Dogmeat Ball Swivel Vise Mount

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what's not the like about a ball swivel vise everybody should have one of these it's great for working on small parts you can get them at any angle that you want a lot of jewelry makers gunsmiths instrument makers all kinds of folks use vices like this unfortunately the the basses are like shockingly expensive and you know limited limited configurations anyway what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a dog meat ball slow bollocking ball swivel so let's go see what we're gonna do with it okay when I say dog meat I don't necessarily mean bad I just mean quick and dirty so what we're doing here this is a cross-section of it of the proposed idea here and this being the ball and the swiveling part and then these are the two clamping elements here so it's pretty low profile and this is a you know I got a couple of different these are ball knobs this is kind of a rubberized coating on this and then this is a kind of a hard plastic here and then I got a steel one here this to try some different materials all these are roughly the same size and they have a nice inserted tapped hole these are pretty cheap this is only about I don't you know what I don't remember how much he's are I should look that up but they were under $10 I believe so this one was a little bit more because it's steel so anyway there's a general idea right you see how much articulation that we should get out of this what I was playing around with here was the angles of the seats where it's gonna contact the ball just to make them easy to make so if we were looking down in this direction here this is what we would see here this being the lower plate here so these are just superimposed on top of each other so this is the lower plate and then this is the upper plate that you see here and this is the clamping element here a little dashed line there is that knob the radius of that knob just to look at clearances so I got a couple of different knobs here this is a lever that three positions and then this is just a nice just a nice padded knob here this is got a soft coating on it pretty cool that's about four bucks for mcmaster-carr so we're gonna bandsaw this out we're gonna cut some angled seats in there and we're gonna make a spring here and we're gonna go to town so let's go do some sawn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well not almost as fast as a water jet but the bandsaw works pretty good this is a 3/8 thick about ten millimeter thick steel coal rolled and just for folks that don't know what this is these are just full-scale printed drawings from the computer that I use a repositionable adhesive on just to tack down to guide the work so you don't have a bunch of layout work and then what I do is put little dots in the the Centers of holes I forgot these but anyway I just picked up the center there so we're gonna drill some holes and cut these openings for the ball and then make a spring so let's do that [Music] [Music] Bob's your uncle see the anchor live here and feeding with the with the quill feed and we'll here it's created to me look at a few threads left all right ready to start putting our our seat in all right we're gonna put an angled seat in that for this to sit in and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut a little bit of the seat then we're gonna measure between the top of the ball and in this surface here which I know what the theoretical number is supposed to be just so I get the the depth kind of similar to what my layout is [Applause] in the right spot there a little bit [Applause] say we go [Music] [Applause] but I also know what the diameter is supposed to be at the top of the at the chamfer I get close like that and then we can take a measurement it's one point three I need one point for approximately [Music] [Music] let's gently touch see what we get what does 1.9 so so we got about 30,000 okay all right so I get a this actually gonna work out pretty good so now I know how much further I need to go I can set the ball in there and then this particular countersink has a flat tip on it so I'm just going to come down and touch on that okay and I'm gonna zero my let's make sure I'm sitting in there right all right and I'm a zero the quill readout all right and now I need to I need to drop roughly 30,000 from here so I could just use this as a measuring tool now too so I thought that was pretty good so let's continue on here [Music] all right starting to look like something so we got our lower plate almost done there's our seat for that and then this is our upper plate and I'll actually be this way that drops on here and you kind of get the get the idea it's gonna sit down quite a bit lower there and then let go this goes through here handle underneath and Bob's your uncle so then we just got to make a make us know we got a drill on tap some holes I forgot about that okay let's let's get our seat get our seat set and then we can confirm our the height of the spring and make sure that that agrees with the layout and where the thing actually ends up so probably gonna do this in the lathe we'll just do this in the for job let's cut that angle on there it's 12 degrees 24 degree included angle yeah I tell you what you got a level for you out here for this kind of stuff you pretty much hold anything with a Ford yeah we are going to light in our supports here get them doing their job let's see I should be able to go in freely there you go like that all right I can push up against that all right and let's get these guys into play then we'll do some center and action here wait this would be cream cheese here all right looks like huh not too bad centering actually a bomb would be proud for I bought one all right so with this idea tat everything backwards from normal that's pretty good we're like we're doing some after that maybe some bumpiness in the hole - all right so I think I'm going to use my he bombs water here [Music] [Music] once again I know what my desire number is king nasty stuff over there go easy there mr. wizard took quite a bit up okay rambunctious on this stuff you know alright so once again I'm measuring from this surface to the top of the ball but so what I'm doing I'm just pressing just lightly pressing this parallel up against the apex of that ball so I can just have two surfaces to measure between here and get a some measurement or like 9 34 and then 35 so the target number at 8:42 in this case so that means is I have the ball has to sink in a little bit further so let's keep cutting [Music] okay so we got our 12 degree angle in there now there's our seat now you'll see how far this will sit down now see that it's nice and sitting down so I'll probably do strip this paper off I'll put this on some adjustable parallels that are the same height and just verify this this spring height that at this point just to see what's here and that looks like it's gonna be long enough I'm pretty happy right now so let's let's get this junk off of here and then clean this up and then we'll make a spring [Music] spring edge so if you rub your dirty fingers then the line shows up we're gonna do a rough cut first kind of get close to the wall this way the the way strips curls off curls off better when it's narrow like that so all that force goes into the strip that's my story sticking to it so this thing is marches through this pretty straight right we're gonna drill tip our holes for the spring so we're gonna pick up off of this front one side to side and find the center of that [Music] use that as our reference and we're just going to use the split function or the centerline function yeah what's their whatever that is and then because we're up high out of the vise I'm going to go ahead and pick up this edge here in case those plates are curved at all so that we have a pickup close to where we're working pretty easy to do okay come over to zero because then I can move over over to the other one and that has to do any math in my head so okay so we should be on our our first hole later and yes I did cut my finger zero the quill readout because I think I think I think I think am I gonna let's see where inch and a quarter off of there yeah actually gonna be drilling into the kind of the meat of that let's get a well let's we'll go 3/8 deep with the drill [Music] [Applause] okay I got this it's a hard washer here I wanted something that was kind of hard and slippery so we're gonna put that there stir that knob first okay appears to walk see let's put a little pressure on that okay okay so these are mounting holes to mount it to a workbench or something let's go clamp it to the welding table and put a little little English on that and see how it see how it behaves and then if we like it what we'll do is take it apart we'll do a little bit of a little bit of hint a little bit of hand work on it and get it to looking pretty pretty boss full swivel and rotation whoo alright and then okay that's not very tight okay okay I can overcome it a little bit but what's again this isn't full tightness here oh I called it reasonable so how should we test this thing for I don't know what holding torque so I should probably put a spacer in here because if you if you over over gronk it there you might be able to just bend that plate down so maybe I'll tighten this up pretty good like so and then measure that and then I'll make a little a little plastic spacer or something that goes in there that keeps you from from whaling on it so I think what I'm going to do is doll this up a little bit and make it look Purdy and presentable and I'm gonna call this a success I think man I just love the smell of this stuff yeah that's awesome it's like smell like real stuff if I only had a ball wise this would be [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] so I'm surface grinding these is to get a really nice finish on them it's not for any kind of geometry but one problem when you're grinding this is just soft mild steel is it's really easy to scratch it so I'm trying some of this I'm gonna call this the saunders magic magic tape to protect the Artic oops the first side that I ground and see if that works you know this will go against the the surface grinder magnet and kind of protect it when I when I lift these off anyway we're just going to try it out also I'm leaving it long that way I can also use these to help help pluck it off of the Chuck too so we'll see how that works at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it make sure I have a teeny tiny little gap in there and then no wrinkles and we'll see see what happens actually I'm probably gonna trim that all right nice finish achieved now let's see how this works so I got a little tail here Oh mr. Chuck and then what's yeah it works pretty good pull up on that and then I don't slide anything or I have to grab it or anything right I like it thank you this one here clean these up and then we'll do final assembly here 8:32 button head screws here now let's get you know my favorites kind of tense I like tens I don't know why but I just kind of do but there wasn't quite enough room to pay attention here mister that balls got to go in so I may use it a little bit of a little bit of blue moly in there on the seat here just got a little something on there and we all know one one drop of anti-seize is enough to cover the world alright so we'll sit that in there like that like so flopson and and the stuff that the auntie sees that's on there I don't think can rotate all the way up to the top you know they'll be chips and things like that it'll be falling on the this top edge so I don't want a bunch of grease at the top I don't think I'll try it make probably put yeah well this little straight drag start with see how it works that flush sit that flush crank that down okay so now this the top is threaded and the reason for that is so that it it's an anti rotation for you know when we put the knob on the bottom that way this doesn't come unscrewed every time you go to use the thing he sets my this that's the idea now is when you don't you don't want to slip with a tool here and I didn't make the space or there I was talking about okay there's that yeah I get a surprise for you so we're gonna put this on here we're gonna put this on here cuz I got something that Matt's to those mystery threaded holes I'm gonna put on let's crank this down a little bit get a little bit of rock on there okay all right let me let me mount the next part and then we'll make it a big surprise okay why not so off-camera I made a little a little base I'm a little clamp set up for this this cute little tool makers vise that I bought actually I got this off Craigslist it's a Joseph B fakes F akes Royal Oak Michigan you see these on eBay every once in a while and they're cute little vices and it's a nice little sub vise for holding onto stuff and I use for different things but it was this crying to be mounted to something and it was kind of the only little vice I had that you know needed them out anyway I kind of over this is a not exactly dogmeat but anyway it's a quick little build if you want to build yourself a little ball vise there's an easy way to do it okay and this is his plain steel a cheap ball from mcmaster-carr and some knobs and and Bob's your uncle and you you can not your own custom little vice to it anyway thanks for watching guys and let me know in the comments if you like this kind of stuff talk to you later
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 203,166
Rating: 4.9276099 out of 5
Keywords: Wilton Power arm, Wilton, Vise, Ball Swivel, Filing, Surface grind, Bandsaw, Beverly shear, Doall saw, Dykem, Fakes Vise, Joseph Fakes, Toolmaker vise
Id: NjUeeTj_8tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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