Overlanding Mabuasehube, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

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they say once this sand gets into your shoes you'll always come back welcome to get out go I'm Kristoff join me as I go camping in the [Laughter] [Music] k [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] good morning we're uh at botel game reserve and we're on our way to the kalali um I'm waiting for hinry Ben and Kenneth to arrive so in the meanwhile let me show you around as some of you already know botel game reserve is one of my favorite places in South Africa if you're new to the channel be sure to catch some of my other videos about this awesome spot balana has a great stop over to or from Botswana but I highly recommend spending a few days here is well worth it [Music] we're making ktima poy again but uh at least this time there's a pro making it so it should be a lot [Music] better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh Kristof this is how you open a can and if you didn't see that this is it again [Music] T the rest of the crew arrived just in time for a Sundowner [Music] this is the first time we'll be traveling together as a group and safe to say I'm looking forward to this one there's [Laughter] more overlanders in general are usually an easy bunch to get along with regardless of how well you know each other joining Vanessa and I on this trip is Kenneth from gunland explores Ben from Cruiser Chronicles overlanding and hin rter you'll find all their links in the description below yeah yeah it's August so it's pretty chilly in the Kari at night but nothing a nice Fire Can't sort out some of the best stories usually come out around the fire as [Music] well is always welcome in winter too we usually serve it with fresh bread sour cream and mixed herbs Sor I'll put a link to the recipe in the description as [Music] well [Music] getat cover good morning early cold morning uh we of to an early start as we've got about a 7h hour drive it's not actually that far it's uh right up to maua it's uh 495 km uh but it can take up to 7 hours there's obviously a border crossing we are crossing at skila HCK uh that's usually not too bad but you never know uh so we might sleep on on the cut line tonight I usually don't recommend wild camping anywhere in Africa B still a ride if you know the location and if you're close to a village ask for permission with the the HLA so the the local Chiefs the elders and then usually you're right let's go [Music] what [Music] we're heading to the skul patac Border post then we'll hit the A2 up to janang where will stock up then finally onto Saka and the Kota cut [Music] line [Laughter] wild C [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] for [Music] [Music] we just stopped quickly at joining that's really the last uh stop where you can get any sort of provisions on the way to M uh there's a pretty good Pick and Pay uh there's uh you want a quick bite to eat there's a nandos and the Deon as well plus some fuel we're on our way to Shaka now which is the last fuel stop uh and then we'll fill up and fill up with Jerry cans as [Music] well [Music] I'm filling up 155 L of diesel that usually gives me a range of around 1,400 km or about 1,000 when I'm towing so we've uh just filled up all the tank and the Jerry cans uh cuz there's no more fuel from here and we are on to the cut line now we will probably spend the night and then onto maua see you later bwana cut lines are straight dirt roads cut into the bush that serve as Service Roads and fire brakes these also give you unique access to Wilderness areas as well though the sand can get quite thick on these tracks so always air down it also helps a lot to reduce [Music] gations the first stretch is thick sand and very bouncy but generally okay [Music] this soon deteriorates into some serious washboard though [Music] the corrugations here are something [Music] else we keep driving just up to Sunset we will call it a [Laughter] day we uh slept over on the cut line last night don't usually recommend wild camping but in Botana you can still do it in some places uh we rolled in here quite late so we just pulled over to the side of the road and uh yeah overnight to a lovely evening we only 40 km from abua so let's go [Music] these roads or at least this cat line to my Bo is awful my Iron Man suspension is handling this well but the trailer that's another story looks like I've got a bit of a problem here the shock is gone that's a big problem out here uh will you guys be able to maybe make a plan to get us a shock here cuz we can't go on like this okay 100% I'll let Kristoff send you the info on the inre or on the set phone um about the shock but basically it's a shock one of those Gabriel hdp shocks the green one for a mp300 and that's on mp300 yeah the game you know it's the game we managed to limp to the mbua gate there's Wi-Fi at the gate so we spend some time here trying to come up with a plan for the shocks this is the main Eastern Gate to maua sui and the rest of the kakari transf froner Park the kalakar is extensive spanning 3.6 million hectares it's located both in South Africa and Botswana and borders with Namibia okay so I think I've managed to organize um new shocks I might as well just do both for the trailer so so many specials bringing that through so uh I'll obviously show you when they arrive it's around 20 km to our camp mapaya and that usually takes around 30 minutes we taking it slow with the busted shock though we're soon set up at Camp though and even with all the hustles we very happy to be here I can't wait for this first fire back in the [Applause] Kahari you like yeah [Applause] we're on the mapaya Overflow campsite and I think it's my favorite here foree [Music] me [Music] [Music] m [Music] he [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] la I recently uh switched to these Delta Optics um binoculars and I must say I'm impressed um so I might sure that I'll be giving one of these away so somewhere in this episode I'll put a code word that you have to go quote on an Instagram post and you can win a set of these so look out for that just had our first game drive and it is absolutely amazing here um Lion ofo V be and scenery is just absolutely spectacular she cannot go wrong with M we're heading for maua pan now there's a pretty good road Network between all of the pans the former campsites are all located around the P my favorite is probably maua [Music] 1 this site has no facilities and the wind can get a bit rough up here but the views from this campsite are [Music] spectacular I also like maua 4 that does have some basic [Music] facilities we have just entered the M gate the Sun is going down we are in the Kahari and we are going to mapaya Camp we'll see you soon gents and ladies what a day it's been Johannesburg to here let's get to maaya iing a couple of cold ones and a good fire and a good feed it's on the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] courts this is Ree Reese hey how's it how you man nice to see you yeah hey we made it it's long day is everyone hello I'm no he doesn't how you doing wow guys a long day are you how did that zip lock on that chocolate work how you Chris we made it my man we made it you ear you could is an easier way to get us here you tell us to come from the beginning but we like this one we like this we like this is a good [Music] plan my trip is very nice it's lovely we've seen amazing things had great company awesome food and yeah M great to be [Music] [Music] here good morning uh it's a little cold this morning it was - 2 um the guys are out on the pan we heard some Lions uh they've been looking for them um haven't found them yet they were at mapaya 1 this morning apparently they stopped the guys from getting out their tents and they were playing tgof Wars with the their TOS so yeah just be careful um today I think we probably have to change uh the shocks on the trailer we'll be doing that and then I'll show you around some of the camsites as [Laughter] [Music] well we fortunately don't have to go far to find those [Music] lines [Music] where are [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] are [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] he oh [Music] oh halah idiot welcome by satara I'm at a Lions I think as you can see the lions are right there all righty so we've just been taking it easy for a day or so uh these two legends Ed Ryan and reys uh came uh all the way to mabua to bring me some new shocks for the Conqueror so we still got to sort that out but in the inum uh we've just been taking it easy uh I will show you around Camp a little bit uh right now we just uh driving to the gate where we'll dispose some of our garbage um so I'll see you just now for the keyboard Warriors yes I am aired down there's another problem though right there's no service yeah that's first class KFC fast food we are borrowing Chris our gdor tool set it's a proper proper tool set I highly highly recommend you get a g door tool set we don't need say G we don't one more time I'm ready if anybody gets a headache you need theage I'm working on the by this game sponsorship for the does somebody have headache does anyone have aada that one that's got the yeah but I'm not that qualified yet man I'm just for m Egg Stop footb game um so I don't know I I've got a problem here where I've got no load down talk all of a sudden but I've been intermittently having issues like this since Namibia um I think it's the mass airflow sensus I've actually ordered a new one but uh I haven't had they they haven't got it yet so I haven't put it in so what will do is back at camp we clean that out with electrical cleaner for now see there where are we ah so we just outside MAA pan I think we just left left the campsite there um the upside is it is amazing here so I could think of worse places to have issues we here just across from the main Eastern Gate of maua uh you can actually get hold of some water here um and some wood if you don't have enough uh I wouldn't count on the water but usually you can find some here as [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with the r you got you got [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] many [Music] [Music] um there's obviously no real facilities at these gam sites um so some of them have uh long drops of put toilets uh and bucket chars with no water there are one or two that I think that has water uh this particular site we have has no facilities if you're going to use a bush toilet which I actually recommend using a chemical toilet pack in what you pack out um but if you're going to use the bush dig a deep hole and burn the toilet paper obviously don't set everything a light when you burn the the toilet paper but please burn the toilet paper this is not how you do it it's time to replace those shocks though hard looking forward to this this is not fun sorry getting my gym workout [Music] jeeper just going to get at one point I can just hear the comments now [Music] for the record none of us are mechanics here so we doing the best we know how compress how the do you do thata you're going to have to use a jack to push it [Music] out uhuh we soon find another problem the bolts are bent and seized with the metal sleeves from the bushings we have no choice but to cut out the bolts after some sweat and tears and colorful language we do get them out though get two bolts we'll have to scavenge some other bolts for the shocks Nows in the front so we need a 19 I hope you're watching yeah real men in the bush when we went to t i pought the Conqueror and I had everything on I didn't even open it one the first shock is done so now it's time for the second one we soon find that this shock is also gone and the bolts are also not budging we do get it done in the end as well these Gabriel shocks are about 2 years old and have done May B5 chips so not great safe to say everyone's a little tired and we're looking forward to another great meal by the fire and a hot shower here yes [Music] what [Music] Ed Ryan and Reese have to leave us the next morning unfortunately thanks again jents you absolute Legends good morning uh thought I'd show you uh the campsides today as we finally managed to get those uh shocks in the the trailer sorted massive thank you to Kenneth to hinr to Ben and to Ed and Ryan and Reese for bringing the shocks and helping me fit them it was a massive task thanks for that um so last day unfortunately so yeah that uh it's never know with these things but yeah I still have some time so let me show you [Music] around there are quite a few nice campsites in Mau all of them located around different pants you have monamodi mapaya kiding maua Le monamodi and mapaya has water most of the time mapaya campsites are very popular you have to book well in advance there's watered mapaya one most of the time but it's not pable all the camps sites have A-frame structures and put toilets aside for the Overflow site and lefa the two sites at kidding are nice as well with basic facilities and some shade as with most of Botswana parks at the moment the facilities are in need of Maintenance unfortunately this is a real pity especially considering the recent rates increases [Music] monodi also has water most of the time but also ran dry when we were here there's also a water hole at this [Music] pan it was a real pleasure traveling with these gentlemen and we'll definitely be doing so again soon safe to say we'll also be back here again to show you around some more it's 6: a.m. and we're on our way it's probably going to be a long day as we're not sure about these temporary fixes on the trailer the tbon cut line has thick sand and my car's acting up again so we're hooking up the trailer behind hinry thanks again for all the help and positive attitude guys this trip wouldn't have been much fun [Music] otherwise [Applause] [Music] the sand is really thick on this track but at least it's not as badly corrugated as the Kota cut [Music] line we're heading to tabong where we'll refu and then McCarthy's rust border poost after that we'll decide where we overnight before heading [Music] back we threw the thick sand now so I've hooked up the trailer again and we've aired up some [Music] more it's not long before I have another problem though so uh yeah these temporary shocks those have gone as well um because the the we we couldn't reuse those metal sleeves that go over the bolts um they eat pushings and then the other thing that happened is the the replacement Bolt the sort of temporary thing we used um that snapped completely so one sh is off so we're going to remove the other one uh and just R this thing to Tong see from [Music] there we finally managed to reach tbong where we'll find some parts and a mechanic [Music] hopefully so obviously the um bushes failed on the shocks because they have no sleeves in at the moment because those were yeah were done for uh so uh there's a repair center here in tabong um they're putting in some new bolts see how that goes and sort of manufactured the sleeve to go around the bolts so we'll see if that works temporary fix uh it is listed on tracks for Africa so if you're in saong and you need some uh mechanical repairs it is is listed onck seems my fridge wire also pulled out of the Anderson plug somewhere so we saw that out as well yeah s suce [Music] huh in the end we managed to get the shocks reinstalled as well [Music] [Music] yes a little bit of change of plans uh we Rec took a bit of time to repair the shocks so we're not going all the way back to B long uh I've been going to Red z s over there tonight and then to M these rust was very quiet so it's a quick border [Music] crossing it's the last dirt stretch before we hit the n14 back what a trip this has been so we are on our way back to joburg we uh spent the evening at Red Sands just in the Chalet we were really tired um it's a pretty good stop over to from the khadi or Namibia if you're coming from sort of Johnsburg um yeah this this trip and subsequently the video of course uh didn't exactly turn out the way I intended but I uh I hope you still enjoyed it uh we were very fortunate to have some very good company thanks for all the guys for all the help again I really appreciate it uh yeah things go wrong in these uh Adventures especially if you travel to these uh remote areas uh expect some damage it's going to happen somewhere but I'll be honest I'm a little tired of it right now uh we've just been taking shots to Namibia this trip is effectively cost me 14,000 R more uh Namibia cost me almost 80,000 RS in damage so yeah it's it's an expensive hobby um remember to have a look in the video for that code word to win that set of um Delta Optical binoculars watch out for the post on Instagram on how to enter that competition thanks for watching until next time get out [Music] there
Channel: Get Out, GO!
Views: 170,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botswana, africa, kalahari, camping, bush camp, overlanding, overland vlog, adventure, botswana overlanding, offroad, 4 wheel drive, 4x4, 4x4 ventures, get out go, Edward bath, overlanding escape, overlanding in botswana, botswana self drive, self drive in africa, wild camping, self drive safari, 4xoverland, kgalagadi transfrontier national park, kgalagadi, mabuasehube kgalagadi botswana, mpayathutlwa, kgalagadi transfrontier park, camping in botswana, african wildlife
Id: kgidg4Qtli8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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