Gmod Scary Maps - Pull the Schnitzel! (Garry's Mod Funny Moments)

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welcome what the [ __ ] is that every welcome Terrorizer welcome to my chess character he's [ __ ] right here I am stuck in this statue I've been stuck here for many years what do you want me to do about it come on I'm not your father got a mission to do get through these doors and you're out there like a little [ __ ] head I was just wondering yeah of course we do brains food wouldn't you just say so can I get a steak alright here's a sign here's the same guy look here lies [ __ ] Brian I buried him in the wall but I wasn't good enough for a [ __ ] ground burial you [ __ ] me in the wall all right let me read this way I hope you've read the rules they're important the map won't work right if you didn't deliver it all right we didn't read the rules but that's okay there you go there you go all right we're going okay okay we get this heart what's the story of this all right no we're gonna go that way we're one of the big door ready all right we're going into the security system activated look here's the car's gone someone must have moved it oh that's scary look there's someone in this window look there she is oh that is kind of creepy that is kind of creepy what the [ __ ] on Leon that's literally Leon well we're coming in Leon oh [ __ ] Oh laughing don't laugh at me hey Leon go did your parents ever tell you how to treat your guests huh okay what are we doing which store are we going in that won't open this door will not open we gotta find something to break it now I'm gonna go in the adventure on my own cuz I'm the white guy oh look I find some down here look what I found well you guys were busy thinking popping each other's [ __ ] getting [ __ ] done we know the door opens purple here I think they buried this man alive all right let me take this hatch into that door what this door floating book right here guys so many choices look you can break that lock that looked it looks totally all right let me let me working is it working I thought you threw it in there let's go open a [ __ ] door open the [ __ ] door but just remember there's a big lock over there with a float in Harry Potter novel all right break it up without a - yeah three wreck it oh there we go I do like stepbrothers I've traveled miles to give you my seed there's a man in here let me know oh he's holding a key Oh God oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I just wanted to take the key I didn't mean to burn you in the process I don't know but I always was open this door now no guys are real dumb for real you somebody's Jackie oh no I still have it you left your t-shirt and everything saying basically I do work you're real dumb this is how you open a locked door I'd be geeky careful there's a boy with the book wha I want the book the key broke the locks okay when have you heard of a key breaking in real life and in a game when has a key ever broke break sir do you have another key we broke the first one I wonder if it's like another key or it's like a weapon that we're supposed to pick up what's this [ __ ] on the wall huh all right what's in here oh I found the key where baby are you top so clearly we have to stick the baby in the keyhole yep I got the baby I got the baby [ __ ] in there it's gonna work it's gonna wear it I swear all right what the kid he dropped the key he's rough guy yeah let me get let me yeah I got it I got it yeah let me get the book I want the book I want the power once I got the baby I got the boat I'm sorry I'm trying to get the book all right let's go this way we're both this door oh this door opens hold on no I didn't see that guy you see this bracelet look at this look at [ __ ] open the door and see them spread your [ __ ] [Laughter] behind you look at the door closed no this is this is where we came from he's gone he's [ __ ] gone oh no you killed earlier oh look there's some levers all right I wanna pull this one there's more delivers there's more levers see where yeah oh [ __ ] there's one too we gotta pull the same levers at the same time no let's free the cell is through the cell there's got to be clear there's who's hey guys this way oh it's just someone follow this line follow this line down here what line this line here look okay here we go here we go here we go okay good I can see a sign okay and it says two and then one okay so wait wait look look at this Marcel a lot watch watch come here come here look turn around alright where are you [ __ ] boys where are you your flashlight on no it's off okay good let's look watch if I pull this lever see the first green button goes okay they don't all correspond to the button above it so okay now what what is that no now we got to do this one goes right oh you got the first minute goes this guy and then it goes BAM yep and your Kapow open the door now you go to and do redo - what yeah it was - one two - one - oh so what did you go back and do this one yeah do the same thing oh yeah the same thing this map would be creeper if we didn't use our flashlights the man needs concentration all right pull the last [ __ ] lever and you gotta say it like vampers New Groove pull there we go nice you did it but open it was the gate yeah yeah but I gotta put I got a but we open this door look oh look there's this guy Oh Leon Caroline hold on let's approach him scaling approach I'm slipping away don't let him get away - let me get away okay all right let's just avoid this awkward to do nothing in this room all right what are these Oh let's fight Oh why would you jump maybe maybe what's the third of bricks in there all right order breaks in it fire get in there get in there it's like that last scene in Terminator 2 all right hold on oh let's not waste these bricks we have to understand what they're meant for okay okay where we jump down with one okay no that doesn't do anything if you break safety how you do that your dad still of these tougher you go to break your brick you need it why are we throwing bricks why do we need bricks I need a break hey you could have this brick I dropped it Oh another platform I don't understand neither do I drop hand me improper a brick when you drop it a brick and land wherever you land with that brick not true because I just tried that I wish for another platform the hell you do just just make a [ __ ] assembly line is our passing no I want to do it I want to do it just walk you don't even have to do okay you have to get out of the way you to get out of here you're not killing me good day yeah what I do okay I fell I fell assault a beautiful platform for my agent that gets me in the movie laser oh god damn it this is it that was a faulty platform take all the bricks and sacrament in it in the [ __ ] corner please you're throwing them off the edge there just respawning right there it's just a never-ending cycle of retardation now hand man one brick that's not on like it's not up against the wall [ __ ] off the brick I got it okay that man died all right I'm gonna drop this alright nothing happens all right breaks up over there just push that brick [Laughter] worked it worked worked not what I'm kidding I don't I don't I don't care dude where'd you get that jet pack oh all right yes we finally made it Louie did we did it come on come on Martha I've been training my whole life I know there's a chopper on the end all right come on oh yeah you think y'all funny look at the look at the Marcel with this little is vibrating like a dildo come on Terrorizer we're finally here yes I'm ready I'm not Leon all right well obviously we have to go to the light at the end of the tunnel tunnel Hey look a book bucks for our save checkpoint hey I guess we're going down here right yeah oh yeah listen to Hagrid follow the spiders he said let's go down okay Jesus Christ I pooped a little okay don't take the middle one because the middle one doesn't exist anymore hello okay we're gonna check each of these doors okay all right or destroy that don't open the up see the crack door at the end of the hallway yeah we're gonna turn over no Jefferson Wow oh [ __ ] oh we're getting closer getting closer they closed it closed no no no no no that's not a door run Marcel we're not okay did you know what was gonna happen everything works out for a reason hey door open I knowed what just walked into a room delish you didn't even know it all right oh hey um more levers okay okay pull the lever all right this is the beginning maybe the main gates open and gate out the koi the cars back yeah oh it's opening oh my god oh [ __ ] I feel like I feel like the map just started now like this yeah that's where it begins watch it it's probably going you that's probably what's gonna happen oh oh no okay please low part - all right do your part to tears do not about we'll see if we can find I apologize for any viewers watching if this is the end of the video I clearly didn't find part two like if we didn't find part two we're just gonna end this video mid-sentence all right welcome to part two delirious he didn't make it yeah he either eh I went to go see a movie or B he's dead we're not sure but yeah it's us three so it's B and we're the three best friends that anyone could have were the three best friends that anyone could have with a 3/5 France that thank you you beat me to it thank you god bless you okay Oh son of a [ __ ] you tricked me again you ready your breathe oh here we go here we go we go it was you're going in wait how do you open the store door won't open listen to me I don't know what to do No shut up little white boy well thank you know what I mean anyway what we got to do is see these statues want to try and hear what the gonna do is we got to think of these little schnitzels and all these different statues okay how do you know this oh yeah oh [ __ ] see nothing never thought the mastering I tell you work anyway come on we got to get over here I had to polish schnitzel if you know you're open up did open up how did you know that was gonna work you have experience with that type of stuff no the director told me that Arnold what you got to do is do this it's not about the movie it's about the script got the command okay come on down here wait wait a second what are you holding nothing this man looks like he's holding a chocolate popsicle stick what does I don't have a chocolate pot what are you talking in my me it looks like you're eating like I have eaten chocolate-covered ice cream bar it's either that or you shove your fingers up your ass like like legit like I don't know why well anyways moving on don't worry about it man we've all stuck our fingers of our chutes coming at okay oh good thing nobody was standing there yeah that was really convenient wait hold on D all right let's go I got a torch Jim I got a torch I got a torch I got a torch I got a torch I got a torch what I play it where do I put it where I put it we're gonna put it I don't have a torch okay all right we have a letter clearly we have to pull the lever yeah pull the leather as Marcin over what did that do once all the windows are closing oh my god so scary [Music] what the [ __ ] is that what I died from add or not the monster was head no stairs damn Marcel you go first alright house first die first all right down here is my sex dungeon baby steps baby steps baby steps Oh Mario he's stop farting at your nose please all right so what's down here I feel like we missed a lot of [ __ ] upstairs what oh this is a cinema what is this Marcel where'd you go - it's delirious oh well there you are what is this rude delirious I'm absolutely terrified Hey look Tara's another schnitzel oh I'll look likes a good schnitzel oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Oh God okay we gotta get out of here we got to get out of here we got to get out of here we gotta get out come on come on come on come on up the stairs like you stairs up the stairs come on oh okay alright we're good we're good they disappeared holy [ __ ] man there's a lot of spiders oh it's a [ __ ] choppa when you need it Harry Potter Harry Potter oh oh Terrorizer do the Anais you have to meet the Polish schnitzel oh there we go Wow look how was that oh guys where does the key go right here Evan huh don't you know what you [ __ ] do it ah no Evan uh haha didn't work oh wait did I open it I opened it why yeah that was good that was good man that was good pretty scary that was scary [ __ ] I'll give you that one I'll give you that one afraid of yourself oh look it's like a long light in the tunnel don't run faster than me you [ __ ] hey it's a race it's a race no no whoa okay don't risk a beer I should press escape wait should I no no go Oh Oh what the hell is this Who am I spawned in what the hell what the [ __ ] what is directly turn the camera around I'm in the middle where are you guys at and I'm on the line I'm on the right okay oh you guys are generic white men now all right does anybody else not get the feel of you remember a Monsters Inc all the doors just coming up and going you just you just killed the mood by mentioning what you think where we going are we gonna get crushed Oh God don't turn around you see your own face unless I'm like okay really this is gonna this is probably gonna open no we're definitely by I meant open open open open no robot what holy [ __ ] look look at the other ones there's a bunch of other people Oh all June all generic white males why is it so choppy it's like leggy is it not for you guys no it's not for me no it's just bad mechanics okay we're going towards the giant clock I can literally make a sandwich before we give here like this is literally the slowest [ __ ] [ __ ] work oh the nipple is opening yeah [ __ ] is that who is that what is it I can't see on the side only the center person can see a castles art is that in that's it that's it that we just wasted four hours of our [ __ ] lives playing this shitty [ __ ] map well the endings are never good I mean what do you expect I don't know kill us or something not just shut up we just went towards a giant clock and then like Salak Friday sooo a [ __ ] table and pushed me at a wall like what the [ __ ] and I the [ __ ] [ __ ] uterus opens and then we see this baby fetus come out with this grown man just they're like oh wow that's amazing great I'm on my life by Kevin I kind of like the ending in part one but in part I don't even know how to end this yeah there's no ending yes and the video mid-center
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 26,796,650
Rating: 4.9397082 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage, video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Easter Egg, Gameplay, Secret, DLC, Zombies, Puncake, Parody, Glitches, Glitch, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Multiplayer, Gmod, Garry's Mod, Funtage, arnold, gmod funny moments, garry's mod funny moments, gmod scary maps, gmod scary map, mods, adventure, pc gaming, pc games
Id: P9z2Esy0XYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 03 2014
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