OUTWORK Them ALL! | Kobe Bryant TRIBUTE | #BelieveLife

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there's a choice we have to make as people as individuals so if you want to be great at something you have to make the inherent sacrifices that come along with that family time hanging out with your friends said the age 18 I knew that I was not going to be stopped this was my life we all can be masters at our craft but you have to make sacrifices that come along with making a decision on January 26 Kobe Bryant and his daughter were among nine people who were killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas California he dominated in basketball he was dominating in business and as a tribute to him my team and I pulled together a mix of some of the best lessons you can learn from him be inspired by him and remember him I hope you enjoy lesson number one outwork everyone I've been with you for a long way the one moment that stands out out of we've done I don't know how many done we've done no play eight hundred events the one time was 4:00 a.m. we went out to practice at 4:00 a.m. and that was your idea to do it well then you know all these Nike people are like no no no no let's not let's not do that and then you're like let's do it at 4:00 a.m. so you got security you got brand marketing in sports marketing go no no no no no no that's not good you're like let's do it because that's your sustenance I mean to me it just makes complete sense not to us see we all right what you usually I'm sleeping at 4:00 a.m. you're you're working out so I lied about that okay so if if your job is to try to be the best basketball player you can be okay to do that you have to practice you have to train right you want to train as much as you can as often as you can so if you get up at 10:00 in the morning train at 11:00 12:00 say 12:00 train at 12:00 train for two hours 12:00 to 2:00 you have to let your body recover so you eat recover whatever you get back out you train start training again at 6:00 train from 6:00 to 8:00 right and now you go home and shower you eat dinner you go to bed you wake up do it again right those are two sessions all right now imagine you wake up at 3:00 you train at 4:00 you go 4 to 6 come home breakfast relax so so now you're back at it again 9211 relax and now it's on your back at it again to the four and have your back at it again you know seven to nine look how much more training I have done by simply starting at four all right so now you do that and as the years go on the separation that you have with through competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger and larger and by year five or six doesn't matter what kind of work they're doing a summer they're never going to catch up because they're five years behind so it makes sense to get up and start your day early because you can get more working is that genetic or is that something you you engrained and trained yourself no it was just you that for me it was it was just common sense like I can okay if I start earlier I can train more hours and I know the other guys aren't doing it because I know what their training schedule is right so I know if I do this consistently over time it's the gaps just gonna widen and why no why no why no why and they won't be able to get that back mm-hmm so it's me it was just common sense I'm like thinking how can I get an advantage oh start earlier yeah let's do that how do you develop that or where do you what do you learn that from well I I think it's just no it's just a matter of what's important to you mhm what's important to you for whatever reason you know I felt like I didn't feel good about myself if I wasn't doing everything I could to be the best version of myself if I felt like I left anything on a table it would eat away at me I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror right so the reason why I can retire now and be completely comfortable about it because I know that I've done everything I could to be the best basketball player I could be and so that's where it comes from for me you can't leave any stone unturned I think the best way to prove your value is to work is to learn is to absorb to be a sponge you always want to outwork your potential as hard as you believe you can work you can work harder than that and that's what I try to do when I first came and lead but you know basketball is such a direct competition sport and me coming in at 17 when like my teammates would say you know I get hit with an elbow right shack with you threw an elbow in practice and like you know Nick Van Exel will come up and say are you okay but how are you okay hell's wrong with you you know it's so like I always had that extra chip on my shoulder so like every day I practice for me was really trying to annihilate everybody that was that I was playing against cuz I wanted to prove you don't need to babysit me like I'm fine you know and and so as always that competitive nature the work ethic and curiosity because I asked a lot of questions you know playing what Byron Scott I asked him a lot of questions Eddie Jones who was great at chasing guards off the screens and I didn't understand how to do that I would sit with him before practice after practice magic James Worthy Kurt Rambis Kareem Abdul all the Laker grades I would always sit down and just asking questions about certain games that I've studied growing up what actually happened there what did you feel that why you know bird tough to defend why cuz you look slow to me I'm up like I'm missing something so like tell me what I'm missing you know what I mean and so I would always ask questions and try to learn as much as I could that's the number to be a long term thinker I had a summer where I played basketball when I was like 10 or 11 years old and a very prominent some really good Philadelphia called the Sonny he'll be there my father played my uncle played never like all-time great stuff and Wilt Chamberlain played in league you know another Pearl Monroe playing weed and yeah come playing and I don't score one point the entire summer really not one how old were you 11 10 11 and you're playing against other 10 11 year-old start and you didn't score once not one were you in the game I was in again how'd you not score because that was terrible really yeah that happened 11 years old you were that awful I mean I you know and I had these big knee pads on because I'm relatively fast I have socks all the way up here and I had like the pod top Phoebe likes skinny as hell and I scored not a free-throw not a nothing not a lucky shot not a breakaway layup zero points is that when you think the mentality of hard work started to come in for you at that age when you failed so miserably I guess that's somewhere I think that's when the idea of understanding a long-term view became important because I wasn't going to catch these kids in a week I wasn't gonna catch him in a year right so that's when I sat down and said okay this is gonna take some father all right we'd all want to work on first all right shooting all right let's knock this out let's focus on this half a year six months do nothing but shoot all right after that all right creating your own shot and then you focus so you start I started creating a menu of things when I came back the next summer I was a little bit better right men you'd be like I've got my jump shot from 15 I've got ya I got my job from 15 I got my three-point shot like just open shots not miss open shots right and be able to shoot it with speed because those kids are so much more athletic yeah and then the next time I came back a little better the summer came back a little bit I scored yeah it wasn't much but I scored 12 13 12 13 then 14 came around back half of 13 14 years old and then I was just killing everyone and it happened in two years and I wasn't expecting happened in two years but it did because what I had to do was work on the basics and the fundamentals while they relied on an athletics ISM and their natural ability and because I stick to the fundamentals it just caught up to him and then my body you know my knees stopped hurting I grew into my frame and and then your athleticism once you have the fundamentals actly the hard work the mindset and you tack on the 11 did it was game Wow so from 13 you're good average still that was good that was good about about like the end of my 30 like right when I was turning 14 I became best clear in the state at 14 or 14 so I'm from 12 to 14 you went from scoring zero to being the best in the state of all ages yep lesson number three have a strong purpose trivial things weren't gonna pull my attention it had to be sayings weren't gonna pull my attention had to be things that were I had a purpose I wanted to be one of the best basketball players to ever play and anything else that was outside of that lane I didn't have time for at what age did that goal become crystal clear diamond I made that deal with myself at 13 years old at 13 years 13 years old I made clear about it crystal clear and what did inspiration come from the love of the game the love of the game the challenge like I would watch magic play I'd watch Michael play and I would see them do these unbelievable things and I say you know can I get to that level oh no but let's find out lesson number four get better every single day my philosophy was a very simple one I am and this is where I think film plays a big part of my life you know Rudy was one of my favorite films growing up after watching that film I come to understand if I could work that hard every day with the being blessed with the physical tools that I have with my career being and I made a promise to myself from that day that I was going to work that hard every single day so that when I do retire I have no regrets and that was the most important thing for me to leave no stone unturned get better every single day and if I live that way then over time you know I'd have something that was beautiful but that was my philosophy it seems like a pretty simple one but you know if you lived your life to just get better every single day and do that for 20 years I mean what do you have lesson number five follow your passion follow your passion first first first first first first and when I retired from the game yeah I said they're asking kind of all the wrong questions and what's the biggest industry I can get into and it's all the wrong stuff and you got to sit there and ask yourself okay what am I truly passionate about what do I enjoy doing and when you feel that way honestly I mean you feel like you have never worked a day in your life it's the most fun thing in the world you get up in the morning excited about what you're doing and you got to be really honest with yourself about it if you wake up in the morning and you're dreading going to work dude do something else do something else and those are hard decisions to make but when you make those decisions it's a very liberating experience and you'll find out that the rewards will come lesson number six commit fully you said I read a quote that you said you love business as much as basketball there's no way that's true it's a hundred percent review there's no way you look I mean basketball was your life you your passion everything you you're telling me you love doing business as much if you could you know basically snap a finger and be twenty five-year-old Kobe or the Kobe today you wouldn't go back and keep playing basketball no because I've already done it see here's the thing when I was playing and you know teammates would say oh Kobe's not out on the road what is he doing you see me on the plane he's reading what is he reading he's writing what is he writing I'm practicing I'm writing I'm practicing I'm understanding how to tell stories I'm reading Joseph Campbell and how to create arts compelling arts and plots I'm reading that stuff so this is going back 15 years right so I don't just retire right dear basketball and lucky in the winning an Oscar you don't say yeah stuff comes from hard work and from studying for 15 years how to write and how to organize structure right and you can't do that without having a serious love or commitment to the craft lesson number seven focus on one thing do you think one of the edge you had over everybody else was the biggest percentage of your focus was on one thing do you see it that way like that was my edge over everybody else I do at the time I didn't really understand that right so you know basketball for me was the most important thing so everything I saw whether it was TV shows whether it was books I read people I talked to everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player everything everything and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft lesson number eight be the best you can be I was wondering if you've had to tone down your come give nests in your approach in the new work environment oh yeah yeah more than a little bit ya know it well bat like I said basketball it's different because it's such a direct competition what we do now there isn't because the competitiveness that I bring to work everyday is really helping people in a sense be competitive with themselves right if you're if you're animating something or or you're writing a screenplay or you're composing a piece of music is that the best you could do don't ask me don't say do you approve don't ask me I'm not the musician I'm not the composer you know right so the competitiveness is more from an individual perspective are you is this the best you can do and if the answer is yes then off we go lesson number nine study success kind of take us behind kind of the current with Michael was there ever a moment that you guys spoke but you felt like it energizing you learned from him yeah it was it was crazy man cuz my favorite player was magic growing up mhm and then I quickly realized my father stole all my height and I was gonna be a 69 point guard so I did you know so look at this young guy coming up and the thing that I marveled at wasn't the fact that he was getting to the rim and doing these fancy stuff it was like how is he getting to the rim how is he doing it right you look at the footwork look at the fundamentals they got the spacing the pacing right and all those little things the angles and that's what becomes fascinating it's like oh okay how do I get there alright so I started studying all those basics and then when I came to lead the first time I played against home um I won his respect because it was like this kids not scared of me at all mm-hmm right and he saw a kindred spirit from that standpoint and that started a relationship and it became something where it was like no text them anytime hits me right back questions hits me right back and when talking all the time lesson number 10 learn from failures we talk about this often and we always talk about the fact that you can learn a lot more from the failures and you can from the successes and you have to figure out where those landmines are and then how to best avoid those or put or help entrepreneurs and ourselves included figure out the clues of where those landmines are not that you're going to avoid all of them but it's also when you do step on one figure it out okay how do you recuperate how do you balance back and you'll pick yourself up lesson number eleven protect your dreams dreams is a they should be pure I think a lot of times we're born into this world we actually wind up going backwards and it seems like the more we mature the more responsible our dreams become and the more governors we put on ourselves and our ability to dream and to reimagine and it's always a fight for his parents and for you guys to make sure that your dreams always stay pure and so it's not a matter of pushing beyond the limitations of expectations it's really a matter of protecting your dreams protecting your imagination that's really the key and when you do that then the world just seems limitless lesson number 12 love the game the passion came from the love for the game you know I loved everything about it like the smell of the ball you love the smell of the ball this ball you know the smell of like brand-new sneakers and like the sound the ball mace when it hits the ground sneakers in the gym yeah the ball going through the net like all those things I love and so the passion comes from that because once you have that love you just want to be a part of this thing all the time is there one moment where you can say it defined your passion for basketball is our story or moment when you said yeah that wasn't it that was it that was like when I felt really passionate no it doesn't never leave never leaves like that you know the game was just a part of me so it never leaves even now that I'm retired you know everything I've learned from the game of basketball carried it over into life mm-hmm you know like basketballs helped me be a better person a better friend a better house other well because there's life lessons that are within the game communications like unselfishness my attention to detail and empathy and compassion like all those things are in the game and as an athlete if we are aware of those things it helps us become better human human beings mm-hmm and you can apply that toward your post post basketball game retirement into your business world showing true ventures sure I mean you can play you know I was applying that even while I was playing just in life outside of the game and even more so now you know I'm building a business and all these things you know kind of culture you when I have and all those things are or directly learn from the game of basketball to me lesson number 13 worked the hardest I read a story that you used to play guys to a hundred you do be like you have to stay in this gym and play me to a hundred and I mean what was the biggest margin of victory you'd ever went well you in high school used to spy guys 99 no kidding but you know listen these practices practices are meant to be competitive they're meant to be competitive if your practices aren't more competitive than the games themselves you're doing the wrong thing mm-hmm and most of these teams and coaches have gotten into a mindset of resting players oh it's too much you know we're not gonna practice light daylight daylight they feel never gave us a light day there's no days off you show up and you work in practice yeah and practices are going to be worse it ought to be more physical there's gonna be more trash-talking now I'm gonna let you know right yeah yeah you're gonna show up today I'm gonna let you know yeah it's gonna be embarrassing you're gonna hate it but when Game seven rolls around the NBA Finals you will be prepared lesson number fourteen push through the pain it was kind of the perfect series playing the Celtics then being this annoyed and then having five I mean we joke about that a lot but the most important thing was beatin Celtics because of everything they've meant to this organization it was a tough series for me most people know this but I had a bone spur mic and a couple games in Boston had to leave the game go back in the locker room and get it injected because I could barely walk and I had a broken finger I was playing with had to cast my right thing and then I was having to deal with Garnett Pierce Ray Allen Rondo Rashi watt I mean all these guys and having to figure out how to get through that series and so it was a big relief to win first and foremost was relief to win and get out of that series a lot if I lost to the Celtics manag I've been miserable unless the number 15 the last one before a very special bonus lesson is thrive on being an outsider and I've always had someone best performances [Music] [Applause] fans actually we love it Shriver they don't understand who I am not only am i comfortable being an outsider that has become a source of motivation so when I go to these places and you now we have two special bonus clips from Kobe that I think you're gonna enjoy and normally here I would ask you the three-point landing questions but instead I think to honors memory I'd love to know what is your either one greatest memory of Kobe or two what is the single lesson that you've learned the most from him that his legacy will live on through you let me know down the comments below 96 to 99 was the first rating point I don't know about well maybe a little bit for you but for me being one of the best babes in the league and having that title of not winning one I remember one day reading it reading it and the paper oceaxe average in 20 or 30 of doing this and the great Kareem abdul-jabbar said well he didn't win then he had parent so is he great and I just kinda I just kind of dare know why I wanted it you know I understood it was a necessity to have to win one there was a lot of pressure and I think there's a lot of frustration because you kept seeing this kid and everybody kept saying can be patient with this kid be patient with this kid you're saying listen I don't have patience I have to win now and this kid needs to develop now I think I could remember the first time we had our first fight and you look this L kid is crazy at this yeah we're sick we I was we're playing a pickup games or a lockout season Southwest college playing a pickup game we're on opposite teams run and trash talking yes and you kept saying yeah take that low take that little I'm looking around oh yes right ain't gonna be too many more those low then would you say what what you gonna do about it what you gonna do about it and then ask the next thing I knew I saw a big hand coming this way and I remember going this way I remember throwing some lollipop olden Polynice game and then they all just kind of broke his part broke ass out I'm looking at this and I'm saying right he wants to stay he's it's it affects him I mean he's it consumes him and then from that moment on I knew we spoke the same language don't matter if we had disagreements and the other our drive to win like we have to when there's there's no other option we're going to figure this out we won't get this guy and you did it [Applause] Kobe Bryant now I think it's gonna be retiring yeah I remember season one you said who is this candy his 20th season all have various careers in basketball I will not allow him to be what you want was any longer no one understand what it takes to be great the force that drives you to do what others don't the sacrifices made all with one purpose in mind push yourself to become better the extra seconds minutes hours of work put into perfecting one's game lifting yourself above the rest to make sure your name will forever be synonymous with one word greatness what does it take to be great work at the combination drive takes ability it takes the design moves on muscle again turns it I think it takes years of players relying on you to take the big shot make the great play you'll do the things that bring success to the team that's that's what it's all about is getting out and measure yourself against others and I think that when you have an attitude like that that's what I think that's part of greatness the first time met Kobe Kobe was arrested out of high school he's out here before work up and I've never seen anyone work out as hard this is Kobe I've never seen anybody that prepared he was 17 years old and was ready to play Andrea basketball that's that's pretty amazing I think Jerry West was the one who said this he said I want this kid because this kid had more talent plan for me right now and he had a great team just kidding would never take a night off even if it wasn't calling well it was always going to be trying to slay the dragon if you don't have that type of work after you don't get to enjoy the benefits [Applause] if you want more Kobe Bryant check out the top 50 rules video I made on him it's awesome the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there any chances cuz the ship sink and all of a sudden I'm gonna jump off a swim to another like that you don't do that alright you can win championships in front of everybody
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 202,078
Rating: 4.9472446 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evan camrichael, kobe bryant, kobe bryant tribute, life advice, career advice, motivation, success motivation, interview, outwork them all, motivational speaker, entrepreneur motivation
Id: KuDeo9USwzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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