PS5 Slim Unboxing, Teardown, Noise Test, Disc Drive Testing, Size Comparisons, & More

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all right uh we finally have Sony's typical year 3 Slim model PlayStation revision for PS5 we've got two consoles here so we'll do a quick unboxing but then also some general size comparisons uh also mess around with those two disc drives see what's going on there and try to answer some general questions about the hardware if you're curious about picking up this machine this holiday season now right off the top I just want to do a quick size comparison of the actual product boxes cuz I'm sure most of you already know I mean the OG PS5 is ridiculous you know the console's huge and that extends to the product box that it comes in so I mean just off this alone you can kind of get a good idea of this is certainly a smaller model but also looking at other product boxes this one still pretty big PlayStation 4 was obviously a a small machine for its time same deal there PS4 Pro little bit bigger there right so taller but but in terms of depth a bit shorter PlayStation 3 was a very big console for its time the original fat model and the boxes here are actually a very similar footprint it's uh uncanny actually when you look at how big these two are compared to each other they're about the same series Xbox still much smaller than this thing uh again a little bit thicker but kind of a moot point in fact a lot of the Xbox boxes have always been fairly similar in in size right so you've got Xbox one right there got a 360 arcade right here but enough of that let's get this guy open power cable there's your two little horizontal feet right off the top HDMI 2.1 compliant cable USBC to USBC another white dual sense controller Sony's had some very minimal packaging efforts for the entire PlayStation 5 cycle that still extends to this machine right here so it's really a No Frills experience of course this is a Spider-Man 2 bundle so we have a code for Spider-Man 2 and some more paperwork for PlayStation 5 now I would have liked to get the vertical stand for you all today but unfortunately Sony's not fulfilling those to retailers so you do have to order those online all right there is our new PlayStation 5 model also known as CFI 2015 because in the eyes of Sony as I like to remind people they don't ever really change the console name it's always just PS3 4 5 right that's just that's how they always do this uh the slim term is always a a fan moniker which I mean it's it's not like it's wrong every time we get a slim console it's usually a a pretty big difference and so that's the argument with this thing is that it's not small enough to you know be considered a PS5 slim First Impressions I find that yeah I it's I think it's small enough um maybe it's just on the cusp of like where it's like all right is should we really be calling this thing slim I I think it's fine uh it is small enough but uh we'll just again we we'll get into some comparisons in a second here but otherwise this is it uh which it is interesting because on retailer listings even on they will use the word slim there just to let people know hey this is the updated model since most folks are probably not going to be that privy to looking for the 2015 model number but uh otherwise it's still fairly obvious given the the product images for this uh this new machine now in terms of the physical differences the new PS5 is a little bit shorter lighter the overall volume has been reduced it's simply a smaller PlayStation 5 when we look at other parts of it the rear I/O most mostly the same just the HDMI and the lawn Port are to the left side of the usba ports but You' still got two back there the front you're exchanging a usba for 2 USBC now so slight change there uh the overall design that's where it's a bit different I find it's actually much more similar than what we've seen with prior PlayStation revisions uh for that standard slim console right I mean we've seen dramatic changes uh going from PS2 to the slim to the PS3 PS3 Slim uh so on and so forth the same sort of design characteristics carry over like the PS2 Ridge design uh or the PlayStation 3's same basic shape and profile moving over to that slim although the super slim is much different um same for the the PS4 right with that sort of horizontal slant uh sort of stacked appearance um it's the same deal here it's just that I I find they're very similar and maybe that is to some level for a lot of folks maybe playing into the whole it's not nearly as Slim as we have seen prior although that is definitely true as well it's not nearly as small as we typically get um but again I still find it small enough uh it is subjective though so I mean i' I've always actually liked the old PlayStation 5 design I I kind of buy into the whole you know contemporary design language that Sony's going for where it's meant to look very futuristic and and make a statement right there's you know no denying that this is a PS5 in your house uh this much the same I you know I don't necessarily care for this more aggressive swoopy line where it seems like they're just trying to save space for the sake of it right whereas it's uh less pronounced on the old machine uh I'm I'm not bothered by the uh upper glossy uh panels on the top of the machine either that is something where it's reminiscent of the early PlayStation 4 models now the problem with these is that they can attract fingerprints they're very susceptible to micr scratches you know something where if you get this thing just try not to touch it often put it down and it'll stay mostly clean and at least because it is white if you do stick with the the white panels then it's not going to show that stuff nearly as much black is a real problem with uh with that stuff usually with glossy plastic but I I actually don't mind it I I think it looks fine uh good I would even say but I still prefer the old one when we're talking about uh the appearance of the the new machine okay let's start with the console covers we do know that Sony is going to offer additional colors for the new machine and all four panels can come off just as easy if not more easy than the old machine where you know it was a little finicky right you'd have to pull from one corner then push in One Direction that's how it comes off uh this one at the very least it's easy to remember so uh if you want to access the fan assembly or your m.2 drive that's this uh top panel right here and the clips are all facing the same direction so it's something where they're they're facing towards you if the front of the PS5 is facing away from you so you would pull from every front angle of the console it's not from a corner this time you just do a little pry right there comes right right off and there is your fan assembly uh same deal too so you can use some security screws and uh easily pull out the entire assembly clean that there's your m.2 drive and then if you want to access the detachable disc drive same thing pull from uh pull from the front excuse me comes right off and with the disc drive I mean yeah it really is so simple so it's not even so much a latch you simply just tuck in your finger and lift up cuz that's where the connector is this this is where it meets right here um and if you want to H it back in just make sure you slot it from this point forward makes a solid connection it is very simple so if you ever have to access this thing uh swap it out or upgrade from digital to a disc machine that's how simple it is and uh sort of the same thing backwards just slot in from that end and then push down you are good to go and that's going to be the same for uh the back of the console as well when you inevitably change out the colors now let's experiment with the detachable disc drives during the initial PS5 setup process if you choose to ignore connecting online you are going to get prompts and warnings about needing to register the disc drive it will not work without doing this and just to confirm the drive will refuse to accept diss it just does not work when you do connect online it's mandatory that you update the firmware which in this case this particular console shipped with version 23.1 07.40 that firmware went live back in June of 2023 once you do take on the latest system software the drive itself will update and then you can use it and you will be able to use it offline without a PSN [Music] login now if you do happen to reset your console and you're also offline you'll get a warning that you won't be able to unregister your disc drive from that PS5 I did a reset offline anyway with a dis still inside once I was back on the home screen from a factory reset the console reported back a dis that is not supported since it was already inserted but if you do connect online do a system restart which is always required for pairing a disc drive then there's no errors you just do the Standard Register process even though I did not unregister the drive beforehand and since a dis was already in there it was immediately read and began installing now if you start up that console with the disc drive disconnected then nothing happens no warnings no prompts it just operates normally and we'll even ask for a disc for software that needs it so that tells us the system software running on the new 2000 series doesn't make any distinction of a disc console or not if you remove the drive you've just got a digital Edition PS5 one without the side panel technically now what happens if you take a registered disc drive and plug that into another console that already has its own registered drive not a whole lot the register and unregister process for all intents and purposes is a very basic online online handshake so it just lets you register the drive immediately overriding the previous console so while the online requirement is a pain and a serious detriment to preservation for these drives long term at the very least they are extremely interchangeable it's just a shame that resetting a console unpairs a drive Sony is likely in a position where they're being proactively compliant with dmca lobbying since it's typically a requirement for an online check-in when Blu-ray drives are changed or serviced in a manner where there's a daughter board on the drive that has changed and since this is a detachable drive I'll be it in a manner that we don't often see where it's very modular and it's in Sony's interest anyway to block third party drives this is the end result in theory the online check-in should only be there for Blu-ray movie Playback and not games I would have liked to see this be available so that in 20 or so years we're not potentially looking at a bunch of ew because Sony is no longer offering a network that lets you pair these millions of drives but for now this is what we've got all right so the stand situation uh we're very familiar with how the original PS5 comes with this sort of funny but you know convenient uh horizontal or vertical stand with this rotating mechanism you would screw in from the bottom if you're doing vertical and uh every PlayStation 5 came with this uh mine's actually broken it broke at some point last year I don't even know when that happened um but that's always been an option from day one uh the new console Sony is saying hey if you want a vertical stand that's going to run you $30 they're not throwing that into the box uh which quite honestly I think it looks nice I wish I had one to uh take a look at right now but since this console isn't nearly as topheavy as the old one uh with how it's just you know it's sort of bellows outward a little bit um and this is more bottom heavy you really don't need it although it would be great to have some rubberized feet so that way it's not easily sliding around as much uh but the horizontal stand are basically these two little you know plastic uh plasticky bits they slot into the side of the console I I don't really get the problem with these I think they're convenient easy and they they stay in there it's a solid connection uh it's not like I well I assume most people are not moving their PlayStation 5es around all the time but I tend to do that simply as a byproduct of this Channel and the old stand is such a mess every time I need to move this console or change an HDMI port or something like that it almost always sort of falls out cuz I keep it in a horizontal position uh so this thus far is is solid it works it's low profile I don't see the problem I think it's um you know it's fine if you do happen to lose one of these at least they're small and there's going to be probably a good aftermarket for replacing these much like this console has already all right as far as tearing down the new model goes this was pretty straightforward now full disclosure I'm more of a casual hobbyist in this area to me this seemed much easier to get apart compared to the CFI 1015 models but for someone who works on these all the time they might feel differently about this new one it is nice to see access to the CR 2032 battery you do have to basically remove the entire plastic chassis but you don't have to remove the Shroud from the motherboard if it has to be replaced you can do it from here taking off that shroud though there's still plenty of thermal pads making contact on the memory SSD capacitors between that and the heat sink location and how the heat pipes run through it's a familiar design that thus far just gets smaller and smaller naturally it's smaller in this case because the console is physically smaller for the first time and that's where we recently learned that yes they're still using liquid metal Apu die size is still a 6 nanometer process and that means power consumption is the same too so what this tells me at least is that as far as ps5s thermals go the company probably has some Telemetry that has given them the okay that they can reduce the console size without needing to change too much else it goes back to that controversy surrounding that first revision Sony probably had a lot of overhead when it came to suitable operating times for this console so the more data they have they will cost down bill of materials as they see fit that's not necessarily a bad thing for this console it just means that it might be a little bit longer until another revision comes that moves the process size over and we see some efficiency gains and this does extend around other areas of the console fit and finish isn't bad but it's just a standard Slim console that we normally see from Sony and other platform holders too there's just certain parts and angles where it might look cheaper or feel cheaper and that is true because that's the entire point of this console get the pricing down for Sony so they can make a little bit more money or at least in this Marketplace try and sustain the margins they do have okay noise tests we'll be doing this in a reasonably controlled way the noise floor in this room with it being as quiet as it can be is under 30 DB here's some comparisons for reading a desk unmistakably the slim model is louder and the tone is much different too it's something where I find the difference is larger in person than the few decel difference the reading shows next is testing for coil wine most ps5s out there will have this let's see if the new one does too we'll be running Demon Souls switching between performance and Fidelity mode it's hard to make out but the slim consoles will still produce a very slight buzzing noise from the power supply though it's much less pronounced When comparing it to the 1015a the trade-off however is that the slim does have a more noticeable fan were that's louder than the 1015a which in a way mutes out the coil wine but let me attest that you have to basically get your ear right up to the slim in person to hear the coil wine unless you're incredibly sensitive to this kind of noise I can't imagine most are going to hear it versus the old model where a lot of people can pick up on it which can be louder when you've got a fan type that's not as loud so there's a serious trade-off here to consider when it comes to your sensitivity for noise now let's cover up a few other miscellaneous items here this new model comes with a 1 tbte SSD and for those curious on how much of that is usable it's 848 GB up from the 667 on the current models so you can easily fit a few more small games or one big one the detachable Drive does still have an emergency release if the drive is not working there's an open hole that reveals a screw you can thread that and ejected disc manually the LED status indicator on the new model is more pronounced on the left side now near the disc drive from a top down angle it almost seems like it's not even using most of the strip but it's the brightest from the left and Fades out to the right also a really nice external change that I forgot to mention earlier is the separation of the power and eject buttons eject being right next to the drive so now you always know the middle button on the glossy black panel that's power and just to throw in a real world use case where the size made a difference this is my living room and I could never put a PS5 down here because there wasn't much room for a vertical orientation it would hit my TV and horizontal would really be pushing it since my soundbar eats up most of the room on the TV stand it's quite long and so on the far left there is a spot but a standard PS5 it looks really silly there it eats up the entire area you can't really fit the cords behind the console but the slim it does fit well enough and it actually is something where I can now keep a PS5 down here that is everything so far for the PlayStation 5 Slim uh we will of course do more long-term testing over time and we'll have more coverage coming up uh fairly soon in relation to the console but you know there's only so much we can do within a 24-hour period uh but hopefully you found something in here that was useful and uh thank you so much for watching so I will see you all in my next video you take it [Music] easy
Channel: Mystic
Views: 230,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, PS5 games, PS5 gameplay, PS5 game play, PlayStation 5 gameplay, PS5 controller, DualSense, PS5 news, PS5 exclusives, PS5 rumors, PS5 rumor, PS5 Slim, New PS5, PS5 Slim Unboxing, PS5 unboxing, PS5 bundle, Spider-Man 2 PS5 bundle, MW3 PS5, PS5 disc drive, Detachable disc drive, PS5 teardown, PS5 Slim Teardown, New PS5 Teardown, Slim Model, New PS5 Model, PS5 liquid metal, PS5 Slim noise test, PS5 Noise test
Id: 4cO9-5DFAmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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