Overanalyzing Avatar: Sozin's Comet, Part 3 - Into The Inferno

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hey you guys ever noticed that the big ornate pauldrons ozai is wearing are actually two phoenix's i didn't holy [ __ ] how close is this thing to the ground it's affecting the clouds like just to compare with real life for a second if that happened to us there's no way this thing doesn't just collide with the ground and kill us all right we can take azula i'm not worried about her i'm worried about dang oh yeah i forgot to mention this too do you guys think it sounds weird when zuko calls aang you know aang because i could forgive you if so since the first time he ever said his name was a few episodes ago in the southern raiders she needs his aang [Music] what am i holding a cherry pit princess so this servant is also voiced by the same actress as azula which i think is kind of an interesting note they could have got anyone to voice this girl but they chose grey griffin it might be some sort of commentary on how azula blames herself for everything falling apart around her and sees herself as the problem despite outwardly blaming everyone else it's an interesting thought but not really much more than that oh and hey we've actually seen this room before once again in nightmares and daydreams the zulu is getting her hair washed here wait hold on am i supposed to take this like they just swam across like the ocean p and dao said this last episode nothing runs faster over land or swims quicker than a giant eelhound but if you take into account where they were when they got the eel hound just inside the outer wall of boston say and where the fire nation air fleet is taking off from that being the fire nation and then you look at the map i don't care how fast you are how the [ __ ] we're too late the fleet's already taking off then we're taking off too where's the closest airship it's where the toff asks this and then totally starts doing her move before saka has a chance to point this is a big gamble man she's got to get the right launch power and launch angle top basically guesses and nails it it looks cool i guess and it's a very tough thing to do so points for that also i never noticed but toff does like a weird combat role to initiate this launch if you look at her behind saka and suki this is actually a very technically impressive shot when it comes down to it you've got these 3d models acting within a 3d animated landscape and a pulls back to do a pretty impressive camera move to show ozai ship and ozin itself all in one smooth motion but then it focuses on ozai who's now a 2d element within a mostly 3d animated shot and it looks pretty seamless the only thing that's a bit of a drawback is the frame rate on the airships it's noticeably lower again and it takes away from the shot a bit but still overall it's pretty impressive oh i've got my problems with azula in this finale but damn the throne looks good in blue it does raise a question though we've seen a few times that our flames actually cool down to the normal orangey color if they set something on fire and are sustained so it's interesting that the thrones flames stay blue without her maintaining them somehow i think it's definitely worth it for the visual alone though another thing that's interesting to note is that the throne room seems significantly darker than usual despite there being just as much fire she even has these torches lit on these pillars [ __ ] it seems like it's almost darker than when ang came in here and nothing was lit does blue fire produce less light is that a dumb question once again it probably comes down to the storytelling aspect of the visuals though azula feels like she's alone now so the only thing around her is her light the rest of the room is dark they find really cool ways to visually explain azula's mental state but i am still gonna have some issues to discuss about it here in a bit okay how the [ __ ] does everyone know this little knocking song i know it and i don't know how i know it and everyone i've ever asked about it knows it and they don't know how they know it they've seemingly just always known it are we born with this knock in our heads i mean not to get into avatar physics again or anything but that would still have some effect on that metal and i guess it wasn't sustained for that long but [ __ ] toff could still cook alive in there toff actually gets a subtle little power increase here in this scene this is the first time we ever see her manipulate metal without being in direct contact with it yes okay if you want to be a pedantic dick about it she's standing in the air shape which is attached to all this other metal but still before we've only ever seen tough metal bend things that she's been in direct contact with as in hands-on and maybe it's weird but i kind of like that better like i've said i like when powers have limitations that have to be played around with and toff having to literally muscle metal into cooperating seemed like a really cool one that was in line with what metal bending really is but it's the finale you know turn everything up to 11. you gotta respect it on that level whoa an applied punch that's the closest thing we've ever gotten to a punch wow the battle damage on the floor here is actually really accurate to what just went down good job show time to take control of the ship take the wheel that's a great idea let the blind girl steer the giant airship i was talking to suki that would make a lot more sense don't worry about it the show was clearly communicating that he was talking to you there i was confused too everyone please report to the bombay immediately for hotcakes and sweet treats we have a very special birthday to celebrate i love how everyone on this ship is like well we're trying to literally end the world here but i mean when it's your birthday it's your birthday we've actually seen these engineering outfits before the workers on the drill had the same ones or at least very similar ones to them gotta say the fire nation doesn't have the best ppe protocol i can't believe the captain remembered my birthday he really does care [Music] in this shot we can clearly see the crew that gets dropped out of the bombay but there's also this other smaller group of people that get dropped out of somewhere further up towards the nose of the ship we heard what happened why have you banished all your servants all your tithe agents and the imperial fire benders none of them could be trusted i'm gonna get into it the mirror scene all at once it's coming i'm gonna get flamed for it we are concerned for you and your well-being my father asked you to come here and talk to me didn't he asked that dude just named himself the [ __ ] phoenix king i don't think he's in the business of asking for anything you two must duel each other i order you to fight an agni kai but where's the fire banners that's interesting actually because the first time we were ever introduced to loewen lee they were commenting on azula practicing throwing some lightning around and apparently they are confirmed to be some sort of mentors in missoula's fire beginning training that always seemed odd to me i get that those who can't do teach but if i was the princess of a nation and consumed with perfection i'd want some teachers that can actually do the thing i'm trying to be the best at am i off base here i like that the old masters are lined up in classic order here that being fire earth water sword only once every hundred years can a fire bender experience this kind of power iro channeling the comet just by breathing in deeply is so perfect for what we've learned about ireland fire bending he said it himself fire bending comes from the breath so him just breathing in here and summoning this huge ring of fire makes it feel even more like iro isn't just a master in the mental sense he can walk the walk too and i love that this comes full circle too iro and his army sieged the wall of bossing safe for over 600 days and were repelled but here arrow is back at the scene of his greatest military disgrace and he kicks that [ __ ] wall down in seconds i feel like if you don't pay attention here you don't really grasp the scale of this blast iro let's loose like this is him over here it's not quite as huge as the [ __ ] ozai pulls later but it might have gone to that size if the wall was further away good thing there's this conveniently placed basin of water here [Music] back at it with the firewalls again i've said it before but i just really like that some benders have these signature moves that only they do and it just goes unstated like no one talks about it it's just how they do it and i think that's sick what a shame you always had such beautiful hair okay before we get into it who the [ __ ] animated azula's face here she goes through like five distinct emotions in only a few seconds i'm always blown away whenever i watch this alright and now we get into it azula's mental collapse doesn't work for me it's just simply too fast we don't get enough screen time to see her descent from this perfect plot and conniving badass to total wreck i agree it's a novel way to take a villain you don't see this kind of thing very often at all but that doesn't mean they did it well throughout season two and three before the betrayal of me and tyler we see azula as this unstoppable incredible force she's an awesome physical threat yes but mentally she was a bulwark too she emotionally manipulates she plots she plays mind games [ __ ] she even takes losses in stride the only hint at a crack in the armor and all of book 2 was actually in the first episode almost isn't good enough this gives the idea that she's very demanding on herself hard on herself but it's one moment in one scene from two seasons ago after that azula is perfect too perfect she doesn't know how to socialize with other kids and it's clear she does put some stake in that at least but she's princess of the fire nation and maybe the most dangerous lady on the planet and it's clear that she likes being those things and cares about that more so when azula starts completely collapsing when her friends who by the way seemingly haven't been around for a long time prior to the show betrayer it seems weak to me she's got one scene in the southern raiders where she seemed a little more animated than usual and now we're suddenly supposed to buy that this machiavellian schemer is completely shattered it's too quick man and yes there's value in reading between the lines and subtext but with the show having been out for as long as it has been like with a lot of other things in the show the fans do the legwork in their heads for the story's shortcomings and then there's the line where she says her dad can't treat her like zuko as well which i think perfectly encapsulates what went wrong with azula's fall for me that's the first time we ever hear her bring something up even close to that does she worry about things like that are those thoughts in the back of her head we don't know because the story didn't take time to educate us and then there's the stuff with her mom to which before this the only context we have is zuko's perhaps skewed memories and one moment where she mentioned it and kind of laughed it off now if that's the lynch pin in her fall to madness just ask yourself if you're disagreeing with me right now do you think that's enough from a storytelling standpoint and you might but for me if it all comes back to that which is what the show was telling us at the moment it had to be talked about morford to be effective it's a story if it's gonna have a big moment like this it has to be properly built up to and not just having fans saying ozai must have put so much pressure on her or oh she's only 15. that's not the story being told that's not the point for the viewer to have to rationalize it more in their head after the fact if they had the betrayal of her friends sooner somehow or a couple more times where she brought her mom up and really gave her some more scenes of her starting to crack in the episodes prior to the finale i think this could have potentially worked but now we're in the finale this is it and they haven't fit azula's storyline into the rest of the story organically so now inversely i think azula takes up too much time of the finale because they have to rush oliver story in we're having this scene right now and there's half an hour of avatar the last airbender left not enough substance and too rushed that's why the extremely expedited complete meta collapse of azula trademark rejected doesn't work for me okay moving on in this shot you can see the hijacked airship down closer to the water i think this little moment is so cool dude just ozai sort of gauging maybe even struggling against the force he's able to output now and his hand bobs back and forth with some effort it just makes it feel like oh man there's some kick behind this [ __ ] even before you see the giant plume of fire wait hold on you're telling me ozai is a pigeon bender too i can't believe we're seeing comet enhanced pigeon bending holy [ __ ] i know i said boomi had the most precise use of benning in the whole show a while ago but this is giving it a run for its money ang snipes these things three for three from like five miles away and i do like that aang starts off this interaction with earth bending and then fire bending the styles he definitely struggled with the most it's like yeah i'm [ __ ] ready baby i got everything on lock i'm firing on all cylinders no one can surprise the fire lord oh no he's hot you ever notice that the big ozai versus ang fight doesn't start until after the second commercial break in the second to last episode i feel like it starts earlier and i feel like it should once again in this shot you can see the airship fleet including the hijacked one way out in front this fight starts out so purposefully different than any other fight we've seen in the show we've never seen a firebender do a shockwave move like this and we've never seen an earthbender do this weird maneuver and goes for it's amazing that they still have new ways to keep the magic system feeling fresh and using two moves that we've never seen before to start off this fight is definitely there to make it stand out should go without saying to all you fledgling over analyzers out there but this isn't the first time we hear saka say air bending slice a little sharp ending slice he said it back in avatar day two so saka's grand plan here is sort of based off a weird nothing line from this weird nothing episode airship slice whoa that's a lot of fire isn't it you ever hear that thing possible myth that blind people can actually see like a dot or something if they look at the sun for a long time i thought that was what this moment was going for but it's probably more like toff can just feel the heat which is also cool [Music] i've heard people flame this episode for soccer being able to fly this airship at all but if you think for a second they hijacked a zeppelin just like this one when they were leaving the boiling rock and i don't think it's much like saka to not take an interest in learning how to fly it on the way back to the western air temple watch each other's backs and if we make it that far i'll let you know soccer we don't have time for this okay this one's pretty incredible in ozai's original airfleet there were 16 ships including his own one way out in front so subtract that one and the one soccer hijacks and we're down to 14. as the airship slice commences we see it hit five so that brings us down to nine total enemy airships left in the sky then in the next shot if you keep listening you can hear it make two more collisions before it begins to fall apart then we see it hit four more in this next shot and if you keep listening it hits two more here the second impact being the one that separates suki from saka and top finally we send the nose of the hijacked ship craning into one final blimp and yep that's 14 for 14. that's awesome that they account for every single one even if we didn't see them all another weird thing that i personally always thought was that toff started running the wrong way here for some reason and saga had to pull her in the right direction but that doesn't make any sense since toff should be able to see just fine but it turns out what actually happens is that toff begins to slip and soccer grabs her sock is actually super protective over top this entire mission and it's never really pointed out or focused on but i think it's a really nice touch hello zuko here just prior in the scene azul was sharing the stage with only five fire stages but now they're seven just chilling even you admitted to your uncle that you would need help facing azula there's something off about her i can't explain it but she's slipping you can't explain it look at her i feel like anyone with a brain can tell she's [ __ ] deranged zuko it's like looking at a rhino and saying for some reason i think that thing has a big horn on its face in this establishing shot of the arena we can see kataras up here in the stands which means she had to run all the way down here and out onto the battlefield to have things go down the way they did i'm sorry it has to end this way brother no you're not despite my problems with how azula was handled i still do think this is a sad situation i'll talk about it in a minute i really like that ozai still has to commit a lot of his energy to actually staying flying he actually bobs up and down and has to kick himself back up and account for the momentum he already has a lot of the time it helps add a sense of weight to the fight that i always think is super important i think the simple fact that there's gravity that characters have to account for adds a lot of interest to fight scenes even if they're mostly grounded so i'm a big fan that ozai doesn't just fly around like a dragon ball z character despite this battle being so high flying compared to the rest of the series also just the sound design on these really big blasts of fire i don't even really know what to call that sound but it really adds a sense of power and danger aang actually uses rock armor here for the second time making it one of his most used earth bending techniques learned originally from toff which once again helps this fight feel like aang's training has really paid off it hits everything really well a mix of brand new moves and moves like this that help us remember that ang didn't do it alone he had help this one has always bugged me ozei's lightning just stops here after a short distance now i'm no [ __ ] lightning doctor but my brain really wants it to hit something and not just go away i guess that raises the question of what happens to lightning that we've seen shot off screen and i don't have an answer to that but i know my dumb a-frame just doesn't want her to end randomly i think regardless of how this fight hashes out ang refusing to redirect the lightning back at ozai is a good move it helps enforce aang's reluctance to kill as well as basically taking lightning off the table for ozai so it just doesn't turn into a lightning throwing fest which it probably would have realistically if aang didn't show he had an answer for it i think this moment is really cool too there's that myth that if you hit the water from really high up it's like hitting cement which don't get me wrong getting water from super high up will still [ __ ] you up but it's just cool that aang has an understanding of that and actually uses water bending to kind of meet him and cradle him instead of just crashing into the water [ __ ] i'm finding that i actually like a lot of stuff about this fight i might like it more than i thought actually footscar continuity the lighting makes it hard to see but it's there [Music] okay so this fight goes down as a highlight for the entire series and for good reason the visuals are stunning and the score is powerful they chose to go with a very somber song because it's a sad situation brother pitted against sister in the end just because their family's a mess it's not something to be celebrated that zuko and azul are fighting seemingly to the death for the throne it's a very dour set of circumstances so i think the show takes a very fitting tone and the visuals of course they're incredible this entire fight is a visual and emotional triumph and now i'm going to talk about zuko's signature move too because for some reason i haven't yet zuko does this b-boy style spinning kick a few times throughout the show so that goes down as his move i love the comparison of azula and zuko's breathing here once again we've been told fire bending comes from the breath azulus is very labored and she's obviously not in a good state emotionally so that probably plays into that but azuko squares up to redirect the lightning it's one deep breath centered focused [Music] is far more important they did not deserve to exist in this world in my world prepare to join them prepare to die and wow what a cliffhanger too two awesome bleak notes to leave the second to last episode on this episode is a tour de force everything is firing just right everything well mostly everything it's all been paced out perfectly to hit all the crescendos at the exact right moments sakura toff and suki's mission which could have easily fallen to the wayside is the least interesting takes a crazy turn as they do this ridiculous reckless plan bossing saves being recaptured zuko vs azul has been built up for two seasons aang vs osa has been built up to for the entire show everything is working everything melds so beautifully together especially the visuals and music azula gets too much screen time for my taste but i've already been over that this episode is a defining 20 minute stretch in the legacy that avatar left behind and i don't say that lightly page for shout outs if you want to see the finale of over analyzing avatar and see the video that comes next after that you can support me on patreon for just a few bucks link as always is in the description below the video biggest shout outs of all good of my top patrons agent rhino who can broadcast their thoughts to all other vertebrates ben misera whose chest hair can cure a wide variety of known ailments ramgee who's been abducted by four different alien species totally removed from one another brendan murphy who paved most of the roads on the west coast by himself in around a year donnie snow who can actually look into a crystal ball and see the future but only ant futures dylan calvo who was once the tallest person to ever live but donated more than half his height to charity garrett kane who was a being of pure attractive energy stuffed into the most attractive meat sack they could find honor and cultivation who got a haircut that was so good they invented a nobel prize for it and then gave it to them inflation fairy who dropped a coin off the empire state building and caught it before it hit the ground jake the rake who could teleport into any ventilation system in the world it's kind of a pain to get out of it though jerry craft who gets proportionally stronger the closer they are to the red sea caitlyn who trapped a real god in a magnetic trap and has mostly been using it to go pick up her groceries kennedy stapleton who rides around on a crab the size of a minivan leif earnhammer who trained a tiger to hunt with a gun luke herrera who's the only human that can photosynthesize michael runke who can play an entire orchestral movement by himself and even conduct it too nostalgic games who ran so fast once the weather forecast got two degrees hotter nick capinan who's never hit a red light they're always green for him weirdly omega fighter who screams can kill the weak philly days who cracked a diamond by staring at it so hard skylow's who tries to keep his eldritch tentacles a secret but i know about them skystrider who you know the clapper where you can turn the light on or off by clapping well he can do that with people's brains stephanie riches who's the last person you'd think would own a constantly flaming battle axe but here we are thiago nacimento who played the grim reaper in a game of one-on-one basketball and broke his ankles so now he gets to live an extra 10 years varunda who sleeps well knowing that no one will ever find out about his extra dimensional origin story whitrow who can tune into radio signals by raising their hands up like an antenna will schneider who is going to replace the bulls and bullfighting but everyone figured it was too dangerous for the matadors wolf mandan who has come back from the dead in three totally separate and distinct ways and zoopy who limbo'd under an 18-wheeler that was driving 60 miles an hour even more huge shout outs go to my other top patrons burb blade typhoon caesar's ghost costco 94 danger stranger daniel ward emperor troll medlov dromoy eric bernie etc finnish blood fritz sullivan grayson webster harrison poland jared berkman john kevin hall literal nasa rocket scientist mandatory sin misha babloff muting nopetron pran of prim random curry sean martin civiactor the stinking bubble thomas lautenbach and you freaking nerd and of course my god over analyzers active sloth alex fritz alan garvin alley qpzm andrew watchart austin gallup be my valentine big thirsty braden shanahan brando espinoza bran muffin kade stinson caleb fostnack cameron osola canine corpse charles barnett charlie bronkowski chloe benton connor doman dan bertel david carlisle dj jacks dude mutual aid dominic saint distant earth 2 john edge la chief elianora rose excited face fingal khan flex short b gennaro gregoire lardy el dorado isaiah wilson it's curtin jacob white cotton jake the garden rank jay-z martinez jackson jay lambo jimbo john ajaka john moreland joshua bone josie tiffany justin fletchel justin scott justin moore kate and connor prendergast kadex kizuto kirigaya keon gilliland kt and den b lady serena lehman russ life before death madison mccone mario matthew starjoe medium d speaks mayor timmel michael conrad michael springel micah's cool 88 mitzvah goldbrick mortius double 07. nathan williams sizemore nickelpickle582 nicholas abbott noah w chetlit omar ori papajoka parker gas parker p phillip conte purple danielle quinton radiator rat ranga riley booth rocket miss ryan maxwell sukkot samuel graves shadow fox nero sky not darkened sophie kitty spory stab dog stephanie steinwand sunline super salad 726 super snipper taran solis the alternates the flowey 27 the hardy's 01 timothy buzzelli travis chestnut triad juice two loaves of bread vavina lockfire wilbur bass boosted william willett whoa wyatt pence zayn crim your boy mike and zachaholism next up is avatarang we did it we're finally here
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 684,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar the last airbender, atla, overanalyzing avatar, overanalyzing, avatar, avatar the legend of aang, avatar video essay, avatar the last airbender video essay, overanalyzing sozin's comet, overanalyzing avatar finale, overanalyzing the phoenix king, zuko iroh reunion, Overanalyzing avatar sozin's comet, overanalyzing into the inferno, avatar into the inferno, avatar netflix, netflix avatar, avatar the last airbender netflix, netflix avatar review, minecraft, avatar minecraft
Id: j_bCdHb_3YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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