Listen To This and Change Yourself | Kobe Bryant (Eye Opening Speech)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Forward-Load-8451 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Whatโ€™s with all the 4s??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FlatWhite2020 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

How high do you think Kobe's vert was? Rare combo of athleticism and refined play.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/burner271991 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I think a definition of greatness is to inspire the people next to you yeah I think that's what greatness is or should be it's not something that's that that lives and dies with one person it's how can you inspire a person to then in turn inspire another person that inspires another person and that's how you create something I think lasts forever and I think that's our challenge as people is to is to figure out how our story can impact others and motivate them in a way to create their own greatness there's a quote from one of my English teachers at Lower Merion named mr. Fisk and a great quote that said rest at the end not in the middle and that's something I always live by you know I'm not gonna rest I'm gonna keep on pushing now a lot of answers and I don't have even questions and I don't have but I'm just going to keep going it's gonna keep going and I'll figure these things out as you go right and you just continue to build that way so I try to live by that all the time and what brings you the most joy right now being with my family really that is man that is the most fun it's just you know it's hanging out with the mall summer being able to might do things that our nearly couldn't do yeah cuz the training because it sure and stuff like that so being around them and watching Bianca grow up because a lot of things that I missed with Nathalie and Gianna because I was playing so being there every day with them there's so much fun man so it brings me the most joy what does love feel like hmm happiness is such a think I would describe love as happiness I think I'd describe it as a beautiful journey mmm you know it has its ups and downs right whether it's a marriage whether it's in the career you know things are never perfect but through love you continue to persevere and you move from you move from and then through that storm beautiful Sun emerges yeah and inevitably another storm comes and guess what you ride that one out too so I think love is a certain determination and persistence to go through the good times and the bad times with the someone or something that you truly love my parents we're great you know growing up they instilled in me the importance of imagination of curiosity understanding that okay if you want to accomplish something I'm not just gonna sit here and say yes you can do whatever you want yes you can but you have to also put in the work to get there right so they taught me at a really early age man and when you grow up as a kid thinking that the world is your oyster all things are possible if you put in the work to do it if you grow up having a fundamental belief my mom was there on a daily basis my father was really influential at a really critical time where I had a summer where I play basketball when I was like 10 or 11 years old and a very prominent some really good Philadelphia called the Sunny Hill baby my father played my uncle played every like all-time greats yeah stuff and Wilt Chamberlain played in league you know or other Perlman role playing leave and yeah come playing and I don't score one point the entire summer really not one how old were you 11 10 11 and you're playing against other 10 11 year-old sort you didn't score once not one were you in the game I was in a game how'd you not score because I was terrible really yeah that happened every years old you were that's awful I mean I you know and I had these big knee pads on relatively fast I have socks all the way up here and I had like the pod top Phoebe yeah like skinny as hell and I scored not a free-throw not a nothing not a lucky shot not a breakaway layup - zero points and I remember crying about it and being upset about it my father's gave me a hug and said listen whether you score zero score 60 I'm gonna love you no matter what Wow that is the most important thing that you can say to a child because from there I was like okay that gives me all the confidence in the world to fail I have the security there but to hell with that I'm scoring 60 let's go right by it from there I just went to work I just stayed with it I kept practicing kept practicing confront you know when you're in this culture in our society you can do some phenomenal things individually but they'll never reach their full potential unless you do them collectively you have to figure out how to do that the challenge for me was always compassion and empathy I think about oh nine things started changing from glass I started really making a conscious effort to better understand and that doesn't mean I mean you have compassion and empathy so you go soft one it's more like you put you put yourself to the side and you put yourself in their shoes and understand what they're feeling and then you have to make certain decisions I've okay what buttons do I need to push with this barrier to get them to the next level so it's never it's not sit around and all it's all happy-go-lucky type of thing your leader your job is to get the best out of them even if they may not like it at that time one of the things I had to learn is how to get the best out of my teammates yeah and most people think it's a simple thing passing the ball yeah that's not how you make guys better you have to really affect their behavior how do you do that so yeah like I would tell guys you got to back the backs I don't care for in Miami great city of Chicago you can't go out you got your breasts right back to my game sack back yes right Monday Tuesday play Monday and put in Tuesday guys are gonna listen right you know you're right so few times here all right we'll all go out go out together really I'll drink with you right but the next morning I'm bigger than you're doing at 5:00 in the morning let's go they're not going where we going I'll hung out with you now you come hang out with me this is what we do all right let's go here at the gym we're working out right we hit the bus we go to practice we play that night and they're dead and they're dead they're like lesson learned lesson learned take them out once listen if you're gonna do that do that but don't let that compromise we're here to do Rises why we're here this is why you're here in the first place well what is losing feel like to you it's exciting why is it exciting because it means you have different ways to get better there are certain things that you can figure out that you can take advantage of all right certain weaknesses that were exposed that you need to shore up right so it was exciting I mean it's sucks to lose right but at the same time there are answers there if you just look at them I give an example so Katy loose and Wilson is one of the best college basketball players in the country she plays at UConn she's gonna be a senior and they just had a really tough season last year really lost a Notre Dame in the final and so I asked I say have you watched Notre Dame game no well why not I know you don't but you're gonna play Notre Dame this year yeah yeah what's the chances you see them again in the final probably soon yeah yeah well you can't show up and play them without knowing why you lost that one right so you know the mistakes that you've made in that game you have to do the hard stuff and watch that game and study that game to not make those mistakes over and over again just because you weren't brave enough to face it so she came down to the office I brought down the office and we sat down we watched that game together right did you got got a deal way --then got to deal with it face it learn from him when you play for 20 years I play for 20 years you reach a certain level and like okay wait a minute I have to start again at the base of a mountain and try to climb the top of this mountain first of all what mountain in my climbing I don't even know like what the hell am I gonna be doing it's very it's very scary mm-hmm this very even for you oh absolutely absolutely and the thing that helped me actually was hurting my Achilles because that forced me to sit there and say okay the day could be today that your career is over now what do you do you have these ideas about doing something with your life after basketball but what if today is the day that you that's it now what you do so I had all this time sitting there my Achilles injury and contemplating and thinking and I said I better get to work wow that was that the mentality book is really about process and craft I've broken a book up into two sections and process is really about the process of preparing you know through injury recovery studying of the game and the craft is the actual performance and the tactics and so a lot of things that I learned through the game were through photos you can look at a photo and see like a player making a movie look at the angle of his feet look how he's using his hands on defense and I can really break down things to the smallest detail through that and that's what you'll see in this book I mean it's really a basketball Bible you see how I break things down like how I'm looking at thanks to the smallest of detail yeah and that's the best way to understand how to have that kind of mentality is to ask questions then find answers and then lead to more questions and you find more answers and that's where the book is so how can we teach our children what it means to work hard well you do it through training right so when I get up in the morning my daughter goes with me for yeah for him my 15 year old goes with me she goes with him group for school and it becomes a daddy-daughter thing that's cool she just got a permit right so she drives in the morning it becomes a cool thing right but through that process she understands the value of hard work and things taking time and the same thing with my 12 year old like she practices every day and so it's through those behaviors is where I find the motivation to move you
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 4,536,922
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Keywords: motivational video, motivation, motivational speech, speech, motivational, success, inspirational video, motivational speeches, be inspired, motivation madness, 2020 motivation, motivational speech 2020, best of 2020, kobe bryant, kobe bryant tribute, kobe bryant motivation, kobe bryant interview, kobe bryant life advice, kobe bryant wisdom, kobe bryant quote, 1% kobe bryant, kobe bryant success, kobe bryant tribute video, listen to this and change yourself, change yourself
Id: 9AJresgcDjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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