Overanalyzing Avatar: The Firebending Masters

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any amount of fire you can make i like that ang has to fire ben with an open hand here because he's inexperienced most of the time firebenders bend with punches at least with direct attacks but aang did figure out the little bit he did with open palms before so it makes sense here that he would try and bend like this again and don't get me going on this oh this makes zozin bending smoke through his body makes sense look you only bend in smoke do not this doesn't help there's this funny little outer tune fire nation theme that plays when zuko fails the firemen [Music] that's pretty funny we've also seen zuko take a stance very similar to this when he was squaring up to fight hang priyazula killing him why is this happening maybe it's the altitude yeah could be okay so aang says this but they're in the wall of a canyon right so they'd be lower than you usually would be on ground if i'm not mistaken and then they move even further down the canyon so is this canyon like in a mountain or something i'm confused that one kind of felt hot don't patronize me you know what it's supposed to look like sorry sifu hotman and stop calling me that damn they stitched two jokes together here really nicely half of it is ang and him thinking hauntment is still something people say a hundred years later and the other half was him calling toff sifu and nakitara and katara being annoyed about it sosaka walks up here with what seems to be a complete apple totally intact and then we hear him take one bite and then we see the apple again and holy [ __ ] that's the biggest bite out of an apple anyone's ever taken jesus how did he do that hey jerks mind if i watch you two jerks do your jerk bending so saka comes up here to annoy aang and zuko for seemingly no reason i always kind of got the idea that he came up here to see if they were doing okay considering how new zuku is to the crew and he figured he'd see if zuko was still as touchy as he used to be so now we fade to this platform that the gang has set up camp on which is the same platform from last episode when combustion man attacked you can tell because this broken pillar lines up between both episodes anyway here we see that this structure above the fountain is doing totally fine but last episode combustion man blew it to absolute hell rock chunks flying and everything by god they're using the same pod as last time let's [ __ ] go i bet it's because i changed sides maybe your fire bending comes from rage and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to i mean i don't know zuko's still a pretty angry guy ang he's yelled at everyone he's interacted with up until this scene in this episode i don't know where you're getting this no anger anymore idea from you're gonna need to learn to draw your fire bending from a different source look how animated saka is here man in so many other shows saku would just freeze on one still frame while toff talked but here he's emoting all over the place it's just little stuff like this that makes avatar feel so alive for earthbending the original benders were badger moles one day when i was little i ran away and hid in a cave that's where i met them tough learning from the badger moles is a really cool touch the blind earth bender learning from the best blind earthbenders is just a super cool idea just to base your strongest character and one element around a disability but it's a disability they share with an animal that knows that certain magic the best it's just like really smart man the way everything folds into itself [ __ ] that's amazing tough i learned from the monks but the original airbenders were the yu yan wait now in this shot the fountain is super jacked up every single leg of the thing above it is broken oh well at least they have it right now well i know they weren't around when i was a kid even a little throw away line like this packs a lot behind it ank speaks as if his childhood is behind him now and it makes sense with how much responsibility he's had to take on compared to this line from the first episode of the series i haven't done this since i was a kid you still are a kid even though these buildings are ancient there's something eerily familiar about them i can tell the fire sage's temples are somehow descended from these really the fire temples to me seem to look like old japanese style buildings like pagodas but to me these buildings look more like olmec or toltec architecture even if they looked more aztec i might be able to see where zuko is coming from with this but i'm no [ __ ] building doctor i guess [Music] i can't believe it this booby trap must be centuries old and it still works well now hold on zuko there is precedent for this even if the sun warriors weren't still around and probably maintaining their traps the fire nation themselves have tripwires that apparently last for at minimum six decades since hama said the raids were 60 years ago [Music] [Applause] i feel like you could just step between the spikes zuko why does everyone insist on making things way more dangerous than they have to be though i'm not sure what this tells us about the original source of firebending you look pretty angry to me i thought the dragons were friends with the sun warriors obvious one but this carving illustrates the successful carrying out of the ritual aang and zuko complete at the end of this episode you can even see the sun warrior in the middle with the two pieces of the eternal fire he was given to hold my great-grandfather's sozen happened he started the tradition of hunting dragons for glory damn that's cold sozin you had a dragon companion yourself you think sozen offed his own pet eventually the last great dragon was conquered long before i was born by my uncle it's interesting that ira went to see ran and shaw before zuko was even born meaning that ira was still all about the fire nation war effort at that point seeing as he was still crown prince and an acting general when zuko was around 10. we'll get back to that it's locked up i hate to say dang but couldn't you just blast a hole in the wall and then even if you didn't want to pull up the mechanist couldn't you just dig under the door and fill it back up lickety-split doors should almost never be a problem for you anymore no zuko i don't care what everyone else says about you you're pretty smart zuko only took one sword out to redirect the light in the shots prior to this but in this shot he puts both swords back into his sheath i think this is some kind of sun warrior fire bending form this better teach us some really good fire bending look hey look if they did a dragon ball it's some kind of mystical gemstone well don't touch it has ang seen indiana jones i'm just saying i don't think i know but pressure plate traps if it weren't for that movie when i was 12 or maybe even now i'm just very suspicious of giant glowing gems sitting on pedestals glowing it feels almost alive so we're supposed to assume this is the dragon egg right maybe in some sort of gold casing that's pretty neat i would say ah i can't pull free it's like some kind of glue this is a [ __ ] horrifying death to anyone in the room that didn't get flung up here and turned around or isn't an airbender could you imagine drowning in glue jesus oh and there goes the staff damn he was doing so good with the new one too down there where's this camera angle coming from isn't the glue substance completely up to the grating who's down there also this is one of my favorite lines in the whole show i don't know why i just love how it's delivered here here here let me try who's down there and either sloth ain't either bear for trying to take our sunstone you must be severely punished so wait which thing is the sunstone zukul described the gem that opened the door as the sunstone but the chief here speaks as if the egg that was on the pedestal was the sunstone so which is it please i don't normally play this card but i'm the avatar i could make a comprehensive list of every time aang does in fact play this card it's not all the time but it is sometimes i know my people have distorted the ways of fire bending to be fueled by anger and rage but now i want to learn the true way you must maintain a constant heat the flame will go out if you make it too small make it too big and you might lose control i really love that the sun warriors philosophy is the exact opposite of zhong jung's zhongjung was so disenchanted with the art of firebending because he was surrounded by the misuse of it for his entire life so much so that he even refers to it as savagery more than once so it's really really cool that these people who are all decked out in tribal clothing that a close-minded person could describe the savages upon a cursory glance are the ones that do it right and healthily zhong zhang had become so disillusioned with fire been that because of the horrors he'd seen committed with it so he chose to preach a form of fire bending that was centered on restraint he has this quote that actually sort of borders on some warrior philosophy feel the heat of the sun it is the greatest source of fire yet it is in complete balance with nature but clearly the rest of his outlook has been permanently scarred by what he's seen it's just so cool that masters of each element can have differing views from even each other due to their own unique experiences and mindsets sort of like arrow and guru party disagreeing on ang giving up his loved ones this looks really weird for avatar i know it's far in the background but this doesn't look like most avatar backgrounds or distant shots this almost looks like it was a painting or something have you forgotten that you vanished allowing the fire nation to wreak havoc on the world the decline of the dragons is your burden too oh man that's some [ __ ] he already feels bad enough about running away now you're gonna put the extinction of an animal on them too what if they judge us and attack us well we're the fire prince in the avatar i think we could take these guys in a fight whoever they are yeah exactly zuko's on the same kind of [ __ ] i am who cares about being in trouble with a little old lady or who cares about two pretty good firebenders being mad at you you're both hard as [ __ ] you can do whatever you want okay so there's this weird question in this moment is this super cool because it turns out the ending theme to every episode has been this ancient sun warrior drumbeat or is it lame as hell that they're reusing the ending theme to be this song it's all a matter of how you look at it i guess i've gone back and forth on how i feel about it i've always kind of been disappointed that the drumming doesn't match up with the music at all though for how incredible the scene is you'd think they'd want to nail absolutely everything down but they didn't get that it almost makes me think that there was originally a different song because of it sound the call [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you were in this situation you would have put together that these two aren't just some nutso firebending guys right there's a whole song ladies are bowing a giant horn calls them i'm just saying there's some context clues that go very missed here [Music] so it seems like ran and shaw are a different species of dragon when compared to roku's dragon not only is their facial structure different but they're like way bigger too so in this one singular shot the sun is over the sun warrior city in the background but for the rest of the scene that's out over the ocean i think we're supposed to do the dragon dance with them it's really cool that the original form of fire bending was actually much akin to a dance which only drives home more that the fire nation is doing it wrong since dancing is all but forbidden yeah i bet you didn't think there'd be any headband [ __ ] coming back but i found a way this is just visually stunning man some of my favorite shots in avatar aang and zuko mirroring the dragon's dance is just moving i'm gonna talk a lot more about it in the wrap after the episode it's quick but in this shot the camera actually shakes a little bit i think that's there's you can actually kind of feel the weight of these huge animals as they flap their wings and i think that's a super cool technique to pull that off judgment time so i bet you're wondering how i got myself into this one this is so unfortunate that i need to steal this incredible moment from you but it turns out that zuko scar is on the wrong side in this shot but it's not just that the entire shot is actually flipped zuko scara is on the wrong side yes but agg's clothes usually go over his left shoulder but not in this shot they go over his right it's a real shame that they got that mixed up in this series of shots of what is otherwise a visual triumph and just like wow if this scene wasn't already beautiful enough in the first place they hit us with this i can't sing these few minutes praise is enough my uncle iro said he faced the last dragon and killed it yeah so okay ira went on this whole enlightening journey before zuko was born if what zuko said earlier is to be believed so ira went and learned the secret of firebending but then went right on back to being a general of the firelord's army for another decade or probably more from the way zuko chose to word it he said it was before zuko was even born that he killed the last dragon huh i feel like a lot of people figured this was a big part of what made ira the way he is in present day and it probably is but people probably think iro met the dragons after lieuten's death which pushed him to be the way he is but according to this episode that's not the case yeah it's like the sun but inside of you do you guys realize this no we have no choice but to imprison you here forever just kidding i really like that the sun chief loosens up a lot once these two pass the test i don't know why i just like this guy but seriously don't tell anyone oh i'm really glad they're not gonna tell anyone about the dragons with this technique the dragon showed us ah we'll just tap dance our way to victory over the fire lord it's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old oh yeah what's your little form called forget you guitar i'll dance like a dragon over your [ __ ] grave if you keep it up with this lip this is my favorite episode and you know what i'm not entirely sure why it's just whenever someone asks me what's your favorite episode this is the one that comes to mind first i think it's all in the ending the imagery of the dragon's dance is just something that really resonates with me for some reason the rest is cool and all the world building and the lore and the culture of the sun warriors but man the dragon dance right it's just so incredible to look at our two main characters move in synchronicity with these two ancient beautiful animals and it all comes to a head with this wonderful display of light that the viewer isn't even sure if they understand the way the characters did there's just a special something in there that i don't think is captured in any other scene in the show this feeling of connectedness to oneself and an art form and being in the right place in the right time and being worthy and knowing what you have to do it's just everything comes together in that one scene and i think that's what makes this my favorite episode pager shout outs if you want to be two episodes ahead of youtube releases you can support me on patreon for just a few bucks link as always is in the description below the video biggest shout outs have all got my top patrons burp who survived a lightning strike by blocking it with what ended up being a winning lottery ticket booter jacker who's the real thing they're hiding in area 51. charlie rock quigley who was an aztec war god in his past life danger stranger who bowled a 310 point game somehow daniel ward who was actually a merman in disguise you can tell because of the gills and the fish eyes emperor tromedov drolmod who won a spelling contest against google autocorrect eric bernie who can do actual magic but he can only pull rabbits out of hats that's the only thing etc who's so jacked and vascular his chest looks like a topographical map of arizona finnish blood who broke out of alcatraz with only a paperclip in his wits fred sullivan who threw a party that was so rad the cops showed up and they just joined in harrison poland who was currently possessed by a demon but he's too spiritually strong to even notice jared berkman who showed up to the red carpet and pajama pants and still won best dressed john who can jump up and touch any ceiling no matter how high misha bablov who can turn gold into lead but not the other way around nope tron who slayed the one actual dragon that ever existed shame we couldn't get that species off the ground proud of prem whose hallucinations become real life so things get pretty dicey around them at a party sean martin who only measures things in weird nautical ways like leagues or fathoms soup cube who jumped over nine helicopters while they were on on a razer scooter the sinking bubble who can pump gas at twice the speed of your average bear the ultimate ed who is twice the bear of your average bear and you freaking nerd who was in a never-ending battle with a human-sized lobster every beach trip it's the same damn thing and of course more huge shadows go to my other [ __ ] you money patrons agent rhino brendan murphy donnie snow dylan calvo dylan roche jerry craft caitlyn kennedy stapleton leif iron hammer luke herrera mandatory sin max lewandowski nick kaipynan omega fighter rcnfl skylos thiago nacimeto verunda and zumpi and my god overanalyzers alex fritz ali qpzm andrew watrid austin gallop be my valentine big thirsty bran muffin cameron canine corpse charles barnett chase brinya chris doleman dad berto daniel nordsidge david carlisle derek cornwell dj jacks do mutual aid domic saint distant earth 2 john elliot rose eric ross garrett kane gubgub homie 1 kenobi isaiah wilson it's carton jacob freeze jake the garden right james hanlon jay lambo jeremy rubenstein jimbo john ojaka jot moreland joshua bone joshua haskett juice pouch grape justin scott k dax keon gilliland lady serena lehman russ literal nasa rocket scientist matthew sergio mr airborne mitchell gobrecht mortius double seven nickelpickle582 nicholas abbott omar papajoka parker back to the basics gasps peyton mims peter beyron radiator rat rocket mist shadow fox nero sky not dark and sporey stein one super snipper timothy kaczynski tiny knight travis chestnut triad juice wilbur steady paycheck mode and wolfman dan next up is the boiling rock and now i have to think of something to say about that's rough buddy that hasn't been said yet
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 1,085,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hello Zuko here, Overanalyzing avatar, avatar the last airbender, the western air temple, avatar, ATLA, the last airbender, combustion man, combustion man death, avatar the elgend of aagn, avatar the last airbender video essay, the firebdnding masters, avatar the last airbender dragons, avatar firebending masters, sun warriors, avatar netflix, netflix avatar, netflix avatar the last airbender, avatar studios, netflix avatar review, minecraft, avatar minecraft
Id: Eo3ZzK1uHOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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