Overcome Jealousy in 3 Minutes #LOVElife

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I'm going to make a big promise in today's episode and that is that I'm going to get you over any jealousy issues you have in the next three minutes any jealousy that we have whether it's big or small on some level comes from comparison we sit there and we compare ourselves to other people if it's our partner and we get jealous of another guy or another girl muscling in or them spending time with someone we get jealous because we compare ourselves on some level we compare what we have to what they have jealousy only exists by comparison on some level now think about this for a moment someone can always beat you in one category it doesn't matter who you are you can like you could think you're a good-looking person if you're a guy you can think you're good-looking and then you find someone who's just as good-looking as you but taller you're like oh I'm screwed but they got more than me you could be a woman and you can think you're pretty and then you find a woman who's prettier than you or has the exact breasts that you want or has the exact body type you want and you suddenly feel insignificant again by comparison to that person and therefore we get jealous especially if you find your boyfriend talking to that person and giving that person attention now jealousy comes from those moments where we feel inferior and I'm going to show you how to avoid feeling inferior ever again someone once said to me they literally gave me the most amazing compliment I've ever had they told me that I inspired them I made them laugh I was generous to them I was great to be around I was thoughtful and I taught them things now the reason that this was one of the most beautiful compliments someone had given me is because she showed me the full range of the things that I was able to bring to her life it's no one category that makes me special to that person we often worry about one idea one look or one physical feature one idea of ourselves that makes us special to someone and that's not what makes us special because let me tell you something someone is always going to beat you in one category there's always going to be someone more intelligent there's always going to be someone that can teach other people more than you can teach them that has more knowledge that's better looking that's taller that has a better body shape by some arbitrary standard there's always going to be someone who beats you in one or more categories but here's the difference we may look at him and say oh he's tall and good-looking but is he tall good-looking and funny is he tall good-looking and generous is he tall good-looking and as thoughtful as me is in other words is this someone who really beats me in every category or am I just focusing on one thing so here's what I'd like you to do instead of focusing on just excelling in one area focus on diversifying that portfolio and saying you know what I'm going to be that person that brings so much to the table in every area in the amount that I inspire someone in the amount of positive energy I bring to them in the amount of generosity I bring to them in how much I compliment them and make them feel great in how much I spark their imagination and make them think about things they've never thought about before in the amount that I show them new worlds that they haven't discovered before I'm going to be that person that represents so many good things that it doesn't matter if one person excels in one category they can never compete with all of the things that I am as an entirety and you know what if someone still leaves me at that point when I'm being all of those things that really means that I can let them walk away with a good heart knowing that this person wasn't the person for me and that someone else was genuinely better for them and at that point my friends I don't think it's about jealousy I think it's about logistics and two people that genuinely work together so with that I say go enjoy your relationships forget the jealousy and focus on the package you bring to the table take care and I'll see you soon you
Channel: Matthew Hussey
Views: 688,955
Rating: 4.9459262 out of 5
Keywords: matthew hussey, IHeartRadio (Organization)
Id: -Wq9eQialmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2013
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