie all right here we go question number four of 13 multiple select at least two correct answers maybe more what is true based on this output so bly is asking if i've been vaccinated and i have i've uh i was able to get vaccinated a couple months ago because of my age and all my kids are vaccinated i've got seven children and my youngest is 18 so they're all set my wife is vaccinated most of my friends are vaccinated we can hopefully get the world back to more normal places eventually and have is and everyone else who wants to answer in the chats uh please refrain so you can do that just by opening up kahoot.it opening webpage there opening the app on a smart device and the pin number for the game is in the bottom right hand corner and rohit that would apply to you too [Music] please [Music] all right uh based on the output what is true 23 was the layer 2 ether channel 12 was the layer 383 channel and 23 was using the link access control protocol and the best way to actually determine that is to lab it up if you practice with this and lab it up and do the show commands that's the best way to start really appreciating what those show commands are telling us so here the r is for routed the for 23 the s is for you i cropped out all that information from this image because i wanted to make it a little bit challenging and then down for protocol it says link access control protocol here for 23 and there's a dash which means on we aren't using any protocol and port aggregation protocol would show up as well if we were using it all right let's see who's the who's in the top five it looks like daring bison bronze dragon agile puffin agent snail and wonderlama nice nice nice here we go question 5 of 13 almost halfway there we're getting there what is the cost of the route for with a 24-bit mask what is the cost [Music] and uh dedamar is asking is there multiple choice on the ccna and the answer is uh based on what cisco has published they're going to be asking you questions that are single choice and they'll let you know what those are they'll have round buttons to choose they'll have multiple choice and they'll tell you like choose two choose three and those will have you know check boxes so you check the answers and they may have some drag and drops where you drag the correct answer on the right you know definition or what have you but no simulations but they're very clear in the live exam they'll be very clear about how many answers they're looking for all right the cost for the route let's take a look at that again so the network was uh 10 157. so if we look at that that network is right here at the bottom now when i started using cisco routers back in the day uh when i first got my like i don't know 1999 they didn't order the routes they were not in numerical order it's like go find the route okay i will but here it is these are now it's all in order so 10 157 has an administrative distance of 110 which means it's very likely is learned via ospf and the cost is three that's the the metric or cost value that's used by ospf right there is three okay great great great let's go ahead and proceed here's the next question daring bison has the highest answer streak of five in a row let me just take a moment and uh say to that way to go daring bison way to dare very impressive all right here we go question six it is multiple select based on the output which of the following answers are true [Music] so oh and the average joe 771 is saying hi keith passed my ccna last sunday with an with a score that was passing your videos were invaluable for preparing for the test thank you oh thanks for letting me know i'm always tickled uh and very very happy for individuals who put in the work they've studied they've practiced they showed up and then they demonstrated those skills my coaching for all those people who have passed their exam keep on learning it's a lifelong opportunity to get better and better we make our good better and our better best never stop [Music] and ali is asking do i need to memorize like rfc numbers i mean if you know a few rfc numbers that's not gonna hurt you but uh cisco certification and the blueprint they are really asking about do you understand the technology and it's more about that and how it works and how to configure it versus memorizing an rfc so i would say it's in my opinion memorizing rfcs would not be critical for the exam okay based on the output which answers are true there's one neighbor and the router is a dr a designated router um let's take a look at the output and again the best way to learn this is just to lab it up and then do these commands so this is saying i want to see the ip related interface specific to ospf specifically about this interface all right so there's its ip address that interface is associated with area 0. there's the router process id so when the configuration went it went router ospf 1 and the router id is 3333 it selected that either through a router configuration or the highest ip address on the loopback or if there's no loopbacks it was the highest iep address on any ipv4 interface when an ospf was started so we don't know exactly how it got there but that's the router id the default network type for ethernet is broadcast fantastic uh this guy is he's a doctor i say that as a joke he's a dr a designated router his default priority is one just which is pretty high but every everybody is one by default and then um then this guy's talking about himself i love this part it's like yeah i'm the designated router and the designated router's id is this and the interface addresses this uh but he's still talking about himself because he is the dr there is a backup designated router and that's at four four four four that's the router id and the interface that that the bdr is using is that i've got default timers of hello dead and wait that's great and it says down here i've got a neighbor account of one and then an adjacent neighbor count is one so we could have two devices that are both like dr others and there would be a neighbor account but they wouldn't be fully adjacent but this guy because he's the dr and the other guy's the bdr they're fully adjacent oh and also says right here adjacent with neighbor four four four four who's the backup design router all right great information lots of fun there and why would that be important i guess that's important to talk about it's important because if there's a problem or something's not working we'd want to be able to look at output like this and help identify why i have a a video i did for the office hour a couple weeks ago it was about ospf and all the parameters they have to match and um i made a little mnemonic or acronym to help remember like six things that have to match so check out that video it's in the playlist if you're interested okay moving on here we go uh who's in first place daring bison yep yep yep almost ten thousand points here we go question seven multiple select based on this output which answers are true good luck everybody [Music] nada thank you that is saying yeah the uh the pneumonic was the acronym was tan matt t-a-n-m-a-t to help remember the six things they have to match for ospf neighbors to become adjacent nada if you know that and you do uh good for you uh that's gonna be super helpful anytime you're dealing with ospf problems or questions about neighborships good for you and thanks for that feedback oh this is the same question no no it's a yeah this is the same question oh my gosh so i put this together in a fever last night hey everybody this is the exact same question good point armin thanks for pointing that out yeah samuel yes thank you thank you go for it points points on the board yeah i apologize that's the same question i'll just edit this out and post [Music] [Laughter] i can see the com the the challenge is like wait wait wait wait wait something's gotta be different he wouldn't give us the same exact question twice uh not intentionally my bad that was on me look at the answers just crushing it lots of points okay um and bronze dragon's taking the lead okay that shouldn't happen but more than that once here's question eight based on the output which ip interfaces are included in ospf thanks ben pence's i blame the sloth [Laughter] oh my gosh hey thanks everybody for uh spending a few minutes with me today it's great to have you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right a beautiful stair step uh before we take a look at why that the answers here are correct uh adina asked a really good question from the previous graphic and this you know is from the ospf question and i love it when people are looking at output and say wait why is that because that question of discovery like why is that and if we have two routers that boot up at the same exact time or similar so router one and router two and they're connected probably there's a switch so they're connected they both boot up they're both running ospf and they have there's no dr at the moment they're gonna have an election and the one that has the highest priority is gonna become the designated router for the segment now if there's uh if they both have a priority of one which they do by default on this interface it's like gig zero zero gig zero slash two or whatever um if they have the same priority when they boot up then they have to duke it out and say who's gonna win and who's gonna become the dr and by default the device that has the highest router id is going to win and become the dr however and so let's imagine this is 2 2 2 2 as its router id and this guy's just to make it easy um so how is it possible this guy could win the dr election when this guy has a higher router id the answer is that guy got powered on later so when this guy comes up and then let's say a full minute later or you know 10 minutes later then we bring up the other router even it has a a higher priority let's have a priority of six on the interface and its router id was two two two two ospf doesn't preempt so if there's a designated router in place a new guy on the block is gonna say hey i'm better than you i'm gonna preempt and kick you out and take over the responsibility of that ospf wants stability so if there's an existing dr the other one won't take over so a couple reasons why the other one would you know why this guy would be the win would because he came up first or had a higher priority here or the other one was rebooted or something like that so great questions i love the observance of like why is this these are great questions uh okay so based on the output here which interfaces are included in ospf this is a this is a i think this is a really good question this is what is this testing this is testing ospf this is testing subnetting with ipv4 and uh i think rather than try to explain all this right here if you are new to subnetting and new to ipv4 variable link subnet masking and how that all works there is a definite playlist that is just for you and it is totally free everything on my youtube well my whole channel is focused these days on ccna helping ccnas and it's all free so the playlist is called subnet saturdays now that does not mean you can only watch it on a saturday uh it it simply means that i i created them over a period of like 11 saturdays every saturday i would crank out another one and i just did them you know video one and video two then video three in order i just created the ipv4 subnetting playlist that i would have wanted to have when i was first learning subnetting uh which i learned in fullerton california back in the 80s and something hasn't changed a whole bunch since then uh it still works but i i if you are interested in subnetting that's a great way to do it and then i also have a a you know a metric ton of videos maybe not a metric ton but a lot of videos regarding ospf and network statements and how they operate but this command right here is a winner show ip protocols shows all your dynamic routing protocols the network statements that weren't used that were used for it and other parameters for it so i want to share that with you please take advantage of those playlists to make it easy to find me uh please subscribe if that's something you're up for and that way you can find me a little easier with all the like hundreds of thousands of videos that are uploaded every single week and day to youtube you can find some on my channel if you subscribe and again they're all free all right um let's continue on uh scoreboard at the top agent snail followed by agent puffin majestic bat rapid hair and the kind think there's a rooster all right question nine multiple select which are likely based on this output and i want exactly just two answers for this one and anurag is saying nice content i watch all i watched it all fantastic i enjoyed making it i do [Music] it's a lot of fun also helps keep me current helps me remember how things work if i have to revisit it periodically which is good [Music] [Laughter] denomina i prefer footlock friday love it and joshua i have um i don't think i've ever been to fraser park i grew up in california i um i graduated from high school in 1982 i know some of you aren't weren't born in 1982 and that's cool too um but uh i went to camarillo high school in southern california for sure that's where i got a little bit of my accent you know for sure although i'm very nerdy always have been and rafiq join the game just go to kahoot.it put in the pin code and answer the questions there [Music] all right based on the output which are likely cabling connecting gig 0 1 may be over 100 meters and there may be a duplex mismatch what how can you tell that from this output i guess the first question is uh where do we look um so just this is show interface gig zero slash one i remember when i started learning the cisco cli this command line interface i remember just thinking there's just millions of possible commands i'll never learn them all and it's true i never learned them all and i'm i've been doing it for a while but i there are several commands that we can do and uh one of them is show interface and if you press enter it's going to show you the details for all the interfaces but if you do show interface and then just one interface it'll filter just for that output so there's a lot of output here it's showing us the the bias the burned in layer 2 address the mac address so you can change it so currently i say i'm using this address and the burned in address is the same so we're using that layer to mac address on this interface here's the iep address and as a result this this interface believes it's connected to the 10.12.0 network with a 24-bit mask and so it would be in its routing table as a directly connected route here it has the mtu of 1500 bytes which is the default and the bandwidth uh let me get my com here we go uh is a thou is 1 million kilobits per second which is representative of gigabit ethernet and that's exactly right and then the the default delay logically on this interface is 10 microseconds does that mean that every packet forwarded in and out of this interface is always going to be 10 microseconds no it just means that's the default for a gig interface then routing protocols like e i g rp they use the delays and sum of delays as part of their composite metric also if you're new to the channel the blueprint for ccna does not mention by name eigrp but i did create one or two small videos on eigrp that i put in the ccna playlist here on youtube you're definitely going to want to check it out all right uh see here the keep alive oh oh oh oh oh oh oh see why look at this i think oh my goodness oh no scared oh no mr bill if you know who mr bill is that means you're over 40. okay um half or it's pop culture now i don't know but half duplex is not a normal thing and so if we have a device this is router one and this is gig zero slash one and if this is offer operating at half duplex it's doing what's called csma cd and that's a lot of acronyms but it boils down to this carrier sensing is paying attention that there's a link there multiple access there could be other devices that are also connected here and collision detection so if we're operating in half duplex it's using that and when it's going to send information let's say r1 wanted to send up some data on the network it would listen first because it's half duplex make sure it's clear and then it would send the packets now if if everybody's operating at half duplex uh then everybody's listening before they send but if this guy is operating at full dupe let's say we have a switch port and let's say the switchboard is configured for full duplex here uh that means this switch believes that it has two wires that it can use for sending and two other wires that it can use for receiving so in a in a coax in a coax in a unshielded twisted pair there's eight pair there's four pairs two of them are used two for sending and two for receiving and with full duplex we're expecting never to have a collision we're expecting never to you know have to wait listen to see if it's clear it's like having a private road so if we have r1 that's set up with half duplex and the switch or whatever we're connected to is set up at full duplex uh this guy could be talking while we're trying to send and there we can see collisions so if we see collisions which i do right here if there's a boat load and that i would say that's like maybe a quarter boat load depending on the boat but that's a lot of collisions and that would probably reference a collision a duplex mismatch between this port that we're looking at and whatever it's connected to there shouldn't there shouldn't be that many collisions uh what else do we have here oh oh oh and late collisions let's talk about that for a moment uh in the states we have this company called domino's pizza and uh if they're late delivering a pizza i think there's a discount i don't know that's how it used to be when i was growing up anyway uh if they're sitting if they're i'm gonna make a joke about being late and having a collision because you're driving recklessly but a late collision on ethernet networks simply says that hey r1 sent a packet sent you know a frame of data out on the network and it had been sent for a certain number of bits at which point if there was going to be a collision it should have already happened because everybody's listening and so if we're having a lot of late collisions that implies that we're not seeing all the signals in time and one reason for that is maybe we have a segment that's going further than 100 meters which is uh the length for an ethernet cable based on the spec now could you get over it like if you did 110 120 could you could it work yeah probably still would work but if you get over that length uh you're also opening up the possibility for late collisions as well if you are uh well if you're operating in half duplex if you're operating full duplex you should never see collisions well you might see one or two like spurious things but nothing that's significant all right so now that i said all that what are the answers here there may be a duplex mismatch yes and the cable may be over 100 meters perfect perfect perfect all right agent oh agent snail first place here we go got four more questions here's question number 10 which command generated this output uh foster was telling me that the 30-minute guarantee for domino's that was ancient history yeah i guess i haven't ordered domino's pizza lately thank you for that [Music] all right me one moment to just do a little bit of cleanup there and i would once again just remind everybody to um join the game the pin codes at the very bottom right you can join the game at kahoot.it or through the smart app or through the app on your smartphone and that's the best way to answer all right so what command generate that output it is show ipnet statistic this is let me tell you why this is a winner because with nat there's a few elements that are going on we have an access control list that's specifying who can be translated we have a nat rule on the interfaces we have i peanut insight or ipnet outside and this command show ipnet statistics is the one that's going to give us a lot of that detail right here so in the real world this is super important because we can see kind of everything with that with one output so the interfaces for outside interfaces for inside the access controller saying who can permit what and then um the pool in use for handing out ip addresses which would uh in the range is 1.11 2.100 so it's very likely a nat network address translation as opposed to pat because we're not overloading we're using a pool of addresses so great great tool and let me clear off that and we have 36 of us who got that right all right next time that comes around also the secret sauce to all this is hands-on practice and if you're saying keith i don't have gear how do i do hands-on practice the answer is packet tracer which is a free simulated networking tool from cisco you can get it free by going to netacad.com signing up for a free account downloading it for free and then on my website the keithbarker.com i've got 20 or 30 labs and jeremy's it labs he's got a ton there's just a ton of labs out there and you can also build apps from scratch so hands-on practice is a great way to reinforce the skills and really learn them okay agent snail is just right up there uh we've got just a few questions left i think we have uh three left all right competition is is heated here's question 11. it's multiple select from this request that we're about to see what would the server response [Music] include all right techy tech thanks for the heads up and uh i will have this uploaded to the playlist uh within a couple days so mark is asking about uh setting up switch stacks and priority etc all the the stacking and clusters of gear is beyond the ccna so that wouldn't be covered currently in my ccna content here on youtube primarily it's just ccna [Music] all right what would the server response include let's take a look real quick now this this is not a show command i snuck this one in um but because i thought it was important to have and it's a lot of output so if let's see what is this this is a tr this is traffic going to port 80 which is the well-known port for http and the source port is just some high numbered port that wasn't in use at the moment on the computer who generated that source port or if it's going through a nat device or pat device that could be manipulated there too but that's the source information so if this request hit the web server the web server is going to respond back and the response is going to be to port 34 622 tcp port and the source is before the reply the source would be from tcp port 80. they just be flipped so i'm hoping though i'm hoping those two answers show up on the board let's take a look source port of tcp 80 and the destination port of tcp 3462 yep yep okay all right let's go uh let's continue on again with two more that's it all right and agent snail is 16 000 and change doing great here we go question number 12 it is multiple select what is true based on the output shown i'm looking for exactly two answers all right sid's asking is vrf like a part of the ccna exam i see a lot of people discussing it on discord vrf virtual routing and forwarding instances are fantastic and amazing and useful but not not really relevant for the ccna i see really it's not on the blueprint anywhere and it's beyond the scope of the current ccna so put it uh put a pin in vrf's that they're amazing and interesting and we'll talk about more of them when we get to the professional level stuff or when you get there and mr webster yes every sunday pacific time 11am this quiz happens and from the previous screen that was a packet capture [Music] and jason regarding network simulators simulating in a virtualized environment like what we're going to do in production is a great way to test everything so some of the big simulators that are out there would include cisco modeling labs cml they also have a they have an enterprise flavor and a personal flavor uh even g is another one that can be used for that purpose gns3 is yet another one that can be used for that purpose so lots of emulation okay what is true oh wow nailed it nailed it wow that's so great you guys did great all right so um we have three input errors two are crc that's the frame check errors and crc is cyclical redundancy check uh so i yeah i'm good job i was busy looking at the chats and uh not really focusing on this question but uh default bandwidth and delay we talked about that in a previous question okay we are we have one last question so let's let's just have a heart to heart for a second we've got one last question so uh everybody who shows up to study which is what this effectively is who shows up to study and have some fun and camaraderie you're winning that's how we win in life in i.t we just keep on going we run into something it's a problem we research it we figure it out we solve it and then we turn and there's yet another opportunity to troubleshoot problem solve learn something new it's all about learning and just keeping getting better at what we do so i want to give you a uh my personal appreciation and applause for showing up and being part of this quiz so good on you for that and good on you for the studies every every saturday at 10 o'clock a.m pacific time we have an office hour on discord so if you are studying something and you want to bring a question that you've been studying it's like how does this work i don't quite get this after you've been studying bring it to the office hour and bring it up as a question i'd be more than happy to elaborate which is fairly small group like less than 100 every time so there's a great opportunity just listen and see what's going on and and join us there all right without further ado here is our final question and it is this based on this output for the last time in this quiz what is true regarding address translation [Music] hey thanks solid shadow for the super sticker appreciate you [Music] [Music] and pawan is asking about linux any type of linux experience is going to be good if you're in the career of networking so red hat is ibm's flavor but any linux you know ubuntu any flavor of linux if you learn it it's going to be helpful okay source net is in use whoa wow i think we just the last question was maybe the hardest there let's talk about that just for a moment let me grab a pen and show ipnet translation so this i have a really i think a really fun video about uh nat lingo let me tell you about this output this output has frustrated a lot of people for many many years at least two decades uh from the output show like inside global inside local outside local outside global i mean just saying that is like what it's like like semantic saturation where the words don't mean anything anymore so i made a video called nat lingo and it's on my youtube channel it's in the playlist for ccna like 150-ish videos there and it goes over a great way of helping to understand what the heck these mean and they use larry who is a local user with his perspective from the inside of the network and then they use google which rep like think of google as a big outside you know unless you work for google and then that's inside but google being someone on the outside who's on the global network and it's really all about their perspectives at the translations that are happening so inside local is the real life excuse me it's a real ip address on the inside and so we have a client at 10.1.0 and we have another client at and to the outside world to the global perspective they appear as this column right here and so this ip address on the inside is appearing as dot 173 and 52 is appearing as dot 172 that means we're not i do not like this not doing pat pat is where we're doing one ip dress that everybody shares this is representing a one-to-one mapping this guy goes to that one this guy goes to that one so this would be a representation of nat and we're swapping out the source address as it goes out through the firewall or router in this case and that's the result of source snap we're swapping out the source address on the initial translation lots of fun there okay and and jason saying love the puddle shirt yeah oh my gosh puddles is such a great performer and entertainer i've seen him perform i think three three times and one was a very small venue many years ago before he was too famous and uh it was great okay let's see how we did overall here is the podium [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bronze dragon bronze dragon you did it you did it oh fun times uh these are our toughest so we had 13 questions and uh the top the toughest five are right here and that's good for me as well i'll review those later and i'll probably could also get some feedback from you through your input device uh your whatever you're playing the game on and that'd be great that's also helpful to me and then what i also like to do is let me get my camera out uh i'm happy to stick around for a few minutes maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes if you have questions for me regarding ccna that level of topic anything in the ccna blueprint would be great i'd be happy to answer those briefly and then afterwards it's become more of a tradition than than format but afterwards we go hang out in the discord server for a while and just it's just open forum just yet in the ccna voice room so if you do want to join the discord server which is also free just make sure you if you're brand new to it read the rules so you can know what the rules are about you know just read them and agree to them and basically it boils down to this please be nice to everybody don't say or give away or do anything that would cause harm to anybody so read those rules and join us that'd be great um okay let me bring in over my question panel here and let me resize this i had a great week last uh yeah i've been having some really some good i'm so glad here in the states where i'm at the um the situation with the uh you know all the things that are going on in the world today they're getting better here uh in my part of the world and hopefully at some point uh everybody can get the help they need and we can have a little bit more of normalcy all right uh so if you have a question for me right now just go ahead and just put at keith barker so it shows up and i'm just going to go ahead and look at questions like from now going forward uh the 999 jstrict if that's your real name is asking to use a generator on your equipment so um i don't use that so i have solar we have solar on the house which pays for most of the electricity but behind um so at the moment the reason that mr sloth senior there is in front is i was using all all four blade servers and the noise was just a bit much even with the filtering on the mic so i put the blanket there put mr sloth there behind that i do have an uh a ups on unenraptable power supply not a big fancy one but just one that will if the power goes out for whatever reason those racks will be going long enough so i can gracefully shut down everything that's going on on those devices so this is a fairly inexpensive ups on that okay uh let's see if there's any other questions if there isn't we'll just move on and ashish is asking uh subnet saturday's enough oh he's stating subnet saturday is enough for ccna so the subnet saturday is enough for the ccna regarding ip addressing so the way we apply it so to understand it and how it works and subnetting great so how we apply ip addresses that's another angle right like how do we apply them on cisco router interfaces and how do we do a managed switch with an svi and things like so applying it but as far as ip addressing and how ipv4 works and subnetting subnet saturday is absolutely enough to get the job done okay ach raf i'm going to say is perhaps acroff is asking or stating back in the days when you're studying for cc and other certs how much time did you spend hands-on okay uh great point so i'll give you a quick history and thanks for the question so in ninth long long time ago in a galaxy far away i used to not know cisco at all so i bought when i first got into cisco there was no emulation it was like the late 90s and so i actually purchased three routers and i purchased them on online there wasn't even go there wasn't even online back then that's why i found them through some mechanism i ordered them and they they they were used they was like 5 000.19 maybe it's 98 yeah not 89 like 1998-ish that's a lot of money i didn't have that much money and so i was like i couldn't make this investment in myself and so i got these this gear because it was my only option and then i realized there was no modular interfaces i had to buy interfaces for it because i didn't know better and so i bought the interface and that was the beginning so hands-on was important to me nowadays oh my goodness there's so many ways to do hands-on for free so packet tracer even g cisco modeling labs gns3 the easiest one though i mean if if if my youngest child came to me and said i need to learn networking what do i do i would say use packet tracer it's so quick so easy no money no doesn't suck 80 watts of power per device or anything like that so that's what i would do uh okay a b h i m a n y u is stating i'm confused about that wireshark output can you please explain that once again uh so the wireshark is just a representation of network traffic so if we were if you and i were if if you were a server a web server and i was a i was a i had a browser i'm a client and i'm going to send you a we have a session going on if i send my traffic to you to your ip address layer 3 and at layer 4 in the layer 4 header i'm using tcp and i send it to the well-known port of 80. the only reason that works is because you as a web server are listening you're waiting for those traffic traffic on that port and it comes in it's a web request using html and uh or using http protocol the server receives it and then when you respond back to me you're basically going to say oh this came from keith at port 6783 i'm going to send it to port 6783 and the source port is going to be port 80. so when web servers who are on using port 80 to get connected to with http when they respond the source board's always going to be port 80. you just flip it so you flip the source address both at layer 3 and at layer 4 as far as the ports are concerned oh hussein you're very welcome thanks for the nice comment um is there any way to try automation using packet tracer for you know i said that's a great question there is there are a lot of options in packet tracer the new version is version eight as of this recording or as of the stream as of this live stream so i've never played with it i think there are some tabs for something like that but i do not know the answer to that so for um for ccna they do want you to be aware of automation and how it works and the impact of network automation and so forth uh maybe recognize a json output but not not actually you know configure ansible or puppet or chef or actually use those tools but more be aware of them so if you do find out sid let me know about packet tracer i'm always interested uh let's see what else uh what about the question about ospf and subnetting not sure why the answers were correct so so for that ospf where it showed show ip protocols and then it showed the network statements and then which interfaces would be included that's a big discussion and so it's going to require some knowledge of ipv4 networking including subnetting and then also some knowledge about ospf and how that works so check out my videos on ospf and the network statement and also subnet saturdays to kind of get those sides of the pieces and then once you've studied it i'll have this up online later this week so you can take a look at it again then find out why it's just not a simple answer like 21. it's not like that it's more of in more of a several components coming together also i found the exam to be very real very fair i mean they were testing on do you know how this works and i didn't i didn't feel like there's a bunch of trick questions or like nothing nothing mean it was like 100 plus questions like 100 203 questions uh no simulations and i thought it was pretty darn fair all right um i just shawn is saying i just started my ccna with no network plus do you think i can understand these ccna subjects it depends uh i used to say yeah anybody can learn it but um i'm gonna share nah i'll keep it private not everybody is cut out to do networking right i'm gonna say that not everybody because some people just aren't going to take to it they don't like it they don't get it they don't want to get it but i do believe that virtually everything in this life is learnable now i'll never be seven feet tall that's not possible i can't get a tattoo of myself on my body and make it a foot taller can't do it uh but as things as far as things that can be learned we can learn to ride bicycles we can learn to code if you want to you don't have to but i mean if you wanted to learn it you could start with the basics and just keep on studying you could be a cisco engineer you could be a juniper engineer you could be a you know firepower you know security engineer lots of options vmware lots of options so it's all learnable so if you have interest i don't think the network plus is a prerequisite for ccna i don't but for individuals who are like brand new to networking i mean totally new if they did network plus first that is a really good foundation upon which cisco ccna is going to leverage so network plus from comptia is mostly about the um the basics from a mostly generic perspective of how things work network wise and then cisco is all is primarily focused on here's how it works yeah that's true and here's how you use it on our gear how do you apply that so it's great uh vicky saying you're very welcome vicky thank you thank you and uh eduardo is saying hugs for my family here in brazil ah you're very thank you very much i know brazil is having a tough time with uh the situations that are going on and um thank you for being here and my heart goes out to you guys so hopefully things will be better soon um jason's saying okay thank you jason thank you thank you thank you and um blending is pointing out that you could buy you could buy a license for cisco modeling labs for 200 and that's an annual subscription from cisco it's called the personal edition but you'd want to have enough horsepower on your computer or wherever you're going to be running it to make sure you can actually you know run it i think it sports up to like 20 devices at a time or something simulated so that's that's definitely an option i have a license for cisco modeling labs from cisco i do and uh i've also got a license for even g um which is not from cisco and then you know the whole thing is like it's not that you're never gonna get into a job interview and they're going to ask you tell me what you think the best emulator is this is really important for your job experience it's like they don't care what they do care about is can you troubleshoot can you implement can you learn and how does you know can you can you actually be a good technician they don't give a hoot about did you learn to drive in a simulator or a real car well if that simulator was 100 like like the real thing it doesn't matter i was in uh where was i a few years many years ago i was in maryland i think it was and uh the the navy has this huge simulator for for boats i mean it's big it's a full 360 with just walls of screens and then you're on the deck of this ship and then you can hit a button you can make an a ship you want like a like a little tug boat or a huge bat uh not a battle station battle stations um like an aircraft carrier you can change it on the fly in the situation i want fog i don't want fog and then the whole thing is and you know somebody who practices on that is going to be really really geared up and ready for the real thing they probably want some supervision when they're driving a multi-million dollar vehicle but it's a great tool which also probably costs multiple millions of dollars to make uh see what else do i have any recommendations for home lab equipment for the ccna and ccnp level studies if you're doing ccna i would strongly encourage you don't buy any gear unless you want to unless it's like this is so fun i just want to buy it great or if you want a puppy great get a puppy or cat get a cat whatever it is but you don't need it i'm just be very clear so for ccna just get packet tracer which is free and you can lab up virtually everything you want well i can't do this well yeah there's a few little teeny corners but they are so minor so get packet tracer then for a ccnp it's gonna be cisco modeling labs or even g or g and s3 and all three of those have a learning curve just to get it up and working and functioning and so uh what i personally use i use uh i use even g like every day because it's just so darn convenient that's my personal favorite did it take a little bit to get dialed in and to learn it yes just like everything else but um i used to use gns3 all the time and nothing wrong with gns3 either okay um mahdi is stating i want to tell you thanks all right thank you and i got my first job as a network technician and the ccna helped me a lot oh great great great great fantastic and let me see what else we have okay hi this is uh this is great uh if you need to drop off uh thanks for joining us but i would like to take a few more questions and hang out with you a little bit longer and then i'll jump in the discord server as well um this is from surendra and uh he's saying hi keith i recently took an interview in a well reputed in a well and a company with a good reputation the interviewer asked me about arp which really got me confused he said arp performs an and operation before between sources peter s and s [Laughter] that's so fantastic that's fantastic there are different ways of looking at different things for example with ip addressing you could say that to calculate the network a computer takes the ip address in binary and it takes the mask in binary and does a logical ending and the result of that and process is the actual network that you're currently sitting on that helps no one and so i've never taught it that way and i won't teach it that way because it's like what do i do a math major i have to start learning boolean logic to make this work so um if if i got a question about i mean as a that that's fantastic i'd have to think about that like why somebody say that but um if somebody asked me about arp i would just tell them what it does and the way i teach one of my secrets and i've been teaching for a long time and i enjoy it and i also do some consulting on the side but mostly teaching these days is i often start with a problem before i give the solution or the technical answer of why it happens so for example we could think i just reverse it in my mind a little bit so with arp address resolution protocol what problem does it solve well a computer may need to talk to its default gateway to forward a frame write a packet of data so it can get off the local network but it doesn't know the default gateway's address or this layer two address knows the ip address learn it via the http but no it doesn't layer two address so it's a problem right so devices need to find out dynamically what the layer 2 address is of other devices on their network if they want to communicate you know short of a broadcast or something and so to solve that we use arp and within our message is so cool arp says hey shouting out everybody on this local network this layer 2vlan everybody who's here i'm really interested in the person who owns and if that's you could you send me a response back with what your layer 2 address is because i really need it because i want to send you some frames packets layer three is called packets layer two they're called frames so i would just explain it and if they ask me if they're telling me what arp does i'd say oh that's interesting but they're asking me what arp does i would just start with the the short problem of what it solves and then go into how it works and oftentimes when you start explaining how it works like uh yeah next topic this is just testing to see whether or not you know it or not uh but yeah interview questions are great and they're sometimes they're challenging especially if there's something you don't know i think as companies hire individuals they are looking for people who can be team players because no one's an island and also who can learn and who are also forthright so like if they ask me a question about something i didn't know i just say you know i i'm not familiar with that tell me more okay um niranjan is asking keith can you do videos on lab setup with actual gear i've got a seven foot pile literally seven feet taller than me right outside my this little place is right off my garage so in my garage it's all stacked up against the wall and i never bring it in very often anymore unless i'm doing like uh like a wireless lan controller that's doing a link aggregation into a switch and then i'll have a like a 3750 switch or something out there but i'll tell you what uh the physical gear just being able to see it touch it is not as valuable as one might think so in packet tracer there's a physical view if you want to see the rack of gear and backer tracer you get a physical view you go to the data you go to the wiring closet and there it is in a rack and if you want to move cables around move cables around it's just a lot faster than doing it physically and those those guys boot faster so probably not a whole bunch of physical gear labs coming up but i've got the gear i just doesn't make sense to use it all the time anymore all right mr webster a lot of good questions from you all right do you still work as a networker do you stick teaching what's your most memorable troubleshooting situation in the real world uh join me on discord mr webster and we can have a chat about that i'd be happy to discuss that with you um and petco saying why did you stop uploading these quizzes i've got like 40 or 45 quizzes in the playlist and so if i have a new uh let's say i did something like on spanning tree from five months ago and then now based on requests we're doing it again i might tweak the questions a little bit brush them off make sure they're solid and then present that quiz but if i already have a an stp quiz in the playlist with mostly the same answers mostly the same questions i should say um i probably won't go through the additional time of taking the new quiz spending three or four hours doing the editing and then uploading if i've got one that's already there so if if it's a new one like this one i don't have an exact or a very close replica of this quiz on the playlist so i will edit this one and add it but so if you need a topic so essentially there's over 140 videos in the playlist for ccna and there's like over 40 in the quiz alone in that playlist so i would encourage you to leverage those and use them and if there's a topic that is not covered which is significant let me know and we'll do it because i think i've covered a lot of not every topic but most of the core topics on the blueprint i either have quizzes on and or videos in my playlist all right let's see what else uh do i have a video on how to use pt in general and the answer is yes if you do if you go to my ccna playlist and or just go to my channel and just do a search on my on my channel for packet tracer you're going to get dozens of hits and it's all there for you all right all right all right all right all right uh i love great comments and good feedback thank you for everybody else helping each other all right nepal's in the house thank you for those kind words and ashish is asking there's no bgp in ccna right well let's talk about that in the blueprint like the exam topics from cisco that they publish there are six modules and one's on ipv4 routing and ipv6 uh there's no uh uh it doesn't state bgp or eigrp explicitly in the blueprint but last time i checked those routing protocols which they both are eagrp and bgp they both have things like administrative distance they both have their cost or metric and so i would say that i would study a little bit on bgp and i have some videos in in my playlist here on youtube that cover bgp at the ccna level everything in the ccna playlist is at the ccna level and so i've got eigrp and bgp in there and i would encourage the ccna candidate to study both at the ccna level so yeah now you know okay and let's see what else let's see what else um yeah so yeah so no bgp explicitly in the ccna blueprint but be prepared for some awareness of bgp administrative distances for external internal and the basic concepts of what makes a external bgp neighborship i've got videos on that okay let's see what else uh yeah vicky is doing some great thank you vicky for answering all those questions um i have my ccna and currently working as a configuration technician mostly doing mobile device management stuff do you think i should leave this job for growth i'm staying away from that one life is interesting right so we have thing is that if we have no skills we have less options that's true and if you have more skills often times not always but oftentimes we're going to have more options than we had no skills so if you have some skills and you can build on those and make them better and do a job that you really enjoy doing fantastic but just to leave just because you know you want to leave may not be the best decision so my career which has been since 1980 i went to technical school in 1985 and in 1985 just right after electricity was invented um i got my first job at eds and i was there for a year or two and then i went to blue cross of california was there for a few years and then after that i went to paramount pictures for a few years but none of my jobs lasted for more than two or except the one i'm currently in uh lasted for more than two or three years and here's why it wasn't because i didn't like them but i outgrew them that's literally what happened i outgrew them i kept studying i kept getting better at what i was doing i took my zero knowledge and i made it good and i took my good knowledge i made it better i picked my better knowledge i made the best i possibly could with what i had to work with and so i just kept on increasing my skills and those opportunities based on where i lived and all that good stuff was going on the opportunities were present and i took them and so i don't think i ever had a job more than three years before i started working like at uh mastering computers and knowledge dents some of those companies and then i think maybe it was four four or five years there and now i'm at cbt nuggets that's my job it's a great job by the way we work with an amazing trainer train a team of trainers and we make all different kinds of content there it's cbt nuggets is a paid for service so it's a subscription-based it's all paid for it's all you have to pay for subscriptions uh and so i've been there for like eight years and it's amazing so that's the longest job i've ever had but going back to us as starting off i would just increase your skills if something looks super amazing to you learn it if there's a possibility you could get a job doing it that is like if it's something like oh that's like nuclear physics i'm going to study i don't have any opportunities in my world to get a job as a nuclear you know scientist or any i don't have the skills either but if i started learning those i guess i could move to those but i would say find something super interesting to you and then get really good at it and then keep getting better at it and keep studying it and then move in that direction like i remember in the 80s late 80s when networking was just like brand new like local area networking not ibm mainframe network local area networking and i thought it was novell david nelson was the person doing the networking at the time it was cutting edge coax cable with t connectors and i thought man i like this i is so darn cool that a person can sit at a computer over there and access a file sitting on a server over there and there's like this magic that makes it happen i thought i want to learn that magic so that's where i started my networking journey so thank you david nelson i'm not sure where you are these days but he was my inspiration uh when i had my first it one of my first jobs at blue cross of california and getting going all right that was a little sidetracked sorry about that uh let's see here daniel saying oh so close all right so daniel took his ccna yesterday oh got a really good score but it wasn't enough um i will rebook in a month awesome i know what that feels like daniel i from personal experience i have failed exams before my most painful fail was i got my ccie in routing and switching back in 2001 a long time ago with token ring switches and and date link switching and all atm not the kind you get money out of and um so i got my first cc i got my first try it was a two day exam passed it only because i studied for like eight months uh it was vicious then for my second cci which is two years later it was in security so i thought i've got my cci already let's brush up on the security stuff and do it and i went back for that second exam and got my my lunch handed to me and i failed it based on that attempt based on bgp i learned bgp really really well for the first exam and then i kind of let the skills fade over a year or two and thought they were still good but they weren't great and i failed it on pgp and i failed it again i schedule it like a month or two later failed it again i finally said i'm done i'm done get me the world's smallest violin i'm not taking this exam again uh and then i had somebody who is wiser and smarter and patient who said keith you should probably go for it again and so i buckled down i said i'm taking responsibility for this i failed the exam maybe it's not fair it wasn't fair still not fair life isn't fair i just get over that part and i just buckled down and i started really studying again in earnest for a few months and i learned i learned the technology better than i'd ever done before so it was totally worth it was a win although taking the exams thousands of dollars each attempt and i didn't you know so anyway i passed it third time for the ccia for security so i took the exam four times total for ccie got one route switch and got one security and failed it twice in between there all right and profile is just saying regarding subnet saturday i feel proficient in subnetting excellent excellent excellent every everybody i talk to who goes through those 11 videos and i'm going to make one more on super netting and add it to it as well but everyone goes through those 11 videos for subnet saturday walks away saying yeah i i get it i can do this so that's perfect okay okay okay uh great comments good good good let's see if there's anything else um the uh the easiest way i'll say vicky's saying the easiest thing about ccna is to fail so organize with keith's content and don't restrain yourself with the time margin thank you vicky she was responding to something else good good thank you thank you um let's see if there's anything else i need to respond to live uh let's see here got some great feedback for other people and let me see what else ah some great comments great ideas from joshua and daniel and others thank you and let's see all right rudra is from india welcome welcome so good to have you and i just started learning networking and your content thank you glad you're here glad you're here and let's see what else um blend and they are saying what's the ad for internal bgp can somebody answer that for blendinator it's not 20. it's like 10 times worse it's terrible all right thank you for that um all right and uh i know we're saying can we do a packet tracer lab regarding qos i haven't played with qos in packet tracers i don't know what uh what that is oh and then vicky thank you very much vicky saying ibgp is 80 of 200 and external bgp is 20. fantastic thank you vicky for that and let's see what else is there uh roger is asking about a good road map for um cyber security uh come and hit us up in discord for that if you would and see what else okay i think we've gotten everything just to do another quick check here uh thank you profile for the nice comment uh and sean saying where do you go after you get your ccie disney world that's that's a joke based on the commercials i don't think anymore like that they take the winner of the like nfl uh super bowl and they say what are you gonna do i'm going to disneyland or disney world um there's also there's some architect and some ccdes and other things like that um but i i'm not going for another ccie um i mean there's other things to learn like data center and so forth but um plenty of opportunity i i i've gotten a few additional certifications with cisco on some of their products like sd-wan and and so forth but there's other vendors out there too so big-ip from f5 and products like uh citrix has a whole suite of things that are really cool juniper does as well palo alto makes some really great firewalls so there's lots of other things as well um what is that cool thing moving in the background uh that thing nothing that is a perpetual motion machine that i saw on iron man and i bought one of the iron man movies and i just bought a little teeny version of it from amazon so it's i have uh in my videos i've got a link to my affiliate store which is mostly because people would ask me what is this and what do you use and uh if you click on my affiliate store uh if you buy something there i think i get like a percentage or two possibly of what's purchased but the reason i have it there is so that you can just go and look and it has a listing of all my youtube gear what i use including that thing so if you're interested in my cameras or my lighting or the computers or the screens or mic so i had all of it is most of it virtually all of it is from amazon and it's in that youtube gear so check it out if you're curious all right and vicky's saying bgp was in season 86 uh and the current flavor of ccna which is 200 f-301 i already talked about bgp we want to be aware of that okay let's see here and uh somebody's asking what is the discord pin there shouldn't be a pin so there's a invite link in this description of this video if you click on that there i don't think there's a pin required if not i'll find out and let you know but it shouldn't be a pin required all right sam you're very welcome all right and some other kind comments i think i'm almost near the end all right takara t-i-k-a-r-a-j is saying i'm from nepal awesome i watched your video several times and passed the ccna thank you for the great inspiration well thank you for letting us know it's so good to have you here i appreciate the feedback and raphael great kind comments as well and all right i think and then uh nerajan is asking can you do a video on firewall setup and configuration unfortunately because it's not on the blueprint for ccna i do teach firewall technologies the checkpoint palo alto cisco's used to the cisco asas now cisco firepower but all that content i do as part of my work at cbt nuggets so on on youtube it's all ccna focused these days very focused also the good news is let's say a year from now we're like you know what i want to brush up on my ccna and the fundamentals come back you know join you're part of the alumni come on back and enjoy the quizzes or check out the playlists they're all free all right that's it thank you very much for hanging out with me for how long has it been wow uh like an hour and 20 minutes or 25 minutes this morning i'm in the pacific time zone so when i post on my social media about quizzes and other events coming up they're always in the pacific time zone so adjust your time zone accordingly and if you can make it if it's convenient we'd love to have you so i'm going to send you out with a little bit of music and uh i will edit this video it's recording i just double checking that i'm going to edit this hello i'm going to edit this and make it as tight as possible i'll probably take all this dialogue that we had at the end and that's just for us in this live stream and then i'll package it and i'll put it in the playlist on youtube all right be kind to everybody practice and study like your life depends on it enjoy yourself help others and life is short we all have a very finite amount of time and i don't care what background we come from or what experiences we have time is our limiting factor uh that we all share and so make the most of your time if you start studying now and you say i'm going to dedicate two hours a week or one hour a day or whatever you can reasonably allocate and just do it just put your head down a little bit and just go to work it's totally worth it it's amazing what can be done after six months or four months or three months of study just consistent gradual no drama if you are a drama person i understand i i do i get it however when it comes to studying and talking about studying no drama don't don't don't oh i'm going to study for 14 hours just do it if you're going to study for 14 hours just do it don't talk about it don't talk about what you're going to do just do it and that's the secret so also 14 hours is extreme so just um small consistent efforts in the direction you want to go and you're going to make a lot of progress i have a lot of people in my life who've looked at me and said whoa how did you get it's like time right how did you get your cca eight months of studying four hours a day four or five days a week that's how i got it or um xyz how did you get good at this i studied and that's the secret in labbing it up all right i just keep talking so i'm gonna go ahead and put on a exit video for you and thank you all for participating and i'll be in the discord server in the ccna voice chat room just hang out very casual if you want to join us there uh it is a free for all so anybody can say anything they want but you do need to follow the rules on the discord server so just be make sure you're kind to everybody not disclosing what you saw on an exam for example that's not okay and uh it's a great community hope to see you there soon all right bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] are you still here bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 3,503
Rating: 4.9663863 out of 5
Keywords: cbt nuggets, cbt training, ccna, ccna 200-301, ccna certification, ccna study, ccna training, cisco, cisco ccna, cisco certifications, cisco training, ccna fundamentals, cisco ccna 200-301, keith barker, ccna exam, 200-301 videos, 200-301 ccna, cisco ccna certification, cisco certification
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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