Lunch Lady Funny Moments - Stealing Answers to the Test!

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the jonathan character looks like he got bitten by a zombie like an hour ago he's like transition he's about to turn any minute definitely he's got scurvy he's homer simpson i'm telling you and then [ __ ] ashley looks like the scary baby toy from toy story yeah head twists around what's the objective we have to find our test answers we got to get lunch we got to find some pages good news by the creepy lunch lady the good news is that it's sports week yay sports dreams sports week just votes week thanks to the power of editing spot suite start it up all right i have no idea what we're doing no idea there's a big giant lunch lady who's trying to stop us from collecting pages yeah we need the test answers guys oh even though we always said our mid-20s zombie oh wait never mind come on dude you look fully yellow also are you do your guys's hands look like you're an 80 year old dude you are shaking yours are we're definitely nervous here guys we've got shaky hands they're definitely numbers very nice yeah yeah okay let's find these pages boys wait what these are exam papers yeah yeah yeah we need all ten it's really important to find it while while the school is clearly shut down that's how we're going to get i think that's okay that's the point we're snapping opens doors okay i guess that makes sense oh take it take the laptop i thought everyone was doing school from zoom i thought that's what the you know zoom class is laggy all right we gotta figure this [ __ ] out yeah well let me open this open open open the open i got it there you go there we go there we go e e e is all you gotta use your hands oh look look oh you got a lunchbox oh nice dude you gotta get a themed lunchbox dude it's awesome i i i i got apple shovelers and boobs in there boobs next to my shoes just turn around he's like eating gauze oh did you hear her you're who can you did you hear that the lunch lady the fat zombie lunch lady zombie well [ __ ] she's definitely a zombie she's either obese with a really really bad skin condition or just a zombie she's above us close the doors behind us come on brian stop taking this game series it's four bucks sorry for trying to build a bit of a dynamic not at all needed didn't you know brian's a competitive lunch lady player oh yes i'm sure i'm sure the exam papers are going to be in the locker room just like they always are the classic hide it in the toilet trick oh yeah of course was it was it was it was with you on the convenient table which is in every single toilet yes every ee [Laughter] you've got dangle berries big where's here we go this is where the lunch lady is i feel like we're playing prop hunt here's one our lit let me see it oh that's what it looks like okay okay yeah you're looking for blue and here's a med kit nice heavy get your here yes medkit lunch box yeah getting excited about that i gotta get it gotta get here excited about that i'm excited i'm excited we're running with a poop in the pants oh here we go yeah here oh oh oh [ __ ] yeah okay now i hear that i hear that i hear that my heartbeat's going crazy i love sloppy jaws i was going to say look how old this chair is is that a ton of dandruff like a layer of dandruff all right calm down no it's only a four dollar game all right okay fair enough i don't know she's trying to build a dynamic a bit right it was a pretty that was a pretty grimy chair though oh [ __ ] jurassic park dude we got to go back that was where the noise was no stop going where are you going today a little bit i'll go on you guys are cowards let's go just a lunch lady just [ __ ] tackles him from the side oh we're going to basement or oh i don't know i feel let's go down how about we split up two go up to go around come on we gotta do the typical horror troll sports wig boats weak what is this oh that's where she came from what the [ __ ] what is this lasagna wait did that do it on its own it's like the slowest standard performance get out get out before it goes again how was that [ __ ] we're halfway there oh wait we're halfway there someone got who got staircase let's go oh my god no she got me she got me all the way is she around us is she around us i think she's chilling now okay did you revive me oh there we go thank you you're reviving me thank you how did you do that she's behind you she's behind her clothes clothes are close to her clothes she won't go up she's too fat stairs are dangerous we need to find the pages we need a [ __ ] root and booty boys room should we should we hide just go no no just get the pages just go oh there's gotta be one here there's gotta be one in here and a key and a key i gotta keep it nice nice nice nice yeah principal's office sweetie gotta just outrun her she's fat and she's got lasagna all over from the principal's office principal right here right here okay okay thank you now you can run and poop principal's office here yes this is oh nice oh she's angry anymore i got another one all right two more boys pretty agile she got me oh bro come on let's be honest you're pretty slow that's not the confidence boost i needed okay we're going in circles boys we're going in circles something um we need to go back we need to go down i think we need to go back down back down this way okay now i think we need to go unlock an area we haven't been to yet we haven't really been to hallway a yeah did we pick up a hallway i think someone did pick up at hallway oh there she is oh my god she's so far behind i told you she could not get it he just got upstairs just now she just got upset that's true i think i can open it oh my god oh my god oh my god that way she opened it she opened it she's so fast she's so fast where are we going we're going just run go live up the stairs see you later sit on me oh my god guys come on i closed the door we're going i don't know where do we go oh yeah close the door close the door close the door close the door close it oh it's going here [Applause] i don't want to raise myself she's going to turn around and chase brock now just praise yourself no she's not she's not okay she's going back going back where to me yeah she's going up the stairs you're guys this direction just rest oh yeah she's going to kill me she's about to kill me oh we need to find that okay come at me [ __ ] yeah she got me i tried to tackle her even though there's no tackle button [Laughter] giant flaw in this guy what am i supposed to do dude he covers up too much area no no no no no no no no guys there's everything guys hey evan brian raise him [Music] hostage come on go downstairs and get the things i'm happy for the rest of my footage to be this [ __ ] back and forth i don't care i just want to see oh yeah nice bud hurry up wow let's see what brian's up to in this classroom oh no my phone vibrates between my legs vibrating oh i got a page i got a page oh nice shoes oh she's changing her direction oh she just oh yeah she just did it she's chasing up oh crap she's back oh crap oh no that was a [ __ ] downstairs what floor middle floor bottom floor that floor back floor back floor you [ __ ] sit no i took one for the team no glock get out of there i got stuck in the door i got sucked in the door i got stuck on the door juventus got time you got time you got time you got time you got time i don't think so it's okay though just we need one more page yeah but we need to keep yeah it's probably in a locked hallway honestly guys this is just for geography so i don't really care if you don't get the last page i know for real okay nice dude where are you evan i'll pick you up no but remember we were in that remember we were in that office dude what he's doing are you kidding me she threw a pen and hit me hey hey uh i found where you were oh yeah i don't even make it no it's on you i must say the bottom of these desks and chairs are very clean no gum i'm upstairs oh hey she's here what's up oh god there she just stood right on top of me wait how did you get in there evan you were in there oh god oh god and she's right oh yeah i'm i'm gone i'm done oh i dodged it get wrecked i actually dodged it wow whoa dodge let's go [ __ ] i dodged a sword on another one you could dodge him dodge it again oh no right in the door [Laughter] hey i'm dead finally look at this everywhere i should have stayed running around the table then brock ran in and [ __ ] it all up oh yeah sure blame it on yeah you did just standing there laughing at me runs in gets killed like a [ __ ] speed run to speed run boys systematically let's go through this map just gotta sweat our balls all right anything anything oh i found a key nice dude all the way b i like here's big fine you're nuts you're not seven evan where where are you where are you uh i'm behind brian close the doors you turn around you [ __ ] numpty dumpty's following what are you doing where are we going opening there we go okay i [ __ ] didn't know this is a hell out of that open the end of the hallways open these this one right here nobody oh come on yeah okay it's open there she's there oh no guys open up the other end of the hallway oh [ __ ] no you lunch you [ __ ] slow oh god oh she's whacking this [ __ ] out of us all right i'm screwed because i don't have a med kit does anyone need to be revived i'm bringing myself back up is everyone reviving themselves no she's sitting right next to me oh she's gone camping the bodies oh my gosh this is just a mess please oh god i see her sierra seriously oh no how do i avoid her how do i avoid her run run around the table i don't know oh [ __ ] she got me god damn it dude all right boys we're just going to do another run she has a commando lunch oh this is going worse than last time brian hey lunch lady he's over here they don't have me over here lunch lady right here juicy piece of meat right here lunch lady trying to run in front of me that's it you rez yourself please stop resting on top yeah cause she's [ __ ] right there oh i feel safe when i'm down six pages we just need to find that one key again you remember where it was last night yeah in the like cafeteria area we can't get there we can't get there because we need we need the stairway key to get to the cafeteria oh i found a med kit rock i can save you oh she's on brian still not [Music] and you just survived because keep going evan go the other way you dumb [ __ ] what go get brock oh he just said survive i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing don't listen to him she's on me and she's on my body oh another kid brian come back to where you were at where you're at the main key little rat boy your little right boy you're going to homer simpson with alopecia [ __ ] off you can't take that [ __ ] off you guys all have med kits yeah and we're coming to get you that's cool let me get you we're coming to get you jenny mac we all right let's go up here principal's office where is it right to the right to the right yeah to the right while she's just sitting there at the desk i've been expecting you well well well here's answers right here you find one slow clap last one we need one more one cafeteria buddy lasagna you the inspirational music oh god oh my god oh my god i'm trapped in here with her no you gotta go you gotta go oh i'm so glad i'm not them noble she's going to the exit she's she's going to the exit she's going somewhere i thought wait wrong way evan the other way put me the wrong way yes yes yes we're behind you we're right behind you she's gonna be down there are we are we going our way she better not be puppy guarding right here in here yes you can wait for your friends our test backs oh c plus we failed sweet or deep a pass let's go boys in your eyes i see no future when you leave i feel so foolish [Music] are you down down down to miami
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 1,884,046
Rating: 4.9731731 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Vanossgaming, Lunch lady, spoats, silly, funny, scary, spooky, school, keys, paper, answers, class, jumpscare, medkit, rage, fat, nogla, terroriser, moo snuckel
Id: fDdr0N6MnzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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