Over-Winter Queen checked out! What's left in the Long Hive? [a look inside after a swarm]

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that's cool see them [Music] they ain't real rap yet because i don't see the queens moving they left room for ventilation and entrance coming in getting in and out of this hive [Music] okay here was the furthest along right here she was actually starting to transform [Music] monday last monday today is thursday i had some stuff i had to take care of in town left town came home swarm big swarm hanging in this pine tree out here on a on a low limb got a big box shook it in it i honestly think it came out of the long half what we're going to do today is find out if that's where it came from see what's left see if there's cells in there um [Music] see if they've got a queen in there see if they don't uh i'm gonna show you this i haven't opened these bees since i put them in this hive i want to kind of look myself and just see if this is the biggest form as i felt like it was so you're going to see this just like i am that's a box full of bees i had uh i think three frames of foundation the rest of that is or three frames of cone the rest of that is foundation really and truly loaded there's about six frames of bees in that swarm that was pretty pretty good swarm i want to kind of know if those bees came out of that long box so what we're going to do we're going to put this back together i wanted to show you this batch of bees so that you get an idea of what this would have been like if she hadn't swarmed out with them you remember i moved that nook of beef from down the hill installed them in the long hive silly me thought by that move and install into a bigger area that she would not swarm i feel like that was wrong i'm pretty certain that this is the overwintered queen swarmed out took that batch of bees with her we're going to go the long hive open it up see what we got in there you know everything tends to happen at once this time of year with honeybees it's it's not a bad thing it's just you know honeybees operate on honeybees time schedule not on our time schedule is that smoke getting on you there no i think i'll just have better visual over here so we are just going to start working these bees over out from under their follower and see what we've got i can see some new wax still got drones but we knew we can't we transferred grown brood i think what we want to look for is sales maybe a new queen that could have possibly returned i see a lot of wet bees a lot of drones lots of pollen a little capped honey in the corner i don't see any brood on this frame but a lot of wet bees on it so the frame next to it is hatching bees we've still got a full box of bees in here so if we don't find any sales and we find a queen then we're going to scratch your head as to where that big swarm came from hmm look at that now that on the bottom is exactly what we talked about was going to happen when we put these medium frames of brood in so there's my queen mating drone generator and right there is a queen sail and it is capped can you see that there there we go hanging in such a sneaky location so can you turn that frame up so they can see what it looks like oh and isn't that a double so that's another one right there with it right um all right we got just what we asked for we got comb full of drone brood laid on the bottom of that medium frame we put in there we still got a ton of bees we've got two capped queen cells that we've found i'll bet you they both got queens cooking in them so at this point oh there's another one yeah let's see two more so we've got four sales capped on here so we know they capped them at nine so we got some decisions to make did we make a split with them there's a little nectar running out okay that that frame has four cream four cells on it my bet is now that i feel like they just built up that many bees the old queens formed this bunch is left holding the sack of re-cleaning no no eggs or fresh bruises no no a little bit of larva that's not capped yet well they don't like that smoke they're still bringing in the pollen because they've still got the bees to feed no cells on this frame this is this is typically what you're going to find after a swarm a lot of empty cells where the emerging brood was lots of drones a lot of nurse bees and swarm sales all right no sales on that we've only found a frame with sales it's got the four here's another mid that they built and they built onto it they're not amazing they built at the same depth as the deep frame and they built it all for uh drone size drone cell up in there where i see some uncapped larva that the old mama left just orphaned her children just left like she did oh and there's a cap sail right down there okay so this frame has a capped cell sails are clean where the bees are hatching from and i've seen no eggs all right so that makes five cells that are in this hive right now and no presence of queen lane [Music] boy she left a load of brood on this frame the thing about it she did not leave them without the ability to fend for themselves bunch is a cat brood you wow she swarmed and she took a bunch of bees can you imagine the amount of bees that was in this small area pre-sworn you know i could i could make lots of excuses and throw me a little fit and have a a big stand up about why this happened that wouldn't look good on youtube wouldn't look good on youtube does absolutely no good point is i bought into the fact that they wouldn't swarm after i moved her look at that big old slab of drone laid off the bottom there's another cap sail man there's a lot of bees in here so what happens is is we got a decision to make they made the split for me that i should have made but i had not checked these bees you know all was well why would i check the bees i'm losing count how many how many cells is this look at me dumping that nectar out for them i bet they appreciate that did the one before this one have a cell also i believe like that one the other drone one did not the so we're talking about six sales we up to about six sales anyway you got six sales something's gonna happen one of themselves is going to come on turn into a queen you know textbook you want to think that the queen's going to pop out and murder her sister's in the [Music] cells and then the bees chew it down and that one flies and mates and comes back and reigns victorious for a year yeah they swarm six times yeah or they swarm six times the way things have been going this season i would bet more on the six forms than i would the textbook this is how it works in the world man they got the brood they're gonna still have the bees that'd be another another big swarm come out of here you know what it's not to say that what i'm thinking about doing we'll stop another swim okay we've got off over here too this dude is full of pollen bees and they've got some nectar going in on the pollen on this side all right risky business we think we've got six viable capped swarm sales i'm confident that swarm came from this hive it's got the overwintered queen now she's set up those bees will go on to to build up and and do well and i'll hopefully make some honey off of them and by the way our nectar flow is on see that that is just like water that clear sugar water clear stuff i haven't fed them well no it's like sugar water right just like a one to one ratio all right so if corinne can hang tight just for a moment i'm gonna go in there and get a little bucket and we're going to tear ourselves down and leave two of those real nice ones on that first frame i found that said four and we're going to tell them tear them all down we're going to leave two that are capped then we're going to then we're gonna say that we've got this shot at re-cleaning and not continually just casting swarms uh we want to shut down this these queens all come out and one hits the maybe kills one they fight and one flies out the door and it takes a swarm with it and it's this big and then they don't get it worked out and the next queen flies and she takes a little mess with her while we're waiting on just one of them to breed come back and have this worked out we can dwindle this down to a non-honey-making situation so we're just going to cut them down we're going to knock them down to two cells and hope that they don't have an egg that they can turn right around and build four four more cells back so that's what we're gonna do crayon fuel hold tight i'm gonna go get us a little something to put cells in in the event that they start hatching like you've seen before all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing like a juanita's peanut brittle bucket oh this one's cinnamon yeah my favorite [Music] there got something else the youtube fans might not want to hear i don't know it might sound like barney that's exactly what we're doing all right i'm gonna check for sales and we're going to put these dudes right on back like they were i believe this big old nasty mess of stuff we got going on here is gonna this will all turn to honey at some point and we'll just cut that off and eat it okay she has spotted the first one lay that right there and that's the only one correct i think that we as far as we know [Music] okay sorry there's the first cell have your own brood underneath it what a deal we called it when you call for stuff most times you get it and they did they built it exactly right down there to the depth of that deep frame sitting next to it sounds like our children are home here okay [Music] we don't want to lose that brood because we want that food to become some honey collecting machines this one so y'all noticed what's happened is they put the sails on the new drone brood comb that they built look at i want y'all to see something now this is neat that's pretty cool right here i just noticed it look at this chunk of comb and then you see it stops look white stopped um it stopped at the door they left room for ventilation and entrance coming in getting in and out of this hive tell me these things don't don't have this figured out and it's cool how much they left yeah and left that's about a three and a half inch block there is this it wonder one of these it like pulled a little hidey sneaky up here on the edge there's one it's open folks where is it right there you see it yeah point at it so they can see well let me see if i can work it out where i can do that right there is the side of one now was that a dud and they opened it up and took the dud out i don't know or did i did a virgin queen come out of that and uh they're now chewing it down i don't know but i can tell you we got all we can do as beekeepers is make a decision and go with it so we're still we're gonna go with what we said we were gonna do so move on out of there and you won't get all right well they've been bad fighting towards us toward the side of that okay no more on this one that we we see correct now you know what's gotten now it's got me paranoid looking for a virgin queen walking around in here okay all right getting late in the afternoon god dude gotta do what we gotta do gotta make a decision we've made it we're gonna we are seeing some neat stuff though bees are acting nicely probably got something to do with that nectar coming in finally i don't know about where y'all live but we have had rain and it's about every two to three days such a strange spring it's been cool it's cold it's hot this is my kind of spring but green loves the rain i like the cool weather i'm okay with the rain i like the cold weather i'm all about the cold weather i just like the weather as long as it's not a hundred you're helping me right now i don't see any any cells on that one now this is old number four there are four cells on this single frame we're going to leave two and corrin's gonna pick them i already got them picked well tell me what they gonna be i say get rid of the two doubles side by side oh that's the ones i was keeping keep the other two these are the ones i was keeping you don't like those no there's the ones i'd get rid of hmm i don't know let me see what you've already told them that i could pitch let me see what these others look like see look how nice those are especially the one oh you like these because they're picturesque that one yeah that one looks nice don't you think that's a winner well dear you're a winner i'm a winner for getting you so i'm going with it we're gonna take these two right here out and hold that but i don't want to stink my fingers what happened look at these two nice ones you're gonna have me take out built look how they left them see they left them the guard gap bees can stay around them i can't really see them almost translucent enough to look through and see if there's a queen in there moving around that's cool see them they ain't real rap yet because i don't see the queens moving all right i'm still we're going with what you got on your mind i really and truly don't want to well you know in reality i should stop flopping this frame around upside down one way and then the other all you queen queen raising guys out there understand that i don't raise queens and that if i'm making some some serious boo-boo in the queen hopefully you can call justin yeah like if i boo boo this up and don't and i don't get a queen i know a man that sells them and i'm not against buying them this probably was the best extraction point though all right we got we got a double there we go i'm going to lay them in the bucket could cut one open and guess at the age huh i guess we could get an idea of how far along they are all right we've left two we hope we hadn't buggered them up flopping around up here these bees went from four or five point four yeah went from six to two sales good move or bad move um i don't know y'all will find out same as us now there's no brood on this frame i'm gonna do a little them drones sound like sandbags when they hit that hit that board we're gonna leave that one there because i had it by that all that brood look at this baller i guess i've dumped that out as well oh big boy i got a mark somewhere i'm supposed to be going by okay remember you remember for me please the frame we left the two cells on has a four cut in the top which doesn't mean four it means two right well it means that's where themselves are in we didn't do anything with those other all right we're going to give them this to put this back here give them a little space right there they can move over into here is a foundation with comb on this side and there's one behind you i don't know if you wanted there but yeah and i haven't had me a couple right here okay okay we're gonna put them in and we're going to set this up with volume just like we know what we're doing i'm going to check it board these in i'm gonna get them working that in here and then we'll come in with a quick floater and move foundation over not foundation move comb over and entice them to come through that queen excluder because we really hope that was not bees by the way that was purpose and because we really hope that their nectar flow was starting and if we get them to re-clean we want all right drones drones stinging bees okay all right did you want to check a sale might as well let's check the sale while we're standing here now the bees swarmed on a monday are you gonna feel bad if there's a queen comes out of this and i have to kill her you really need a sharp knife huh yeah okay here she is in the i guess they call this exoskeleton mode oh dear that was gonna be a good one all right there's a prospectant queen you're going to cut them all open well what else you want me to do with these these folks about as well be on this journey with us right they may always wanted to do this and thought i can't do that i got to make a split with those this one was not much of a sale but it was loaded there now here's yours and i can see through that that is cool i can see through it so you know if they were really that close to hatching we know they capped that at nine that leaves six days five days so we don't have anything we need to drop a queen cell in that was not do anything but cause a problem let's just see if these were gonna be that one was a little rougher i think you did that so they didn't look so good okay so these you know they come a long ways in a few days and their last few days of preparation okay here was the furthest along right here she was actually starting to transform so this one without looking at see her big the big legs with that in the back end without without looking at the others you know not knowing how far along they are but knowing that they were these big pretty cells like this so let's just say that one was the first that one was the oldest out of all of these did you do my math for me am i remotely ride on that if they cap in nine and they hatch on 16 how many days don't make me take my shoes off so i guess this one these would still be considered larva stage this one would be exo skeleton stage because she's actually forming and and putting on legs and turning changing colors and looking tougher okay so but not completely done and definitely six days-ish away from chewing her way out of that cell and causing john to have to put these up at dark again out of the trees all right so should have made a split with the queen i moved i fell for that whole moving it she won't swarm thing won't fall for that again that we we're gonna learn that's a that's a lesson overwintered queens and nukes have sworn tendencies obviously caught the big swarm got the big swarm in the box that's great no problem we've been through this we got tons of bees yet to come out we've got a little bit of of aged larva that's going to be capped we got a lot of drones that's that's breeding a lot of these queens that i have that are that are you know actually the ones that i've split have already flown mated and are back they should be laying now and i'm going to go in and do a check on that to wrap this up before it gets any later this afternoon i've done what i feel like it takes to fix this now unless we missed a sale or there's a virgin queen already in here these bees should respond to the last two great hopes that are hanging there one of them is going to hatch before the other we we've left two so that we've doubled our chances we hope she kills the other if they the one you know the winner takes all flies mates and re-queens we're gonna revisit this hive in about i think about 21 days and find out what we've got is so not to upset the apple cart i appreciate y'all watching send me them comments tell me if i've done wrong done right um let me know what you thought about this if nothing else we're learning this together i told you i'm not giving up on this long hive i am dead set on making honey in this thing this is just part of it we got a swarm we think we're fixing it that's the step i took the method i'm using to get it fixed until we see you again roll that beautiful bee footage thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Central Beekeepers Supply
Views: 40,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swarm, Long Hive, What’s left after a swarm, Swarm in the long hive, Queen cells, Over winter queen, Healthy hive, Queen checked out, What’s left in the long hive, Inside the hive, Beekeeper supply store, Central beekeepers supply, Horizontal long hive, Catching a swarm
Id: cgpPm_83JKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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