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why is that car going sideways oh that's when you know you have the best ball in the universe cars are starting to fly boys hello everybody Kristen we were checking out a game for the channel called shopping tycoon one guess as to what you do in it you create the most powerful and influential shopping mall in all of existence actually there's a lot of options here for you to deal with I just went ahead and started a game real quick just to kind of like go through the tutorial the doral is fairly simplistic but there's a lot of options that's the thing I'm talking about very very optioning options to improve all your people options to put fire suppression system in security lighting air conditioning bathroom storage and everything else you can possibly think of we can also expand our shopping area as far as we want as long as you fill up the screen I imagine I don't know the sides go pretty far in both ways this is what we get to start with though and you can also zoom in to freakish proportions we've got Bob the Builder over here he's getting ready to stock some shelves well not stock some shelves I think he's actually going to make some shelves let's go ahead and start things off it's dead a.m. there is a lot of tycoon style of little thingies than to know about this game you can click on people to get them to do things it's also mentioning here design your mall center to meet the needs of your customers so over here we're always going to be able to see what is pissing off the current customer population right now as you would imagine it's not having a washroom so we're gonna have to do that design mode I've messed with so I know a little bit about it let us go into the bathroom e area which you can get to by moving this all around you get this bottom area is all the different items that you can put and then there's items on top of these items up here so we can put a bathroom down so let us go ahead and drag one as we please I think I'm gonna put it right by the stocking area because no one should really be going back here anyway that's just where all the storage is let us continue Bob the Builder going to be working hard at constructing our bathroom area you can see right now him hammer 'we viciously this gentleman over here with the fantastic blonde goatee is our i think of him kind of like the manager like he walks around with his clipboard in his hand and he's like hey guys we need this area stocked hey guys we need this area stocked that's really what he does over here we can see we're gonna need some food so let us do that right now we need to get levels in order to get the cooler stuff and you can see man you get a pizzeria you got a burger joint now this game is not out yet this is coming out September 12th met links in description below if you want to check it out right now let us get ourselves a little delicious snack vending machine I think the way I'm gonna do it is I'm gonna have I don't even put the vending machines like over on this side or something yeah I'm gonna put a vending machine over there I think I'm gonna have my tellers over in this area once you put stuff down you could move it as you will by the way see I can grab my shelf over here and I can move this wherever I want so I think I'm gonna move this over here in the middle so that we can put another youngster on a cash register over here in a little bit seems that we need some chairs no big deal let us go ahead and not the teddy bear whenever you have something you don't want to put down just drag it over into the giant waste bin that we saw just a moment ago got your potted plants in there have yet but we do have chairs over here oh we have fancy chairs what if there's a difference between one chair and the other let's get the fanciest chair I'm gonna put a chair over here you can also click on the chair to get it to flip around as you do and then down here there's more by the way we also have to worry about parking as you can see these very trendy smart car electrical are pulling into the air itseif Park parking is full so right now it doesn't look like it cares yet ooh you can change the game speed thank you pig lady with the giant thing on your head I have no need of UI this time let us go I don't want that I don't want that I want to increase I think it's under design but I think it's like way over here hold on a second I think it's way over here if I remember correctly it is right here build this is the parking garage and then what we're gonna want to extend our parking garage and I think I'm going to extend the crap out of it because there's no reason not to we can build we could build apart your eyes downward by the way oh can I not build anymore oh that's as much as we can have right now okay that's fair not going to worry about it right now I think we're right now we're just kind of gonna kind of do as we do now there's special days come on in buddy when they have a little question marks like that if you click on them quick enough they'll come in and do they think oh that reminds me to our buddy over here we're gonna have to upgrade this schlemiel big-time yeah I know click on the question marks we need to upgrade this guy big-time you can see his effectiveness right now is three chunk lits so let's go ahead and spend some cash to bring them up because quite honestly I think the faster he hammers away the better their young child in here somewhere I thought I heard a young child crying our buddy over here with the sideways cap you can see filling up the stocking shelves momentarily now we can also hire more individuals with the contract option so let's see what we have over here we can have another builder which wouldn't be bad we could also have just a or a cleaner oh this is good you definitely want a cleaner young Roberta over here doing her thing I don't know why that's her name she's got the fantastic hair dude though and one of my one of my family members wives is that name so I'm gonna go ahead and use her and then you can also a police officer so you don't get robbed all the time well actually technically I think it's called shoplifting but I'm not gonna worry about that you know I'm gonna put another Bob the Builder in here because I'm always gonna be building stuff and I need these guys to be doing their thing yes vacuum as you do you can also click on some of the dirt and get some hearts what are the hearts to do I'm not 100% sure let's go over here the wash unit is in I know it is it's right over here everyone should be enjoying using it and I'm not sure what yeah there's a little child overhear this child better is like Oh Mike whoa whoa hold on a sec it weird that look at the face look at the face over here of this youngster oh it's terrible Oh is she doing the bathroom does work right okay good the bathroom absolutely works I feel much better now we should probably have two bathrooms because you should have a men and a woman's bathroom I don't think it's that important really but we'll go ahead and do it let's oh you know what at level 2 we get another bathroom oh it's just maybe it's just a different color I know let's put a second one in over here put this one in right over there like so that'll give our guys something to do anyway yes had to take her daughter to the bathroom over there that's what was going on oh if there's two guys working they can both build it at the same time that's fantastic you know what we need hold on let me click on all these people so they buy as they do we need another person working the registers let's freaking do this build let's go into clothes not clothing let's go into registers there it is right over here a nice register to go next to a register I love putting registers in with my registers you guys know how it is we're also gonna need more up we need a piece of machine which we don't have yet I think we get that at level three or something and our parking is still very very full not much I can do about that at the moment well that reminds me we haven't done this yet we need to stock up our snack machine what sort of snacks do we have we have potato chips we got I don't know that kind of looks like maybe like a Butterfinger or some such a couple of different ones some of them are red and some of them are not red that's odd I want those and then let's get let's get those now at some point here the snack machine should be filling up let me go ahead and click on tons of Hearts over here we can also get oh hi there new brand how are you doing we have a new a brand unlocked we've reached level 2 we can now sell our pani or whatever it is our offshoot brand we're scanning everyone over here boys don't let it get you don't think it don't think we're not over here to the parking area we can probably put down some more parking finally which I would like to do oh yeah oh yeah we just got to achievement as well Oh get all the parking in there all the parking there we go that should be an apartment for a while I would really wonder how many people can stack in here alright I need to get some more brands out hold on once I build more floors I'll be doing that although stacks are starting to flow in boys we got shirts of all different shapes and sizes over here we got more shirts coming into I may even get rid of this tiny shelf I just don't think it's doing very much yes ma'am come on in and sir I know you'd love a two-toned shirt as well and why not pick one up for the wife also head for one for the child oh is this money I think even a little money thing meant he didn't have enough money or maybe he thought the price was too high you know what we need hold on over here we need someone to help our poor manager out I think we have a little like like an extra clerk over here yeah shop assistant look at this young kid he's gonna be very important and while we're at it let's go ahead and upgrade him slightly I'm kind of upgrading everyone as I do I don't know how well the upgrades work but I could tell you when it comes to these building holy yeah the upgraded stuff is fan-freaking-tastic it look at this fancy car why don't you pull into the garage although everyone's drivin smart cars and like old school Hugo's over here let's get some let's get some of the big spenders in here now over on our calendar we can check real quick we got Monday Tuesday on Wednesday we do have an investor coming picky princess that's horrible on Friday though it's Black Friday Oh prepare your mall Center every Friday we'll have a special sales campaign more people will come to your mall Center activate discounts on your products and you will get more sales and more level points so on every object over here we can crank up or put up the different benefits and so we can put stuff on sale which is pretty sweet we can also get some new brands if we want I think what I really want to do is start expanding the bottom floor of our mall though let's go ahead and get her inside though now that we've done that let's see over here let's yeah let's continue to expand over to build and then I want to know what this is I really want to know let's go ahead and put it down oh it's just like a it's just like a sign or something almost do you need you need something behind it perhaps no you definitely can't have a behind it it looks like hold on here I don't want that anymore instead I want two really big in eyes our bottom floor over here before we start building up we should probably make sure that we build down far enough I'm gonna put one more chunk down here too oh yeah now the stores looking slick now the store is looking powerful but what should we build oh we just got level three I think that means higher taxis and unlocked metro and bus lines so even more people will visit your moral Center all right which is good because our parking is like full up right now we can take care of a lot oh let's go ahead and get a piece of machine of course we're gonna need what you saw right over here with the rest of our our youngsters doing a thing as we do what else do we need over here full parking all right no problem let's uh-oh don't want that hold on now hold on oh go go get go get rid of you I don't need you right yet what I do want though down here is can we put parking off to the side oh we can all right more parking in all levels all levels of parking like this here there we go four more parking slots they should do well for quite some time I've got some light in here they say put light over your objects so I've got like some oh I just picked them up like the god of the mall I'm sorry sir up I'll put you down now they say put light over your different sales objects so people will be more inclined to buy them I feel like I should have the light properly spaced out though we should probably think about getting an air conditioning unit as well so we've got shirts up but we don't any pants up so let's do that let's go ahead and throw down some pants over here like that are our specialized builders should be working hard to get that together I feel like I should have some pants next to the search now upstairs I think what we'll do is we'll break off different parts of the mall for different types of things like this bottom part is gonna be the clothing area and maybe upstairs when we get into electronics I don't think that we have electronics yet we have Footwear okay so electronics is gonna be level seven so maybe at level seven we'll start doing the electronics we should level fairly fast as long as we keep things going up right over here hold on hold on let's go ahead what do you what are you two doing over here you're two building guys are you still building stuff when you build it you should be building these shelves over here maybe they're just fixing different parts of the shopping mall all right over here as a scumbag I just put a security guard down because you know we've got a sick scumbag over here what's this guy doing he's like really annoyed about something oh maybe because our snack machine is out our content is still ate so we're still doing okay on snacks I'm gonna buy get two more packs of chips over here just to make sure it's all nice and filled up this area is doing fantastic this area can now have different pants and stuff there's our Nami and Bango Bango huh all right what kind of Bango do we have it's like rolled up pants sure why not we can fit 30 of them after all let's get oh that's a loud color I like it let's get five of those oh you can only put one type in each one that's interesting okay so it all has to be Bango so we'll get what we'll do is we'll get ten of those ten of those and what other colors do we have forget ten of these yeah we are our shipment should be in fairly soon over here everyone seems to be doing okay we have two criminals inside we're my security guard at up hold on I hear someone yes beat them with the BT stick beat him with the BT stick that's what I'm talking about can I can I upgrade you I definitely want to Oh I'm upgrading you but you're not actually getting any upgrades that makes me sad we'll pretend that somehow he's my look at how fast this guy moves though I upgraded him and the upgrades on this kid or legit holy man look at her move around now this one not so much oh I think I didn't click on him hold on can I get you can I get you I wanted to get him I can't seem to get them maybe maybe it has to be from this screen we have a transport screen to upgrade upgrade I'm gonna upgrade you again there I want tons of upgrades Oh what is this TEDx it's a courier company so how does faster and TEDx compete with one another like which one's better I wonder for right now we'll just keep faster around I'm sure they're just fine for the moment there's got a bunch of lighting in I think I'm gonna put some more bathrooms over on this side because these people are burning through the bathrooms like sickeningly fast oh we have red bathrooms now we have red and black bathrooms okay well let's put one of each I'm curious if it actually does anything I doubt it would but I mean I guess there's no reason I think it's just a different model taller I don't really think I don't really think it's functionality is any better than anything else I think it's mostly just there to look cool these people over here wanting some food and such yes all right we're selling stuff like hotcakes now in fact we're getting ready to get our next level in just a little bit here you can see 3:19 right now the hearts are flying all over the place it kind of seems like the harsh or what gives us our levels so see right over here Oh shouldn't I get my level what my level that yeah t-shirt bang bang go bird we got some shoes and some other stuff too I really want nose electronics though I think electronics would be really cool can we have like any different food I wonder all there is there's a different style of food let's put it down over here it's like a cooler vending machine looks slightly more impressive than our other vending machine let's go ahead and get that down real quick oh the clicking is real oh the clicking is real okay here's what we're gonna do I want more stuff to sell we still have a ton of money after all so there's no reason for us not to use it let's go like I said we're gonna do all clothing down here let's start with the footwear there's a lot of different foot way around here we could do got some women's footwear some men's Footwear let's put let's go let's go how far over do I want it over here probably I'm probably gonna want to put more guys down to to check people out so let's do it over here next to the bathrooms we'll put and now remember we can move this as we do it's not a big deal like we can move stuff around all kinds of different ways all right man I've been working hard over here we got all kinds of shoes oh you can't see them behind the bus stop over here that's the only problem the bus stops guy in the way but that's fine as long as I'm able to click on it it's okay we got ourselves a coffee tronic over here it's the cafe Tremonti which is sweet so let's go ahead and fill it up all the way it is coming up on 10 p.m. here actually it is 10 p.m. right now but the mall is still open baby as one of our first days open to the public we are going to be doing this all night long we've got lights raised the temperature place refrigeration to control ah okay all right I can do that let's go okay someone is really happy and I don't know why let's go over here go over to our refrigeration we have two different types over here we have the more impressive one and then the less impressive one all we can afford right now is the less impressive one so let's go ahead and kind of put them we've got a lot of lighting over here you can hire more electric power by clicking on the electric generators at each floor oh how much electric power are we burning right now oh right I don't day for that but are they there we go we're we're better now you know what screw it I'm gonna buy even more there because we're about to put a lot of refrigeration up here that one little guy over there is not gonna do it our dudes that are working pretty hard are going to be installing a ton of refrigeration Oh whenever though that's your guys's jobs let's put let's see over here let's put one over here as well and then over on this side I should have quite a few lights set up I do let's am i putting them slightly over to the left or slightly over to the right slightly over to the right between these objects over here I get even space these I wonder if I get space these out perfectly so that it's directly in the middle oh you can you can alright so let's move this like this and then move this like this I like I love how you can move stuff however you want as long as it's been built the first time they don't have to build it again which is kind of nice so all this stuff is gonna get moved over I think one more time no actually like three more times there we go okay all of them are spaced out correctly I don't really have too many over here yet but it'll be just fine yeah man we're going right into 11:00 p.m. over here no one cares either no one's the wiser let's go grab the bus station so this is crazy I have not messed with this oh my god what does it all mean 77 400 their shopping tycoon can you zoom in and out of this or anything like that let's I guess let's click this one over here oh you buy them sure let's buy as many as we can I still have $120,000 we might as well spend it it's someone else's money not ours high-temperature Oh what is this hey happy new year over here man that's how you draw in the customers that's how you've drawn the customers we don't have a gold card yet and I don't think that we can buy it we need level 5 so we're almost there we're actually almost there oh we can have that particular card machine and when we can't have it I think I'm gonna move these two over here up someone getting BT stick I don't know where it happening at but it definitely happenin right over here look at this guy came in with a mask and the beanie hat on and he just got nightstick that's a crap nightstick out of them that's what you get for rolling up in Gray's Bray's still places fricking mall I think my name is on here somewhere there it is right over here is like the most gangster style shopping center name I've ever seen in a game we have over here still a high floor temperature really it's still it's still high I think it's because they're not all installed yet perhaps oh I just found out you can change how fast your air conditioning units move okay well didn't know about that so 78 degrees well let's crank it up let's crank it all the way up let's get the air conditioning moving over here there we go start bringing it down baby oh the bus is rolling in man the bus is rolling and we're starting to get buses rolling wanting to prepare your mouth center for future visits improve decoration lighting cleaning temperature and transportation day 9 Donald Trump woman oh the face did you see the face he had to it's like the classic Donald Trump troll face the one he has where he's looked at friggin smug I know I know some people like I always look smug let's go ahead and start putting instant oat we got a new brand over here we got calluses flying the chapel who's some some upscale bread oh look at this got a little planet over here oh I like that let's do some of those because they look pretty sweet do a couple of these we got all kinds over here oh yeah well I want ten of those ten of these too because why not yep sure ten of those a couple more some pink ones as well and we got four spaces left so I'm gonna fill it up with the rest of these now I think also yeah we have a hundred capacity over here so we've got them let's do let's do we did Chappell let's do Kalfas line I guess got the wheel over here spinning right around I want ten of those actually oh this one's on fire let's get let's get twenty of those that was like super on fire sure 20 of those as well and I'm gonna keep going Oh actually there's last three let's get 20 of those 20 of those and I think I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a couple of these too why is that car going sideways oh that's when you know you have the best ball in the universe cars are starting to fly boys that's how we do it that's how you become the best mall user in the entire universe so over here our temperature is still too high however we are level 5 now as a matter of fact hold on let me not do this what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna replace all of these air conditioning units with the better air conditioning units almost said the cooler ones not only are they cooler but they're like legitimately cooler I'm gonna start doing that I'm gonna sell these awful actually I don't think I need to sell them off instead what I can do is I can start putting them in well y'all are going up down the alarm' boys Saudi alarm we have a we have a theft detection unit over here and it's pretty clear that some scumbag tried to be all shifty on us now you know what I think I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of this this little thing over here is just not doing very much yeah we're gonna go ahead and sell that for 50 I don't really care about that anymore I can put something else there if I wanted to I may even I may even move all these guys over oh that reminds me we could put down the gold card machine let's move this stuff over here a little bit more about there I think we're gonna be able to get the gold card guy in there let's see now if we click on cash registers yes right over here Gold Card for all your gold card means and it works perfect because the piece of machines over there the gold card machines over here everyone's gonna be super happy I imagine over here by the shoes how are our shoes over here oh we still have plenty of contents because like I said it's hard to click on cuz you can't really see that much let's now let's stock it up with the sport shoes over here though 11 of those left let's do do 9 more of the pink ones those look pretty slick people are buying shoes people are buying clothing we're coming on to level six here in a little bit actually we're doing real good right now I've got a bunch I'm gonna let you keep doing your thing I've got a bunch look at this dude I love this over here man this has been fantastic an extra 150 dollar benefit for you you've done well but our guy over here has been catching criminals left and right and I've got this sweet security system and holy yeah whoa what is happening over here look at all the thumbs-up going on everyone's super happy I'm so glad yes keep coming in keeps coming in everyone's coming in what's going on is this some kind of special day now it's just a Tuesday but oh it's the bus the bus is letting people off left and right and they are piling in spending tons of money it's me you know what this kind of reminds me of it reminds me a little bit of the party hard tycoon whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at all this uh-uh-uh thumbs up thumbs up everyone gets tubs up over here how many snacks do we have left let's get let's get some more bags of chips in there I want to make sure that my chips are filled up at all times another bust is rolling up Oh give me all the busses oh you know what as a matter of fact let's power through to level seven because I want the electronics big-time oh here's some of our taxis and stuff that are coming around as well look how cool those taxis look I got someone like the fast taxis too not just regular taxis we got the slick taxis going on up in here our temperature looked to be okay right now I don't really want to add a lot more lighting because I finally have the temperature in the lighting balanced a little bit better I had to take some of the lighting down like I probably need an extra light yeah I need an extra light over here as a matter of fact um I think no matter what I'm gonna go ahead and put one down let's go ahead and put at least one light down over here I decided to put some bathroom tile over by the bathroom so you can mess around your floors and look at how many floors there are oh my god no I decided to put some bathroom tiles down you get an achievement for it as well so there's no reason not to let's go ahead and put down a nice bathroom chunk oh they don't really fit that's the only problem like the bathroom would be would have to be further over um I think we can do that hold on if I put a bathroom floor there and a bathroom floor there and I take my storage area and bring it way back over here and then put a bathroom over here and a bathroom over there well can I fit them both on one piece of bathroom floor hold on I might be able to Oh once you put the floor down there's no change in it okay that's fine actually in that case what we'll do what is this oh it's like a big bathroom it's a bathroom with a sink oh okay hold on I have a better idea I want to use that let's put let's put these bathrooms that we've already made over here yeah hold on hold on there we go we've got two deluxe bathrooms over here I've got a whole slew of bathrooms over there there's our oh that's right I keep forgetting that he doesn't actually upgrade our security guy he just sits around I mean he's I guess he's good at his job it's just annoying because I can't upgrade him over here I put all the new bathrooms down or all our previous bathrooms so I could install these awesome bathrooms went ahead and grabbed my lighting and moved it over to where it needs to be all right let's power through boys power through power through yes money bring it to me baby bring all the money to me thumbs ups all around let's freakin do this all right I just put down an escalator we're not we're not ready to use it yet I'm just getting the upper side built up this way we're gonna have space for all of our fantastic electronic equipment and stuff like that so for right now I'm just kind of getting this stuff done I'm really curious I guess they just look cool no it's like outside it's like an outdoor girder thing I don't want that done go ahead and take that down I'd rather more space for right now level three parking boys we are installing level three parking look at how our place is actually getting pretty legit oh hold on we got a lot of potential thumbs ups going on over here look our security guard just hammered someone trying to steal from us as well I can hear it going on right now we're probably gonna need another cleaning lady pretty soon and I don't have anyone working on the upper floor either now I wonder if my anti-theft system will catch this guy oh we're getting ready to close we're getting ready to close that's fine tomorrow we should get our next level there it is that marks us getting level seven which mean that we go over here into design electronics and now we can sell TVs was like laptops and stuff like that oh yeah computer okay so like if I put that over there what does it do I wonder I mean it looks cool I guess we got a TV shelf over here too I'm gonna put actually put the computers over there and I think I'm gonna start the TV's over here let's get more computers I'm gonna get I'm gonna get what I want I want at least two of each let's do that and while we're at it we're probably going to need to expand this all the way over so that we have a place for people to check out in I wonder if people will come downstairs to check out fire load firework club let everyone know who's the best right over there someone just got capture eyes they should have known better twenty dollars for you my good man you've done well on this day let's click on this 32 inch TVs 55 inch TVs 60 inch TVs let's do five of these and we'll do five over the bed will be five of the 55 inch there's your pair computers of all different types let's get we get five of those and then we'll get five of those the reason I did the one at a time is every once in a while for some reason I'll click on this five like you know why I'll click on this five and it'll take me out but there will still be an extra five slots for me to choose from I don't always know why that happens I'm still kind of learning the UI systems all right over here look at this someone important is coming in low temperature in floor 1 really okay i-i've never very rarely ever had that problem will bring it down to a 75% then I mean that's pretty good I'll be using less energy as well I can't hate on that now eventually I want to get like one with the small TVs one with the medium TVs and one with the big TVs that's what I want now I don't know like I said if I need to have a cashier up here to check these people out I mean we can put one up there like these ladies are running up and down and stuff like that and it looks like they are buying things potentially so that's good Black Friday Black Friday's coming up you boys know any way that's gonna be it for right now this is our mall that we have so far and we have only scratched the surface like literally we've only scratched the surface look at how much stuff there is cosmetics jewelry pets sports all this kind of stuff and we still need to eventually get like the pizzeria and the burger joint and stuff later I think that would be pretty cool what do you guys think of shopping tycoon feel free to let me know in the comment section below until the next time folks stay foxy and much loves [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 302,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, base building, managing, shopping tycoon, shopping tycoon game, shopping tycoon gameplay, mall tycoon, mall tycoon game, mall tycoon gameplay, shopping tycoon pc, shopping simulator, shopping game, mall game, mall simulator, giant shopping mall, managing a mall, managing a shopping mall, becoming rich, rich mall, building a shopping mall, shopping tycoon steam, shopping tycoon download, shopping mall tycoon, shopping mall game, august, august 2017
Id: _3QH1FXTQh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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