PAC-MAN | PATGA | S01E19 | Stand By Your Pac-Man | Amazin' Adventures

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ah what could Pinky be doing in there so long yeah I mean I mean she hasn't even eaten a chili slug dog yet [Applause] [Music] hurry it up already pinky don't rush me I'm getting ready for my big date so get my hair up for a change yeah but change it watch it Buster or I'll give you more than a new do with the Goldilocks don't you guys know it's valent pack day that's when good friends exchange cards and really good friends take their special someone out for a romantic date three guesses what lucky lemon she's gotten her sights extra special for packhams that's odd I assume slendria would be Pac-Man's day today oh no you're gonna done it [Music] no way is that silly girl stealing my Pac-Man I've made up my mind I really like Pinky's new coffee if Clyde likes it I better forget it uh congrats on finally getting to ghost goblin to ask you out you sure dropped enough hints well he uh exactly got around to it yet but is it's cool for a girl to ask a guy out so that's what I'm gonna do that's gonna be my date for valent pack day or else [Music] [Music] can't be beat uh it'll be a cold day in the Netherworld before I'll be your Valen pack so give this to someone else like me thanks skeebo uh but don't think this means I want to be your valid back either they've seen enough ghost by now to keep it together here I made this for you for Valentine's Day I made this for you for Valentine's Day ballon practice for you silly I got this one for you not happening whoa what's up with that oops oh okay you yeah [Music] to the 10th power yuck what's going on Pinky will you be my time for math class let's book wait I have something important there thank you we'll see you later after class pinky oh he will see me later and he will be mine for Valentine Day not that silly pigtail pest here spiral I made you a card too it's what best friends do I would have got you a card if there were any part in my brain that actually registered stuff like valent pack day that's one of the things I like best about you spiral you say it like it is I can't figure out what got in a pinky today that's because most guys are clueless when it comes to love oh oh girl these people of offers won't sit still long enough to eat you gotta smother them in sludge syrup slows them down what's up doc not much well except betrayus may actually have come up with his own brilliant plan to annihilate the Pac-Man oh seriously do tell you if you even with betrayus is severely limited IQ his idea could actually work frankly I'm amazed at Lord lame brain was able to think of a plan worthy of me let me guess he's right behind foreign slug dogs and roach Burgers Lord Patrice speaking this is the Sinister criminal responsible for ridding pack world of almost all the yellow ones still one left and I am going to hire you to finish the job no more messing around as soon as he comes out I'm asking back [Applause] don't you know the rules never spook a spook hey sorry just figured you'd like to know Lord Looney's latest plan to exterminate your wannabe boyfriend so you can warn poor young pack of his impending doom later I've first I think Lord B ever had a plan that looks like he's gonna plant one on her thought so oh I got something in my eye huh maybe I can get it out whatever she's gonna blow thanks you got it out pack what's up guys hey I thought pinky wanted to talk what happened to her um you might say she went to Pieces yeah uh probably because Petraeus is hiring the packinator to hunt you down and wipe you out Baxter can handle anything the netherworld's got maybe but this guy ain't from the Netherworld well then he really has no chance against pack oh I suspect the other yellow one stock that do before the pacinator iced them say what yup the packinator is the guy who got rid of every last one of them except in you so far that is [Music] Pax parents were the last yellow ones in pack world and nobody knows what really happened to them except the packinator right so I can't wait for him to come after me cause when he does I'm gonna make him tell me exactly what happened to my mom and dad perhaps his lordship's guest might prefer something less disgustingly slimy to drink if he ever gets here what's taking so long I sent two ghost guards to fetch the packinator nearly an hour ago nobody fetches the bargainator unless they want a taste of this it's a fatless fault as always that case I'm putting you in the Deep Freeze why it's just frozen yogurt quite fruity fresh so this is how you ice your victims actually this baby started off as a frozen yogurt maker then one day my mother got me really mad so I blasted her into an ice sculpture it was the start of a whole new career for me just wondered oh who exactly hired you to ice out to be a yellow ones are never divulges his clients especially with the even more dangerous than you more dangerous than the ultimate fire though be ridiculous [Music] oh enough loafing around Butler solve the refreshments I cannot believe there's still a yellow one around you must live in an igloo the Pac-Man is always in the news I never watched the news too depressing I prefer playing my favorite game oh yes oh yeah someone far more dangerous will want this Pac-Man turned into a lemon smoothie sorry to ruin your valent back day guys uh like I care dude the whole idea is about friendship and we're here for you no matter what I wish this packinator guy would come already so I can finally find out what happened to my parents jeez why doesn't she get a life thanks oh hi pinky what did you want to tell me I'd rather not see it in front of them so why don't we go out and Pat can't go out with you because oh I know why because you want them all for yourself and you obviously don't want to spend Valentine Day with a ghost that's not it I oh just forget it whoa intense I didn't mean to upset her but I got bigger problems right now what's this packinator waiting for why doesn't he make his move well he's not gonna find you cooped up in here this guy's got to be a dirty dealing sleaze right so he's probably planning to Ambush you when you leave the dorm that's it hang on you don't want to walk into a trap spiral you sneak out and Scout around be ready in case pack needs back up good idea thanks guys maybe I overreacted just a little I'm sure packham's was dying oh he can't go out with me but he can go out with her we need to act natural eating is as natural as it gets for me well we'll just see how he likes his date covered in slime huh wonder where the yogurt guy is right here so how do you want it so you're the guy that wants to ice me out ah the last of the last yellow ones well this time it's not gonna be so easy since I've already beat ice pack oh my God purple berry blast should do the trick love Frozen Yogurt got any toppings in that thing like Chuck I charge extra for sprinkles oh tell me what have you done pinky don't worry bro I'll save you three times how about the Cherry surprise for you two for the price of one [Music] my pack comes what about spiral oh yeah and spiral too oh I should kick your slimy backside back to the netherworld for this first we need to save the guys you're right really hated to say that all right so here's what we'll do hey who made boss girly okay okay what's the plan the packinator is gonna deliver pack to betrayus right so we'll sneak in and [Music] I can just imagine what you'd be saying to me if you weren't frozen solid at least my brain isn't too Frozen to think bro sure glad you thought of thinking of thought bubbles so we can talk whoa dude does this mean we're like psychic hmm gotta think of a way to escape I got it Baxter oh never mind I just got brain freeze I'm afraid it's all up to silly and Pinky now seriously then we're doomed dude I better take my power Berry so I can survive the nether weather slow down the last thing we need is for me to get caught too [Music] you [Music] that girl is really starting to get on my nerves [Music] hi guys I am so going to pay you back for this whatever how did Lord B tell you big strong handsome Gods to stick Pac-Man in nowhere the Pac-Man isn't here maybe they're lying why would they lie duh because Patrice told them to hey you got a pack welder in you oh tell them you were on a mission and ate me huh good idea I'm here to up check my prisoner into one of these cells gross but smart well yeah hey it's not like I can see where you're going through all your slime he's here the guards were telling the truth I pack them I think I may know so I'll tell you after we're out of here and I'm out of you fine then hurry up oh when this is over oh like you think I'm enjoying this okay maybe right about sliming you over and over hey how come you're still out the prisoner inside ah I totally tried to lose her but I couldn't get her up if you know what I mean then she should hurl easy [Music] this note came and I took the liberty of reading it how dare you read my mail hey what did it say the packinator Apparently has the Pac-Man oh goody however someone else is willing to pay a lot more to keep him on Ice I don't want him on Ice I want the best iced out so there's no chance that frozen lemon ball can ever escape the packinator had a frozen mom's yogurt truck then you think this might be his Hideout right so now what we need to do timeout still not my boss rock paper scissors winner gives the orders you're on Rock crushes scissors sister I win fine so what's your plan uh no idea I just swing bossed around by you okay what if you go through the door and unlock it for me wow you actually had a smart idea that comes all by myself he'll take me out for Valentine's Day for sure pinky remember why we're here it's not about either of us it's about helping our friends right six you did the right uh oh looks like you're in big trouble thanks a lot freeze actually just stand still and I will do all the freezing I've come for my friends hand them over oh you can't be serious silly girl I'm really tired of hearing that the name is cylindria and I am totally serious about kicking your icy backside [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pack Day present [Music] oh no my berry power's wearing off back up yeah you really think that you can be stopping me with the slime ball no but how about a red hot yellow [Applause] [Music] balloon fire pack not taking any chances this time so I'm hitting this dude with double Berry whammy get ready for a major martial arts meltdown [Music] come on [Music] deep fried yogurt not bad oh yeah it works for tofu why not the yogurt never catch on give it up packing eater this yellow one's got too much Firepower [Music] I'm going to bury you got any more flavors no one can eat this much [Music] [Music] good ammo [Music] toast that freezer burn fun looks like this is the end for now hasta la vista oh no you don't I cers he's gone not possible he must have some kind of secret Escape tunnel oh I really thought I'd finally find out what happened to my mom and dad spiral are you okay time to blow this deep freeze cheer up dude the president said he ordered his best agents to try and track down the pacinator but even more important who really hired him I know but I still wish I could have made him talk I'm just glad he didn't ice you out at least not for too long have happened if I hadn't overreacted I'm really sorry packums that's okay Pinky hello what about me oh yeah sorry for sliming you like like 20 times I don't even know why I was jealous you weren't even his type whatever but dibs on sitting next to pack at dinner no way cha tell you what pinky you sit on one side of him I'll take the other gross gotcha by the way how did you like my family pack Day present [Music] [Music] s [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Amazin' Adventures
Views: 922,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazin' adventures, amazing adventures, amazin adventures, pac-man, King Kong, tarzan, cartoons, animation, full episodes, full cartoons, kids cartoons, pac-man and the ghostly adventures, pac is back, pac man, ghostly adventures, retro games, retro cartoons, 80s arcade games, pac man ghosts, pac man gameplay, cartoon episodes, full animated episodes, betrayus, kids shows, nostalgic, nostalgic shows, funny cartoons, best cartoons, best animated shows, exclusive, new episodes
Id: soPrCIX3y6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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