Overanalyzing Avatar: Sokka's Master

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i like the fact that we only get to see toff's reaction to the meteorite crashing after it hits the ground and even she was like oh [ __ ] that was serious hey check it out it's one of the few times we actually get to see soccer use the second club he got from his dad last season obviously because he basically replaces it this episode it also has like this squirrel tail little dangly bit attached to it that i never noticed before until right now i wonder what kind of animal that's from this is some good old-fashioned creative avatar bending application that we haven't actually seen for a couple episodes like i wouldn't have thought to stamp this out like this thank god we're back on track and away from this stuff you can actually see toff kind of dart along with this big earth slab as it moves as well this bending feed always kind of weirded me out like aang just turns this water to snow which seems weird it's usually ice right but there was one time where paku actually turned water into a snow-like state so i guess this tracks i guess water vendors could just do that you're a disgrace [Music] i really love this scene this is iro practicing what he preaches in the darkest time hope is something you give yourself that's the meaning of inner strength he knows he'll get through this and it also highlights his lack of pride something that dominates the rest of the royal family to a detrimental effect he doesn't care if this random [ __ ] guard thinks he's an insane ravenous fat old man he himself knows that he's not and that's enough for him and he actually uses that to his advantage in the future god ira's awesome i was going to ask what aang was eating considering he's a vegetarian but then i looked over and it looks like toff is just eating a pile of rocks so you're good ang i mean look at katara's hair right what's up with that that's true actually how does she get it to be in those weird perfect long sausage shapes each of you is so amazing and so special and i'm not i'm just the guy in the group who's regular i'm really glad they decided to give this some time of course soccer would feel like this eventually we all feel like this at some point and i think this episode has a really important message to the people that don't naturally excel at something they deem cool or important and i think sak is such a well-rounded character because he has these moments where everyone can be like of course he feels like this he's the guy that's just regular because he is but even before we get into the scenes of the gang missing him we already know he fills an important role he just needs to be reminded of it a lot of really cool character stuff in this episode what do you think pretty slick huh another avatar myth for you apparently this gag was included because the creators got a note that they wanted aang to wear armor so they can make a toy out of it you know toy sales are a big thing anyway apparently the writers thought that idea was dumb as hell declined it and then included this joke to make fun of it or so the legend goes all i need to complete the outfit is a windstorm what's a wind sword is where i get a sword handle and then i just swing this around and bend air out like a blade wait so you do have a windsword then right you're holding a sword hilt right now outfit complete also we've got some stylized faces for knee pads the helmet is obviously modeled after a dragon but is this taller than an actual skull do you think and if so jesus what is that thing and my final note on the armor is isn't it a little interesting that they have all this gear in a size to fit a hundred pound 12 year old that's weird right [Music] yeah saka really likes the look of this ornate sheath but the shop owner comes up and says he's a good eye a good eye for sheaths he hasn't even seen the sword that's an original from pian dao the greatest swordmaster and sword maker in fire nation history he lives in the big castle up the road from here i think we can actually see piandao's castle in an earlier establishing shot of the town right here might just be another different big building though this sheath looks to be alarmingly different in this shot compared to its first showing 20 seconds ago saka takes the sword fully out of the scabbard in this shot but then in the next shot we still get sharp sounds that would probably indicate sokka was taking the sword out just then it would be but he already had it out which means the sword just made this sound as he raised it up a little how else you're gonna know that it's sharp yeah it's about that time i help you i'm just gonna play that back in slow motion so we have it on record nice i like that piano dow just has a sword next to him as he does his day-to-day stuff like whatever he's doing here painting or calligraphy it really enforces the fact that he's a master being a swordsman is a big part of his life even when he's just chilling subtle environmental stuff like this can really get across into a viewer's mind even if they don't realize it and it adds up and paints a really nice picture of a character and i know one thing for sure i have a lot to learn i love this moment man soccer's come so far in these past two seasons exactly two seasons ago saka walked into the kyoshi warriors dojo with this cocky attitude so unaware of how small of a fish he was in the pond that was a really good episode for him but it's really nice to see that over the rest of his journeys all the crazy stuff he's seen he's noticed that he's a master of nothing and he's very humble about it and shows a great amount of humility here and that's an awesome trip that we got to go on with him and obviously piandao likes it too you get the vibe that he's dealt with a lot of people that waltzed into his castle with the same cock-sure attitude that saka did with the kyoshi warriors let me guess you've come hundreds of miles from your little village where you're the best swordsman in town and you think you deserve to learn from the master so saka throwing himself at his feet with great humility is probably a huge breath of fresh air and you get all of that from only a few seconds of animation and great voice acting and i think that's incredible if you look around piano dave's estate you'll actually see that he has a ton of line turtle statues sitting around pretty cool saga's been in charge of the schedule i'm not sure what we should be doing oh the schedule you bring up the schedule the schedule that almost had you having bathroom breaks and meal breaks at the same time the schedule that was in dire need of following how exactly did soccer work in a couple days of training with p and dao into that schedule is it because the schedule doesn't matter at all actually is it get there iro when you write your name you stamp the paper with your identity you must learn to use your sword to stamp your identity on a battlefield that's a really cool lesson once again avatar stresses the mental side of fighting the philosophy behind it not just the physical aspects which by this point you know is one of my favorite things about the show between shots here the paper that p and dow laid out for saka as well as the desk seem to get way longer saku goes in to write his name here with his right hand but we've been shown before that saka writes or at least draws with his left hand i'll give it to him and say that he's ambidextrous that seems like a soccer kind of thing remember you cannot take back a stroke of the brush or a stroke of the sword bars peeing down oh [ __ ] this is a super nitpick but saka starts to stress out here sweat appears on his face but when he takes a second to think the sweat is just reabsorbed into his face somehow that's a super nitpick shut the [ __ ] up me [Music] okay so i'm no [ __ ] sword doctor or anything but it seems like sokka gets disarmed here by having his sword kind of just pushed away from him that's a pretty pedestrian effort even for a novice saka when piandao unblindfolds saka here you can see him just toss it up and effortlessly loop it around his sword that was dope in battle you only have an instant to take everything in a lot of behind-the-scenes knowledge on this one i don't look anything up in advance for these videos but i might as well share what i know so this waterfall that saka is going to try and paint is actually based off a real waterfall in iceland like almost one to one sometimes it even has a rainbow i'm finished with that said it's a little weird that saka's painting is completely devoid of any waterfall at all right [Music] concentrate on what you're doing [ __ ] got him this shot even has a lion turtle right up in your face manipulate them to my advantage oh oh my god sock is jacked like that's rivaling the size of the boulder that ang carried which if you'll recall we did the math and determined that it was it was quite heavy actually we find out that p and i was a member of the white lotus at the end of the episode but there's actually some white lotus imagery throughout the episode as well like this design he has on the floor of his sparring area that's a white lotus why is this dude eating a rock we're starting from here no we're over on this island you noodle brains don't know what you're doing this is a great episode for soccer not only do we get to see him actually improving himself we actually do get to see what he means to the group and the role he feels it's just another one of those things that could have been easily overlooked but this show was obviously made with so much effort and love of course they thought to do that you've had a good first day of training that's the one thing i really don't like about this episode that was one day soccer only trains with p and dao for two days are you serious and he made all that progress this is definitely a weak point but i don't blame this episode entirely i blame the painted lady for setting up the dumb time crunch that this episode obviously still had a sword of respect since it's literally the next episode give saka a week with piano at least then it feels impactful two days feels too short to really learn anything meaningful [ __ ] painted lady master would it be possible for me to leave and bring back a special material for my sword i wouldn't have it any other way i love peeing down dude how'd they make this guy so likable what's their deal i don't know they missed you or something i didn't care this episode does have the only other hints at toff kind of liking saka but it doesn't go anywhere so i don't care i miss saka they missed you or something i didn't care who's this oh these are my friends just other good fire nation folks how'd you get this giant boulder all the way up the hill oh my friend here he he just carried it it's no big deal that kid over there is the avatar i bet sock is such a [ __ ] man i love it look at this dude oh it's a full moon too who would have thought we got some more white lotus decals in the background here i saw a heart as strong as a lion turtle and twice as big this is the second time lion turtles are mentioned by name the last time was in the library hey look at these weird lion turtle things you showed something beyond that creativity versatility intelligence i kind of tear up a little bit at this speech i don't know why i think everyone can kind of see themselves a little bit in soccer in this episode and i think that's what makes this episode so great and why it's a fan favorite and part of why soccer is a fan favorite too i am not worthy i'm not who you think i am i'm not from the fire nation i'm from the southern water tribe i love this line because saka doesn't realize that what he's saying being truthful right now is part of what makes him worthy he's a good person he's humble he's obviously grown a great respect for his master in this short amount of time and you can just feel it it's incredible katara stance is up here again kind of similar to the stance that paku taught them back in season one meanwhile aang takes a stance that's somewhat similar to one we saw toff use in our debut episode pretty cool you used to be the pride of the fire nation our top general the dragon of the west now look at you look what you've become awesome writing that the guard says look what you've become just before ira reveals his massive [ __ ] gains [Music] [Laughter] look at him oh this gets me so fired up you can see this claw fallout from under arrows road because he wants to keep the illusion that he's a fat old man to the guardsman and not this hulking tank that he's built himself into i gotta go do some sit-ups man excellent using your superior agility against an older opponent smart this fight is really cool it's a really good feeling to hear that saka has good instincts on what to do in a fight and to hear pian dao praise him you could argue that it kind of ruins the surprise that pian dao wasn't seriously attacking sokka but did anyone really think that with how chill pian piano has been i don't think so so i think it's fine i also love that throughout this fight saka is just scrambling and freaking out while everything that pian dao does is fluid and clearly mastered and almost stylish at some points that's an awesome way to get a skill gap across without having to cut away to your other characters commenting on the fight like so many other action based shows do you let the action do the talking and that makes for a good fight you can hear piano actually spit out some of the dirt sock i threw at him i don't know why but i think that's a really nice touch there's really that one twig there really why why did there have to be a stepping on a twig moment to top off this fight it's still an awesome fight but it's kind of a silly way to end it wait what you might want to think of a better fire nation cover name try lee there's a million leaves there's a million lees here's here's here's here's lee lee the way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation knowledge of the arts belongs to us all man piano spits out some iro level gems i wish this guy was in the show more often the master wanted you to have this as something to remember him by [Music] it's a pie show tile the white lotus huh what does it mean i have no idea i really like how they paced out the white lotus stuff it's mentioned just so often where you almost forget about it but then there's another little hint it keeps it very interesting and makes it seem more like an awesome reveal rather than an [ __ ] when it comes up in the finale and you'll probably notice that the door has some white lotusey decals on this shot as well tough i thought you might like this since you've probably never had a chance to bend space earth before sweet amongst the shapes toff makes here is the logo for nickelodeon the original channel that avatar aired on this episode is awesome i love this episode the messaging is great some real feel good stuff and i love the philosophy that piandao brings to swordplay it's not just a physical art there's also the iro pseudo training montage into revealing he's a complete [ __ ] unit amazing moments throughout the episode it's just solid all the way around sure most of the gang takes a back seat for most of it but saka takes a back seat for a lot of episodes himself so i think giving us one to really focus on saka wasn't just warranted it was almost needed i know this one is a fan favorite and for good reason i'm on the exact same wavelength before the patron shadows i gotta mention this now i'm always getting comments on what my opinions are on the dragon prince which is the show that's the spiritual successor to avatar well i'm actually in a video where i talk about it extensively over on fate views channel we talk about the entire show top to bottom and have a section where we just talk about it and compare it to avatar at the end it's a really good video and i'm super happy to be a part of it to watch it it's the first link at the top of the description go check it out and subscribe to fake views patron shout outs if you want to be two episodes ahead of the youtube releases you can support me on patreon for just a few bucks link as always is in the description below the video gotta give a shout out to my don't tears that's right agent rhino luke herrera and zumpy they're still hanging around somehow were they born with so much money did they invest wisely did they unearth some ancient hidden treasure who knows perhaps one of each regardless thank you very much guys shout outs of course to my otherwise top patrons anthony celeste who was directly related to both nikola tesla and arnold schwarzenegger brains and braun donny snow who built a prison just so he could get a prison tattoo elder zendenthus who can recite linkin park's entire lyrical history in one breath etc who doesn't need to stop drop and roll while on fire they can just think the flames out kennedy stapleton who bred the fastest sloth in the world mandatory sin who was separated from his other octuplet siblings at birth so they wouldn't feel bad about being less good looking max lewandowski who i saw crushed the raw ingredients for a muffin in his hand and when he opened his fist there was just a muffin there mike the wizard who has secretly hacked the pentagon and replaced the nuclear codes with lol 69 nick kaipenin whose wardrobe is more expensive than the united states is dead sad walla noises who found a 100 bill on the ground and immediately gave it to a children's hospital skylos who's actually 22 percent goblin dna might explain the temporary talking to frogs thing thiago nacimanto who was the first to get 99 woodcutting varundo who gave elon the idea for that electric car thing i swear wolfman dan who got that name by actually running a wolf down tackling it and tamming it and will schmidt who meditated through the last three centuries and well now he's here and of course my other top patrons andrew edwards artem korolev buddha jacker capslock charlie rock quigley daniel ward eric barney etc fetch me something gay fritz sullivan jess john keith clawson sean martin and you freaking nerd and of course my god analyzers aiden guerra alex fritz austin gallop be my valentine bingo dingo cabbage gal canine corpse kavanaghi chase brignac chris stolmeth coconut david carlisle dara cornwell dj jacks do mutual aid dr u dis 10 earth 2 john ellion oroz epic goomba eric ross exmire ginny from the block glintlock homie juan kenobi hype king jarrod hagan jay lambo jeremy rubinstein jimbo john ajaka kdax keon gilliland lady serena lehmann rust matthew stargo mr airborne mitchell gobrecht mortius double07 nicholas abbott no clue aknik tv omar parker i hardly know her peyton mims peter beyron sergeant painkillers shadow fox nero skylar jp spaghetti host steinwand super snipper dentabat the rainy man on heelys travis chestnut triad juice and whales red next up is the beach weird one good one we'll see
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 1,339,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: liJ5zKf1FL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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