Pacify Funny Moments - Grandma's Got Her Chickens!

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hey what's up guys who's who i'm jumping i'm jumping right now okay okay okay now who's next now i'm jumping i'm jumping hey shut up brian okay cousin he doesn't like to talk about it i wish my regeneration would fix my alcoholism what is this it's a haunted chicken where's he going the chicken is too difficult to wait we have to catch the chicken no that's the objective welcome to shotgun farmers no wait what's our clothes safe paranormal paranormal activity help who named our company everything else was taken okay brock where are you going oh you did not come here call an emergency meeting oh okay i thought it was actually a button i don't know what the objective is this is my favorite type of game when you don't know what to do you don't know what it's about what what what was that did you find a side door i just knocked the door down oh look seriously i just started over here yeah it says we don't need it okay all right seriously wait wait come over here come over here what'd you find i don't know come close and listen wait is that a horse that's what i thought it's either a horse or a monster that's gonna kill us damn this place is a mess these people really need to clean up don't worry everybody paranormal action help is here there's a note on the door it says do not go into the barn she's gone what the hell was that sorry i wanted to do a bit of an elton john tribute over here and i hit the piano why is everything we do in this game at full strength i can hear grandmother sleeping oh there's something out there where was it a grandma i just grabbed a frying pan oh nice grab a frying pan you guys oh i feel so much safer it says do not go into the barn she's gone the kids are gone i do not have anything to live for i'm going to use myself as bait trap her inside the barn how many [ __ ] lumens is this flashlight jesus it's like so bright i can't see anything how many [ __ ] moments i lost the keys to the [ __ ] there's somebody eating there's somebody outside the front door come look at this it looks like he's eating the ground what the [ __ ] the chickens he's eating the chicken kill that [ __ ] away from my chicken is that grandpa who's that damn he's got a fat ass now oh god what is going on with me dude do you see me am i still alive everyone is swinging and that's it okay well now we know oh wait wait cutscene this is super realistic he's eating us that's fun that 3d animation costs like 50 grand right 20 thousand dollars okay the whole game's budget went into that hopefully you guys enjoyed the video i like how it just takes you to the main menu it's like get the [ __ ] out of here let's get out of our game [ __ ] losers dude you guys look so tiny this is me who am i i love your fedora yeah you're going to have a fedora yeah yes all right who wants to see me kool-aid man this door do it oh yeah that was so lame you clearly unscrewed the hinges and set it up and then just pushed it down yeah see this note over here says i lost the keys to the shed i could not find them i will have to use the bolt cutters so we gotta find some bolt cutters okay there is an upstairs to this house we don't have to rush out to uh old man river look at the window there where what uh-huh what's outside there there's nothing out there there's none there the sink is full of antifreeze though what the hell i don't know what that's all about what's that mountain dew going upstairs yeah yep yep out here on the patio there's boat headers oh oh nice dude nice taking care of free-range chickens is difficult they run everywhere hard to catch sometimes i imagine hitting them with a frying pan hit the chance with the frying pan get the frying pan get them this is like a four-player frying pan activity or i think get a frying pan let's go so many chickens there's like 50 notes in this room this note over here is pretty important grandmother gave me this old i think in a long time ago she could activate the magic of the windmill if needed wow she must have been losing her mind i put it up in the attic wait i thought that was a dude that is a dude it's 2020 it could be whatever he or she oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no no he's gonna grab me how do we get him can you revive me or something wait where are you no no you're but yeah you're still alive i'm floating no no you're still you're walking around like crying yeah yeah i've got a back problem oh sorry where are you oh god i'm right here i'm right here i hid that scared me so bad i just saw him chase you across the hall rock scream shut up brian i don't like scary games i wish i said the kids were annoying but very delicious that's a note i wonder who wrote that are you sad i i think i see a trinket in the attic oh you're upstairs is this a trinket where are you oh an angel how do i revive myself or have i got a back problem now i don't know because i can't pick up anything look at the way you walk yeah you got you guys are jacked up look at them go okay now on the count of when i say three two one go i want you guys to just ram each other like you're mountain goats okay three two oh he's up here oh my god oh my god oh my god ah he's got me [ __ ] off or she i don't know holy crap why didn't you go after sark sarge is it in the corner yes pray to me oh my god messiah it says you cannot do that while injured so we can be healed just how i feel like our field of view is like what wildcat uses for call of duty [Laughter] 200 so i've survived so far i just have killed my light and then just [ __ ] myself silently in the corner oh he's eating the chicken i killed oh nice dude so that's the distraction you need to murder cheek holy [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] he went flying okay use the bowl cutters do it what is all this yeah we can interact with that farm equipment incorporated all in one poison for plants and insects 45 bags product must be mixed with water to activate that's what's in the tubs oh yeah it said i couldn't hold the chicken and the bag i wonder if you can use the chicken like if he's like charging you like drop it goes after it or something here let's go back come back towards the windmill see if there's something back here it's a big ass moon that's our like professional opinion is i want to leave a review for this game just right there's a big-ass moon game all right so bolt cutters we can clip a door up here oh oh oh what the hell is this what's that what was that the hell is this do we get healed here i don't know here come on see it's an angel though i have the angel here oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it worked running okay so now what do we do so we gotta like don't die where'd you guys go he's in the backyard he's zooming to me he's filming where are you guys fine okay where are you guys here it comes lights off okay okay are you guys still where you're standing stop moving oh he got me he got me i didn't know i [ __ ] i didn't know [Music] yeah don't don't let that that lunch lady ass fool you it's pitch black where i am same oh he's coming in the back door stand still oh gosh oh i just saw a shadow move again how why why [ __ ] this guy sark you're just like oh my god he ran back down here back down yes god you know he's coming back up he's coming back up did you get you did he hit you so it's just me i'm downstairs in the corner please stay still just bend over brian just let it happen okay well there you go oh well we tried so the only things we haven't figured out are everything everything we can the chickens and the bags of poison why is it an old man and it's referred to as a woman it's not a woman it's marlon brando i'm telling his wife why are we saying her it's a she well middle america is [ __ ] let's go going from me oh my god huge wolverine yeah brian's you're right dude he looks like the juggernaut my name's logan i wanna [Laughter] this product must be mixed with water to activate do we know where a water source is we got to put them in the green tubs or the sink right maybe so should we go to the kitchen with the chicken yeah i don't see any interaction with the sink oh no no no no i'm guessing it's something that we have to put the poison in though because why would we have to like grab the poison if it's already mixed oh my god oh my god he's in the barn the barn oh did he get you yeah oh no he just opened the [ __ ] door no that was me that opened it i'm an idiot dude i can't see [ __ ] oh my god this is so scary oh we need the bolt cutters to open [ __ ] okay okay well i'm gonna stay in this dark corner you guys okay coming back okay are you going going to the windmill he's in the house windmill yep yep we're gonna get brock back rock back mountain i knew it i knew it was coming she's coming this way she's coming she's coming you shouldn't you shouldn't have ran you shouldn't run [ __ ] you oh i put down the chicken i put down the chicken i put down the chicken oh where do we go put the chicken down put the poultry why are you guys so calm are we going to the bowl are we going are we going to the thing yeah windmill get in everyone's fade and fade in the background come on let's just sprint through the door yeah just right as i heal i feel so much safer in this there's a bag of poison there there's a bag of please yeah i got it i got it who's flashing the light oh it's you that's me that's me what are we doing okay okay i filled it up yes now put the chicken in i did i did i put it in yes oh yes chicken fan oh it's back in my inventory as a green chicken it's a green cheese oh we're gonna poison that [ __ ] oh she's coming she's coming she's coming oh my god [Music] i'll be at the windmill and here comes brock brock's doing the walk of shame yeah yeah yeah okay well let's get brock back three two one oh my god okay so now i just go get attacked by she's coming she'll eat my chicken sark give that [ __ ] your [ __ ] i need to go get a frying pan it looks like you just weakened the monster yes yes good job okay so hold on to the chicken and let it attack you yeah yep yep we need to get more poison i think she just regained some of her health no what she ain't a chicken oh okay we need to go we need to go poison we need free chickens yeah we need to like do it rapid fire she out here yes oh i hate my life oh my god windmill that is not a [ __ ] i don't care what anyone says oh god she's coming back oh my god she's in the [ __ ] she's in the windmill is she eating somebody or i know should we sh should we should we oh my god oh my god she ate my chicken i'm out should we get the [ __ ] out oh my yeah yeah yeah do you think this is enough you think four chickens is enough i don't know we've only got three we've only got three i haven't got a chick and i've got my [ __ ] in my hand okay so we need to okay got the got me [ __ ] okay okay good good good good as soon as we blitzer with chickens we're gonna have to like hurry and run and grab more chickens just in case i want a paddy's day [ __ ] like you all guys have i got it we're all poisoned up yeah yep yep let's go hunting boys i'll start making my call we should try to get over by the chickens oh yeah buy okay okay okay okay go go get another chicken get another chicken okay get another chicken i just dropped a chicken is that good is that good is that is she good well hopefully where is she going where's she going okay okay okay go get another chicken i'm next come on no i want to be next i want to be next okay you be next come on come on [ __ ] [Laughter] is she coming together we have five bags of poison five bags of boys she going for me she's running at someone oh my god yeah oh my [ __ ] lord holy [ __ ] oh she ate a regular chicken i don't see any chickens crap there's one right in front of her she's gonna go for not if i could do something about it not if i could do something with eat me [ __ ] she got mine she got mine okay is there anyone is there any new ones is there any new ones over here not a new poisoned one oh i see a chicken [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right i got a regular one i'm i'm going i'm going around all right i got a green chicken i'm hauling ass back to the front right here oh okay okay should we oh [ __ ] is that a normal chicken or is that uh she's all green her face is green this is good this is good okay i'm gonna i'm gonna give her another one yep i'm gonna go get a fresh chicken oh no oh no i don't have a chicken oh that's not good oh i thought i think she was eating already eating my chicken okay i gotta go let's go boys this is like kfc [ __ ] this assembly line we got an assembly line going like crazy oh she dying she dying looks like she's done oh yes we did it yes where is she she's at the front she's at the front okay she's all ding dong the witch is dead yes [Laughter] she just has bad gas now were you always bald didn't you have hair at the beginning of this round all the stress stress [Laughter] disgusting [Music] she looks like she's in platoon or something i'm just gonna put her in the dumpster yeah on the way back to the office can we just drop her in a quarry oh it works how'd you do this sweet grind i swear to god if she wakes up and just hacks okay yeah i'm leaving good job yes we did it nice we are very excited that you were able to catch up yes yeah screw you grandma just going to jump at the window you ready for your next mission we will contact you soon with the details all right gg boys holy crap i didn't think we were going to do it that was that was so stressful that was good i enjoyed it yeah that was yeah that was funny kind of sad that it's over brock's amazing i don't like scary games it was your idea too mother nature god who was wildlife but come total [ __ ] take a hike now we taking nature walks i ain't trying to make a wife i ain't trying to make a force i ain't trying to let my ego make you be my greatest laws lavender in the blunt call me when you get out you be raspy i'll be in love happy [ __ ] texting what you really are i happen to see you clear so sadly i'm not
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 2,501,078
Rating: 4.973217 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage, pacify, chicken
Id: 0tBdkRK5lWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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