Overlanding Namibia - The Movie

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morning folks it's our first stretch uh onto Namibia uh this has uh been uh long time in the making and uh safe to say I'm quite excited uh we uh drove for about 8 hours uh yesterday just to get to Karma just a quick stop over uh today we on to moan I will be uh sleeping over at setat Tunga cab haven't been uh and then on to Chicago we uh also haven't been and then on to Namibia so I'll cat you on the flip [Music] side Kar Rhino Sanctuary is usually the beginning of an epic botsa overlanding trip but today we're heading to Namibia I'm joined by Eden Ryan again for this month-long Expedition we'll be traveling to Namibia via Central Botswana enter Namibia via the caprivi travel along the kunen river to kak land down to the Marian flu visit iosha and return via Central namia and Western [Music] Botswana the stretch of the journey isn't the most scenic and we're trying to cover as many kilometers as possible to get to Namibia it's 1,500 km trip just to get to the Amber border post we arrived just in time for a stunning sunset in M I don't recommend driving at night in Africa s Tunga is just outside of Mo uh we had set the Tonga Camp the drive was long we left at 7:00 and we arrived at 7 7 so it's was a good 12-hour day um a lots of interesting drivers on the road and lots and lots and lots and lots of livestock so always be careful on Botswana roads uh but yeah happy to be here he how peaceful and quiet is it here sorry boys I don't know what happened turns out they just finished a motocross race but the festivi quite a Down a little later at least s Tunga is still the best up over camp in moan in my opinion will no doubt be back here again soon and hopefully I can show you around a bit more but this morning it's time to hit the road again early on our way to shakar this morning I couldn't uh show you much about sit Tunga unfortunately cuz we uh got here at night uh had a 12-hour Drive uh yesterday so yeah quite a tough Drive um another long drive to shika today the road apparently is really bad uh so we probably looking at another 6 hours but we want to stop at sadila Hills if that's possible so uh I'll see you later as reported the road's not great but we've seen worse it's only a 360 km trip up the A35 but because of the current road conditions this can take up to 4 to 5 hours to [Music] complete watch for wide shoulder sections this is usually a good indication that it's time to leave the TAC [Music] it takes a good 6 hours with stops to reach Shaka River Lodge the lodg is around 20 minutes away from shawi town and you'll find it easily with tracks for [Music] Africa [Music] what a welcome sight after such a long [Music] [Applause] drive the lodge is located right on the banks of the okavanga river and the views are stunning we soon set up at Camp after some lunch we've reached Shaka River Lodge after another long day drive um the Shakari road is really bad it's very poled and a lot of sections you have to actually get off the T because there's so many botles you have to drive on the the shoulder but not bad so some tough drives getting into Namibia from South Africa uh especially if you're going to Northern Namibia um shakar River Lodge really really really nice campsite a number of campsites have great River views the SES are pretty spacious and there's lots of shade each site has a BRI electrical outlet bin and water tap the ablutions are great they feature flushing toilets and hot water showers there's also a scaly for washing up the lodge itself is quite luxurious there is a restaurant with in and outdoor dining areas and a lounge there's also very nice BMA with fire pit as well as a swimming pool with a great view of the river yet another amazing African Sunset to end of the [Music] day try get more of those Us in situation short stunning campsite bird life is it's a great sleeping and waking up right next to the river going for a boat ride a little later on uh quite looking forward to that uh uh really really nice campsite as I said uh they've got very nice facilities at the lodge as well uh you don't want to camp there's some really nice chalets there's a swimming pool there's a restaurant there's Wi-Fi so a nice break from bush camping the best way to explore the area is undoubtedly by boat boat rides can be booked at the lodge your guide will show you kilometers of amazing River front scenery you can also expect to see great bird life in the Reeds and on the [Music] shore chicag is one of the few places where you can still find the Pal's fishing o as well as many other species like these African [Music] skimmers this area is great for fishing as well especially tiger [Music] fish always this was definitely one of the best afternoons of this [Music] trip we've had an amazing 2 days at chawi River Lodge and I can highly recommend recommended today though we entering theia we're entering through the Mima border post and then taking the B8 to rundu where we'll restock and find [Music] Camp ch is also our last fuel stop in [Music] Botswana it's a short 20-minute drive to the Border poost we soon through the border and on batra National Park's dirt [Music] roads we're thinking of staying here all num on our way back [Music] we soon hit the B8 it's surprisingly busy for a rural [Music] area we're starting to see a lot more overlanding traffic now as well we reach rundu some 4 hours later where we restock on meat fresh produce and wood [Music] we've only pre-booked iosha for this trip so we find other camps through recommendations tracks for Africa and IO [Music] Landa we're staying at Tanga Safari lodge tonight [Music] hello we were supposed to stay here for two nights but the campsites are a little tight and no River views considering this and the fact we'd like to get to the Kaka fult we decide to push on we uh made it to rundu yesterday late yesterday afternoon we had to stock up and we stayed one evening at teranga Safari Lodge I can't really show you much cuz it was late and it's another early morning we are on our way to omal lantu uh bab tree campsite which is sort of halfway between here and aupa Falls 6-hour drivve another tough one and then another 6-hour drive tomorrow so no shortage of driving G it's a 6-hour drive to our next fuel stop in Camp camp near Rono we found omalu bobab camp on high Overlander but there's very little info on it I'm afraid this 580 km stretch of the c45 is not very [Music] Scenic there are some nice sections but most of it surprisingly [Music] populated turns out omalu is smack in the middle of town so we quickly find an alternative okapa camp near Rano yeah it's quite a quirky place um it's it's well run it's a community Camp obviously and they you can see they actually care and they really look after the place um it is a bit strange we effectively camping in a crawl but uh it's quite nice we had barking geckos just now we had some guinea F but then you've got goats and donkeys obviously as well um but yeah the days are starting to blur together early mornings late nights and lots and lots of driving we up early again but there's a renewed sense of excitement as it looks like we finally hitting dirt today I always plan our routs beforehand but it's also good to get local advice as well we've had a few conflicting reports on which roads to take T POA though we decide to stick to the d3700 after fueling at R Carana as we've had it with tarmac tracks for Africa estimates 3 hours to cover the 160 km close yeah our next fuel stop is some 900 km away in purus so we're filling up extra Chris looks like he's fighting and coming in at the end EX fuel is not available everywhere in Kant so research fuel stops along your route beforehand I do offer route planning assistance for top tier patrons as well if you need some help how's the driving been uh it's been tough um the actual Road surfaces are really nice um compared to other places we've been um you have to be careful for a lot of uh livestock obviously uh the driving is a bit so so so it's tough driving in that sense it's lots and lots of kilom uh we've done what 3,000 km since we started um yeah so lots and lots of driving to to get to the north of Namibia from South Africa you looking forward to K yes I am uh it's the road we've been traveling is be it rural is is very uh populated it's not very Scenic um so I'm I'm hoping to see some scenery this area is looking a lot more promising we're excited to finally see the start of the dirt road in the [Music] distance we're traveling all along the Canen River and border with Angola [Music] the scenery is surreal contrary to what we've been told the roads are in pretty good condition as [Music] well [Music] [Music] we do take some of the 4x4 offshoots to get closer to the river as well definitely take a moment to pause next to the river incidentally our entire routs available to download as a GPX file on Patron this is the most beautiful place where reality seems completely unreal at Desert ises the moment you Veer or from the river it's like being on another planet the kilometers are rolling by as we go deeper and deeper into the [Applause] [Applause] desert this is is a very unforgiving place but at the same time it feels amazing to be here in the words of Lou la Mo you can't fight the desert you have to ride with it we reach a poopa after around 4 hours of amazing desert scenery The Falls is the first thing you see from Thea Viewpoint it's an awesome site we set up camp it's very windy but that does at least bring some relief from the immense heat we camped right on the edge of the Ken and the view is stunning time for a quick meal and then it's off to bed it's been a few tough days of driving we've reached iopa 4 so quite a nice drive actually a very nice Gravel Road all along the Gan River uh we were told the roads really bad and was actually pretty good um some small 4x4 sections which you can get on to um those are quite Rocky very nice around the cania river um we staying at theara uh campsite there's three campsites here Thea Community campsites COA Falls Elijah them campsite and then umara all really nice on the river and you can actually see the The Falls HS are spectacular have a look at [Music] this the cani river is truly a vein of life in this otherwise desolate place the fults in themselves might not be as massive as Vic Falls or theis but what it lacks in stature it makes up for in mesmerizing Beauty the word iupa means firm in herero referring to the firm created by the falling [Music] water rushing water surrounded by Red Cliffs and ancient bear BS Jagged rocks and fine spray with the non-stop Roar of falling water this place is amazing uminga campsites are fairly commercial and you're a bit on top of your neighbor to be honest it it has really good shade though and some of the sites have great River views sites have power a BRI bins and a water tap CH good move on grabbing the camera well done clever F very CL fun sales I'm grabbing the cam yeah me too there's also a restaurant and bar with a nice River View the pool is also a heaven sent in this heat all the camps are in walking distance from the waterfalls it's a great experience getting right up to the fools it's not the easiest place to get to and it can get a little touristy but I'd still recommenda FS as a must visit place in the car land just left omara uh was really impressed with the bua Falls it's really beautiful area and uh the trip up to here has been really nice down the Gan River uh we're on to fal's par today a little nervous about that to be honest uh we'll see how that goes um yeah the campsite was pretty good uh has all the amenities you want there's actually quite a few campsites next to each other it's very s similar uh but the umara is pretty good it's one of the kwana collection campsites uh so you have a kondana card you can actually get discount for that uh either as a amibian citizen or uh stic citizen as well so uh onto for sales pass uh we having a look at the community campsite see what that looks like depending on time we might go through uh the actual pass um the halfway mark and then uh on from there probably the marble camp and the harman Valley uh and then on to puros see there we've left hio Falls early as it's going to be yet another long day drive we're heading south down the c43 or d3700 towards F's pass and then the Maran flu track for Africa is estimating that it's going to take 7 hours to do 207 km out of the valley with the re takes far away roads are pretty good for the first few kilometers nothing but the be in the greater leave you all and your Sue all you don't need nothing but you so don't throw your hes down on wishing well with your heart desire carry you come and sell with me to the open ocean we you don't have to dream because there you wo it's a very s Gro but the roads are getting pretty bad right now started to get a bit rough now uh it was good all the way from epupa for about 80 K and now it's gotten gotten rough so we about to let down tires yeah very nice I like the fact that you go from a big track down to a TWP and it looks like we've left the villages and uh yeah looks like there's some exciting stuff coming up that is an understatement I usually air down to around two bar on gravel roads and 1.5 bar when it gets tough we use IND deflate to air up or down two tires simultaneously it's getting fairly technical now to the point where you actually need a spotter Tire placement is really important as there are some really nasty sharp rocks [Music] you definitely should not attempt this route without a 4x4 with good ground clearance and low range [Music] this section is particularly tricky with a trailer but luckily it'ss an oldh handed Towing I'll tell you when to turn your front Okay your trailer's on the right line trailer's on the right line going to go down now front trailers are fun hey trailer's coming down got to turn you okay you want to turn you want to turn just now like literally 10 cm go we do pick up a puncture with all these sharp rocks and it's on the sidewalk just for added fun we get it patched for now and we're on our way again good coming down [Music] down it's starting to get dark it's been a long day already and we're tired but this road just keeps delivering we now going up a section aptly named Heartbreak Hill [Music] [Music] good we finally all at the top after about 2 hours yes please oh man well done Ed I know you were scared Brew but I had faith in you my man well done Eddie for awes my man first land cruiser with an echo5 up hot break Hill wow what a day what a day well done Chris well done Eddie thanks we made it group hug Group [Music] H turns out going down the other side is just as bad though Chris wants to [Music] move yeah that's better it's truly another ball game entirely driving Offroad at night also doesn't help that it's 34° C even though it's already 8:00 p.m. we finally make it to Camp around 900 p.m. it's yet another early morning as we still need to get through the infamous fun sales pass today [Music] came in really late at the feles pass uh Community campsite last night it took us 13 hours to do 65 km um we ended up on the d377 for some reason and it turned out to be a very gnarly Road it's I think it's worse than F's pass to be honest uh so we got in really late um few images of what the campsite looked like the camps at from sales par Community campsite are pretty nice Bush camps the ablutions are very basic but do have hot water donkey boilers and flushing toilets there just wasn't any water unfortunately otherwise the sight's aren't bad we finally hitting fil's pass today and hopefully ending up at marble Camp it's a 75 km Drive easy right pel's pass itself is only 15 km or 9 M long and you have to drive it east to west downhill it's not to be underestimated though as it's known as the toughest Road Namibia with steep gradients Shear drops and nasty sharp rocks Fels was built in 1965 and it took Ben Fel and 20 men 4 months to complete it by hand it's not long before the fun starts you need a high clearance 4x4 with low range and a spotter for a number of sections on this pass some of the off camper angles are quite scary slow there are quite a few sheer drops off the sides as well [Music] we also meet a couple from Israel Ben and Noah who joins us for the rest of the pass it was great meeting you guys we are already seeing signs that things don't always go to plan on this [Music] [Music] road we eventually reached the Viewpoint though and The View news of the Marion flu below are [Music] [Music] [Music] spectacular [Music] [Music] as tempting as it might be to Camp here I don't recommend it unfortunately L we had at least one firsthand account of people being robbed while they camped here it's also a late afternoon again so we got to get moving we're heading for the last stretch now and it turns out it's a doozy depending on the conditions expect some rock backing on this section my man Chris how do you say it's nothing worse than we've done before that's it's not that bad is it it's bad Chris my man is bad there are also some clear signs over the edge that you need to be careful [Music] here you can only pack so many rocks so let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] this way wa this [Music] [Music] way [Music] good to go slowly hey let's pushing you you help when you line up now he you're line you're line everything is a [Music] line [Music] [Music] uh this last stretch is probably the toughest of the lot uh there's some gnly Corners uh slippery down slopes you have to navigate and there's a two cars that's rolled down here so the threat's really real right so but careful slowly spotter should be okay solid axle for this stuff is 21 with Noah driving down we've all made it through this tough section um again I think just take it really slow and look at your spotter don't because a lot of it you just can't see um there's this one section we going around the corner um it's really important to look at the spotter here because you can literally go down the other side uh your vehicle needs to be in good order for you to do this trial bad brakes that's that's an Ender so stop there Chris the end's in sight well almost Chris how does it feel Chris you're at the bottom M I'm tired I just tore my pants oh man that's the biggest problem you've got oh man I think I've torn ligaments in my knee bro I think that's the most walking I've done in years do you feel like doing it tomorrow morning yeah let's go that's the biggest lie I've ever good good achievement he well done my man you made it Well Done brother Jam we did it we did it how do you feel well done Eddie well done thanks for the help boys hey my man over Landing Escape another one ticked this was a very long day it took around 9 hours to do 12 km we're now entering the Maran flu this has to be one of the most scenic places I've ever [Music] seen [Music] [Music] w w [Music] it's getting late and we still have a few kilometers to go a noteworthy Landmark here is roon I'll put a link in the description to a post explaining the historic significance I also make a bit of a navigational boo boo here that evening things would start to go wrong good morning we at uh mobile campsite we had a very long day again yesterday took us about 9 hours to complete fromes parts we also met some really nice people on the way so they stuck with us all the way and then we managed to get ourselves onto Roy drum pass in the middle of the night night so we only got here about 9:00 um so another long day uh we got some car trouble uh so we heading to Pur um there is a mechanic there and we also have to get fuel there in any case um if you want fuel in this area you have to arrange with a guy called Colin in purus uh prior to getting there and then he'll arrange fuel let's go mble is a fairly nice campsite one of the only ones in the area we were lucky arriving this late to find one open campsite the campsites are located along the mostly Dry kumip River Bank there wasn't any hot water last night unfortunately but we were just too happy to find a camp spot for the night we have a 130 km 3 and 1/2 hour drive today to purus the roads in the area aren't that great and and it doesn't have any power steering at the moment [Music] either the drive is very Scenic though and we're happy to be off the mountain passes for a [Music] change we also find another lost man of the [Music] gelt so nobody actually knows uh who makes these um they all over the cracker fault um there's 27 of which I know we found two two so far uh really interesting they us quite the guy who makes these say humor there usually a little PL that the story to it's really funny there are actually 37 known lost men at the moment Travelers don't share their locations though as it's great fun finding these yourself orbe it the roads are still pretty corrugated the scenery is absolutely spectacular [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we're on the outskirts of purus after around 4 hours you have to cross the harp River to get to purus the roads change depending on prior flooding so take GPS directions with a pinch ass salti here puros is the first fuel stop since Rana some 500 km ago so we fueling up here by Colin I of a better business name um in this whole area which is literally the only decent fuel you can get hold of um is uh we'll put his number in the description um you have to arrange to get P to coming out get that block from somewhere else um and then they dispense it here in Jun the next fuel stop is either SES Fontaine or Pal but availability here isn't guaranteed we're staying at omenia Camp not far from purus the camp is on the banks of the Haru Sip and it's a pretty great spot it's been a hectic few days so we're just going to take it easy for a couple of days it's great to be able to have a fire again and actually cook a proper meal as well [Music] it's a welcome change of pace in this very Scenic [Music] spot [Music] [Music] he [Music] after a great two-day break it's time to hit the road again early early morning out of purus as we've got about a 9 and 1 half hour drive to uh OSHA uh one thing is very apparent about Namibia the distances are long uh we only have so much time obviously so we want uh break all the chips up into different spots um The Omen campsite uh quite nice uh very basic th but quite all right it's uh very Scenic uh the roads to S Fontaine is horrible see you in the en we're heading down to C Fontaine and palar restocking at kamap and then onosha a 585 km 9 and 1/2 hour drive these are the kibis plains this place is simply [Music] [Music] breathtaking [Music] [Music] [Music] we haven't seen one other car yet but the roads haven't improved any though around C Fontaine there's a little more civilization again we eventually come to the pvar veterinary fence checkpoint you can't take any raw meat out of the Red Zone and vehicles are searched you we are now on the back PA it's really see gear as well the 100 Series has developed another problem though there's a crack in the radiator is able to seal it though with h soap at first it develops an even bigger crack at the bottom though so it's done for I'm hooking Ed trailer and Ryan will have to tow ID up the back pass using no fuel and this is why we decide to head to the nearest Camp to regroup we stillo three 144 km away from itasha we're at H Camp uh in between penv and cjab we've had to tow EDS car here um it's an automatic so you can't really tow it fast from 10 km an hour and not for long stretches so we just wanted to get it off the pass um to get it here so we can have a mechanic have a look at it from kjab um very nice area um we'll see what the campsides looks like uh so yeah not a bad stop over the campsites are nicely tucked in between Granite outcrops we tired and fairly stressed so this is a welcome stop over over the next day or two we'll make a plan to sort out the 100 Series in the meanwhile it's great to have a nice place to sleep and some hot showers we're leaving the 100 series here for now a mechanic from kamap will come and install a new radiator and then we'll come back to fetch it again I just left H water Camp we're on our way to come job to refuel and restock uh then on to toosha um side's nice the area is really nice uh the St ready for any Bob was spectacular uh the place does need some maintenance um so I think it's a little bit pricey for $300 amian doll per person per night but otherwise nice place really looking forward to uh uh itasha to see some Wildlife as for the first half of this chip I think I've seen a few spring book and a Geral for too that's it so uh see you in the to it's around a 3-hour drive still and we're stopping at Kam up then we off to uyu Camp inosa I had some challenges uh actually booking at show not the easiest process I must admit and uh because of the delays uh we I had with Ed car problems I mean the car can't drive uh we tried to push out the date and uh they just wouldn't have it um frally they can move it out one day and then you forfeit the rest so uh we'll see when we get there uh We've now lost a day or what have you so I'm not exactly impressed with that neither was I with the attitude I got from the reservation Stu been a rough few days but Spirits are still high [Music] [Music] didn't have much luck restocking in coming up so we'll have to buy Provisions inside Atasha and expensive [Music] exercise [Music] where are we we at uku finally finally so we're checking in um we do have a bit of a problem with our booking so we'll see if we can sort that out we had to delay obviously I couldn't sort out the building area for now but we finally at Gap and just happy to be [Music] [Applause] here there also quite the storm [Music] breing it's great to have some rain in this heat [Music] [Applause] we're just taking it easy tonight we are excited to go on our first game drive tomorrow morning [Music] though it's fairly busy at camp and we're excited to head out the roads aren't great but as far as game drives go this place doesn't [Music] disappoint [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this ukuu is a very traditional Camp shade is limited and it gets very busy at night I'd say the nicest camps are those furthest away from the ablutions I also found that the ablutions are often overwhelmed by large groups all the Shar facilities were quite dirty and in need of Maintenance in the 5 days we were here the rubbish bins weren't emptied once the bathrooms also need cleaning and maintenance the camp does have some friendly locals though one of the redeeming features of this Camp is the water hole for that second one this is accessible 24/7 or be it busier at times the game viewing here can be amazing Chris what's happening my man so I'm making the infamous kber poy again uh we didn't get food poisoning last time so hopefully it toes a chance Ryan's never had it so we'll see oh yeah there's a first time for right my man when he says food poisoning I get scared did you come right with the cans this time Chris I did I no no ISU so clearly there was a a problem with uh those previous two no issues this time you didn't have to force your way open yeah fortunately not for the rest of the campsite oh yeah that'll do the trick oh man it's good [Music] stuff oh we just left kuu uh we had four nights stay and I'm happy to report I managed to get a refund for the defate uh between stic rates and the incorrect international rates that charge me um we are off to halali Camp which will be uh staying out for two nights and then out of the park these roads are awful the game viewing has been good so uh once we've settled in the Gap uh we'll have a look around the area as well we just stopped here at Fen off area that's got sort of a picnic area and um some toilets the toilets are revolting I think these things have been cleaned in years uh stench is unbearable you have garbage BS are overflowing yeah it's just a mess although sightings can get a little crowded the game viewing on the way is still great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've reached halali Camp uh it's only about 70 km from U but the roads are awful to the extent that I have just snapped two hinges on my Bonnet see how these roads could really use a grater it's not supposed to be like that so the I've managed to uh sort out some new hinges at toyot tmap um but in the inum I can't drive like this on the highway so I've got a local mechanic coming this morning to weld it uh let's see how that goes campsites are nice um I actually prefer them to ukuu it's much larger obviously but uh quite a few mup trees so uh some more shade uh there's also a water hole you can walk to um quite a nice campsites the bathrooms on the other end are a different story these here are filthy inwr come on guys just give these things a good clean and they need some maintenance like I mentioned though I still prefer this Camp over uyu I snapped off my b driving through a ditch welding them back on is the only option now little did I know there's another disaster lurking in the engine bay that would only strike later now we're going to the water hole see if there's any game down there the meringa water hole is again the highlight of this Camp supposed to drive it's a quick walk from Camp yeah yeah I think the hammer is 8,000 cuz it's made out of plastic the views here are amazing again [Music] for Ryan and Ed collected the 100 Series in the interim so today it's time to hit the road again we are leaving halali and uh it TOA National Park this morning uh yeah we had to stay a day or two extra cuz we were waiting to see what's happening with EDS 100 um we've been unable to Source a steering rack uh either in Namibia or bana for that matter so he's going to have to limp uh the 100 back to sa it's not ideal but he could be waiting here in Namibia for up to 15 days uh for a new steering rout no ideal uh Parts availability even for Toyota has been pretty atrocious in Namibia I must say uh my two broken Bonnet hinges I could only find one uh in the country so I've welded uh the two for the interim uh just to get it to tum so we on our way to tmip and then we've uh had to cut uh the rest of the trip short unfortunately we not be able to do civy because we simply run out of time and this budget um so then we'll be on to V uh then K in Botana then Botana Game Reserve in South Africa and to home see you later after some fixes in tump we'll be heading south to vuk from there we'll head east to the Bost border post and Botswana we'll then stay over at Kung and then back home to South [Music] Africa we still have around 2,000 km to go to get back home [Music] home tum soon have Ed and I back on the road with some temporary [Music] [Applause] fixes we camping not far from Chip for the night seems to be the [Music] [Music] [Music] gate [Music] [Applause] [Music] we at Zuri Camp outside tumid now little campsite nice and quiet bird life's amazing and we're just sipping our morning coffees because we're all tired we were tired yesterday uh so we decided not to go through the vent stay here at night recuperate enjoy this place and yeah head to vent talk today what do you think of the the campsite right yeah I think it's it's probably the second best campsite that you've stayed at on this trip just in terms of look and feel finished uh late last uh yesterday afternoon with Toyota so they did a temporary fix for Ed uh just to keep the steering pump lubricated so it doesn't seize and then cause damage to the motor uh lots of thanks to tmip toora really did a good job there uh as well as uh replacing one of my Bonnet hinges really nice people great service um we stayed last night at Zuri Camp just outside of tum really really nice Camp uh I can highly recommend it next on to vuk where we'll spend one evening [Music] [Music] the next morning we're crossing into Botswana through the peteros Border post our next stop is the Kalahari race Lodge near Kung this is a very nice camp for a stop over and I highly recommend [Music] it we are at the Kalahari Rest Lodge campsite um really nice stop over actually it's near Kung so it's kind of in the middle of the BOS border post and the skot hack border post um really really nice little place uh I am staying here a day longer Unfortunately not because it's such a nice place but I nearly had a fire in my car last night when the Bonnet broke off the secondary battery actually broke loose as well and pinched a positive terminal wire during a thunderstorm last night this shorted with the negative terminal on the body and cooked the car's main wiring loom fortunately in typical Toyota style it's still started so I could at least drive it home besides all of this still not a bad place to be [Music] though um early morning start again we've got about a 78 hour drive till Johannesburg and that will be our last drive for this trip um it's been a tough trip um that I've had some good fun aside from all the car issues we've been having uh looking forward to getting back this was a very tough trip but it was also an amazing journey at the same [Music] time thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this series until next time get out [Music] there oh
Channel: Get Out, GO!
Views: 68,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overlanding in Namibia, Overlanding in Northern Namibi, khama rhino sanctuary, sitatunga camp maun, shakawe river lodge, taranga safari lodge, okapika camp, omarunga camp, epupa falls, epupa camp, kaokoland namibia, kaokoveld namibia, namibia self drive safari, namibia, botswana, overlanding escape, edward bath, 4x4ventures, get out go, van zyls pass, van zyls, marienfluss namibia, omenye camping, hoada campsite, etosha national park namibia, etosha national park, zuri camp
Id: M52mE3vS3KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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