Top 5 Reasons DC20 Is Better

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hello everybody and welcome back to slow your roll I'm Cody and today I plan to legitimately and honestly just tell you like a friend the reasons why I think you should know about dc20 if you don't already this video is in no way sponsored or an advertisement I mean it's kind of an advertisement but it's just because I'm evangelizing this thing like I really like it I'm not being paid in any way currently um maybe in the future I don't know um anyway not being paid to make this video okay I am closely affiliated with dc20 I thankfully have been a small part of the team to help with the Alp review phases and everything else with that spit my input in there so I do have a lot of personal attachment but I'm not sponsored I'm not being paid to work on dc20 or anything like that right now so anyway giving you five reasons why I absolutely love the game and I seriously seriously think you should give it a shot oops sorry BL my mic reason number one the action economy uses action points this is something that other ttrpgs do so it's not you know exclusive in this sense but I do feel that it's a phenomenal way to exercise exactly the way that you would like your character to do some things during the action phase of combat dc20 uses four action points these action points are used for not only attacking but of course moving and even empowering your attacks and abilities with advantage or even extra damage or many many other enhancements to specific attacks and moves but that's something we'll get into into a later point the biggest advantage of four action points in my opinion is actually leniency with the GM if your players want to do something really creative and off-the-wall and you're like man that should take a whole action or a bonus action if you're used to playing 5e you can just say Okay this should take this amount of action points to be able to accomplish this thing and it makes it so much easier to adjudicate those off-the-wall ideas right there on the spot the second thing that I think makes dc20 leagues above other games right now is the benefit of using stamina or stamina points for Marshall classes stamina points are going to be a lot more like the magic system that a lot of casters have and they allow you to do what's called techniques which is basically just spells but for marshals that make sense using their weapons or abilities or things like that stamina points are huge this means that you've got tons of Versatility as a marshall class uh I mean this allows Marshall classes to perform a variety of like really Advanced things and impressive things it also brings about an immediate way to balance the game more or less between Marshals and casters so there's not going to be some huge gap between the two of them where one's significantly stronger or better than the other because they're able to do similar things but in a light that fits their character or class fantasy stamina is something that you actually get back as you're playing specifically during combat stamina isn't something that really you use out of combat it's a combat specific trait but you get the stamina points back by doing something that is inherently part of the class fantasy of the class that you're playing for an example the ranger gets Stam a back when they hit the targets that are marked with their Hunter's Mark and speaking of resources between Marshalls and casters and their balance number three on this list is the intuitiveness of using a Mana pool instead of spell slots and I know I'm comparing it directly to 5e other games use Mana or like a pool instead but dc20 does use a Mana pool honestly for me in 5e spell slots never really made that much sense there is like a lore reason behind it and stuff but I don't know it that well but it doesn't make that much sense it works and it's fine but a pool of a usable resource is going to be so much more simple it will also bring about impressive flexibility because players can then choose to maybe pump more Mana into a spell to make it more impressive honestly I also think it's a little bit more realistic and like immersive anyway I mean a Mana pool system can definitely feel more immersive as it kind of mimics the concept of having a finite source of magical energy moving on from there I've mentioned stamina I've me mentioned mana and I've mentioned the ways that you can invest more of these resources to do more impressive things that brings us to number four maybe my favorite thing about dc20 to be honest but that competes with the last one that I'm going to keep kind of hidden till the end so listen for that one but at number four we're looking at the ability to customize your actions okay so there's a bunch of different ways you can do this one of the ways for Marshalls is called Maneuvers this is basically like a can trip for Marshalls it's specific that they can tack onto their actions that they're already going to do such as grappling or just simply swinging a sword but you can invest more action points into adding Maneuvers giving yourself Advantage adding damage maybe even adding a shove to your hits or a trip maneuver anything like that there's so many cool options in the book already and this seriously is going to make it way way more interesting than what I'm used to which is 5e combat of just like okay I guess I'm up close with this person already um I'm going to swing my sword roll a hit roll damage okay that's it for me so much more interesting that's just with action points there's also [Music] techniques that are available to Marshals that are again more like even more like spells instead of can trips but for marshals this would be if you're using a bow and you spend some stamina on a technique you can actually launch a volley of arrows making your normal single Target hit an awesome AOE as your just shelling out a bunch of arrows all at once and that's just one example but of course this means that spellcasters are going to have the same thing you can actually pump more Mana points into spells to completely change your spell bringing what would normally be a simple you know ranged single target attack like a Firebolt you can pump more Mana into this thing to hit multiple targets or to leave a burning condition so that the enemy is continuously hurt or of course pump all the Mana into this baby and make it the classic fire ball that we're used to from 5e but a little less broken because the dungeon coach is careful about that stuff by the way in case you didn't already hear I mentioned the dungeon coach uh dc20 was made by the dungeon coach and there will be tons of info and stuff in the description below too if you want to check out more there I just need to make sure you know about the game to start with so let's keep moving at number five and technically the last documented point but again I've got one more at the end that's maybe actually my favorite but anyway number five you can choose your ancestry which isn't that crazy I mean it makes sense that's kind of like you can choose your race in D and D or whatever else but this is different okay this is like you get all the ancestries they're laid out in front of you on a chart and it's surprisingly not that intimidating to look at but you've got a default for an elf like the traits you get for being an elf for a dwarf for human all that stuff they're set up with default tables makes it easy but you also have the ability to pick and choose you can make your own custom ancestry brought to you from your ancestors down many generations past or whatever to make exactly the kind of character you want you want to be an elf but take some of the hearty traits of a dwarf you can do that you want to be a human with their versatility but also have some of the interesting traits trickled in from a goblin or if you want to be an angel born that can literally breathe fire taking some traits from Dragon Born basically you get the idea the ancestry system is an awesome way to further flesh out your character beyond the class and take some really interesting features that you wouldn't have just picking a normal race in 5e for example but here it is the last point the one that's actually the last one not necessarily documented but my favorite the fact that everything about this system especially in combat is designed literally designed to encourage and hugely reward creative teamwork for crying out loud you're sitting around a table with all your friends playing a game and in combat a lot of times your best bet is to just do what works for you and not really do anything else the help action isn't good enough listen dc20 is designed to work as a team and be incredibly rewarded for it but you can also be more of the Lone Wolf player if you really want to be and just kind of do your thing and it will work it'll totally work and it'll still be good even but for those people like me that are just support roles every MMO you play you're some sort of support character A Healer tank something this game is meant for you and you're going to absolutely love it there's a marshall class that's basically like a battle Bard called the commander and I've never played a more interesting and fun support character in any TTR RPG I've ever played so fun so anyway that's that's it that's what I have for you those are the reasons why I seriously think you should just know about dc20 if you don't already it's a phenomenal game thankfully I've been a small part of it and I I will be forever grateful for that um but anyway got links in the description below for all kinds of stuff the kickstarter is coming out or is out already ready by the time you've watched this maybe uh so feel free to check that out too but that's it you guys it's all I got for you okay thank you thanks for checking in checking it all out you know what I'm saying talk to you guys later bye
Channel: Slow Your Role
Views: 14,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons and dragons, Pathfinder, TTRPG, DC20, Dungeon Coach, Dungeon coach DC20, dc20 rpg, dc20 review, Bob world builder, dnd shorts, one shot quester, ginny di, dnd, d&d alternatives
Id: owPf9WO4sDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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