P. Diddy’s Son Caught on Tape Sexually Assaulting Yacht Steward: Lawsuit

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rapper Diddy is named in another civil lawsuit but this time it is his son that is the main defendant a woman accuses Christian King comes of sexually assaulting her on a yacht we are going to break down this latest legal action as Shawn Colmes remains embroiled in an apparent sex trafficking investigation welcome to sidebar presented by law on crime I'm Jesse Weber we told you just the other day right here on sidebar that the attorney who f one of these bombshell lawsuits against sha Diddy comes on behalf of his client a former Diddy producer named Rodney Jones would likely be filing another suit against comes' son Christian and that has just happened yes in fact the yacht incident which we're going to get into was mentioned in Jones's lawsuit against Diddy with Jones claiming in the complaint that he had personal knowledge that Christian drugged and sexually assaulted a woman and a footnote was included that a complaint would be forthcoming now at the time I was wondering if Jones would be the one suing Christian after all he already sued Christian's brother and did his other son Justin but I was struggling to figure out what would be his cause of action against Christian well it turns out that Jones is Not suing Christian it is actually the woman who was allegedly assaulted by Christian and she is being repped by Jones's lawyer I will explain so first this development comes almost 2 weeks after Diddy's homes in Miami and Los Angeles were raided by by Homeland Security investigators it's part of a sweeping sex trafficking investigation by the southern district of New York or at least that's what it's being reported that's what sources from law enforcement are indicating now Diddy's two sons Justin and Christian they were seen in handcuffs outside of that La home during the raid they weren't under arrest they were merely detained while officers were assessing the situation and going into the home but Diddy Justin and Christian they have all been named in these very big lawsuits but remember that is civil that is the Civil Arena none of them have been arrested or charged with any crime related to this apparent criminal investigation but our analysts here on cbar expect that at least one arrest will be coming soon but now we fast forward to Thursday when attorney Tyrone Blackburn the man already representing Rodney Jones filed a civil complaint on behalf of his client Grace om Mary I apologize if I'm mispronouncing last name but I believe it is Omari Grace Omari in Los Angeles Superior Court accusing 26-year-old Christian comes of drugging her and sexually assaulting her in December of 2022 when she was working in a charter boat in St Martin so according to the lawsuit Omari says that she had been working as a steward providing food and drinks on that Yacht for a 12-hour period and she was 25 years old at the time she believed that the trip would be a quote wholesome family Excursion but says it quote turned into a hedonistic environment even describing rampant drug use among sex workers and celebrities who came on board she believes that the alcohol in the yacht had been laced with drugs because she says women would have one drink and then almost immediately pass out or start falling over this is by the way something that was also alleged in Jones's lawsuit that Combs would spike the drinks of different people but focusing on Christian Combs Mary says that Christian Combs had been staying at a villa on the shore but that he would come onto the yacht in the evening to party and on December 28th 2022 Christian reportedly arrived very intoxicated and then proceeded to pressure armari to take shots of tequila she did Christian allegedly tried to get her to drink more in the yts makeshift Studio om Mary alleges that Christian kissed her neck kissed her face as he groped her legs breasts and private areas Mary reportedly told Christian quote excuse me you don't touch my legs like that I'll move my legs where I want to if I want to do this then I will you don't touch my legs like that Omari then says that she told Christian she couldn't stay with him unless it was approved by a supervisor all of whom she knew would be asleep at the time so this was a way for her to get out of the situation she claims that Christian said who can I talk to I'm going to say I requested you right now om Mary then says she responded with quote well you can take your hand off my ass for the first thing Omari says that she tried to go back to her work but Christian found her again wanted her to find him a place to sleep for the night so she ended up taking him to the cinema room for the yacht which doubled as a place for people to sleep and she claims that is when Christian blocked her and groped her took off his clothes tried to force her to perform oral sex on him she says that she was able to fight him off until someone came in now the lawsuit goes on to say that Omari told the yacht Captain what happened the very next day but he didn't believe her didn't do any sort of real investigation she says the captain retaliated against her for months after the alleged assault before ultimately firing her in May of 2023 now aside from her account aside from a potential other witness right the person that allegedly walked in on this what proof is there that this happened well she reportedly has photos of the bruises that she says were caused by this event with Christian Combs but she also claims that in that studio during that first interaction at the time was Rodney Jones that former Diddy music producer I mentioned the one who is suing Diddy he's known as little Rod Jones remember he had been basically living with Diddy while the two worked on his latest album as we discussed on previous sidebars Jones made multiple allegations against Diddy in his own lawsuit saying that there was rampant drinking drug use sexual assault during Diddy's parties he claims that he was groped by Diddy that he was the victim of sex trafficking as he was forced to engage in sex acts with sex workers he even claims that Diddy groomed him for homosexual sex and facilitated for him to be sexually abused by actor Cuba Gooding Jr you also claims that there are hours of audio and video footage documenting Diddy's alleged crimes and misconduct and according to miss Omari Jones taped this event with her yes the lawsuit provides transcripts of audio recordings and these audio recordings reportedly show or you can hear kissing sounds her telling Combs not to touch her her allegedly asking about whether she was drugged now we haven't heard these tapes here on Law and crime yet but if they are what they purport to be that is a huge piece of evidence and remember when we're talking a civil case we're talking lawsuits the burden of proof is much lower than a criminal case it's just preponderance of the evidence more likely than not that this happened so the civil suit accuses Christian of assault battery sexual assault and intentional infliction of emotional distress there're a big part of this lawsuit she goes into the the mental anguish that she has gone through the emotional harm that she has suffered as a result of that that's important in order to prove damages and by the way she is U claiming unspecified damages so she hasn't put a number amount on it but didy let's go back to him he is also named as a defendant he is accused of aiding and abetting Christian Behavior as well as having premises liability because he was the lease holder of the yacht now now premises liability means that you have a duty to keep people on your property safe from injuries we actually saw a lot of that same kind of theory in the Jones lawsuit when he was talking about this shooting that happened at chalice Studios and the owners and occupiers of that studio should just be as responsible as the people who allegedly engaged in that shooting that he was uh present for now by the way not sure if these new allegations could play a role in a future Federal Criminal prosecution of combms we're talking so much about the investigation into them it could be that this is just an isolated incident here and could not be part of a sex trafficking charge although I do wonder if this Christian Combs incident or alleged incident could be part of a potential Rico or racketeering charge as I mentioned on a previous sidebar when I laid out potential charges that Diddy could face if we are talking about conspiracy to violate the RICO statute Rico organized crime that's what I'm talking about here that there was a criminal Enterprise to prove that you would need to show that there was an agreement to break the law there was an agreement to have this criminal Enterprise and that there were steps or overt acts that were taken in furtherance of that criminal Enterprise overed acts don't even have to be crimes they could just be events they could be things that happen so could this be an example of an over act could this be an overt act to further this Enterprise of a legal sex and power could be a stretch yes just something that came to my mind now miss Omari her attorney Tyrone Blackburn said after this lawsuit was filed quote like father like son it gives us no joy or pleasure in filing the suit against Christian comes who has clearly adopted his father's pattern and practice of depravity so far there has been no response from Christian or his attorney at the time of this lawsuit but a little side note about Tyrone Blackburn the attorney representing Miss Omari and Mr Jones United States district court judge for the southern district of New York Denise coat had some very harsh words for Mr Blackburn and has even submitted a referral to the New York federal court grievance committee claiming issues with Blackburn in five cases in her order she writes quote significant resources have been spent by judges of the court and defendants named in actions he has filed to address glaring deficiencies in his filings a referral to this Court's grievance committee is warranted judge coat goes on to write quote a reasonable inference from Blackburn's pattern of behavior is that he improperly files cases in federal court to Garner media tension embarrass defendants with salacious allegations and pressure defendants to settle quickly she goes on to write indeed his submissions to this court have been Rife with disturbing allegations against the defendants and defense Council so the big theme Here is that he allegedly files lawsuits in the wrong jurisdictions and courts and even allegedly called a defense attorney quote a disgusting racist now this is being reported by billboard and in fact Blackburn wrote an email to billboard responding to judge coat's order saying quote not sure how this is at all relevant to Rodney Jones's case or any other case I have this will not have any impact on my ability to proceed in Mr Jones's case although judge coat's decision was a referral to the sny's grievance committee and not a sanction I plan plan on appealing the decision but remember the Jones lawsuit was filed in the southern district of New York a federal court so it does seem to have some impact if you ask me and look while we don't know the specifics of these allegations they do come on the heels of other criticism from other lawyers after Blackburn filed the lawsuit on behalf of Mr Jones Holmes's attorney Shan Holly alleged that Blackburn ignored basically erating evidence the quote was our attempts to share this proof with Mr Jones's attorney Tyrone Blackburn have been ignored as Mr Blackburn refuses to return our calls Holly goes on to say we will address these outlandish allegations in court and take all appropriate action against those who make them then the attorneys for Universal Music Group one of the defendants who are also being sued by Rodney Jones for their alleged participation and facilitation of the abuse and trafficking claimed by Jones they argued that the claims were so quote offensively false that one of these attorneys Donald zakarin wrote a license to practice law is a privilege Mr Blackburn plaintiff's lawyer has misused that license to self-promote gratuitously falsely and recklessly accusing the umg defendants of criminal Behavior so a lot of back and forth that we're seeing right here and again to be clear every that Diddy and his sons are facing are accusations they haven't even been criminally charged these are civil lawsuits there has been no finding by a judge or a jury that they are liable at this point having said all of that this is a very significant development and we will see where it goes next that is all we have for you here on sidebar everybody thank you so much for joining us as always please subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify YouTube wherever you get your podcast I'm Jesse Weber I'll speak to you next [Music] time
Channel: Law&Crime Network
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Id: kQwpMrVH7W4
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Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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