Overlapping ALL LEVELS TOGETHER in Super Mario 3D World [Super Mario 3D World mod] World 1

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today we push the limits of super mario 3d world by stacking all the levels in world one on top of each other and seeing what a mess it becomes as we add more and more levels so this is what the first level of the game super bell hill looks like and i was wondering what would happen if we put the second level of the game koopa troopa cave on top of it and here's what we get right at the start of the level we've got the beginning slope here from koopa troopa cave where there's normally a pipe here that brings you into the cave i remove the pipe hoping that we could make a very careful jump around the level to reach the next part of super bell hill and when you do a spin jump here you can see that part of koopa troopa cave is overlapping with super bell hill i removed a bunch of the objects from the level like pipes and enemies because the game will crash if we have too many objects and i want to add as many levels as possible here you can see the beginning part of the cave here and you can see hills and other parts of the level geometry from super bell hill that stick through into the cave this is already starting to look pretty great and we have just two levels overlapping here as you continue along to the second part of super bell hill it's a bit weird to not be able to see the blue sky in the background since the cave part of koopa troopa cave overlaps here and makes the sky completely dark and back there you can now see world 1-2 in the background which isn't normally there normally it's just a nice sunny day now mount beanpole has been added to the start and i also added a tall tree here that you could normally climb up because there's normally a tree here and i added a goomba and a question mark block here that are normally in super bell hill to give the level a bit more identity you can get a super bell power up and i added a koopa troopa to this area down here in koopa droopy cave also you can try to climb up mount beanpole but you can't get very high here because the ceiling of koopa troopa cave prevents you from going up any higher so that's why down here i added a jump panel that launches you up really high so you can get a bit higher and mount bean pull and as you're climbing up here the sky is still all black because of the background of koopa troopa cave from up here near the top of mount beanpole you can see super bell hill down there in the bottom right and you can see koopa troopa cave down ahead of you and the large piranha plant is still up here also we can jump on over to this part of koopa troopa cave that we haven't visited before making it with a spin jump and then doing a cat dive over to it and there are no death areas around here once we get to here so if you drop down off of the level you just float down below the level into the clouds when we start the level the next time there's now some water there are some parts of the plessy level and we even have a plessy waving down there you can see that some of these walls don't have collision or they have strange collision and this plessy is just a plessy npc instead of a rideable plessy because you wouldn't be able to get very far but we do have a rideable plessy that's a bit further along i was a bit surprised that all these overlapping objects were starting to give us weird hitboxes i don't think we're doing anything strange in the level but for some reason we're starting to have some weird collision with walls and ceilings and we can't continue up mount beanpole the way that we did before i heard the sound of the goomba from earlier and i finally noticed it peeking out from the side here where we can see a little corner of super bell hill peeking out and then i was shocked to find that i couldn't walk back to the beginning part of the level because there were invisible walls blocking us from getting back i didn't add any invisible walls to this level so this has to be because of some of the weird collision detection from the objects and the level geometry that's being added here i wanted to try going around the level in a different way i tried climbing up this tree and jumping off and the graphics were a bit weird for a moment we are now inside what should be a solid area because we just passed through a solid wall but we could walk through it without any problems and i'll try to go around the problem area this time and maybe we'll be able to go further through the level we continue along super bell hill using a lot of spin jumps which are probably my preferred method of transportation using mario and up here before you jump down to the second part of super bell hill we found a glitch in the matrix something just wasn't sitting right here and it was looking a little glitchy in this game there are a lot of objects that have a face that is out of bounds that you can't normally see and very often these areas aren't filled in as we've seen in past videos where we explored out of bounds areas and sometimes you can see something glitchy like this you might have noticed the plessy that's off to the side here and this plessy is actually rideable i wanted to make my way over to this plessy and when i did a spin jump over to it it turned out that there's floor up here so i can't drop down to the plessy i was hoping to maybe walk around this invisible floor and drop down to the plessy but yeah mario just ended up falling here and couldn't get to plessy so mario ended up being in the water now it might look like mario can climb up onto these areas because it looks like this is another platform that you could step onto but he just bonks on an invisible wall here and he can't climb up because of how the game's collision works for these objects mario started running along to this dark area in the background here which might have been an outer edge of koopa troopa cave which wants to keep everything dark and we noticed a retro luigi on the way there it's like we're playing a regular super mario 3d world level and as mario kept running he suddenly fell into a lower area remember the glitch in the matrix from before this is like something is telling mario that he shouldn't be here as he spin jumps and moves around there are smudges left behind from the objects he can see and things are looking different from usual mario does a long jump backwards and he starts falling below the level and into the clouds he goes and since there are no death areas down here anywhere in this level some legends say that mario is still long jumping to this day here's what we get when we add switch scramble circus to the mix right at the start we have the nice red carpet here to greet us we have the purple curtains but the switches that you have to step on to activate are removed otherwise there'd be too many objects in the level and the game would crash if we tried to wall jump off of the curtain and climb up the level we can't get up to the top using this strategy and as we continue through the level this overlap of the plessy level the circus level parts of mount beanpole and the other levels is looking really beautiful this looks like it should be its own level i tried climbing up this tree and when i jumped off i ended up past this solid wall and on the other half of the level as we head forward there's not very far you can go and the ceiling is pretty low and it stops mario from jumping very high here i tried to explore around a bit and it was at this moment that i realized mario was trapped here the collision of the overlapping objects was arranged in such a way that once mario got into this area where he is right now there's no way for him to get back out i tried climbing up to this red carpet and i was wondering if maybe i could get out in this way and for some reason mario's walking animation was playing in super slow motion here when he was walking in this direction from this angle right here the rest of the game was working fine but mario's walking animation was just super slow here and he wasn't moving forward i found out that you could roll down here and in this spot where mario is right now he can't stand up so he has to stay in a crouched position even if you let go of the crouch button he can try to jump and dive all he wants but he can't get up because something from above is pushing him down so that he could fit in here the jump panels that i added also wouldn't boost this up very high because of the ceiling that's stopping mario from getting up high i defeated the goomba in the little corner of super bell hill that we could see here but we couldn't continue farther into the level using this strategy so i restarted the level and i used my new strategy this time i jumped off the tree and i went all the way to the right and from here i did a spin jump onto the farthest to the right part that i could reach these blocks might not look solid they might look empty but mario still couldn't jump through them and the reason that they just look empty is because they're seen from an angle that you can't normally see and a lot of blocks like this that are from an angle that you can't normally see end up not being filled in mario continues along the level just jumping up the level and i was worried that i accidentally did a dive too far here and that i'd fall off the platform but there is luckily an invisible platform from the collision of some object that prevented me from falling so i was very grateful for that we've got parts of switch scramble circus back there we have plessy here and we have more of switch scramble circus up ahead i walked on some invisible collision platform that was up above plessy and i was surprised that now that i found this collision i was able to walk along pretty far back and forward without falling back down i was really surprised how far out this collision extended i ran along to just pass this circular part of switch scramble circus and before reaching the next part the invisible collision floor ran out and mario fell down to super bell hill and back there the fence looks like it's alive because of a glitch in the matrix the way that it's stretching when you move we're seeing a lot of this today since we were here i decided to go a bit ahead in super bell hill and now we can see parts of plessy's plunging follows in the background as we make our way across the bridge here i've restarted the level and made my way back to where i felt last time and i thought that the fences that are up here make a really nice addition to the level this decoration from switch scramble circus really does fit in this mix of levels i continued on ahead from here walking straight and mario started pushing up against an invisible wall so i thought i might not be able to continue along but mario was able to jump over it luckily and with that we've reached an area where there are normally jump panels here that boost you up but instead we did some spin jumps up on this part and the reason that i remove the jump panel is because if you add too many objects to the level then the game ends up crashing and i wanted to add as many levels as possible and in this part here where there are normally panels that you have to step on are looking a little scary i was wondering if mario could make this jump if he could make it to the next platform so i did a spin jump i wall jumped off of the wall and i did a dive towards the final platform and mario made it there's a black wall right here and this is from koopa troopa cave but luckily we can just walk right past it and then you can see the final part of switch scramble circus mario can do a simple spin jump across and once he's here he can see some different parts of plessy's plunging falls the black background here appears and disappears depending on the camera angle that you have and we're close to the edge of koopa troopa cave now i didn't know if this part of the floor right here was solid or not and this reminds me of when i was a kid and we went to the cn tower which at the time was the world's largest tower and there's a glass floor there and when you're up high and looking down at the glass floor that you could walk on that can be pretty scary and you're really hoping that the glass won't break mario's in a similar situation right now one interesting thing about doing things that scare you is that when you do them willingly they don't become less scary but you become braver and you start to see yourself as someone who can do things that scare you so mario did a ground pound here even though he was scared and he didn't fall i did a rolling long jump off here with mario not thinking that i would get anywhere useful but then something really weird happened as if weird things weren't already happening even when i zoomed in with the camera mario continued to follow the zoom and he stretched out i did a jump and a dive hoping that i'd land on some floor thinking that things were normal until suddenly this happened mario in super bell hill becomes a van gogh painting and it blew my mind i'm just moving around looking for what's going on and suddenly i realize that the gold flag is nearby and this was actually not planned i didn't know if i'd be able to make it to the goal poll but it was really cool that we got so close to it from doing this mario was trying to climb up to this part of plessy's plunging falls but just like before he couldn't make it before we complete the level i also wanted to add parts of bowser's highway showdown and it was really tough to add some parts of the level without making this game crash because we already have so much in the level and if we didn't have a glitchy convoluted mess before we now have more parts of bowser's highway showdown at the start and mario's movement is even more limited than before and watching this movement sped up it looks like a lab rat trying to solve a maze it looks like mario is testing every possibility trying to get through the maze to get rewarded for his efforts if you are enjoying this video and if you think that mario is doing a good job in this level you can click the like button if you are enjoying this video and the parts of bowser's highway showdown ended up being in some nice spots to make the level even safer giving you a spot to land if you fall down and in this spot where i fell earlier there's now a part of bowser's highway showdown to stop you from falling also finally we could make our way back to the flag jump wall jump off of the wall and grab the top of the pole and in the background there's a circus and other parts of plessy's plunging pools if you are interested in more of what is possible in games you might enjoy some of my other videos and i'd really appreciate you clicking the subscribe button because you'll be notified when new videos come out and you'll also help me get closer to reaching 100 000 subscribers this channel is almost one year old and getting to 100 000 subscribers before the channel is one year old would be an amazing achievement wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody bye
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 161,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, all levels, every level, mario every level, mario all levels, mario all bosses, every boss, all bosses, world 1, super mario world 1, super bell hill, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, mario mod, super mario mod, mario all levels mod, combined all levels, custom levels, overlap all levels, mario all level, every level in one, every level together, bowser, koopa troopa cave, world 1-1
Id: E-YSx4W4H4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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