Overanalyzing Avatar: The Beach

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oh my god what is that thing is it otter plesiosaur i don't know there's got to be some otter in there right lighten up so dad wants to meet with his advisors alone without anyone else around don't take it personally it would have been cool if something actually came out of this line but there's nothing really tangible that does maybe they're planning for the day of black sun but leaving azula out of that kind of thing seems odd we used to come every summer when we were kids that must have been fun that was a long time ago i was gonna do the crawling in my skin meme here with the emo hair but zuko literally already has it so crawly welcome to ember island kids why does the royal family have this rinky dink little place compared to every other cottage maybe it's ursa's family's place or something the beach has a special way of smoothing even the most ragged edges these rocks are on the table in a previous shot but it's a little clunky that they just have rocks in here did lo and lee go find these just so they can bring them inside and deliver this metaphor dang i know swimming is fun and all but do you really think you should be exposing yourself like that cover up how do you know what aang's wearing especially when he's floating on water and yes you pedantic [ __ ] she probably saw him get undressed to go swimming but she's only bringing it up now so it's weird it's your tattoos i'm worried about how do you even know that aang has tattoos did someone have that conversation with you at some point i've heard a lot of people get freaked out about doing this but my logic has always been if there's water flowing at this speed it literally has to be emptying somewhere right like there's no way you get trapped or something that place could lead to a deadly fall or something but it has to go somewhere in this shot we can briefly see the exit wounds scar on aang's foot from when he got electrocuted by azula they're really good at remembering to include that and i'm gonna point it out just about every single time this sand castle actually has some vaguely fire nation architecture to it good attention to detail and even better sand castle making i'm trying to figure out what having azula crushed this sand castle here accomplishes it's immediately followed by her looking jealous of tylee getting attention and being nice so i guess it's to set the seed in her mind that she needs to do something different still it's kind of heavy-handed to have your villain going around literally kicking down kids sand castles this is for you why would i want that i saw it and i thought it was pretty don't girls like stuff like this maybe stupid girls okay zuko is a cringy idiot but at least he's trying may being a downer isn't as cool as you think it is if the person watching this right now does this in real life cut that [ __ ] out all your friends think you're lame this guy's cut to shreds dude oh my god look at his back they had to mail this guy to ember island in three separate boxes because he's that cut the background behind tyler changes entirely after this zoom ends wow thanks this is so pretty not as pretty as you are this guy's really going for it even though his eyes go in two different directions you really got to put some respect on that i thought since it's so hot here okay that one's on zuko you're a kung fu master and you can't balance an ice cream cone he's still trying i'll give him that but that's one strike a piece for both of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] really you've got these hunks running around the beach and you're fawning over this guy i mean i only kind of get it see that girl with the silly pigtails when she runs toward the ball there's just the slightest hesitation of her left foot keep serving the ball to her left and will destroy her and the rest of her team and azula immediately serves the ball to that girl's right interesting strategy i love that they give the rest of the team all these acrobatic moves to hit the ball and then they just have may do the old run-up and knee even the writers know she's the lamest one you don't know who we are do you don't you know who we are we're chan and ron john it's chan and ronjon those names send me into an extreme fury let me add them like waves washing away the footprints on the sand amber island gives everyone a clean slate just once i want someone in the show to be like why do you two only speak in sentences in this weird round about vague metaphoric fashion and where the hell is that flute music coming from [Music] this bird can make really loud sounds for not moving its mouth at all this door knocker is a dragon very cool you're a little early no one's here yet we are the perfect party guest we arrive right on time because we are very punctual also they let two old ladies decide when they were going which is obviously a rookie mistake to the party all right listen my dad's an admiral he has no idea i'm having this party so don't mess anything up chan's dad was actually mentioned once before this as well as long as he's named after his dad that is well nice of admiral chan to let us know he was sending one of his ships our way wait what the hell is that that's just a statue of a straight-up deer usually statues of like important animals like that one that's probably a phoenix or something but nope dear this guy's hairstyle is some 20 30 [ __ ] mark my words maybe i just said it because i was a little jealous all right finally we're getting somewhere with azula finally she has some human moments in this episode that are way the hell overdue she's awkward she doesn't know how to fit in with actual teenage society because she's such a whack job and that's interesting jesus finally something interesting to do with azula's character rather than her just being this perfect conniving evil badass none of you armchair psychologists can tell me that azula's an unfeeling emotionless psychopath when this episode exists like you did in zuko alone let alone how her story ends if you want a boy to like you just look at him and smile a lot and laugh at everything he says even if it's not funny jesus christ she's cracked the code is this your first time on ember island it's a great place if he likes hand he's right your arms look so strong yeah i know oh my god he's so god damn cool he will dominate the earth hey look it's one of the birds from the pigeon bender hey watch it that food was for my cranky girlfriend don't lean against the painting bro what are you come on hello zuko here relax it's just a party [Music] did zuko just bruce lee one inch punch this guy 20 feet across the room zuko what is wrong with you what's wrong with me your temper's out of control you blow up over every little thing i agree zuko could have been a little more tactful but mei could have also been a little more aware of her boyfriend's insecurities and now you're having a very public fight that's strike two for both of you on the over analyzing relationship strike system it's over zuko we're done oh no not our one minute and 28 seconds of screen time relationship that's so sad who broke my nana's face now when he says his nana's vase do you think he means she owns the vase or you know i'm just saying we've already seen cremation in the fire nation have fun by yourself loser boy nice i say nice like this to lame [ __ ] on a daily basis it has overtaken my psyche i can't help it [Music] alright we finally get to get into these weird flashes that are associated with zuko clearly their memories of ember island since the scenery matches up here back in the storm we got a few flashes including this very same one that look a lot like zuko and azula playing with what looks like ozai keeping an eye on them we get another flash in the same episode of what looks to be ozai with his hand on zuko's back which is basically confirmed when this episode shows us this imagery however this idea sort of challenged by this moment in the avatar state when we flashed this memory when airo touches zuko's shoulder it could be that he's just remembering his father at that moment or it could be that it was actually iro in both of these flashes like this guy looks to be about arrows height roughly and there is a very sad third image of iro holding up a baby zuko as lieutenant builds a sand castle so i'm actually gonna side with the idea that this is airo in all these shots despite the imagery suggesting that it's ozai zuko is currently thinking about whether betraying ira was the right thing to do after all so him thinking about happy memories with him makes sense to me get out of here full moon zuko's having a moment you can see momo's eye shoot open here as he wakes up just before it cuts away [Music] wow for the longest time i actually thought combustion man just blew his one shot here and hit the side of this hill like just totally missed his mark but aang actually earth bends the shield for them here at the very last second i actually never noticed that until right now wow so much has changed yeah like the fact that zuko used to be reptilian by the looks of it where's your new boyfriend [Music] are you cold i can't tell if it's bad rating that zuko did a complete 180 there in less than a second or great writing because teenagers are that just emotionally volatile jump on oppa i'll try to distract him we've got some more ang foot scar continuity here as he runs away but it seems like to me they put a scare on each one of his feet when there should only be one on his left foot see painted lady here's a good use of slow motion not only is it an interaction that would be too quick for a viewer to understand in real time visually it looks awesome the dichotomy of bad slo-mo and good slo-mo you can see that actually wasn't really prepared for this as he braces himself for impact here as well as having a not so soft landing [Music] you don't know me so why don't you just mind your own business i know you no you don't you're stuck in your little thai league world where everything's great all the time ah the breakfast club scene this is a really good scene to me sure it's a little melodramatic but i think it works a lot like aang and the guru admitting that he has regrets that the viewer doesn't know about i think it's good that these guys can air out their stuff too like i always say it makes the characters feel like people and not just like cartoon characters they even egg each other on and throw some barbs too like yeah go [ __ ] yourself a little bit at least because they're not just frustrated with their own lives they're frustrated with each other and it's especially good for me and tyler who to this point are still kind of unknowns outside of being gloomy and ditzy respectively zuko still gets the best moment though i'm angry at myself i think it really captures a nuanced feeling of being that age and having to make decisions and not knowing if you're doing things the way they should be done even azula gets half a moment she even has this tiny little moment where she looks genuinely concerned for tylee before stealing herself again when tyler looks her way unfortunately they turn her actual moment into a joke i really wish they gave azula a little more especially since through the last few scenes she's gotten out of her comfort zone a little and opened up but what can you do i guess she just called your aura dingy are you gonna take that that's one of my favorite lines in the show like what a great read on such a silly line calm down you guys this much negative energy is bad for your skin you'll totally break out nice also side note this scene is breakfast club as hell i said that but i always heard the headband was basically another 80s movie footloose and you know what i found out it's barely footloose it's like 20 but loose kevin bacon isn't even the avatar what the hell i know one thing i care about i care about you mei and zuku getting back together is really clunky but like so much in the episode they're supposed to be volatile emotionally irrational kids right like that's the point of this episode so do i have to give it a pass i think i might have to we've got some bad news chad party's over ah his grandpa's vase this is messed up like these guys never did anything all that bad they were pretty conceited that's all this is a really weird vibe to end on am i supposed to feel good that our gang we just spent the entire episode humanizing are just huge dicks for almost no reason so this episode's all right i'm not the biggest fan in the world of it but like a lot of stuff in avatar it fills a role it's good to see new sides of characters whenever we can and we get a lot of that it's just not very enthralling is it azula's stuff is probably the most interesting seeing her in a setting where she isn't the obvious dominating force it makes her feel a lot less one-dimensional and we definitely needed that the breakfast club scene i think captures a lot of complex emotions that media doesn't cover very often and that's special so overall not my favorite but it's not the painted lady patient shadows if you want to be two episodes ahead of the youtube releases you can support me on patreon for just a few bucks link as always is in the description below the video the don't tear is still online somehow agent rhino and garrett kane are the stars of the show this time this is the part of the video where i say i still don't know what to do for this tier and that's becoming a running joke in and of itself so got that box checked basically thank you guys you guys are insane shout outs to my otherwise top patrons andrew edwards who can out bench a gorilla artem korolev who can outswim sixty percent of fish buddha jacker who can charge his phone by just squinting at it capslock who picks up trash on the highway on the weekends just because he cares that much charlie rock quigley who donated all of his blood to charity all at once daniel ward who donated his entire body to science after he dies except his lungs because he wants to be able to breathe if he's a ghost eric bernie who figured out time travel as a kid but went back in time to one he did know about it and then forgot etc who was the first rgb light up person fetch me something gay who was the most psychic person on the planet it's just a shame that that's still not very much fred sullivan who moved his friend's couch down 60 flight of stairs on his back no breaks fritz sullivan who moved his friend's couch down 60 flights of stairs on his back no brakes jess who broke the land speed record on a bicycle also no brakes jon who actually invented windows 98 i don't care what you heard keith clawson who can actually perform photosynthesis shawn martin who owns the biggest collection collection ever wolfman dan who has a beach body at all times it's all sandy and [ __ ] and you freaking nerd who looks like the best looking person from each year got all blended up and fused together more shout outs to bradley ralph donnie snow elder zandenthus kennedy stapleton luke herrera mandatory sin max lewandowski mike the wizard nick kaipanen sad wallet noises skyloos useless princess spelled backwards i don't know how to say your name man thiago nacimento verunda will schmidt and zumpy and of course my god analyzers aiden guerra alex fritz austin gala be my valentine bingo dingo cabbage gal canine corpse kavaniagi chase brinya chris dolemeth codeconnect david carlile derek cornwell dj jacks dubuque dr u dominic saint dis 10 earth 2 john elion r rose epic goomba eric ross x meyer ginny from the block clinton lock gub gov haystone homie one kenobi hype king jared hagin jay lambo jeremy rubinstein jimbo john ajaka kdex keon gilliland lady serena lehmann russ lord drakken 7367 mr airborne mitchell gobrecht mortius double oh seven nicholas abbott no clue aknik tv omar parker i hardly know her peyton mims peter beyron rocket mist shadow fox nero skylar jb spaghetti hose steinwand super snipper tenta bat the randy man on heelys travis chestnut triad juice uncle iro and whale's red man there's a lot of you thank you all jesus next up is the avatar and the fire lord time for some math
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 1,025,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overanalyzing Avatar, Avatar, Avatar the last airbender, Avatar The Beach, Avatar beach episode, Avatar video essay, Atla, ATLA video essay, Overanalyzing the beach, avatar bonfire scene, avatar netflix, netflix avatar, netflix avatar the last airbender, avatar studios, netflix avatar review, avatar netflix trailer, avatar studios trailer, minecraft, avatar minecraft
Id: h1PpM1hyMiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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