Kubu Island - Another BOTSWANA Adventure | Episode 2

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this is kubu Island [Music] [Music] we started off our adventure at lopo River Lodge which laid the foundation for a truly Unforgettable trip in the making leaving I call Cal and relaxed campsite behind we immediately embarked on some not so calm roads I think we might have found it the worst Road in bwana the one coming from platan TR Popa River Lodge towards uh Baines and then Zanzibar this road is just something else um corrugations it is corrugations all over but then you get rocks as well so you can't even gain a bit of speed to go over the corations then there's rocks in the road so it is going very slowly um averaging maybe around 20 km an hour even slower maybe and we are stopping every few minutes just to check that everything is still in place on the trailer [Music] so yet another break from this corrugated Road um I deflated the tires even more it's now 1.6 in the front and in the back it is on two bar and the trailer as well on two we are quite loaded though so I'm trying not to go too low and with the rocks in the road you don't want to hit it with a deflated Tire um so yeah trying to make them marad as comfortable as possible but it seems almost impossible at the this stage we will always take the road L travel and this was one of those where a lot of complaining turned into lasting memories and stories around the campfire [Music] we then reached lmop Le part which is also a Wilderness Reserve in the Tuli [Music] block it is a hidden gym where we will surely spend some time in the future a link to more information on Limpopo leari will be added in the description below [Music] so after driving one of the worst roads in Botswana we are stopped on the side of the road um pumping up the tires again um it was deflated to 1.4 at the end in on that corrugated Road just to get over it and not bouncing to the roof so yeah um time to time to inflate and then head over to [Music] cararo it it was not a far distance to travel but took a very long time and reaching Kar Rhino Sanctuary was a big relief [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have made it we are here at Karina Sanctuary it took us yeah just after 9: this morning we left at lopo River Lodge and we arrived here halfast 3 so that's what uh 36 and 1 half hours on less than 300 km I think it was like 280 all because of that corrugated worst Road in Botswana from lopa River Lodge to Zanzibar uh through lopa leari there is just no section that you can drive at a decent speed but anyway we did that and we are here now St Louis in the hand and un whining at the restaurant here at Karma Rhino Sanctuary we decided to come to the restaurant because on the road to Karma we didn't pass through any towns we wanted to go to S to get some meat and stuff for tonight but unfortunately the time was just not on our side so we decided to rather spend it at the restaurant and tomorrow we'll go get meat at L laani there is a proper Butchery there so then we'll stock up [Music] again often overlooked is the restaurant area at Karma unfortunately the pool area is not well kept but the food is worth it after a very long day's Drive [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] we have visited Karma a few times already it is one of the best one or two night stopovers in the area check out our other Botswana videos for details about all the campsites links will be added in the description [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wildlife is abandon at Karana Sanctuary especially on the pant [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we have made it to Le Lani left this morning around 10:00 at Karma rhino it is now just after 12 20 12 we stopped here at the Tiani mall to stock up some meat at be and pay and then we are on the way further to Kuba Island when we left this morning at Kar Rhino Sanctuary I noticed on the trailer that the wheel alignment bolt has completely broken off and been trying to contact conqueror but to no avail um so I just tried to make a little Bush fix with some wire and we'll see at Kuba Island what I can do to make a more permanent fix that we can continue on the trip the bush fixes kept breaking all the time no matter what I tried luckily it only started giving us problems toward the end of the trip more on that later [Music] he [Music] [Music] this is the makomo Jena if I'm pronouncing it right um momena Viewpoint um it has a brilliant view over the panss so we decided to stop here and make a quick lunch before tackling the I think it's another 40 km to Kuba Island itself we should take like an hour and a half maybe 2 hours um depending on the speed that you can drive [Music] this was September 2023 and the dust in the air made their visibility very difficult from the Viewpoint towards the salt pants the traffic comes very fine powder-like dust and it becomes very slow goinging he [Music] after all the powder like dust we finally reach the pens [Music] [Music] the Makari pants consist of many pant and Su pan where Kuba Island is located is one of the largest together with TW Pan and the N pant these salt pans form the bed of the ancient Lake Makari Kari [Music] my B [Music] this is kubu Island it's been a another very long day drive we drove from karmar Rhino Sanctuary left around 10:00 stocked up at Le Lani and then we took on the road to kubu Island and I must say it's a very very Dusty Dusty Road uh it is extremely dry no water around but we've made it unfortunately there is no Sunset the clouds is very thick in the air but hopefully tomorrow morning we can get a proper proper shot with the sun in the background [Music] the meaning of Leu is a rich or an outcrop leuba island is located on the largest pan in Botswana Su pan which is part of the Makar Kari region the granite Rock Island forms a mesmerizing site as the island is surrounded by large open panss and nothing to to be seen as far as the eye can see [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] The birdlife Wanted every drop of water they could find as the area was extremely dry this kept us busy the whole of the morning as the Sunrise was again spoiled by low hanging clouds in the air [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the ablution or long drop facilities were unusable we did come across this new area being built just outside of the entrance to Kuba Island according to the builders the plan is to move the campsites away from the island [Music] itself I'm here at a Viewpoint at Kuba Island the whole area is surrounded by Bob Babs which makes the scene very beautiful unfortunately it was cloudy and windy l last night so there was no opportunity to do some Star Photography this area is renowned for some beautiful night shots but nonetheless it was a very nice evening and we enjoyed Kuba Island quite a lot [Music] [Music] always remember to take your rubbish with you away from the campsites and drop it at the entrance as requested by the staff we continued on the dusty tracks towards and TW TW pan where it got even more Dusty powder like dust that were very unforgiving [Music] [Music] the corrugated slow-going roads seemed never ending just like the Dust [Music] TW pan is also a very large and it seems like a more open pan we also found some Wildlife here [Music] [Music] so we've made it to Planet bobab another very very long drive from Kubo Island I'm not sure the road condition if it's ever been worse that we've driven it because it took us the whole of today it's already 3:00 and think we left around 9:00 um so yeah it's been another full days Drive the road is extremely Dusty you know this powdery powdery dust sand thingies that just gets up in everything so a lot of cleaning to do [Music] let's go the do look [Music] [Music] the campsites at Planet bobab are not spaced for a port but it is big enough for a larger setup there are also a few overlanding sites that are much larger than the standard sites this is normally reserved for larger groups [Music] the wash up and ablution facilities are well kept and it is cleaned regularly [Music] [Music] on right [Music] we contined towards mahun there were a lot of elephants along the road the most that we have ever seen on this stretch of road between planet bobab and Mahon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in mahun we first stopped at Delta meat daily here you can find some proper meat and stock up with other supplies needed on your trip [Music] feel you [Music] we stayed at siat Tunga Camp once again this will always be our go-to sport in Mahon as it is wellmaintained and outside of the busy and noisy town [Music] [Music] the 10 cup and swimming area is also a treat after a few days in the dusty bush [Music] [Music] we also took advantage and gave the cruiser and companion a proper wash [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the next episode we replenish all the fluids including the water tanks with clean filtered water from [Music] aquarite and we get welcomed on the Transit Road towards qu even before reaching our favorite Campsite in Botswana [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] now
Channel: Our Life In Africa
Views: 15,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: africa, wildlife, travel, safari, our life in africa, game drive, self drive, Botswana, kubu island, kubu, makgadikgadi, sua pan, salt pans, lekhubu, lekhubu island, landcruiser, lc79, conqueror, companion, bushfire, camplife, wild camping
Id: Jl78fGACxK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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