STAND OUT in your Job Search without Crazy Antics

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media loves to show you people standing out in their job searches by doing crazy things like resumes on cakes resumes inside pizza boxes standing at the front gate of you know Google handing out their resume like a flyer the truth is it's not that hard to stand out in a job search it does not have to be that crazy so let's talk about what it really takes to stand out and be the top candidate okay now warning what I am about to say is going to be so simple it's going to make you want to roll your eyes but that does not make it any less true and it does not mean you're doing it sorry that's some harsh truth there but it but it's true the way to actually stand out from all other candidates in the job search comes down to two things number one follow every step that career coaches guide books recruiters tell you follow it to dotting the eye and crossing the t every Last Detail I know that sounds really simple but think about it for a moment have you actually done that on the last job application did you do that did you tailor your resume did you triple check for grammar and spelling errors did you write a customized cover letter yes even when 50 of companies say they don't look at them we don't know which 50 it is so did you write a customized cover letter did you follow up with people you know in the company because you've been networking because that's a part of it too did you send the recruiter a personalized note if you do these steps you will stand out why because these steps are tedious right and even though we know we should do them job searching is not anyone's idea of a fun time time so they end up cutting Corners as you're filling out the third application you know does it really matter if I put this exactly here does it really matter if my resume has this perfect alignment it does plus you start to cut Corners because let's face it it all just takes time and you're like okay I want to get on to the next one I want to do the next thing and that's what everybody else does too so if you are the person who takes the time to really make sure they are they are flawless in execution of every piece of their job search you will stand out you don't need to get crazy on a pizza box or on a cake you might make the news for those things but it won't get you the job all the time but having natural skills and then putting them flawlessly through the application process you stand out putting your resume on the inside of a pizza box definitely stands out but if your resume doesn't match the skills of the job you're still going in the trash right I talk I talk about this in resume in in other videos about why I hate resume templates and how people focus on the wrong things right you do a version of the pizza box thing just on this they focus so much on like okay I'm gonna add columns to my resume and I'm going to add cute icons and I'm going to give it a four screen frame around it or put a bright color and none of that matters if you can't demonstrate you're a good fit right it's the same thing as the pizza box so spend the time doing the things that show you're a great fit for the position and then fit all the other job search rules like tailoring it to this role being polite and customizing things to a recruiter and you're standing out for the right reasons and not getting thrown in the trash so number one you don't need to be wild and zany and crazy you just need to be detail oriented and have follow-through and just to clarify one more time I've worked in recruiting and I have also just been on hiring teams for plenty of jobs and I've seen resume after resume after resume or applications or even this goes to this isn't just the application burn this goes to the interview process everything it is very obvious which resumes stand out because you can tell that they took the time to tailor you can tell they have a clean format really most people are not doing those steps so if you do those steps you are standing out I know it doesn't feel like enough but I promise you it is enough because most people are giving about a 60 and you're gonna give a hundred okay that's it on number one I feel very passionately about that one but number two I feel just as passionately about and it's even simpler make the recruiter and hiring managers lives easy make anyone helping you throughout the job search process make their lives easier and you will be a pleasure to work with and they will be rooting for you so basically never make anyone on the hiring team have to work more for you than they need to here's what I mean make things simple for them like label your resume with your first initial last name and maybe the position you're applying for please don't send resumes as attachments that just say my resume or even cast resume what if there's more than one cast it's possible make it very easy for them to find your information in any emails with them leave your phone number your email address yes even though they're emailing you and your LinkedIn profile in your signature every time just because they may read your resume and be like oh I need a caller right now or oh great now I have a number I can text her like texting is becoming a thing and recruiting that they'll text you stuff maybe they want to check something out about you based off what you've talked about your LinkedIn profile is right there they can click right to it you just want to make it simple for them another way to make it simple have your references page ready to go you don't offer it until they ask for it but the second you get to that point in the interview process where they say hey we want to move forward we'd love to get some references from you you already have your page with your references the their names titles Etc you know they're aware that they might be called and you can send back immediately no problem here you go let me know if you need anything else you're not like scrambling you're not making them wait basically try to be a step ahead of their needs and you will be the easiest candidate to work with you will be a pleasure and that will make you stand out from other candidates also one note that honestly I'm not trying to like diss on a younger generation but I've just learned this is something that I've had to teach younger Generations that older people tend to do let's say that a recruiter emails you and needs additional information from you or needs something from you and you are not in a place where you can do it right that moment and and you're like oh my gosh I can't be a pleasure to work with just give them a timeline write them back and say thank you so much I got your message I am out all day but I will get this back to you by tonight or I will get this back to you by tomorrow morning you're Now setting someone's expectations and that recruiter isn't having to check their files all day being like oh they haven't replied back oh they haven't seen it I've learned a lot of times people see a message and they just go oh because I can't do the thing right now I'm not gonna respond but that person's on the other end being like did they get my message did they see the message so even just giving people like pacing of when you will be able to do the thing will make the make life for you so much better being overly communicative in that way is really really helpful okay so no more crazy Antics go the extra mile with each of the steps while being a complete pleasure to work with throughout the process and I promise you will be the standout candidate for more help on getting a job faster you can watch my free master class I have a link to it in the description below I'll see you over there
Channel: Cass Thompson Career Advice
Views: 1,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cass thompson career, cass thompson career advice, job search advice, resume tips
Id: zeGMUrWaDN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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