Teacher Caught Fondling Female Student in School Hallway: Cops

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and she got more torments well you figured it out sexually molested in that hallway touched on video a mom in New Jersey mad as hell after she says her daughter's teacher touched her inappropriately shame on you but the teacher maintains she did nothing wrong hey welcome to Crime fix I'm Anette ly thanks so much for being here Jenna shaba was a teacher at Marlboro Memorial Middle School in Marlboro Township New Jersey but she resigned on April 16th days before she was charged with a petty disorderly person's offense harassment offensive touching a few days before shaba was officially charged the student's mother went off at a school board meeting she's angry because this alleged incident took place on March 13th but she claims her daughter was still in school with shaba my daughter our daughter after being sexually IM Ed in your school in your hallway she then has to return to school and return to the accuser's classroom so we could figure out how to deal with this public molestation now the mother made some really disturbing allegations about what school officials said to her more on that in just a bit it may blow your mind the mom detailed what she claimed happened to her daughter my daughter was sexually abused in this school in a hallway on a camera by your teacher jenana shaba you let this predator in our school no denying she's on video now Marlboro police confirmed that incident was recorded on video and that it involved offensive touching over clothes in the school hallway and that another staff member witnessed the incident police say that when the school learned of the incident shaba was immediately placed on leave that doesn't really jive with what the students mother said at the school board meeting the students parent also claimed that shaba has a history of inappropriate behavior take a look a teacher who I've since learned through your peers your employees your employees has a history of problems sexualized conversations with children bullying peers intimidation Mis conduct your teacher was moved from school to school for her actions your teacher with the disciplinary actions was kept in this District she molested my daughter so the mom claims other staff knew about this and that the school district moved shaba around instead of addressing the issue again the superintendent won't comment but imagine something like this happens to to your daughter and you get this from the school take a listen the school failed to see the situation for my child then when the damage was done the lawyer in this District writes me a letter and I'm going to quote his line if anybody should be aware of this teacher's proclivities I hope you know the definition of that it should have been Jane Doe's parents he blamed me for what happened down that hallway your teacher Janna shaba molest my daughter in school sends me a letter the lawyer's in this room he's in this room and he said it was direct your comments to the chair please I got three minutes right here come over S I got six go ahead good he sent me this letter come on my husband has cancer he's got chemo throat I'll talk for him yikes this mom continued you blamed us you can't make up this kind of stupid can you folks you can't make it up I ran to the fires in 9/11 I saved people like you who's running into my fire you are a disgrace you can't even terminate Janna shaba she resigned 16year attention publicly boasting about a change of career luxury right to resign you sent this Predator back into the world at times I can't I don't even have the ability to comfort my daughter she suffers day and night with depression anxiety uncontrollable fear but that's because of some people in this room the lawyer that's our voice in fact you know what this is the start it is going to be my mission in New Jersey to let them know how dangerous this school is this school district is now it's not exactly clear whether shab's resignation was actually accepted the patch.com reports that shab's resignation will be discussed in a closed door meeting this week and that's not the only thing that's likely being discussed by board members remember that letter from the school official that the mom said was sent to her by the school's lawyer here's how the mom's speech ended you're going down for victim shaming and competence and I want you to know that lawyer up there is your voice your voice he represents each and one of your children next up um no I'm sorry hold on I I'd like to make a motion for new councel I'm sorry Aldo can you repeat that I couldn't hear you I'd like to make a motion for the board to seek new Council I second that motion okay I'm sorry you you said you want to make a motion for the board to seek new Council I didn't hear you yeah that's exactly what I said all right exactly let me just I think we have to close public comments right wow so a board member is saying they should discuss getting a new lawyer for Jenna shab's part her lawyer has told several media Outlets that the allegations are quote outrageous and defamatory we are confident that when a judge hears all the facts in this case Jenna will be completely exonerated and her good name and reputation will be restored that's what attorney Mitchell anel told the Asbury Park Press I reached out to him but was told he's out of the office until next week while the superintendent isn't commenting here's what was said at the board meeting I just wanted to respond as well um the district is constrained by law in terms of what we can say here because there is a threat of litigation from your attorney uh with a significant monetary demand it's not a threat okay but let me I I wanted to apologize to the extent that you felt I was blaming you because certainly that was in no way shape or form my intent um and to the extent that it was viewed that way again I apologize because it was not my intent my only point was and again because we're dealing with Personnel matters I have to be careful in what I say the district had no knowledge whatsoever um about this teacher's um there was no prior issue with this particular staff member let's put it that way that would have given the district any indication whatsoever that she would have conducted herself as inappropriately and as unprofessionally and as abusively as she did uh when the district learned of the matter we immediately took action we reported it to law enforcement and suffice it to say the teacher suffi sir please don't interrupt me I didn't interrupt suffice it to say the teacher no longer works here and we've also taken we've also she did and we've also taken appropriate steps to report it to the State Board of examiners uh in a very detailed letter explaining what had occurred I want to take a short break from this case about the teacher accused of inappropriately touching a student to tell you about something that can help you learn more about the people in your life it's a great website and it's called truthfinder.com truthfinder is one of the world's largest public record search Services truthfinder has just one goal and that is to help you and me learn the truth about the people we meet each day here's how it works simply log on to truthfinder.com and put in a name within minutes maybe even seconds you will get reports that include phone numbers addresses friends family criminal records and much more it will also show you sex offenders who might live in your neighborhood the cases I cover all of the time make it very clear that you have to do everything you can to keep you and your loved ones safe so right now crime fix viewers can get 50% off of confidential background reports at truthfinder.com LC crime fix you can log on there and access information about almost anyone again that website truthfinder.com LC crime fix defense attorney jonis spilbor is here with me to discuss these allegations being made against this teacher from the mar Memorial Middle School uh Jonna this teacher Jenna skaba I hope I'm pronouncing that right basically says I this is defamatory this is what her lawyer says it's defamatory it's not true I've been a teacher for years this has never happened before uh your thoughts I mean that the teacher the students mother gets up at a school board meeting and and airs these concerns and then she's arrested I love this case and I'll tell you why I love this case it is a departure from the cases that we typically cover right with the you know teachers U misappropriate inappropriately touching students or or worse because this one this is basically an allegation that is if on the part of the defendant is claim wait a minute this is a false allegation I didn't do anything inappropriate and and and it's interesting that she was not charged with any sort of sex crime or anything she was charged with harassment now harassment in my neck of the woods is next door to New Jersey is only a violation it's a very minimal offense and so what is this gonna how is this going to play out is this a she said she said what kind of touching is alleged here because that wasn't really clear so far and you know what good for this teacher if if she didn't do anything wrong then it pays to stand back and say hey wait a minute now you're the one who's committing the crime because you're the one who's defaming me this is my career I'm not going to stand for it that's not just a good defense I mean that's that could end up making her a plained well the mother of this girl this 13-year-old girl claims this happened back in March on March 13th and she claims that another staff member witnessed it and that it was captured by school surveillance cameras so that would be pretty good proof um but at the same time this woman is saying I I didn't do this so let's say for instance it's not true this woman has a stain on her now oh a big one and she might have a cause of action obviously against the parent of this child she might end up having a cause of action against her own employer I mean because look so all right so we think that there's video evidence of what I still am not sure what the alleged touching was and I don't think this is the first time that we've heard of kids youngsters if they know how to play the system if they know that they can say something false and get away with it to hurt somebody that's something that we can't condone just like we can't condone an inappropriate touching so this case is really going to have to dig into the nitty-gritty of what the evidence is going to show we've all seen video evidence an Janette right sometimes it's clear as a bell and sometimes not so much so that's going to be big that's going to be probably the biggest piece of evidence in a case like this apparently according to her lawyer she's known this student for three years she has a relationship with the family of the student she's been to their house uh so and the police investigated for a month according to the lawyer so it it it sounds like there's a lot going on here so so it's either true or it's not there's not much gray area here that's a great Point not much gray area here it almost sounds like there was kind of like a a friendship I think between the teacher and the family of this student so is this maybe this has little to do with the student more to do with Mommy trying to get some Revenge did they have a fall out these are the interesting pieces of a case like this that are obviously going to come into play on behalf of the defendant but my head just keeps going to wait a minute who is really the wronged party here right it could be the defendant that's why this case is not like all the other cases that we cover kind of in this in this regard very very interesting very interesting and we're going to keep an eye on it and look into it a little further and see what comes bit um but just the fact that mom went to the school board and was talking about this in public uh we've had a police investigation lasting a month there's a lot going on with this case and it'll be interesting to see if more comes out of it jonis spbo thank you so much thank you and that's it for this episode of crime fix I'm Anette Levy thanks so much for being with us we'll see you back here tomorrow
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 114,892
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: 39HC1a1SYVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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