Overanalyzing Avatar: Sozin's Comet, Part 2 - The Old Masters

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hey i remember her she helped you attack us yep back in the good old days i get having a sense of humor about being a dick in the past zuko but this is the second time you've dropped a joke sounding like you're longing to be evil again i'm just saying it's bad optics at some point you can see the bars still messed up in the background here from when jim was fighting ryu a second ago i need your help finding the avatar doesn't sound too fun i mean i guess the last time zuko got her to do that she ended up like this so yeah fun probably doesn't sound like the right word to her nyla where the [ __ ] did you get that did you just have that on you while you were in the bar okay so who's got something with the avatar scent on it i have aang staff he's lucky he hangs onto this one marginally more than the last one or else this probably wouldn't have worked [Music] it's interesting that nyla doesn't at least lead them back to the beach right means your friend's gone we know he's gone that's why we're trying to find him no i mean he's gone gone he doesn't exist and how does joon know what nyla does here means that aang doesn't exist have people contracted her before on people that have simply stopped existing it seems less likely that the layman would get kidnapped by a lion turtle where are we momo oh hey a quick cameo by some dragonflies too once again we saw them last when aang was [ __ ] around with the zoo animals or whatever there's only one other person in this world who can help us face the fire lord i'll be right back with a smell sample okay so let's run down the history on this sandal really quick ira was captured with it and then left it behind for zuko to find so after that zuko didn't give it to iro for some reason and then went back to his quarters on his ship and then put it away somewhere it stayed there for a while and then just before he suspiciously started looking around the ship before the pirate attack zuko pocketed it just in case for some reason it survived zuko getting blown to smithereens and then zuko somehow held onto the entire time the siege of the north was happening or he hit it somewhere in the wild off of zhao ship that got [ __ ] on by aang and then went back for it later next he drifted up to sea with it hidden from iro for an entire three weeks and then spent who knows how long traveling with arrow on foot still keeping it to himself he didn't even think about giving it back to ira when he left to go on the zuko alone journey fast forward through a little more traveling with iro their embossing say and zukul continues to keep it a secret through the ending of book two probably hiding it somewhere in their apartment zuko goes back for the sandal shortly after brutally betraying iron leaving for the fire nation zuko once again takes good care of it on the way there and then it's easy to assume he just keeps it in his room probably under his [ __ ] pillow because he cares about it so much final stretch now as he's leaving to turn coat the fire nation he carefully packs the sandal away to bring with him along with a painting of ira he keeps it in his room in the western air temple but as always is sleeping with it when azula attacks and that's lucky too because he wouldn't have had time to go back for it another short stint of camping then chilling at the beach house before he finally packs it to go hunt for rang and enlist june for help that's me trying to be as realistic about it as possible and somehow after all of that it still smells like iro and not zuko i have no basis on this at all but this kind of looks like that one area from the chase episode but then again if it were here they probably would have to go over the surface pass on the way to bossing set and that probably would have gotten a shot or two in the running montage i guess they're lucky june's bar was in this area of the earth kingdom then is it just me or does this wall seem pretty massively less impressive than the portion of the wall that the gang arrived to when they first got to boston say it's a hexagon by god he's right it doesn't seem like normal rock did he just try to send momo into [ __ ] orbit i wish i had some help right now i wish i had roku i do have roku okay now this makes more sense to me ang's been through his entire journey at this point and he's making a concentrated effort to connect with his past lives i don't have any problem with ang being able to channel them in this way at all at this point what was weird about last time was that ang was just chilling being sad not thinking about roku at all and then roku was just like hey yo what's good i've always thought of some sort of criminal the lack of sleeping on oppa that's been through the entire show hank's the only one that's ever really done it i'm just saying office tale looks comfortable as hell oh there goes jon jong with his [ __ ] firewalls again also yes haha the double meaning of this episode title referring both to these guys and the past avatars haven't got a good double meaning since oh [ __ ] the great divide in my life i tried to be disciplined and show restraint but it backfired i sort of wish roku out of all the avatars had something a little more concrete to give anger at least they've seen each other a few times like they have a rapport but that would also go against an element of these rapid fire avatar talks that i really like as well i can't be pleased what else is new what's going on we're surrounded by old people toph can tell that are their heartbeats weaker or something are their steps more rickety is toff blind paku it is respectful to bow to an old master but how about a hug for your new grandfather hell yeah paku i love this moment i made her a new betrothal necklace and everything like park is a little hyped up on himself he's like yeah i'm the man i [ __ ] with this energy pacu how about grandpaku no damn i wish this wasn't so late in the series i gotta use that reaction so much i'll look at sad soccer soak away here after paku shuts them down damn sometimes they really do be like that we're all part of the same ancient secret society a group that transcends the divisions of the four nations the order of the white lotus this is just really cool they left just enough hints for you to have this oh [ __ ] moment here as you realize what's going on never too much never two episodes in a row [ __ ] never five episodes removed from one another the order of the white lotus is never front and center and if they are it's cryptic and weird and you're like zuko in that moment you don't really know what's going on so it makes all these characters you love and have been invested in coming back and being the answer to this vague mystery really satisfying it's like the perfect answer to the perfect question unbelievably executed a group that transcends the divisions of the four nations and even now piandao's dropping some cryptic [ __ ] transcends the divisions of the four nations man most people aren't even thinking about anything before aang's time at the air temples everything's just really cool when it comes to these guys about a month ago a call went out that we were needed for something important about a month ago okay so if we were going by number of full moons about a month ago was two days ago where's momo [Music] he's dead and so is a oh well in my day chin the conqueror threatened to throw the world out of balance it's very interesting to me that kyoshi's big thing that she talks about in her more than 200 years of life is the one thing we know about her doing this was the biggest moment in your life and the gang just happened to stumble upon it one day and i do get that it's probably the closest thing that she can relate to aang versus ozai but i think it would have been cool if he or she got something else here instead of a flashback to another episode you didn't really kill [ __ ] technically he fell to his own doom because he was too stubborn to get out of the way personally i don't really see the difference man i could have used that as a reaction too [ __ ] why are all the good ones right at the end okay here's the part that i really like about these chats none of the avatars give them a hard and fast answer it really gives the vibe that they're experienced and they know this is a very complex situation and they don't want to take this decision from aang aang has to make it even if he seeks out counsel with them it's still his call to make they've clearly all made mistakes and hard decisions and that's part of being the avatar so them leaving it up to aang makes it feel like wow even the past avatars are giving him the reins he's not just the kid that crawled out of the iceberg he's the avatar it's up to him there i was back in homashu waiting for just the right moment i gotta say boomi's still a bad leader for this i get the plan i get the idea i get the mindset still a bad leader [Music] what do you think you're doing this [ __ ] john way boom john wayfu survived ang's murder attempt he went through physical rehab they said he'd never walk again they said he'd never place hold again he somehow developed fire bending despite never having worn a fire better uniform in the past and tries to now he's thankfully spared by boom he lives to fight another day john waifu forever baby yeah okay boomi's apparently ridiculously strong to the effect that he's earth bending things that are bigger and further away than we've ever seen but is this city only occupied by soldiers they didn't turn this into a colony or anything this is a big city with no earth kingdom civilians in it anymore you'd think they'd use it for a colony city and if that's the case i mean [ __ ] boomi's ruthless this big ozai statue was actually the reason they were scaffolding to fight on the last time the gang was in homashu it looks like they finished construction on it i won't go into how unsure i am that rocks would penetrate this metal so cleanly like this but i will say you can actually see the metal subtly crack around the impacts which i hadn't noticed before and this is a weird problem to have boomi isn't clearly enough not metal bending here it looks like he's just lifting the metal statue with bending no earth involved so it looks like the outer walls of wamashu are covered in bricks which doesn't make any sense they're supposed to be covered in metal like they were in return to omashi obviously first set up like that so earthbenders would have less effect in an occupied city so what about you guys did you do anything interesting on the day of the eclipse [Music] nah no not really but then i lost the woman i loved to code the face stealer this is a really cool way to tie in a sort of throwaway anecdote from co from the end of the first season it feels very organic since it's already been mentioned and it calls back to one of the coolest scenes from the season one finale making the package of the entire show feel even tighter than it would have magnifique also code did in fact use kirk's wife's face to kind of stunt on aang when they met you sort of got that was what he was getting at while it was happening but you only really get full context now and that's really cool whoa the finale is really pulling out all the stops no full moon your uncle's in there prince zuko [Music] i like that zuko has to take a moment here it sort of plays back on the moment where he had to take a second to collect himself before seeing his father again for the first time and i think it's very sweet that it's katara whose trust was the hardest to win over is the one that consoles him it's nice that katara and zuko get a couple moments of bonding outside of the murder mission it makes the team feel more complete and i've only had to use violence for necessary defense and i've certainly never used it to take a life ah all right it's been a long time coming here we go okay to start us off there's that one time avalanche and a bunch of fire nation soldiers do you know how heavy snow is they're either crushed suffocated or fell off a mountain take your pick then he tried to send this tank hurtling down the mountain too and i mean it didn't work but i still had killing intent in this cold blackheart with all the fusion with the fish stuff and avatar state moments he's not really himself in those moments i'll let those slide but there was that time you sent kachi flying off that cliff very much on purpose and at that point we literally just had a conversation about how that kills people he ended up living but still the intent was there and then there's that time you caught a buzzard wasp in half and i know it's a big weird bug monster but it's still a life and the iconic time you drowned a bunch of earth kingdom soldiers because they just fell in the water and definitely didn't have enough time to come back up for air before you froze it over and there's that time you popped that hot air balloon i mean those guys probably aren't walking away from that and those are just the big obvious ones i mean there's other moments where you've definitely used way too much force so i don't know where you're getting this whole never taken a life thing i know that you're a gentle spirit and the monks have taught you well but this isn't about you this is about the world i don't know why the general consensus is that kyoshi is the cold-blooded avatar based off of these scenes kiyoshi was very matter-of-fact and analytical but yang chen is the one with the [ __ ] sales pitch selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world she's the one that leans hardest on the idea that aang has to do it yang chenza is cold well there's only a few scenes that make me tear up every time i watch them and this is one of them there are even more parallels with zuko's past the last time we saw zuko on his knees apologizing to a father figure he was horribly maimed this time he's met with love and forgiveness and it's just so iro for him to just grab him and hug him i don't know how i can ever make it up to you [Music] another very low key thing is that when zuko gets interrupted by being pulled into the hug if you pause it it seems like his next word was going to start with an l based on his mouth position and the sentence that got interrupted was he gonna tell ira that he loved him man this scene's so powerful it's almost perfect i just wish it didn't end on a joke i really wish they just took this seriously the whole time i think it would have landed even better but that nitpick aside this scene is awesome i can't praise it enough it's amazing momo the biggest animal in the world i like that this comes full circle as well ang starts out the show wanting to traipse all over the world riding different kinds of animals and he ends the story by riding the craziest animal out of all of them that's fun in this wide shot here you can actually see the huge pillars that the ang vs ozai fight takes place on uncle you're the only person other than the avatar who can possibly defeat the fatherlord you mean the fire lord thanks for the assist tough even if i did defeat ozai and i don't know that i could i think this is a crucial line in this finale we haven't seen ozai fire been at all we've seen him generate lightning troublingly quickly but we've never seen him in a proper fight but who we have seen is iro and ira goes pretty hard throughout the show there haven't been a lot of situations that he hasn't been able to get out of pretty easily so ira putting respect on ozai to this degree gives the viewer that extra little bit of reverence that i think is very very needed you struggled you suffered but you have always followed your own path you restored your own honor ira plays into my thinking on zuko's redemption here too actually iro's certainly not referring to defeating anger boxing say i was referring to the personal journey that zuko went on to get here to where he is right now not zuko chasing aang but zuko chasing who he himself really is i had a vision that i would one day take bossing say only now do i see that my destiny is to take it back from the fire nation i'm just gonna wrap this scene up by talking about how ira was written here in general this is stellar he talks with such a calm and happy confidence with a lot of dignity and gravitas to his words and i don't mention the music very often but the score works perfectly with the words he's imparting but he's still very much arrow with his jovial attitude when it's called for ira really is to shine on this scene you really get a sense of his whole character with just a unique tinge of that finale weight to his voice and i'm really thankful they gave him this time since he's been absent for so much of book 3. all right now we get to the lion turtle a little bit first of all surface level this guy looks awesome he's very obviously ancient and the sense of scale is really great and the art style is even sort of different for him which makes him feel very special or important now am i impressed with what the lion turtle does for the story i'll agree it's very on the left field it feels like he just kind of comes out of nowhere and that is a problem for a show that's been so tightly written up to this point am i a fan of energy bending or how aang finds a way to answer his problem those questions i'm gonna tackle in the final part mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost but damn he do be sounding like heroes dad though wait for him he will come for a long time i was confused to who the lion turtle was referring to here he will come what do you mean who but then it dawned on me that the turtle is referring to ozai i mean he dropped them off exactly where they're gonna throw down how the lion turtle knows where ozai's attack is going to land or a multitude of other questions is lost on me but like i said it's vague we don't really know the level of being this thing is so i think you can give that part at least a pass [Music] and the ending really puts an exclamation point on the episode just with the visuals and music the comments here let's [ __ ] go so this episode gets to be really interesting we get a lot of reveals we weren't either expecting or even knew were coming there's a lot to think about and digest we get to have a chat with past avatars including some new faces and we get the reuniting of ira with zuko and because those things are so interesting you probably don't notice this when watching but this episode is literally all talking every single conversation has this weight and importance behind it and there's just this looming feeling of the calm before the storm if you're a fan of the show these are conversations you want to hear someone never feels boring it feels like we're ramping up to something really special and we are patient shout outs if you want to be two episodes ahead of the youtube releases that's right if you're watching this on youtube the finale to over analyzing avatar is on patreon and available for just a few bucks link as always is in the description below the video biggest shout outs have all gone to my top patrons burb who can catch dress cook and eat a fish in under a minute caesar's ghost who can make any animal albino if he looks at it hard enough costco 94 who talked to god once and convinced him to give him a corvette danger stranger who got hired onto a construction site because all the heavy machinery broke down and they needed somewhere to move the heavy [ __ ] around daniel ward who can guess how many grains of sand in a handful and get within 10 every time emperor tromed love dromai who has a constellation named after him that looks like a centaur with a laser cannon eric barney who doesn't need steel-toed boots because he just says steel toes etc who put a nursing home that got destroyed by a hurricane back together by generating his own reverse hurricane finish blood who stopped a bank robbery with only a pair of nunchucks fritz sullivan who can match the top speed of any animal after studying david attenborough documentaries grayson webster who can dance so well it actually kicks up a measurable electric charge in the atmosphere harrison poland who can scratch his back with his feet jared berkman who donates 100 beds to a dog shelter every year on his birthday john who climbed a tree as a boy and he didn't know it at the time but he climbed down a man mandatory sin who poured an entire bottle of vinegar into his eye and didn't go blind and also 100 bucks for it bishop oblov who shut down the entire underground squid fighting operation nopetron who could survive any kind of crash once no matter what train plane car bike doesn't matter crown of prem who can pop an entire bag of popcorn by clapping in their hands really fast close to it random curry who won the only ever healey's double marathon sean martin who's wrote every book that has been published since 1975 civi actor who had to hide when the 1969 moon landing happened because he didn't want them to feel bad that he got there first the sinking bubble who created a sustainable form of energy based solely on how good they look somehow thomas lautenbach who stopped a mugging by josting the guy from the window of his 2002 honda civic hatchback and you freaking nerd who did a 1080 roundhouse kick and killed the last actual tattle worm even more huge shadows good weather [ __ ] you money patrons agent rhino ben miserable bram g brendan murphy donnie snow dylan calvo garrett kane honor and cultivation inflation fairy jerry craft caitlyn kennedy stapleton leif earnhammer luke herrera nostalgic games nickipinen omega fighters skylo skystrider stephanie riches thiago nacimento verundo whitrow wolfman dan and zumpy and of course my god over analyzers active sloth alex fritz alan garivan ali qpzm andrew watrid austin gallop be my valentine big thirsty braden shanahan brando espinoza bran muffin caleb fostnock cameron osola canine corpse charles barnett charlie bronkowski chloe benton connor doman dan bertel david carlisle dj jacks dew mutual aid dominic saint distant earth 2 john eleonora rose fingel kearn gennaro gregoire lardy el dorado isaiah wilson it's carton jacob white cotton jake the garden right jzo martinez jackson jay lambo jimbo john ojaka jot moreland joshua bone josie tiffany justin fletcher justin scott kate and connor prendergast kadex kazuto kirigaya keon gilliland kt and den b lady serena lehman rust literal nasa rocket scientist madison mccone mario matthew starjo michael conrad mitchell gobrick mortius double 07. nickelpickle582 nicholas abbott omar ory papajaka parker gasps parker p radiator rat ranga riley booth rocket mist samuel graves shadowfox nero sky not darken sophie kitty spory stab dog stephanie steinwand sun lime super salad 726 super snipper taran solis the alternates the flowey 27 the hardy's 01 timothy buzzelli travis chestnut tria juice vavena lockfire wilbur bass boosted william ouellette wolfe mandan whoa wyatt pence zancrim and zacharism next up is into the inferno that's the big one
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 632,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar the last airbender, atla, overanalyzing avatar, overanalyzing, avatar, avatar the legend of aang, avatar video essay, avatar the last airbender video essay, overanalyzing sozin's comet, overanalyzing avatar finale, overanalyzing the phoenix king, overanalyzing the old masters, zuko iroh reunion, Overanalyzing avatar sozin's comet, overanalyzing avatar the old masters, avatar netflix, netflix avatar, avatar the last airbender netflix, netflix avatar review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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