PS5 vs PS5 Slim: What no one is saying

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the PS5 slim is here and it's more exciting than I expected how's it going everyone welcome to my bonus video here on PS ready I was scrolling on Twitter last night and I saw that all the PS5 bundles went up on sale right at midnight uh Thursday night when I was in bed and they have a Spider-Man 2 bundle and a Modern Warfare 3 bundle I already have Spider-Man so I figured hey why not grab one of the Modern Warfare 3 bundles and take a look at the new PS5 Slim So I brought the thing home I unboxed it and immediately I was kind of in shock at how much smaller it is like we've seen pictures I've talked about them here on the channel it's something like 18% smaller than the old PS5 but this one is in that perfect size range where it just feels like it's the size of a normal console I'm looking at it right over there and it's a little bit taller still than the Xbox series X which I think is basically the perfect size but this is in the territory where I'd like it to be because it fits perfectly underneath my TV stand and it's thin enough where it can sit next to my Xbox series X even with the disc drive attached speaking of the disc drive the setup process on this console is pretty much exactly the same so before I even decided to plug it in I wanted to tear it down I got to point out that they made taking off the plates so much easier on this one it always feels like you're breaking the old PS5 and no matter what you do the plates like little hooks on the inside will drag across the top portion of the center chassis of your console and make it not look all that great with all the scratches and scuffs and everything like that and now all you have to do is really just pull up on one of the edges of the four plates and they'll pop right off one end of each of them has a little hooked end so you use that almost like a hinge to put them back on but I got to say they did a really good job making sure that these are easy to take off and they feel like they're supposed to come off right like when the original PS5 came out and people were taking the plates off it was like oh it'd be cool if Sony made some official plates but a lot of people myself included didn't necessarily think they would cuz it didn't always feel like you were supposed to be taking off the plate but now it feels like they're supposed to come off and honestly I think we'll see even more custom plates from Sony and they'll look pretty good and that easier to use sort of hinge mechanism that they've come up with for all four of the plates uh also extends to the disc drive so of course when I pop the plates off the first thing I wanted to do was take off the disc drive and it feels almost too easy there's a little arrow that you slip your finger under you just pull up and it pops right out and then when you want to put it back on you just connect the little hooks the hinge on the left side of the console and then just pop it right down it slides right in there's no like catching or anything like that it feels actually designed to be this easy so I don't think anyone's going to have any trouble taking the disc drive off or putting a new one in if there's happens to break or for some reason you lose it I don't know why you would because I don't think I'm ever taking mine off it does not look as awesome I would say as it does on the regular PS5 but the regular PS5 doesn't look awesome as is I think overall the Digital model would probably look a little bit better but I'm that weirdo who still buys some games on disc so it made more sense for me to grab the disc Edition and also for this video I wanted to take it apart and see how easy it was to replace the disc drive so just to summarize the hardware perspective here it's easier to take apart 100% you can pop all four plates off incredibly easily you can get to the SSD slot I'd say as easily as you could on the original PS5 and getting to the new detachable disc drive is super simp simple so I think this was a thoughtful revision that Sony did I don't think it was an afterthought even though of course the only reason we got this new version of the console is because uh Sony wanted to make it cheaper to produce them it's not like we're losing out in the long run when it comes to the hardware because once I plugged it in and set it up everything was pretty easy as well just like it was on the original PS5 but I did run into a snag so this time around I actually took my external SSD or my upgraded SSD I don't really know what to call it the one that I put in there that's 2 tabt that's in addition to the one tbyte you get with the console okay like the external SSD I decided once I already had it taken apart to pop that in there and when I went through the first time setup process it gave me a menu option right away that was like hey do you want to get this SSD ready to go to work with this PlayStation 5 I clicked yes it formatted it it let me know the read and write speed and it said it'll work fine with the console and then I was good to go so I started going through the process and then eventually I got to the point where I thought it would ask me about the disc drive and then it just hung for a while like I let it sit for about 10 minutes on this blank screen I turned the console off and on and when it turned back on it went to a screen where it was updating the disc drive so once the disc drive received its update it was like hey you're going to have to pair this disc drive with your console that took about I don't know 30 or 45 seconds and then from that point forward it was like Hey does disc drive is paired with this console so you're good to go you can pop a disc in if you want but of course because this is my second PS5 I just started downloading a ton of games to it directly so I haven't really tried out the disc drive but uh it isn't loud it's super quiet it seems like it works just fine it activated very quickly I know there's still an argument over whether or not it's good or bad that Sony legally has to make you connect this thing to the console with a pairing process uh I don't really care honestly I don't think it's really going to ever affect me because by the time this becomes an issue the ps6 or ps7 will be out we don't even know if we're going to be using discs by then but I will probably have moved on because I think we'll have another generation after this one where it's just going to be a continuation versus a full on New Gen right like the PS3 to PS4 was a much bigger leap than the PS4 to the PS5 and that's why the PS5 basically plays PS4 games better the design itself I got to say looks much better in person than it does on paper or on a phone on a phone it really just screams that GS5 look you know that Walmart emulator console that you can can pick up for like 50 bucks and it's got a bunch of bad emulated NES games and maybe some PS1 games it looks like that kind of on paper especially when you stand it next to a PS5 original model in a picture but even having them directly in front of me next to each other I don't want to say it looks newer or sleeker or anything like that because it just looks like a different version and that's kind of a good thing in my opinion because this is an upgraded model in a sense where you're going to get a full usable terabyte of storage but beyond that it's exactly the same especially if you bought a PS5 within the last 6 months or so you even have the exact same chip in this one as that old PS5 it's a 6 nanometer chip and just like with the new steam deck OLED just because it's a newer chip it's not more powerful it's more efficient so it's going to draw less power and the fans are going to spin up less often so this console might be quieter yeah you're going to get a little bit more storage right out of the box yeah but if you compare Them Apples to Apples they're effectively exactly the same which if you're talking about a midgen refresh I think that's the best thing that Sony could have done it would really suck if for 2 years or almost 3 years at this point people were working their ass off to find a PS5 they were maybe buying one from a scalper they were going up to a store as soon as it opens they were staying up super late trying to get these drops they just get a PS5 and then Sony comes out with one and if it was better that would be really bad I think it's good that Sony streamlined the process for themselves because I don't know that'll make them be able to make more PS5 and I think it's even better that it's not any different because that would really suck for people who already have a PS5 between this version of the PS5 and the Xbox series X were allegedly getting without a disc drive I think we are rapidly approaching that point where we're going to see default models without dis drives I mean even with the Nintendo switch 2 there's supposedly going to be a cheaper model that doesn't have a cartridge slot for Nintendo switch one games and then if you want to get one that has Nintendo switch one cartridge capability you're going to have to pay a little bit more for it so if you take that you combine it with I don't know something like the steam deck which is all digital of course because it uses the steam Library you combine that with the series X allegedly completely losing its disc drive in its new revision and the series s both models of it the white and black model not having a disc drive and now this PS5 has a full-on detachable disc drive it looks like you know they're getting us ready for a future where we're not going to be able to use discs with these consoles Sony on the other hand uh already has pretty much all digital backwards comp ability and on disk it only goes back to the PlayStation 4 even though there are digital PS2 games it's not like you could take the PS2 disc and pop it in the PlayStation 5 and play that game you still have to either subscribe to ps+ premium or buy the game Alla cart to even play it to begin with and there's no PS3 backwards compatibility at all so with 67% of purchases of games in the past year being digital you can kind of see why it's not the biggest deal in the world that we're eventually going to lose at access to dis drives but yeah going back to buying a PS5 you actually have quite a few options if you just go to the store right now today like you get in your car you go to GameStop so here are your options you can get the Digital model original which is not the one I would buy the original Digital model is effectively useless because even though they have external disc drives now that external disc drive just cannot work with the old Digital model and honestly that one has been the hardest to find for a very long time now so I would honestly be shocked if you were able to even find one the other option you have is a bundle with a disc drive Edition PlayStation 5 those are running for around 500 bucks and they have plenty of different bundles that include games like Modern Warfare 2 God of War Ragnarok Horizon forbidden West I think they might have a Spider-Man 2 bundle at this point and basically that's going to be a free game because it's going to be 500 bucks and I don't really know I think you could just be fine getting the original PS5 because this one doesn't really do that much new and the fact that the disc drive is removable that of course introduces a scenario where it could fail a lot easier than the old PS5 disc drive I don't really know if it would though I doubt it and for the same price you could argue that you really should be looking for the newer model but I just think these devices outside of the fact that the new one is a lot smaller if that's like a concern for you I would say definitely go for the smaller one but if size is not a concern for you I don't really think it's worth hunting down this brand new PS5 especially if they're going to start discounting the old one like maybe you'll be able to get a disc Edition with a free game and only pay 450 bucks for it which in the UK that's already happening so I would pick that up for a much cheaper price if it was offered but I also would say if you're at the store and you want a PS5 you have the $500 ready or you're buying it as a gift and you see one of these new bundles with Spider-Man 2 or Modern Warfare 3 grab the Spider-Man 2 bundle because Modern Warfare 3 is getting terrible reviews but don't feel like you're missing out or anything by buying the newest version of the PlayStation 5 but also vice versa is opposite because they they are so similar and also back when this thing was being teased with the announcement of the PlayStation portal the pulse explor and Elite that PlayStation link capability seemed like something that was going to be baked into this console and not the original PS5 but now here we are and that is definitely not the case you have an adapter with both of those headsets and you use that adapter on your PC your PlayStation 5 or whatever else you want to plug it into so knowing that there's really no reason to worry there either and if you take the New Pulse headsets and put them next to the old PS5 and put them next to the new one Sony's done a good job making sure that everything looks cohesive and like it belongs together so it's not like that new hardware is going to look new so it's not like that new hardware is going to make your old console look bad or anything like that like for me personally this is definitely a supplementary purchase it's going to be nice to have it sitting here in my basement underneath my TV so I don't have to move my original PS5 which ironically I already did it's right there I'm not going to have to move it anymore I can just leave it plugged in behind my big TV upstairs and then have the PS5 sling down here ready to go with all my digital games it's so Overkill that I kind of feel bad being excited about it but having this thing be so accessible so easy to just go out and buy a GameStop it made it feel like a cool extra purchase that's building out my PS5 ecosystem now I'll definitely be selling one of these next year when the PS5 Pro comes out but having it be so simple to have your accounts connected between consoles where you can just play all of your games digitally your saves all transfer and everything like that it's kind of the future that I was expecting with something like the steam deck and my gaming PC but now having two PlayStation 5S it does feel pretty damn cool like it does look a little bit worse I would say like one or two% worse and the original console didn't look good to begin with so it's not like a great scenario there but beyond that if you get the disc Edition it's the exact same price which is weird because we usually see a price drop about now but because of inflation and the overall like price increases we've seen around the world I guess it could be considered an actual price decrease on the console which is a weird way to think about it you're also going to get a free game which modern warfare again not the one to get Spider-Man 2 is one of the best rated games of this year and it is awesome so getting that for free is a great first game to have with your PlayStation 5 and if you equip it with ps+ extra or premium you're going to have a massive Library ready to go of games that are going to look and run awesome on this new machine so yeah I think this is a worthy purchase not necessarily A worthy upgrade like there are very few people where I think your situation would warrant upgrading unless you're someone got the original Digital model for 400 bucks and you feel like you want that disc drive and you're bummed because you can't buy the external one then I would say sell your old Digital model and then upgrade but yeah I don't think this is something that anyone needs to go out and buy right now unless it's your first PS5 and in that case just buy whatever one you see at the store because you're going to have a great experience no matter what anyway guys that's all I've got for you today make sure you let me know what you think down in the comments below remember to subscribe and set your notifications to all if you haven't already as always my name is Jimmy champagne and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching and shape on
Channel: PSReady
Views: 207,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playstation, Sony, PSReady, PS Ready, Playstation 5, Playstation 4, PS4, PS5, Sony Playstation, Sony PS4, Sony PS5, Playstation Network, psn, gaming, console, psr, Playstation news, PS5 News, PS4 News
Id: eWSS1mvOE-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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