Getting Life in Order | Dr. Ed Young

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[Music] you know when you're on a high place you get a perspective and you can see or you can't see when you're down so we go up in a mountain and we see clearer we see a distance we see the past a little bit in the future and we see what's below us not only do we get a new perspective but also on those mountaintop experiences we're instructed Moses goes up on that mountain and God gives him clear instructions as to how to live and by the way God entered history and Bethlehem in a quiet gentle way did he not with the babe in the manger but when he spoke there to Moses gave him these Commandments you knew God was speaking thunder lightning earthquakes fire smoke and the people backed away from the mountain and Moses says don't come near the mountain if you touch the mountain you will die God a sense of awe such a present so the people knew without any question that God was giving them instructions for life by the way do you think the Ten Commandments are legalistic thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt know that's not legalism not at all the Ten Commandments are just principles by which God gives us so can we can live successful full meaningful lives if they're not negative to a positive the rest would say are negative but they're really positive words to tell you and tell me how to really make life count somebody said well these principles were outdated there's anybody that illiterate to think that's true they're right up to speed what's the first commandment simply stated it says God's number one he's number one but no other God ahead of him it is a voice of monotheism one God not polytheism not many gods as they'd seen in Egypt there - God everything monotheism one God to match you a question is the Living God the One God over your life is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob of Jesus that is God is that the God that you worship that you know one God that's the first commandment no other gods before me second commandment don't put anything in the place of God he's number one don't have an idol and Idol can be anything or anybody that we give priority to that we elevate that we give worship or interest in our time or talent or money to something we put ahead of God or someone we put ahead of God that becomes Idol and Moses says no no let God be number one it put nothing in his place same commandment third commandment keep his name holy special set aside with reverence God Jehovah God Jesus Christ special name keep his name special both commandment worship we're all made to worship except my life's not work not working it's because you're not worshipping properly because everybody worships and what's involved in worship this commandment says take one day out of the week we worship every day the Lord I trust but take one day out of the week it was the Sabbath in from the resurrection it became Sunday the first day of the week this commandment says take one day out of the week for recreation by the way that's what we're doing now we come the worship we sing we pray we give we open God's Word we felt that's recreated we're being recreated we're being in lived would be rekindled the fire of truth is burnt this is recreation and there's recreation there's nothing wrong with holy recreation on this day it's a special day we set aside to recover to mean business for God to give him the highest priority in our life worship and then those four commandments deal with a vertical relationship that you notice in other words they all one God no idols Holies of the name worship it's all vertical in it it's all upward it's upward toward God that's the first four commandments and the last six are in a horizontal relationships the last six is how we relate to one another our neighbor our friends how we relate here you know what I've discovered when I've got a problem with somebody or something or is going on in my life that you know I'm not sure about I'm confused about I don't deal with that problem I start with vertical I start with God and I've discovered when I get it worked out with God and got it get it worked out with me by his spirit all this stuff down here begin to take care of itself sometimes it takes time always here then we work out here now we have these last six Commandments now suggestions by the way Commandments and then we see the transitional commandment between vertical relating to God and horizontal is this 5th commandment honor thy father and thy mother the only command with promise that your days may be long upon the land that the LORD thy God hath given thee the time the place God has given you we are to honor our parents and the word honor means wake where did mom and dad gravitas you say well you know my mama doesn't matter we're to give our parents gravitas gravitas honor your father your mother and especially mothers I mean a mom man i what a mother goes through and all the process there giving birth those early years in which a mom usually is just hidden away verge from everybody else the highest priority is you or me the sacrifice the pain the suffering all that went through with that mom the diapers etc man a mom has heavy heavy heaviness toward us they're heavy weights they're so important so vital so beautiful so magnetism aam I've never years ago a reading about the killer whale remember the killer whale a female little female baby was born dead and and they watched this killer whale orca whale take that little dead baby whale and just push it to the surface and push it down push it to the surface and push it down and it was on helicopters and they watched this mother pushing that dead little whale the surface and down and went from northwestern part of the United States all over the Canada it lasts for 17 days went over a thousand miles that mother grieving asking for life in that little whale that was born dead we see the animal where we see it today that the sacredness of life and I have mentioned this so many times in recent days I mentioned in passing but God will never make America really great until we reverence life and the wholeness of life never what it happened I don't care what else happened we're to honor our mother and our fathers and let me tell you something about fathers give you a few statistics that I don't particularly enjoy reading fatherless homes a home without today are five times more likely to commit suicide the children 32 times would like you to run away twenty times more likely to have behavioral disorders fourteen times more likely to commit rape nine times more likely to drop out of high school ten times will like it to choose alcoholic substances nine times would like to end up in state operated institution twenty times more likely to end up in prison and let me tell you this of all the juveniles who are educating our killed who are punished for crimes that they committed all do by this I mean 21 years of agent under all those who have committed a crime that's so heinous that the death penalty was carried out half of those crimes among juveniles in which the juveniles were executed for the crime they committed took place in the United States of America and we have five percent of the population of the world the number one problem in America our homes without a father our father is not a leader and a lover in that home when homes get father's who are leaders and lovers let me tell you something eighty five ninety percent of all the problems we can list in this United States America will go away when dads really live as dads mark it down it's true true true but we as children are to honor our fathers and our mothers regardless an elderly man had trouble walking trembled a lot trouble eating and his son and his wife and their grandson took him in their home and that he would eat at the table with them but he began to drool and spill food and when he got up there were food all around his his chair and on the tablecloth until finally his daughter-in-law said I can't eat like this every meal all this mess and they took this elderly elderly father off and put him at a separate table you know and said you eat over here we're just not gonna have all this spillage on our table or eating and he ate over there and he still spilled things and he would blink and look over at his son his wife and his grandson and he didn't say anything he he just did the best he could to finally one day he was eating out of earthenware and he he spilled his plate and food just went everywhere the daughter-in-law got up and said we're not we're not gonna have this you we're like I'll have somebody eat like a pig if you're gonna eat like a pig and his son and his wife went out and think they made a troll for him and said you're going to eat out of the trough you you eat like a big you eat out of a trough and he did for two or three weeks and then they went out in the backyard father mother saw their son Billy out there working and they said Billy you know what are you making he had a piece of wood he said I'm making a troffer for the two of you when you get old it I can feed you out of and this young couple looked at one another embraced cried the next meal they invited dad grandfather would come back in and eat the table said it doesn't matter to us we your family and we love you we weren't you here with us let me tell you some folks there's not a lot of difference between diapers and bed pans honor honor honor your father and your mother fifth commandment you don't formal out there being looked after I'm paying the bill you visit you go you may have to do that you visit you go you love honor give weight to your parents fifth commandment sixth commandment says thou shalt not murder literally it means in Greek and Hebrew you shall not kill the word there has nothing to do with war or with capital punishment it's been so mixed up there if you read it in context of Scripture in the very next chapters they deal with capital punishment and war as when the thinking of a life is legitimate but this means thou shalt not kill it's murder in the first degree it's premeditated work murder that's exactly what that verse means therefore in light of that because there's no more than old twelve professional hitmen here in the service we can jump over it but yet Jesus took this command and just hit all of us right in the head with it he said that we are guilty of killing of murdering when we do not forgive we have hatred in our hearts and what happens to us when we're somebody offends us somebody dis Caesar somebody arrives to us somebody steals from somebody abuses us in so many different ways when we carry that hurt along you and happens it's like the scale don't read me for a solo Dido and it reaches that highest point and that's when in our mind at least we won't revenge and something bad happens to them we say AHA they're getting exactly what they need and is exactly what they deserve ladies and gentlemen it's hard not to have the attitude it's hard to love our enemies um that's a challenge for anybody who walks this earth but in the process God gives us that ability to forgive when we do not forgive someone who's hurt us you know what that means that person who hurt us still influences our life when we genuinely forgive them their control their influence their pain is no longer there so this sixth commandment is very very important though shalt not kill with your words with your attitude with your understanding of people who have done tough things to you or to me the commandment is thou shalt not kill in any way shape form or fashion because we begin to see people as God sees them Donatelli sculptured a little boy and he thought to emphasize the sculpture he would take and light this sculptor from the bottom when he did that the little boy took on demonic characteristics and then Donatelli took and lighted that sculptor from the top and that same sculptor took on the characteristic of a little angel see if we see people from the bottom the way we see others we see one perspective but if we look at them as God sees them we see what God sees in anybody anywhere anytime and we're not murderers instead were those who forgive and those who who build up and those who try to do something positive if we can for those who've harmfully used and abused us thou shalt not murder that's the commandment and then the seventh commandment thou shalt not commit adultery remember what I told you you talk about death money or sex any audience will get quiet in the others get quiet and Billy Graham was publishing titles before his Crusades he discovered that if he put sex in the title no matter what he was preaching on his audience went up 20% but adultery adultery means mixed makes it's mixing things up together it's it's impure it's not whole and complete and then we see you shall not commit adultery and how sexual promiscuity is so wide in our culture we are surrounded by all sort of images and ideas it is so debilitating through our society we are called as members of God's family to be pure so what do you do about this drive yeah you can repress it that's a Puritan said they said who just repress this drive and a whole branch of Christianity said well sex is only for procreation sex could not be used any other reason that's not biblically accurate sex is for procreation in marriage but sex also is for pleasure and sex also in a marriage relationship is a symbol and a picture of a man or a woman's relationship with God in Jesus Christ it's a picture of our salvation of who we are so it's a very sacred gift that God is given to us we can repress it or we can express it and say well we're adults by mutual consent and everybody is doing it and no one looks downloaded and what's the matter no harm no foul it's just rhetoric we can just release it and those who do that I have watched it too many years their life becomes empty and void and all of a sudden if they ever do get married or have a sacred relationship with opposite sex they have lost so much by their years of promiscuity here's a beautiful beautiful white rosebud the fragrance is so lovely and the man goes through his garden and says oh I I can hardly wait for that rosebud to open she he never touched it he just admired its beauty and its fragrance but that same man went to his garden and he had exotic flowers and he smelled of them and he touched them and he handled their leaves and he had all kinds of flowers and all kind of oat odours and all kinds of fragrance things and this went on for a while and then he went back to that white rosebud and it had opened and showed him all the moist beautiful insides and that flower didn't have them the radiance it had before it it didn't seem to be as beautiful as it was before what happened you see he had so this is so many flowers in the garden took a long time and appreciate the beauty and the fragrance of that pure white rosebud so it is so it is with sexuality you say well you can repress it that's one way you can express it it will destroy you outside of marriage or you can redeem it and that happens in marriage and that happens are those who are ingles you see singles can take this drive that God has given and channel it and they become powerful instruments of God in his church without single men and women in this church performing services of love and ministry we could not function for a day ladies and gentlemen they take that drive and use it for Kingdom purposes it is redeemed so we understand this so clearly the sacredness of this beautiful gift this powerful gift that God has given there's a young man who was 21 years of age he lived abroad he'd seen football on television but he'd never played didn't even really understand the rules he just watched it and his family moves back to America and someone looks at him realized that he's a phenomenal athlete he's 6 for waist to 60 he runs the 40 in 4.2 if you know anything about it that is movie that is Bob Hayes type speed on top of that his standing vertical jump is almost 50 inches on top of that he could benchpress 500 pounds 25 times and didn't even break a sweat he had great hand-eye coordination he was tenacious he was competitive to say it simply here was a young man who had athleticism and more potential of any kind of person anybody who'd ever seen to that point you've never heard anybody who has all of that I haven't either may not even be possible but let's just say that he had all that giftedness and the owner of a professional team says I want to own you and so revising and he turned him over to the coach the coach says I'm gonna you know this phrase coach him up ladies that means that you take a kid and you coach him up you give him time telling the building he explains to him football he doesn't know about hash marks or gold post or you very little about that and he teaching him how to put on shoulder pads and a helmet and all the rest of and all of a sudden he begins to give him the playbook and said this is the playbook by which you will play on my professional team by the way he says you're on my team and he begins to give matures a uniform now you just take that and apply it to Kingdom stuff here's God who says I'm number one I want to own you and you say God I want you to own me and God takes us and says you let my coach Jesus Christ come in your life he'll coach you up he'll train you and on top of that he will give you his playbook and show you how to play the game of life how to live it successfully with all the potential you've got in you and that will be played on my team on this earth which is the church the body of Christ and so put on that jersey wherever you are whatever your age whatever your category of life it doesn't make any difference God wants to come and say let me own you turn your life over to me let Jesus come into your life now I'll tell you I'll take you where you are anybody here any age any category and we will coach you up and we'll teach you the playbook and you could be a part of my team which is the church and it's amazing what God will do for any life who makes these basic decisions for them [Applause] that team will win [Music] you
Channel: The Winning Walk
Views: 16,545
Rating: 4.9061031 out of 5
Keywords: The Winning Walk, Dr. Ed Young, Ed Young, Radio, Broadcast,, ed young ministries, ed young sermons, SBCHouston, TBN, Television, bible, Discover, Transformation, Gifts
Id: OP-1Opia2SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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