How To Start A Plant Based Diet | Dr. Laurie Marbas

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so you want to start a plant-based diet but you're not quite sure how to start watch and i will teach you exactly what you need to do and how to avoid the most common mistakes [Music] so you want to start a whole food plant-based diet congratulations you were making one of the most significant decisions for your long-term health that you could possibly do but you don't know where to start well first of all i would like to show you there are some great resources on the website just to help you get started we'll get to more of that later but right now how do you actually start where do you even begin do you go all in the first day or do you kind of ease into it well i think there's two types of personalities um that start a whole food plant-based diet there are those that like let's get it done let's just jump right in and they have no problem but then there's others who do that thinking that they won't have issue and then they fall back to their old habits and then they basically walk away from the diet altogether and then there's others who do very well by slowly moving into the plant-based diet when i mean slowly over the course of two to three weeks having been completely whole food plant-based first of all let's discuss what a whole food plant-based diet is it is one with unrefined you know plant foods so this is going to be fruits vegetables whole grains beans and a small amount of nuts and seeds it avoids processed vegan foods processed oils or any oils at the matter you're removing any added sugars anything in that kind of category and then you're also removing animal products so cheese dairy products anything that had a face or came from a vase includes fish chicken poultry beef pork anything like i said that was once living or a byproduct of a living creature so that would be a whole food plant-based diet so how do you start first of all you have to look at are you by yourself it's a much easier to start if you're by yourself but if you have a family you have to also take into con their consideration in what they want to do as well now it doesn't shouldn't hinder you from starting but you do have to maybe approach it in a more gradual and thoughtful way first of all what foods are you already consuming that are whole food plant-based do you already eat oatmeal every morning and but you use regular milk instead maybe put in you know oat milk or soy milk or almond milk and replace that so there you set your mornings are ready to go maybe you eat um eggs every morning you're like how am i gonna get rid of my eggs well maybe you do like a tofu scramble so the first thing i would be is look at what you're already doing that's already plant-based continue that and look at things that are easy to replace so for example let's say that you have um chicken soup that you like with vegetables on it so instead just make a more hearty vegetable soup with beans or in a whole grain so those are the things that you're going to start thinking about substitution wise kid you like pizza okay well let's make a pizza that's plant-based so you get a whole wheat pizza crust you do the pizza sauce you put tons and tons of vegetables on it it is delicious and very healthy for you so those are some things that you can do instead of you know spaghetti marinara and meatballs maybe do spaghetti marinara and tons of vegetables that's the kind of line of thinking that will help you get started on the right footing now on occasion if you have other family members who refuse to do this with you that is a discussion that you'll need to have and then i should do a video actually on social stuff you know social um difficulties that people have with like relationships and colleagues and traveling we'll get to that in a future episode but right now just focusing on your health because you're the one that has to live with you it's not your spouse it's not your kids it's not your neighbors your coworkers every decision that you make everything you consume will have a long-term impact on your health and that you my friend the one looking the mirror is the one that has to deal with that so don't give up it may be difficult um that's why it's also you know consider joining us on facebook on the healthy human nation it's our free facebook group to to you know correspond with others that are also believe in the same process you do that you want to eat healthy to become healthy or stay healthy so that's the first step the second step would be to understand that this is actually a cheaper alternative to eating you know all the processed foods the meat and the dairy so you actually save money when you move to a whole food plant-based diet because they're i mean look at dried beans and dry it in the dried grains like rice that's some of the cheapest foods you can buy and large quantities at any grocery store anywhere you go so now there's time factors there's tons of other things we have other resources like i mentioned on our website but getting started it's really important to think about what you already have think about things that you can easily substitute and make healthier that you're already consuming and if you choose to go all in overnight you need to get rid of everything in the house that's not on a whole food plant-based diet unless you have to make some concessions to other family members but i'm saying for the in general you'd want to not have these things to choose from but other things in place so if you put on your table you know fruits and vegetables and not a jar of candy or a jar of you know processed like bars and stuff you're going to grab the banana when you're hungry or the apple when you're hungry instead of a handful of m m's so that's one thing number two is think about what you can actually know how to cook already so and how much time you have should you are you cool with um you know getting the rice let's say a cauliflower the cauliflower head or do you would it help you to buy cauliflower that's already been chopped up that's excellent so think about those things and remember the less processed it is the cheaper it will be the other thing to do is also consider using frozen foods frozen foods are sometimes more nutritionally um are more nutritious than your your produce you see in the produce section because now they've actually flash frozen that food when it's picked versus picking a food that's before it's ripe and travel thousands of miles to get to you so those are options too so let's say that you like corn okay instead of buying the produce this is corn maybe buy the frozen corn because then you can you know it's easier and quicker to use now let's say you choose to transition the easiest way i found for a majority of people is a transition over breakfast for a week that's the easiest meal then move into lunch for the second week and then by dinner on the third week by they're ready to rock and roll by changing out their dinner and many times people by the second week they're like if i can do lunch i can do dinner so as far as planning a well-balanced meal you definitely want to make sure that you're trying to be as a wide variety as possible so you want to include fruits daily vegetables daily some whole grains and that's going to be things like rice quinoa millet bulgur read oats all those different things can take that place and then legumes beans and legumes are so good for you lentils you know anywhere from a cup to a cup and a half a day would be fantastic for most adults and then not you know just a handful of seeds and nuts so what would a day um in a whole food plant-based diet eaters look like for example breakfast maybe be let's say still cut oats with some blueberries and banana and soy milk maybe a little ground flax and some pumpkin seeds on top maybe lunch should always incorporate some type of vegetables so maybe you like salads you can do tons of different salads with a little bit of fat in the dressing like maybe a nut based dressing but just a little bit it helps you absorb certain nutrients or you could sprinkle some nuts on there you could use flavored balsamic vinegars also on the salad you would include beans in there you can make it a bowl you could do like different type of bowls that would include a grain vegetables and some legumes with a different type of dressing you could do stir fries um for like just yesterday i made a huge batch of stir-fried vegetables that needed to be used up from our csa and which is a community supported agriculture where you're supporting local farms and they bring you food or you go and pick it up and these were amazing vegetables but i needed to use them up so now i've stir-fried them they had we had all sorts we had greens we had peppers and there were onions and mushrooms and a variety of different things and then i made some long grain brown rice and i put some soy sauce on there and we're good to go so dinners could be again your normal dinners but let's say instead of a you know meat-laden burrito you use beans and rice and vegetables i grew up in new mexico i love mexican food mexican food's an easy way to switch over so you could do enchiladas the same way beads instead and vegetables with a similar type of enchilada sauce you could the the literally the thought that the whole number of foods you can consume is it's limitless there are thousands of whole food or plant-based foods that you can consume one of my tricks that i really like to do is i will type in either vegan or plant-based whatever so let's say that i have like um mushrooms zucchini and some bell peppers that i need used up or maybe i'm have a hankering for something that's italian or indian so what i would do is i always put either plant-based or vegan in front of it and then i would put whatever it is i'm either like saying a mushroom zucchini a pepper recipe or it's maybe indian recipe or a mexican recipe or chinese food recipe whatever desserts whatever you're looking for and then what i'll do is on google you'll get this ton of different options and i look for the five five star options because honestly i have yet to be disappointed because majority of people who are gonna give it a five star have made it and it's been good enough for them it's probably going to be good enough for me that is one way that i really have learned a ton in different recipes um because you know you'll find your staples there are things that we eat regularly that's our oatmeal we always have beans we always have typically grain we always have some type of salad or vegetable we always do a lot of um like a tofu scramble that is a great way to do it the next morning so those are things that are in our home but you may have different palettes um different age groups different people who have different tolerances for spicy foods so in don't forget to use your spices use your flavors so when you incorporate your plant foods we want to you know enjoy the flavorful food and it's really important to think about your repertoire of spices and that's where i think just getting started just looking at different recipes and how they start using those you'll soon find that you're adding those on your own so that would be how i would start and then just really look at the the things that like i said that you already eat how you can substitute for those or convert those to be healthier so that's the great now what are some of the mistakes that i'm seeing people make common mistakes they go start buying a bunch of processed vegan foods a lot of these are these um you know fake meats these are not healthy they're also more expensive now are these transitional foods or maybe you can use those to help your family eat more plant-based that's that's fine but in the long term you're not going to have the health benefits if you were doing 100 whole food plant base the other thing is they're consuming a lot of oils still oils are not a health food it's a processed food it's pure fat now are some oils better than other oils yes but it's still not a health food it's like comparing you know olive oil to to lard is olive oil better yes but it's still not a health food now there will be some people that argue at that point with me but i've just seen it not benefit my patients in any shape or form it worsens blood sugar readings it it's not going to aid in your weight loss it's 120 calories per tablespoon but again this is not an oil bashing video this is about the common mistakes i'm seeing people make um the other thing is maybe they're not consuming enough calories so sometimes people will feel fatigued when i first was learning to teach people how to go on a whole food plant-based diet i didn't really qualify that it's really important that you include your starchy vegetables your beans your whole grains because these are the these are going to be the ones that are going to be the more dense foods they're more fulfilling more calories that will sustain you and the fruits and the vegetables are added benefits of the nutritional nutrient nutrients that they bring to your food but when i tell people oh go on a plant-based diet they automatically can assume that means fruits and vegetables only and they were just eating salads or a lot of fruit and they were hungry they were losing rapidly losing weight but they were fatigued and just it wasn't working out so that seems to be one of the more common mistakes as well and finally you know it's honestly just sticking to your why why did you switch to a plant-based diet to begin with because there will be points that this is hard and i promise though if you stick with it long enough and it's definitely less than a year but i would say you'd need at least probably three to six months of being consistent you're gonna find that you forget how you even ate like you did before you feel so good you probably need less medications or no medications at that point you have energy you're sleeping well less pains more recovery if you're an athlete there's so many added health benefits that you're like how did i ever not eat a whole food plant-based diet and the one thing that i find that's really interesting is people go well is this what it actually feels to be normal i'm like yes when you don't have the burden of toxins in your body these animal products these processed foods and you eat a whole food plant-based diet your body begins to thrive and that is what is normal it is not normal for us to walk around with a bag full of prescriptions needed to correct issues that we literally caused by what we're consuming every day so i hope you found that helpful we have some really cool um things for you for if you'll hit the subscribe button and the like and in the first hour after each video that goes up we actually will be giving away our seven day healthy human revolution transformation course this goes over everything that you could possibly need to know to start on a whole food plant-based diet we talk about social interactions we talk about traveling we talk about shopping we talk about going out to eat we talk about with your kids we talk about exactly what foods to consume literally this is if all you had was that information it will be enough for you i took a year for me to learn from my patients and my own experience to develop everything that's in this seven day course that you can get for free by hitting subscribe and the like button and checking out our video our sees our course over at and if you have comments or questions please let you know put a link below or i'm sorry put a comment below or a question below and i'll be picking one of those every week to answer and i hope you found this helpful and you guys have a great day and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Dr. Laurie Marbas
Views: 414,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant based, nutrition, vegan, plant based news, whole food plant based, plant based diet, vegan diet, weight loss, plant based diet benefits, whole food plant based diet, plant based nutrition, diet, plant based meals, doctor, benefits of plant based diet, how to start a plant based diet, plant based doctor, medicine, veganism, md, healthy eating, transformation, health, vegan diet benefits, best diet, vegetarian diet
Id: kmBIt10jdlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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