Gmod Escape Room Funny Moments - Escape from Daithi De Manor!

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hey what is up guys before the video starts I have a huge announcement on the VanossGaming merchandise that's going to be sold over the Black Friday weekend so as you can see here there's a lot of new dope designs for you guys to choose from and uh this includes a new gold Vanoss hoodie and sweatpants kind of similar to the stuff we've done in the past but this time it's super clean Super sharp so hopefully you guys enjoy that and get your hands on it but uh yeah there's just so many designs this year that I'm super excited about so you really can't go wrong and on top of all of this we have a new special item that's going to be available on the store and that's the mystery box so what this is going to be is a box that's full of Vanoss gear that's gonna equal to a 200 value but the price is gonna only be a hundred dollars so yeah basically you're gonna get double the value for ordering this and you're essentially going to get a hundred dollars of items for free and I will say this you're going to be guaranteed two hoodies in this box and eight plus additional Vanoss merchandise items and these could be never seen before items you know things that have never been released on the store or they could also be classic items or the new stuff that you saw in today's video uh you know that are on the screen now now you could also get stuff that was from limited releases from the past and that's the beauty of it you're not going to know exactly what you're gonna get so it makes it exciting plus you're saving money and also there's a lot of items that you're not going to be able to get anywhere else or in any other way other than getting this box over this Black Friday weekend and for those of you who are going to order a single item and then also get the Box on top of that we're going to make sure that you guys don't get duplicate items so you don't end up getting the same item that you ordered separately so yeah make sure to go check it out the link will be in the description of course and the sale is going to start this Friday November 23rd and it's gonna end the Monday November 26th so uh the sale is going to go quick so make sure you get your hands on it make sure to go check it out but other than that guys hope you enjoyed today's video thank you so much for watching thanks for the support thank you for listening and I will talk to you all later foreign [Music] [Applause] I hate this dude the gaming Terrorizer okay okay listen up what guys what without a crowbar look where are we beautiful thing what that man staring at you in the background no we don't care about him 10 minutes you know what that means that means one more second for mid-rolls why don't you guys put a mid-roll like right as we say mid-roll yeah but look look look look at this look at this look at this what is it what is it VHS what is that what is a vagess no one watching this understands what a VHS is that mysterious we're Googling it right now what is VHS this mysterious object mysterious thing that this creep is scary yet okay YouTube before YouTube go for it yeah there's one thing to do oh [ __ ] we can't get the content no what did we do no stop we need it okay did I do something yeah it's all your fault Panda I was breaking something it says four right here oh it's not taking pictures there's no clothes everywhere this is the scariest room I've ever been in oh my god oh this is naked pictures who's taking pictures me me it's [ __ ] blinding I'm having a seizure oh what the hell happened how did you die I was attacked by physics crap oh no can I go down here guys I can't find the key where does it say that hold on let's work together it's not taking pictures guys look it says find the key oh did you just write that on the wall no I'm trying to get attention you just [ __ ] wrote down the wall it was already there I swear line this up so it it says a word what is what are you guys is this a combo is this a puzzle this is a puzzle I think so yeah it does say a word it says does it say lie it says Thanos gaming merch available now wait oh what would you do I turned on a light oh yeah you place that light there too huh like you wrote that thing on the wall uh-huh yeah I think it's a number for the combo yeah yeah I see the number hold up hold up it's it's four one eight how let me see how do you see that right where I'm standing turn on the light 418 I can't see there's too many of us in this [ __ ] room sausage mess in there hold on hold on look look four one eight huh I get it I get it he's right yeah yeah yeah yeah oh four one eight oh he is right we should probably move on to two yeah there look four one eight okay okay so in room one we got the numbers four one eight so let's move on to two and there's a keypad I don't know call me crazy call me crazy but I think the answer is yellow um okay so put that in yellow yeah one eight so you guys who told you yellow always works boys always works what's this get on there you fat-headed bunny another puzzle why is nogla in every single room is this yes it is oh okay okay so we have to reset oh the Haunted House of Wildcat now he doesn't play GMod oh we have to find the right order okay you guys are guessing right now yeah I believe that stuff no is this actually gonna work no I hope it doesn't because that's gonna be really stupid oh and then one more one more no hung up hey what about that button we're together on this oh I'm just going full Sudoku on this he's just slow about the button on the far right that's on the wall in that corner we have to in the corner okay let's just reset them it's a key right here yeah you guys are you guys are blind not listening you solved it I said this [ __ ] button on the wall that says reward yeah you guys but I thought you're supposed to light up everything first screw it oh it's too crowded there we go [ __ ] Christ red key for a red lock I'm gonna look at the back of a giant [ __ ] Bunny's head for the next 20 minutes in this room too oh it's padded okay just solve the proso don't talk just solve it oh oh no oh no what did you do I hit this button I'm sorry I think it's this one I'm the king I think it's this one okay why would it drop all the way why do you think why do you think it's that one because it was floating in the air and it's pink oh yes of course where'd it go it'll work I got it how we go it was one of those okay I'm going in see you guys yeah YOLO look it's a bookcase whoa oh [ __ ] he's down there wait wait wait there's a switch where there's a lever oh do it again whoa oh so we have to memorize it no just just pull it I'll go across yeah yeah that's right teamwork teamwork I was gonna have to jump you are yeah pull the lever so I can see why don't you take a wild guess Brian take a while I guess oh take another wild guess take another wild guess you [ __ ] hey I got your back Brian you can make that jump that is [ __ ] you have to walk off the very edge okay right that's stupid that's dumb I did all the good work and then that really all right well we got this jump forward trust me just do a nice Crouch jump right there no no no no no no no all right there right across yeah there you go oh oh yeah that was great yeah oh no what are you all doing it's right there you're there jiggly jiggly got it it's a key oh no now you have to walk all the way back oh yeah Do not drop that key oh I'm protecting it with my life we got we got the key it's okay [Music] did you get it I'm the hero I sacrificed myself I'm not the hero I'm not the hero [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm going to the 666 room oh yeah yes of course the room of Stan the dark lord oh [ __ ] it is Stan's room oh God what is this you hear me dude oh what the [ __ ] oh I'm gonna try it what's all this zombies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy oh my god oh no oh no oh no I think they have shotguns because I keep getting shot [ __ ] you you walked into that oh yes you okay okay oh I think I got him he killed one zombie hey man that was the one trying to kill me look at this one trying to hide behind the tree oh he's farting are you taking a [ __ ] in the woods a zombie got me at first I freaked I put him out of his misery oh wow I'm admit that's the sound of a zombie or the sound of something wow that's like the reverse grapefruit oh [ __ ] [Music] he just got shoved out of the map okay wow that's right that force is terrifying this this horse [ __ ] it's more than just there's more than just zombies in that forests oh drink them this is the girls volleyball team training area no I'm not money [Music] bills before now it's a PNG of texting by my merch no no damn right we're walking away sorry all right oh [ __ ] you guys left me behind I was oh I was distracted no jiggly Left Behind okay it's right there oh sorry I didn't mean to myself oh no oh no I almost lost the key oh did you get it okay I got it oh someone's on fire it might be me all right comes after six children I never watched Bonnie the dinosaur twelve yellow [Laughter] yellow's my favorite number oh yeah he was my favorite artist oh the Red Room oh yeah now we're talking this looks kind of we're going into the brothel boys get in there [ __ ] who closed the oh [ __ ] you have to hurry whoa what is it interesting so much time what are you guys doing oh wait hold on hold on guys it's like a maze yeah jump you gotta jump oh I I think we have you don't see that key to get the key yeah okay well then let me open the door oh [ __ ] again okay there's just more doors what what I have to choose I ons okay okay wait guys which door guys wait I don't know left is right all right you're from the future right yeah tell us what door tell us what door in The Voice the computer is processing [Laughter] [Laughter] oh Jesus never mind yeah let you guys back to it [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you're ever in the future you should have known you never see that one did he what happened to your ring finger the white finger your ring finger yeah that's that looks pretty bad man oh God it's all twisted oh the ladies like it I give him I call that move the corkscrew the Texas Corkscrew all right all right all right who's from the future oh come on Jesus I'm not rain man I'm [ __ ] Arnold Schwarzenegger come on [Laughter] all right sniff it out Brian what is it boy that one leads to a stripper in Amsterdam no no oh I told you not being stupid all right that's right listen to me do me a favor open that one there you better not be just a minute oh he died it shot an arrow from the door that was definitely from the door yeah yeah hey you want to just check what's in the store we might as well might as well just see um um come here we already saw this one oh yeah but open this door son of a [ __ ] but guys think of the possibilities all right well from the process of elimination we have determined that this door is safe over here this is the one see where's it oh another door oh boy oh another door oh wow surprise it's like a [ __ ] Russian doll another door so claustrophobic how many doors are there God I'm hoping if he opened one and there's a claymore just waiting for him is that game PT what the [ __ ] yes are we just going in how many doors oh you're freaky oh oh hey guys look what is it find the key yeah right here wow where could it be sure are you sure that's it there's got to be a trick right seems too easy doesn't it yes hey wait what happened oh holy [ __ ] you guys die I am hello no we're we're we're can I join you down there oh it made us drunk in mind my screen is shaking wait use your Echo hello what do I do come on Ryan we're back in the lobby we fell but it's okay I landed on Anthony's massive head oh you're so you're alive yeah did I join you yeah apparently yeah you should come down here it's fine bring snacks okay oh God the creepy rapey grannies down here okay you're fine hey welcome welcome the key flew off I think oh no you guys lose the key in the whole process it's right here right here I never had it I think that's it there's a key the second we touch a key that thing bro what are we doing oh there there it is blue blue blue over there blue blue top left corner blue blue all right I'm glad you got the right shade of blue for this Keyhole yes it's perfect yep it's exactly the same boom you gotta match your whole colors yes [Music] everyone come on in everyone come on in get a place go to sleep looks extremely dangerous I don't know what is going on here but it looks like conveyor belt yeah I feel like we're gonna have to play The Price is Right like a bunch of different items we're gonna have to try and get together there's a red button and I want to press it so I'm going to press it okay that makes it green oh what did that do there we go we got to put in the color coordinating skulls into these icons into these boxes okay yeah all right so I'll put this one in ah I got a green let's go okay okay there we go we gotta get them before they run off are there any more clues I don't know I'm looking around I'm not really seeing anything I don't see anything um when I put in the last green skull there I guess I found something guys Anthony's the hero [Laughter] Jesus Christ can I get a [ __ ] break where's the key oh there it is give that to me oh there is a key where do I go I think the front door Brian Michael hammy over here over here coming Vanoss Gaming over here over here Vanoss Michael game this is not the end of Terminator 2 you must come out this way where's the lava wow beautiful of content do you know what that means Brian it means we can put an ad right here welcome back you know some people have the uh membership program so there's no uh there's no ads like I feel like Anthony's the kid you bring to work and you just [ __ ] [ __ ] up while you're trying to do work you just break man he's just curating around oh yeah I don't think we're supposed to go over here oh you're not my bad no oh yeah this is it the moment the moment we've all been waiting for been waiting for wow how do you think about it you said I don't know it's almost as if we just agreed the script like just before we took this take I'm sorry you guys ready I'm ready I think so all right here we go and this is gonna be the best thing ever one we're going to put the tape in right no okay oh oh green screen cool what the [ __ ] oh it says subscribe to homewrecker oh oh wow why is that crossed out so nice why is that crossing that's a green screen of me popping on just giving you all the middle finger because this is the most anticlimactic piece of [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life oh yeah goodbye gotta draw a BP I will make you the green screen and I will send it to you all okay no problem that would be beautiful if you didn't no problem after all that I mean you put in a green screen that's right it's whatever you want it to be it's like the dream what was that on I think it's crazy it's the dream it's whatever you want it to be okay I didn't even need to live okay [Laughter] can't kill me now I could try it I'm still alive oh see oh so you make gaming videos what do you do what kind of games do you play games with Arnold Schwarzenegger's hanging from the ceiling we shoot them 100. oh wow that sounds pretty neat Ah that's super creative it's a conversation I have to have for every taxi driver I ever have in my life I just don't tell them yeah that's a trick don't tell them no I like to feel important in this world so I tell everyone exactly what I do you like to tell them and then hide from it that sounds smart that's one way to end the video [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 8,957,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Terroriser, Nogla, Moo Snuckel, Ohmwrecker, Panda, Silly, Funny, Garry's Mod, Gmod, Haunted, Mansion, Scary Map, Rage, keys, puzzles, Sandbox, ending, Black Friday, announcement, merch, Jumpscare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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