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[Music] hello everyone welcome back in a video i posted the other day i mentioned that i had finally downloaded the tick tock app i also said in that video when talking about tick tock that if you can get past some of the questionable content that's on there you can find some really good stuff i have found great cocktail recipes smoothie recipes food recipes makeup dupes um beauty hacks so many really interesting tips and tricks and the other day as i was scrolling scrolling as i typically do because a lot of it just offends my eyes not offends me but like offends my eyes because let's be honest some of it is sort of shocking so while scrolling i came upon this woman who was calling out to mature viewers women over 35 40 50. and she claimed to have a life-changing tip to prevent under eye creasing under eye concealer creasing to be exact so i listened i watched and listened and i thought hmm i've actually never heard this tip or trick before and i've been a makeup artist for more than 20 years and i know a lot of you probably don't have tiktok you haven't downloaded it you've been like me just hesitant and thinking well why why should i so i was feeling like a lot of my viewers could possibly miss out on this amazing tip and of course i will put the username of the tick talker whose tip i am showing you in the description box and on the screen in a caption so that if you are on tic tac you can go ahead and give her a follow so let's see how it went when i tried this life-changing concealer trick okay so you know how you put concealer under your eyes and it looks fine and then like 10 minutes later it's all like creasy and crepey and weird and all the young girls are like putting baking powder or baking under their eyes and you try that and then you look like 20 years older same put your concealer under your eyes i already did that part then take some setting spray spray it onto the back your hand now dip your finger in it and just put a little bit on here and tap it under your eyes just keep tapping going back and forth just like this until the setting spray dries you'll feel it dry then take your setting powder but not that much and just really lightly set that under your eyes like do you see the difference it's like the best trick i've got try it so that shocked face of mine you saw in the clip wasn't really a reaction to how my under eyes looked but just how well the powder applied on top of the setting spray i really thought that even though i had let the setting spray dry first that it would still be sort of sticky and that it would make the powder just cling more but it was the exact opposite i was just blown away by how nicely and smoothly the powder applied over the setting spray so now let's get to the results i obviously in order to test the trick i did not do the same thing to the other eye did not use any setting spray on the other eye so when i looked at my eyes throughout the rest of the day maybe two hours i checked in didn't really see that much of a difference after about four hours i still didn't see that much of a difference but by the end of the night i really really could see that the eye that i had applied the setting spray to on top of the concealer and then added the powder it really did look a lot smoother it didn't look as dry it didn't look as cakey i just really felt like you could definitely see the difference i tried my best to capture it on camera but it's really difficult i think it was even difficult to see the difference in kendra's video as well there were several comments that said i don't see a difference but that kind of thing is really difficult to show up on camera but in person if you try this trick especially if you have deeper lines or if you have concealer that just always cakes under your eyes no matter what you do before giving up on concealer i really really encourage you to try this trick i've had this concealer on for about four hours now and normally at this time i would have to sort of go like this to get rid of the concealer that has pooled in the little lines right under here but my under eyes look pretty perfect i will try to get a little bit of natural light cell phone footage so you can maybe see a little bit better so before you give up on concealers completely or you take all the ones you have and throw them in the trash definitely give this a try and i want to know in the comments how it goes did this concealer trick work for you was it life-changing i cannot wait to hear what you all have to say and if you did enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up if you're not already subscribed to my channel i would love it if you would hit that subscribe button and the notification bell and become part of the resa does makeup family i do try to upload new content at least twice a week you can also find me on instagram facebook and twitter under the same username resa does makeup i do have a tic tac account but i have yet to post any content on there i'm not sure that i will i've got my hands full with all of these other platforms but never say never but definitely check out kendra on tik tok and yeah that'll do it thank you again for watching and i look forward to seeing you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Risa Does Makeup
Views: 1,144,103
Rating: 4.9322982 out of 5
Keywords: concealer tips, concealer tips and tricks, concealer for mature skin, over 40, best concealer trick ever, how to stop concealer from creasing, risa does makeup, tik tok makeup hack, tik tok makeup tips, makeup tips and tricks, makeup hacks, life changing makeup tip, like changing makeup trick, game changing makeup tip
Id: uYq-lE3JZ7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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