Overanalyzing Avatar: Avatar Day

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seems that these are just normal bugs which might make you think that the bugs are just normal in this world but ang drops this line later which proves that idea wrong the monks always taught me that all life is sacred even the life of the tiniest spider fly caught in its own web there's a couple other bug hybrids mentioned too but that was just the one that came to mind what are you doing in my mouth [Music] give up you're completely surrounded yup that's the same box that parkour gave them in episode one of the season good box continuity avatar too bad he can't pull it off with the [ __ ] moon oh no your [ __ ] staff aang not your staff you need that you take such good care of it not your [ __ ] staff nice continuity on the fact that two of the flaming arrows did hit sock a sleeping bag so now it's on fire in this shot they're shown to be trees at the end of this clearing but then in this shot a second later it's shown that the clearing leads straight to a body of water this the same hat that aang traded nuts for back in heroes episode in season one great hat i'll trade you some nuts for it oh that's some good hat continuity [ __ ] good box and hat continuity avatar figure out the moon okay i was gonna ignore the first time avatar but if you're gonna make both your overhead establishing shots focus on strangely phallic shapes i gotta say something people are gonna bring it up in the comments and they're gonna be like oh they didn't notice the dick shape something like i'm sorry god i really hate this little scene it feels like zuko and the blue spirit mask are seriously off model zuko seems weirdly chunky and the mask looks like a cheap knockoff check out this weird chameleon thing it's chameleon but it's also a bird i don't really know what the fusion name would be for it though someone figure that out in the comments comment what it should be called you think that i murdered someone we used to be a great society before you killed our leader now look at us yeah seriously you are [ __ ] and not even for looking like that everyone else in the avatar universe has like actual facial hair not like little pencil line facial hair which your mustache is implied to be so i cannot see this guy having not a tiny little mustache but instead having a giant ball of flesh colored beard around his mouth i cannot unsee it i could totally just jump out of here if you felt like it i know that's not the point but he could i can't sure you can a little sharp ending slice and run away who knew that this line would save most of the earth kingdom someday airbending slice airship slice huh that's okay saka for some reason i thought you were an expert detective yeah back home he was famous for solving the mystery of the missing seal jerky everyone wanted to blame it on a polar leopard but i figured out it was old man jarko wearing polar leopard boots i think this right here is the exact moment when i finally decided to start this channel hearing soccer talk like this for the 800th time i knew it was my destiny combined with this moment of course this is what absolutely sealed it that i was gonna do this series that mindset combined with this little moment on this 360 wipe transition the camera actually does a 360. you can actually see a blurry angle by as the camera spins they didn't need to do that i noticed that and it was history and here we are in this first scene the metal around soccer's magnifying glass monocle is a gray color but in the rest of the episode it's brown or a bronze color also this hat is really weird even if you remove the magnifying glass but we've actually already seen this style of hat in the show already the first man we meet from makapuu village in the fortune teller episode actually wears the same kind of hat this guy cracks me up he's just like yeah money pick it up drop it i [ __ ] love money that's more like it this is a good looking blue spirit not like the earlier scene seriously it's like night and day look at this in this shot it seems like sock is wearing a bag over his shoulder but in the shot prior and the shot after he's definitely not this temple and this statue were cut from the same stone that's a very interesting observation saga since the temple and the statue don't look very much alike at all color wise maybe sak is just like a rock expert they're minerals [Music] [Applause] there's nothing i could say about foaming mouthguard that hasn't already been said i am defeated i think this is the only evidence of socks existing in the entire avatar world ever i can't pinpoint another moment where socks are shown i'm serious is it possible that these aren't socks oyaji of kyoshi island may have been the man to invent socks i'm [ __ ] freaking out and i know what you're going to say you're going to say guitar is wearing socks literally in the same shot but those aren't socks those are not definitively socks we never see guitar wear just socks those are shoes probably what's sookie up to look at this smug look guitar gives saku when he asks about suki she's on you bro this girl you're talking about she'll come around you just gotta hang in there you think so avatar is so good at this dude it plays with the viewers observations in classic western cartoons characters can be imprisoned behind bars that are far too far apart to keep them inside or in a pillary like angst that the holes are far too big for his body but in those classics they would still work as intended the creators of this show know this and they play off these already ingrained rules in the viewer's mind and they do little awesome jokes like this i love that stuff this piece is called the birth of kyoshi it was painted at sunrise on the day this island was founded why it was today in fact 370 years ago they really kept these trees exactly the same for 370 years huh this room is lit by a glowing crystal kind of like the ones at the end of the cave of two lovers or in the crystal catacombs at the end of the season everyone loved chin the great because he was so great then the avatar showed up and killed him and that's how it happened oh my god zuko stole a whole ass uncooked pig he will look pretty silly in the blue spirit outfit lugging that [ __ ] back to camp and there is no hope at all no juko you must never give in to despair allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts in the darkest times hope is something you give yourself that is the meaning of inner strength this is some of ira's first really meaningful advice that can really hit home for the viewer i feel he honestly doesn't have a ton of one-on-one advice moments with zuko in season one and even if they were they were kind of like the octopus one you're fishing for an octopus my nephew you need a tightly woven net or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape this one's a hard hitter everyone can vibe with this and see some meaning in it this is when ira really starts to come into his own as a wise mentor not just for zuko but for the viewer as well i'm going to call avatar kiyoshi herself [Music] so oyaji was pretty not stoked on them touching kyochi stuff right please don't touch these fans they were her weapons no also refrain from touching the fans so did they just pull like an off-screen kyoshi's gear heist that we didn't get to see when they came to the neck of the peninsula where we lived he demanded our immediate surrender i warned him that i would not sit passively while he took our home but he did not back down is this a joke that chin was short because like kyoshi was a big lady right like really big okay so they show chin stance up here right and they even show his foot make the footprint to me this shot implies that this is chin's footprint and not kyoshi's footprint like the mayor of chin village says but he doesn't leave this stance until he dies but then kyoushi separates her island and he's still in that stance and then the ground falls out from under him the ground that he would have made that footprint on but the footprint is still there in modern day no no i don't think so avatar it is really cool to see a fully fledged avatar actually use their power and just absolutely dwarf everyone the closest we've got to seeing that is roku which was only for a moment here we really get to see what aang is working towards in the end game which really gives the viewer the moment of like wow it's gonna be able to do this kind of [ __ ] uncle i thought a lot about what you said you did good good it's helped me realize something we no longer have anything to gain by traveling together i need to find my own way zuko leaving iro is sort of like the exact response i feel like we all have to advise when we first get it that we don't want it we don't want to hear it and we can handle it on our own this is the start of zuko's journey and i mean zuko's real journey of self-discovery zuko leaving arrow right now represents both of those things the feeling that he can do it on his own and it also represents his first step in this journey that he has to take the accused will now spin the wheel of punishment to determine his sentence okay so we got roasted alive razor pit eaten by bears eaten by sharks boiled alive and i guess this one's kind of like an iron maiden type deal and community service of course notice how on the wheel though community service and boiled alive are not right next to each other but later after the wheels spun they are right next to each other and the very last one is like flogging i guess jesus christ why does that one seem so much worse than the rest okay so kachi cuts this chin statue pretty much across the waist twice but it falls apart seemingly from the knees and like shoulder to hip we literally just discussed how falling off this very cliff kills people this guy does end up living as we see him later but still hang what the [ __ ] dude the yu yan can pin you yan it will flag from 100 trees away without killing the tree oh and there goes the fans happy avatar day everyone [Music] this is by far the worst town we've ever been to he's right so i know this episode gets a lot of hate and while i do think some of it's warranted i don't think a lot of it is this episode's still fun but not like the weird off-brand cartoonish that return to omashu was sake and guitar get a little world building excursion and saka gets to be as goofy as he wants and the cutaway jokes to anger welcome as well they're pretty good too it's also a big episode for zuko and ira i feel like when most people look back on their most hated episodes they just remember the main plot and they forget about what's going on with zuko this is a great episode for iro in particular and that speech about inner strength always hit really hard for me and of course no one complains about that kyoshi scene that was awesome i don't think there's any debate there all right patron shadows if you want to be two full episodes ahead for over analyzing avatar you can support me on patreon and see the blind band and zuko alone right now if you're watching this on youtube if you help me out on there you will be from now on two episodes ahead of the youtube releases biggest shout outs go to fritz sullivan who i saw smile once and he got every person in the room's phone number they literally lined up and keegan scott who actually found atlantis but kept it secret from the rest of the world to keep the local atlanteans safe from the world at large other enormous shout outs go to be my valentine code cannot derek cornwell dj jack stew mutual aid garmer glintlock mana nicholas abbott plarkler glass skylo super sniper and thiago nacimento next up is the blind bandit and
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 411,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar the last airbender, Overanalyzing Avatar, React to avatar the last airbender, Avatar Kyoshi scene, Kyoshi seperates island, ATLA, React to ATLA, Avatar book 2 chapter 5, Avatar Day, Kyoshi, Avatar Kyoshi, Aang, Detective Sokka, Avatar Season 2 Episode 5
Id: UXjxp86ZyBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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