Overanalyzing Avatar: The Northern Air Temple

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gravity jingle jingle so saka just roots around in his clothes here like not his pockets which means there's just like a bug on him under his parka he takes this realization very well i would be less than okay with this oh much obliged little bat thing what is momo anyway i know his actual species name is a winged lemur but there's only a few animals in the show that don't go by both of the names they're the fusion of sky bisons aren't called manatee bisons thank god momo probably is a lemur bat based off of this one shot from book two i guess the answer i'm looking for is lemur bat but the colloquialism would probably be wing lemur what are you prattling about child great grandpappy saw the air walkers last week hold up so wait were you just soliciting money from your own grandfather for his own story what the hell man remember when i said soccer wiggles yeah he whittles he's interested in things he has hobbies anyway my question is what the hell is that it's a squirrel something chipmunk detective it's interesting that this mountaintop air temple seems like it's the most heavily constructed out of the other two the other two have left room for natural space and greenery but this one seems to engulf the entire mountaintop even if it might only be from this angle i like this little competitive grin ann gets here the last time he probably ever got to stunt on some poor kid on a glider was before he even knew he was the avatar this is probably a bit of escapism for him back to those times even if he seems pretty unimpressed with teo as it goes on hey there you're pretty good yeah i know hell yeah [ __ ] your [ __ ] but i could do more than fancy gliding oh okay i get that you're trying to show this kid up but it really doesn't read well if the first thing you do after saying you're cooler than a paraplegic kid involves running i know the point is that no one else can do this even if they could walk or run but still you know oh it's a bad [ __ ] look dude another obvious one but it cuts from teo's skydrawing of aang's face to aang actually making that same face big dumb ears and everything i really like how they don't make a big deal about teo being in a wheelchair like no one even says anything about it until the mechanism mentions it offhandedly later when he explains why they're there i feel like little inclusivity stuff like that really sticks in the back of a viewer's mind [Music] this place is unbelievable yeah it's great isn't it no just unbelievable this is supposed to be the history of my people yeah i mean you probably could have rerouted this pipe so as not to take this guy's head off just like disrespectful man come on okay for real am i the only one that always thought these circles were eyes and this was some eldritch lovecraftian horror of a sky bison i'm pretty sure after looking at it right now that those are supposed to be like tufts of fur but seriously i thought for the longest time either the airbenders had some many eyed bison god or the mechanist was way too in a body [ __ ] it's nice to see at least one part of the temple that isn't ruined look out what the doodle don't you know enough to stay away from construction sites okay first of all you're on the other side of that wall so how did you know to yell lookout secondly you can't be mad at them this is your fault if this is an active construction site you need proper flagging and signage and ppe i'm calling the [ __ ] department of labor on your ass buddy this whole place stinks this is one of the very few conflicts in the show that i think is highly one-sided this whole place does sting my people became refugees after a terrible flood i don't care if your village got flooded i wouldn't walk into machu picchu and install air conditioning uh oh my town got burned down better go install satellite tv into the pyramid of giza are you kidding me you absolutely have to have respect for this stuff and if you don't then yeah you're a jackass i've seen it when the monks were here i know what it's supposed to be like the monks but you're 12. that's a highly accurate guess machine man and i stumbled across this place couldn't believe it everywhere pictures of flying people but empty nobody home then i came across these fan-like contraptions so are you just not aware of the air no mad genocide the murder of an entire culture you're playing dumb here also weirdly in this scene look at this that's not angstaff i know i call it a stick as a joke all the time but it's actually downgraded to stick here we're just in the process of improving upon what's already here i've got absolutely no love for the mechanism he's got a sob story that doesn't justify the total lack of tact he uses in his construction projects i don't think he's funny or likable and we're not even the part where he shows his true colors yet in this show you can see some of the hermit crabs in the foreground the same ones that aang uses as a metaphor at the end of the episode man i want to anxiety this entire episode this would be entirely [ __ ] he's got nothing his entire people are rendered from the face of the planet and these guys are just willfully disrespecting his dead culture personally i'd be totally up in arms i'd be like get the [ __ ] off my mountain okay so you brought me all the way down here to see an empty room wrong it's filled to the brim with natural gas so this place is an explosion waiting to happen so this is made out to be a big deal right but later in the episode they purposely set it off and i mean no deaths no visual damage to the temple it's just not that big of a deal it turns out yeah i mean you have to do your due diligence and plug the holes but it seems like it going off is pretty negligible i can't believe i'm flying teo was right about the air all i had to do was trust it let it carry me even though tayo's not an airbender he really does have the spirit of one i've been thinking if you want to see what's in that room i'd be happy to open the door for you great this is a little weak for man i think we need to move the episode forward but you know would teo being a happy-go-lucky carefree kind of dude really get ang to the point of opening the door i don't think so he's had a really rude awakening to this whole tribe disrespecting his culture i think it should probably take a little more than that blink and you'll miss it the mechanist seems to be working on the schematics for the drill here that's pretty cool and that egg was just part of last week's lunch the egg he's talking about was actually in the basket of the air balloon model with a little smiley face on it and gets pushed back from his own airbending move here just a touch might be the only time we ever see that without it being the primary purpose of the move you don't understand you're making weapons for the fire nation that's a pretty good twist i'll give you that the line you're making weapons for the fire nation has always struck me as like strangely adult it's like in shows you really only see the fighting right you only see the face of the war machine you don't really see the cogs that turn it i just think it's an interesting angle and a side of the war effort that's not usually explored you're making weapons for the fire nation [Music] you make weapons for the fire nation yes soccer that is exactly what was discussed just before the commercial break thank you it was about a year after we moved here fire nation soldiers found our settlement you were too young to remember this tale this brings up an interesting point so taylor's people have been shacked up here since teo was a little kid zuko has been looking for the avatar for nearly three years at this point zuko in a season 3 flashback says this first we'll check each of the air temples then we'll scour the world searching even the most remote locations until we find him so if we're to believe all these things are true zuko definitely rocked up on these guys a few years ago looking farang zuko probably met the mechanist now it's just a little observation for you just a little uh overanalyzing [Music] you need to leave go we're not leaving then hide quickly this is a weird moment we're not leaving but all right we'll hide in this one split second shot chin's hair is all disheveled even though it has no reason to be yet and then it's back to normal in this shot when ang hits him with a good old air slap his hair gets messed up so i feel like these two shots might have been in a different order at some point in development or maybe there were just two different animators working on the scene who knows i've heard this sentiment that saka is actually the one that invents hot air balloons in this universe which is just false right the mechanist has blueprints a model one almost built a lid is actually the answer if you control the hot air you control the war balloon soccer walks in and helps with the finishing touches and gets it to work but saying that he actually made hot air balloons is just it just seems like it's not right right he says it himself he doesn't even take credit for it you know a friend of mine actually designed these war balloons no kidding oh and we're gonna talk about the submarines too once we get there don't you even worry about that okay we got four kinds of bombs smoke slime fire and stink never underestimate the power of stink all right we've kind of discussed the stink bomb part like with the eggs and all that that makes sense but where did you get all the slime exactly you just have a bunch of slime ready to go okay this is bad bang they're dead dude if you didn't crush them with the snow they'll suffocate in it and if not they're not on this mountain anymore i'll tell you that much this is like tens of people dude you can't do that and then act all high and mighty in the finale i've only had to use violence for necessary defense and i've certainly never used it to take a life so they use 3d models on these tanks right and some other stuff later in the show and my question is why do i think this works am i just used to it old bad cgi is usually pretty jarring but it is stylized somehow like if you see old bad cgi in a live action movie it is bad news it looks awful but maybe it just works better in an animated environment there's something that makes my brain think it's a non-issue i don't really ever hear it talked about either so i guess it just works this is the show's first attempt at a really big bat and it's underwhelming big time it doesn't really feel like a battle to me it's almost like a problem-solving exercise no one really feels like they're in immediate danger if you know what i mean aang and katara could pretty comfortably just stand in the middle of the battlefield and do whatever they want no one that's gliding ever gets shot at its stakes are high because it's a group of people's home that's on the line and it's aang's cultural and ancestral home but the action really doesn't match the stakes those things are unstoppable i think i know how they work i remember my dad tinkering with a counter balancing system something to do with water works great huh teo stop being stoked on your dad's weapons of war where's that war balloon all right here's another big one i've been wanting to talk about forever war crime i've heard so many takes that the fire nation there's a bunch of war criminals just for fighting a war this is false i'm not saying there are no war criminals in the fire nation i'm sure there's plenty but i've heard people call ira a war criminal for being a general or for laying siege to boston say those aren't war crimes you want to know what straight up is a war crime using the insignia of the opposing military to gain an advantage that is a war crime in black and white in the geneva convention ira is a war criminal no no no soccer's a war criminal you smell that rotten eggs there that's where the gas is escaping how many rotten eggs did you put in that room so many that you can smell it 100 feet in the air during a military battle look they're going down retreating right that's funny score one for the northern air temple i realize it's like the hermit crab maybe you weren't born here but you found this empty shell and made it your home i don't know man i still think aang has every right to be pissed about what they've done but if he's cool with it i guess that's pretty cool this defeat is the gateway to many victories well here's the log form set up for the day of black sun good thing this is in here otherwise we might be on the great divide levels of filler i've never really been a huge fan of this episode and after watching it with my over analyzing switch flipped on i think it's even worse i don't really see anything redeeming about this episode these videos are my honest opinions and i've been totally fair to each episode up at this point so i gotta be honest about the negative ones too i don't think anything works the mechanist is unlikable from the start they try to justify as a modus with the fire nation but even if that works for you he's still just being a dick by destroying a sacred cultural place teo is bland as hell i bet you didn't even remember his name until i said it a bunch of times in this episode right he's a nice kid just not very interesting and like i said the finale of the episode the battle the action piece just doesn't feel like an action piece just nothing about this episode works what does work is my patreon if you want to see the next full episode of over analyzing avatar and help support the channel it's only six canadian shekels to join up and be a homie special shout outs go to my top patrons code cannot derek cornwell do mutual aid fritz sullivan mana nicholas abbott thiago nacimento ricardo varto skylo super sniper and parker gas thanks a lot guys next up is the water bending master which is like night and day between these two episodes the next one is an absolute highlight of the season and i'm excited to get into it cnn
Channel: Overanalyzing Avatar
Views: 769,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overanalyzing avatar, react to avatar the last airbender, avatar the last airbender, The northern air temple, avatar the last airbender video essay, avatar book 1 chapter 17, avatar season 1 episode 17, avatar the mechanist, sokka, aang, avatar netflix, netflix avatar, netflix avatar the last airbender, avatar studios, netflix avatar review, avatar netflix trailer, avatar studios trailer, minecraft, avatar minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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