Loneliness | Dr. Ed Young

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] I heard someone say in conversation loneliness is hell now they didn't know that but they made a very profound theological statement because loneliness is indeed hell we search for definitions of Hell we look at the Bible fire and brimstone and judgment annihilation all kinds of definition but the most overwhelming definition of Hell I know anything about is hell as a place where you can do anything and everything you've ever wanted to do think about it he'll a place where you and I if we went there could do anything and everything we've ever want to do you want to make money living big houses whatever you wanted to do you can do it that's hell there's only one little catch to it you can do anything and everything you've ever wanted to do alone alone separated away from any living being forever and forever and forever loneliness is a overpowering word it's a overwhelming word to be alone to be destitute would be without any kind of relationship way back if you study the English language you'll find out that loneliness was not used very much until about the 16th century you find the first definition and it's very terse it says loneliness a condition of being its solitude and that's it and it's not used very much in fact in the latter part of the 17th century a guy named John Rudd put together a glossary of word that were rarely used and in that glossary of words happen to be the word loneliness because they're in the early years of civilization and the early years of history in the Western world nobody had time to be lonely but then it evolved until finally I remember in high school most of us studied John Milton and we read that little book Paradise Lost is his poem there and in that poem it's a very interesting little statement they're not verbatim but it has Satan saying that when I walked the road from Hell all the way into the Garden of Eden that road was never traveled before and it was indeed a lonely road Satan has always been connected with loneliness in fact Satan is a primary merchant of loneliness he has soul loneliness he has peddle loneliness and the tragedy is now in our 21st century world we're buying into loneliness and a lot of people when they've been separated in and of themselves with their immediate family they feel that loneliness is indeed hell interesting about loneliness many people believe it's the number one health problem in the world today it's an international problem of being alone of feeling a strange of loneliness many people believe that loneliness kills more people than the epidemic that we're now a part of and the plague that's sweeping our world loneliness it has with it a cold rain does it not loneliness signa did a international survey and talked with over 20,000 people a lot of folks and result of that survey and they asked them about loneliness about being alone and over half of the 20,000 said we feel lonely summer times and many of them said we feel lonely all of the time our survey of General Practitioners said one out of every five patients who come in their office will in one way another talk about depression or talk about loneliness loneliness what a word San Diego State University they took all of 20 different surveys that had been taken and they put them all together and the question was where do you find the loneliest demographic in all the world where is it maybe our senior citizens some loneliness there of course but they studied all the demographics and they came up with an amazing amazing story we know that baby boomers for example they never knew a world without television and then we see the other generations come down then that never knew the world without a computer and now we have this generation Z Generation Z has never known the world without being connected to the web and this survey by San Diego State as they looked at a lot of the survey said that 98% listened to this of all Z generation young people stay connected to the web every day of the week and the staggering finding is guess what Generation is a loneliest that talks more about loners that feels more strange but than any other generation its Generation Z you say well what is that adolescence is from 10 to 17 Generation Z is from 18 to 23 and the Millennials are from 24 all the way to 37 and the baby boomers are beyond and so we see that the unless it's today there'll only than any other group we understand but no group is as lonely as the group that is the most connected generation Z is connected all the time to all the world they can almost hear anything get anything anytime anywhere in which they find themselves they get on that web but they are very very lonely a lot of people have studied this and they decided that generation Z has a lot of friends a lot of quantity but no quality generation Z has a trouble looking you in the eye hang on a conversation sharing with people that they really care about getting to know people when they're hurting or when they're on top of the world there's no deeply livable generations there no deep relationships there therefore they're going through life separated estranged and lonely and they have a tough time relating in this moment in history when Teresa may II was Prime Minister break Britain she saw the problem in the British Isles never diddly it's even far beyond the problem we have here but Teresa may when she was Prime Minister established a governmental position called the minister to loneliness and I looked up and studied I said what does this Minister do this Minister is charged with the responsibility of connecting people of starting small groups are getting people involved in serving other people and therefore this Minister and his staff or her staff worked all day in this Lea since 2008 to try to heal the problem of loners with groups and and activities you know if I didn't know better I would think that is the function of the social Ministry of a New Testament church but it's not there in Britain and therefore their whole society is in trouble today it is in serious trouble today as is the family and society in the United States as we have become more and more of people who are godless who are moving away from the body of Christ and a personal relationship with him this is what we have folks so many in our educational system have the idea this is what we do we have the power to and to let parents love and nourish and care for and listen to and the fabulous thing about this moment is I've heard parent after parent saying as their kids are being taught online oh it's been great to go to school with our kids so many parents have come away thrilled with their teachers other parents have come away saying oh there's a problem in the classroom with my kids this has been a fabulous time for us but a lot of people in isolation even with their family still have this malady of loneliness loneliness being alone not communicating estranged not with other people except those we love the most what a moment in history doubt there are many kinds of loneliness you can find category at the category of loneliness one thing after another but I turned her the scripture and I talked about loneliness and I thought about situational loneliness we understand that there are situations in which we get in many times because we have sinned and gone against the principles of God and in that situation we are lonely immediately I thought about Judas in the upper room Jesus said to those apostles one of you is going to betray me and I thought it was so interesting one of them according to scripture said is it I am either one they all saw the possibility of not falling Lord and then interesting and Judas says certainly I'm not the one and Jesus said it's the one I eat with the one I put my bread down in the same Bowl with that is the one who betrayed me and it was Judas Judas said you mean you're talking about me Jesus said you have said that and the Bible says something very profound there in one of the Gospels it says that Judas went out and it was night it was dark when we move away from Jesus Christ in that situation we always go from light into darkness situational loneliness sin always pulls us away from God sin always pulls us away from the crowd sin always individualizes and sin always put scars and notches in your life and in my life that sometimes we carry those scars there forever forever and forever lonely situation aloneness and sometimes we had situations where we're lonely we couldn't help it maybe there's a health problem maybe someone that we love has left this earth sometimes we lose our job sometimes we have to move to another city sometimes we change schools and we're in a different different organization we're at a different environment and for us a different culture and we sometimes walk into a crowd and there are people everywhere but but we're lonely we don't relate nobody reaches out and we reach out they stiff-arm us only way certainly there is situational loneliness that all of us know something about a friend that we believed in we loved and we thought they loved us but in a certain situation they turned and walked away situational loneliness sometimes from sin sometimes there's nothing we can do about it it's a part of the challenges the temptations of life the progress of life situation loneliness but there's another kind of loneliness there and it is aloneness we find with Jesus he's there in the upper room the same passages of Scripture and when he gets through he goes out after wonderful teaching we read there especially in John and he goes out in the Garden of Gethsemane and we see now in Jesus another kind of aloneness which is emotional loneliness and look what Jesus did when he felt lonely what did he do two things he went and sought his friends Peter James and John the intimate circle to come and go with him and to stay up with him and to comfort him and to pray with him because he had told them exactly what he was going to face which was the cross which was the crucifixion and he says watch with me pray with me Peter James and John that's what we do we find ourselves lonely we need to turn to our friends and ask them to be with us to stand by us to pray with us and the next thing Jesus did he went to the Lord and the scripture says he fell flat of his face but you know the story if you're familiar with this biblical account three times Jesus went back to his friends after he had sweat had come for his body which was like blood he was sober overwhelmed with emotion he went back and said found him asleep friends asleep first time second time third time so the friends made him lonelier than before but the father was with Jesus there in the garden and we hear that passionate prayer as Jesus looked into that cup that cup that cup was full of what iniquity it was full of the sin of the world can you imagine it he who was sinless now looked on the sin of the world and realized that God was asking him to drink the sins of the world to drink the sin to the world as he would die on Calvary and Jesus said in his humanity he said it dramatically and powerfully perhaps that was when he was light on his face he said Lord you can do anything if possible let this cup pass from me but he said Lord nevertheless it's not what my will is my will in the flesh is he said thy will be done oh what a moment we learn there an emotional loneliness what to do hopefully friends will be with us if not the Lord God Almighty is there so we see different kinds of loneliness and another kind I want to put in as sort of little footnote on the side sometimes we feel in our loneliness well we've been forsaken by our friends we can register that or family we can understand that but sometimes we feel that we are forsaken by God let me tell you something we you and I have never been abandoned or forsaken by God no person who has ever lived has ever been abandoned or forsaken by God if right now I were up the street and I had all the dynamite all the explosive out whatever it took I was gonna blow the front off a vault of a safe and steal all the money that was there God would love me he would love me just as much as I was doing that crime as he does right now when I'm trying to understand God's Word and apply it to my life and your life God's love is consistent he will never forsake us but sometimes we think ho God has forsaken me the horizontal may forsake you as it did with Jesus there in the garden but the vertical Jesus will never forsake you and never forsake me that is an answer to loneliness and we move on to the one human being in all of history that was ever godforsaken not in the garden but there on the cross the seven words he uttered Jesus from the cross seven last words the account the gospel three of them begin with a reference to God - the words talk of God his father but in this cry in this cry he used he does not call god father he says my God is almost like saying mister instead of saying dad now refers his dad as mister and here's his cry of loneliness Eli Eli Zabar Sebata and I it is an Aramaic that's the language that he spoke he lied he lies about enough strong word my God my God why has thou forsaken me Jesus totally abandoned forsaken by God God turned his back on him and he didn't say dad dad he said like mr. Jesus even almost couldn't comprehend it there in the flesh he who had always had relation to the Father now the father in his moment of great need turned it back on his son forsaken alone laurynas nothing and the question is why would God do that why would God turn his back on his son we see the answer right here and second Corinthians 2nd Corinthians the last verse in Chapter number five it says he God made him Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God by the way the little word be there as a telex it's not in the original it would read he God made him Jesus who knew no sin sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God now go back to Psalm 22 you say well why did Jesus have to take all of this righteousness all of this sin upon himself so we might be righteous go back to Psalm 22 and that's what Jesus was courting with a cross it begins my God my God why has thou forsaken me for from my deliverance are the words of my groaning verse - oh my god I cry by day you do not answer and by night but I have no answer loneliness and then he says yet you are holy that's what this is all about we have a holy God and own that holy God somehow the great mystery he poured all the iniquity so that we might have a relationship with that holy God we can't barge in to God he is a holy God he is the other but because Jesus took all of our garbage all of our iniquity about himself he was our substitute so now we can have relationship with Almighty God who is holy and Jesus had to be forsaken because God who is holy cannot look on anything that is unholy Jesus was God forsaken the only person who was ever God forsaken because all of your sin and my sin was poured upon Jesus and also listen to this all the success that Satan had had with people down through the ages was poured upon Jesus where we sin and we disobeyed we failed God when we sin we get on Satan's team and that's the victory that he's had over humanity all of that was poured oh geez sinless so that we might have relationship with Almighty God Jesus became totally lonely experience complete Lauri's horizontally as well as vertically so you and I could vertically have business with God and receive Christ and horizontally have a life that has meaning and has significance let me tell you something loneliness is usually 99% at times sin I know you can get a situation with health extremity extreme moments and loneliness will not be sin but let's face it your loneliness and my loneliness usually as sin we spend so much time looking at our navel we spend so much time what that person said to me what that person didn't do for me and and we whine and complain and whine and complain and we have pity parties every single day and we get increasingly increasingly lonely listen Jesus was crucified for your lowness and my aloneness he became the ultimate personification of loneliness so that you and I would never be alone God in Christ is there with us every moment of every day so people are running around now saying boy I'm lonely as hell and I don't have friends and relationship and you know I just feel I'm by myself in this world let me tell you something if you have relationship with Jesus Christ you'll never never be alone old gospel song Owen it's interesting song he said Jesus whoa this lonesome Valley he had to walk it by himself Oh nobody else could walk it for him he had to kid by himself now that's true Jesus walked that lonesome Valley he had to walk it by himself he did he had to be God forsaken when all the iniquity was poured in him and that's so accurate but the second standard that old gospel hymn is not accurate it says we must go and send our trial we'll have to stand it by cell phone nobody no that's not right we don't have to go and stand that trial because Jesus took all of that in finis and loaners on himself and walked that path for you and me all the way to the cross so we'll never never be alone Genesis says it's not good for man to be alone that's not just in marriage that's in every relationship of life he died on that cross where we wouldn't never be alone if you haven't received him in your life let me tell you something you will be lonely and you are lonely but if you received him in your in your life he is in you and you're in him and you have fellowship with the father and I can tell you your life whatever happens whatever takes place you will never never be alone so quit whining and complaining and man awakened go to Christ go to his church the body and you'll find fellowship and meaning and I guarantee you you'll not be alone [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Winning Walk
Views: 3,845
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: The Winning Walk, Dr. Ed Young, Ed Young, Radio, Broadcast, winningwalk.org, ed young ministries, ed young sermons, SBCHouston, TBN, Television, bible, Discover, Transformation, Gifts
Id: GWqduqfovQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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