All Evidence of Toddler's Murder While Mom Vacationed in Puerto Rico

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last last she deal yeah it's shocking video of an even more shocking crime when a 16-month-old Ohio girl is found dead of severe starvation and dehydration all because the girl's mother left the toddler home alone for more than a week as she went on a Puerto Rican vacation you committed the ultimate Act of betrayal leaving your baby terrified alone unprotected to suffer what I heard was the most gruesome death imagin we're now hearing from Crystal candelario herself the day her daughter was pronounced dead and when I see her I see she looks like a really really uh dry like a kind of like yes kind oh like her face was sunken in yeah body camera video shows she lied to investigators saying she woke up to find the girl already dead look like a purple I said oh my God but investigators later determined she'd been on vacation for more than a week and the girl was dead for days before her mother returned turned based on the evidence that we've discovered so far um uh we have been advised by the prosecutor the place you under arrest for child endangering endangering children last month 32-year-old Crystal candelario was sentenced after pleading guilty to aggravated murder and the death of her daughter jayen candelario this tragedy should have never happened I am Sergeant Gomez from the homicide unit the entire homicide unit Cleveland homicide initiative and our partners from the FBI are here today in honor of baby Jay Le candelario when we were first notified of this horrific case we were all heartbroken but when we started digging deeper into the investigation it was beyond horrific it was revealed that the defendant Crystal candelario left her own child alone for hours which led to days which led to weeks this 16-month-old baby was left alone in a pack and plate to fend for herself for 11 days with no food maybe milk the clothing she had on and the diaper she was wearing this baby loved her mother she needed her mother and her mother betrayed her the case begins on June 6th 2023 when Crystal left 16-month-old jayen alone at their home in Cleveland Ohio Crystal visited both Detroit and Puerto Rico before returning home 10 days later ring camera video captures baby Jalen's cries just three days after her mom left when she arrived home on June 16th crystal found Jalen's lifeless body the girl was emaciated weighing only 14 lb body camera video shows officers arrive on the scene location to ass I'll be head that way a last last de these same moments are caught on camera by another officer and 15 just C800 as other investigators arrive at the home we get a glimpse of crystal for the first time can I have your name please yes Crystal k r i s t e l what is the child's name jayen j a i l y n and my last name the same candelario okay jayen candelario that cover request for obvious reasons as one officer speaks with Crystal several others out outside discuss what happened that what that's what she was I think she was I didn't get a lot of the info I was doing the Franks in-law but what I heard she was upstairs when she was found yeah I'm sorry but still that some point m is going to come where the body going how much going to put the body in the back of the car I mean a long time what did they say huh what they say so she speaks SP so she told um Christian that yesterday the baby was crying a lot so last the whole the baby wasn't EA whatever yesterday she was crying a lot like she was having a stomach pain so she cried herself to sleep and Mom put her in her bed and crib and mom woke up this morning to check on her and her un respons and carried her downstairs [Applause] um she been for a while hour look like aesh it don't up stay up in a week but she been gone for minut this is a la crime legal alert Google incognito tracked users brows housing data without their knowledge Mass T Alliance one of our legal sponsors is helping users file for compensation due to Google misleading the privacy of their Incognito browser if you've used Google incognito anytime since 2016 you can start your claim in less than 10 questions at ELC bodycam then officers here from Crystal for the first time on body camera video so uh but in the last week she get a vomiting too uh remember right now when you mentioned the vomiting ER she get a vomiting the last week Monday and Tuesday two times but I was trying controlling because I know I give to her tyano or something you know for yeah uh for controlling the vomi okay and come on hi hi Crystal tell in investigators jayen had been sick earlier in the week on June 12th and 13th but according to investigators she wasn't even in Ohio at the time so the story she tells on this recording doesn't add up last night she was crying a lot and I see one moment when I was a take a shower me and she was uh she was screaming like ah I don't know probably she get a pain okay maybe crystal says she woke up to find Jalen's face purple and that's when she called 911 in this morning when I wake up you know I I took her in the morning for jayen wake up and she wake up and and when I see her I see she looks like a really really uh dry like a kind of like oh like her face was sunken in sced yes and and she like a purple I said oh my God and that was what time this morning in this morning uh when I called to emergency I don't remember the exactly time but maybe 8 a.m. okay yeah Crystal then transitions to Spanish but a translator explains and she would always sleep in the play pen at the end of she says that um yeah she normally sleeps in the play pen um you know the play pen she puts like blankets and things like that um to kind of cushion it okay she is a baby um last night was very um you know wouldn't stay still you know almost like like if something's bothering yeah almost like she was not like herself like some bothering her maybe or something later investigators speak with Crystal's Aunt Olga Torres do you know of a um hired babysitter of someone that's hired to babysit when her mom is not available to V yourself that I don't know for instance when um when she now that your your sister's in um Ecuador since how long she been in Ecuador by the way uh today will be today said 18 18 days 18 days so she left on the first yeah okay and everybody left on the first your your sister her husband and her daughter the seveny old okay so on days that she has to work you know or any other days who would Babys that now that they're that I don't know do you know of anyone that sheir no okay no that that is that's her her relationship with me is not the best okay okay okay so I appreciate your honesty so with trying to avoid issues on my family and problems with you know if I get involved in anything she will get a little upset okay and my sister says you know just look at the ball back off you know she's my niece and I love her today and I want the best for her but she doesn't allow me to help her or give her an advice so I to step up okay you know so those issues you know everybody has in their family course and then I just look for the best for her but she doesn't allow me to got you know so since her parents left like she had built that wall between us what did he say what did he hear what did he hear happen he said um you know J pass away I says what I says no you cannot be I said you're sure she said he said yes so after that I got numb you know like smart you feel this feeling a shocking so but I said what happened what do you know so he says I don't know a lot of details I really don't know so once you've talked to her has she told me what happened she told me that she uh jayen was sick um she say maybe something wrong with a minute milk she was throwing up and I said but why you going to took her to the hospital did she go into at what point she discovered the baby that day yeah she say Friday at 7:00 in the morning 7:30ish and when she told the marriage because did she say what she was doing prior to she said she wake up and then she said the baby was with her eyes kind of like looking up like kind of funny and then she got the baby and then she called my one because she say she was not reacting she was like like you know one of those adults that they kind of Clum at that point investigators explain that Crystal is going to be arrested what we're going to place her under arrest for child endangering basically what that means is child endangering is basically um you either neglecting your child in some kind of way um you know and and and this is this is the early St stages of our investigation so we still have a lot more to do right but for right now she's going to be placed under arrest for endangering children child in danger dangering children same thing um you know there's a special responsibility that you have as a as a parent to provide um care to your child and um at this point um all the evidence um is showing that that wasn't done we resp to reach child fatality every every time there's a death and invol a child we respond to that um and we investigate it okay um sometimes we get evidence right away sometimes we get evidence takes a little bit of f to get evidence based on the evidence that we've discovered so far um uh we have been advised by the prosecutor to place you under arrest for child endangering endangering children you'll have an opportunity to give your side of the story we will downtown you can tell us if you want to talk to us you be are more than happy to listen to what you have to say that'll be your opportunity to tell us exactly what's happened here okay and then from there um we're are going to go to your house um but we rather use the key than bang on the door and and damage the door um and then we're going to take this car as well for now okay you can just put your hands behind your back on me right now and we'll explain more you'll have a a chance to talk to us down there um can you explain [Applause] me take your turn okay months later at Crystal sentencing medical examiner Dr Elizabeth money said Jalen's death was one of the most gruesome she'd ever seen unfortunately this is one of the most tragic and unfortunate cases I've had in my career thus far so today I speak on behalf of her and her findings with the course of my examination we received Jaylen at the medical examiner's office from the scene of her residence at which time she was clothed in non-s soiled clothing uh indicating her body had likely been dressed prior to First Responders arrival as they had mentioned before so at autopsy I examined uh the body of a very emaciated female tobler at this point she weighed 13 lb upon review of medical records this indicated approximately a 7 lb weight loss since her previous doctor's visit less than two months prior to that the eyes were sunken and she had temporal wasting in her face in addition to that the skin showed markedly decreased turer meaning when I pinch the skin it remains in that tented position indicating severe dehydration in addition there was abundant feal material present cakes on the fingers the fingernails the hands the feet as well as the soles of the feet the same material was was found on her lips which were very dry and flaking as well as in her oral cavity kicked to her teeth before her sentence was handed down Crystal also addressed the court speaking through an interpreter I am not trying to justify my actions but nobody knew how much I was suffering and what I was going through every day I ask forgiveness from God and from my daughter jayen I'm a person who believes in God [Music] and I recognize uh today that of me all of us uh are sometimes uh subject to the enemy but all that didn't sway the case's judge instead I see photos of you on a beach while your child was eating her own feces and attempt to survive photos mean something and I'm well aware of mental health but didn't look like you were too concerned about your child the only difference will be that prison will at least feed you and give you liquids that you denied her in the end Crystal candelario was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole reporting for long crime I'm Sierra Gillespie
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 497,964
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: _KzW8oqALog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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