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for me yeah i feel like i'm the most fierce competitor there is i don't think i'm ever going to find something equal the game of basketball have you ever gone on the court and been afraid no i've never been afraid i mean obviously you're nervous but afraid means you're not confident in your skills i have total confidence in my skills so i'm not afraid you had the utmost confidence your confidence level was through the roof where is it now on top of the roof i don't think my confidence changed i wouldn't have come back into this situation lacking in confidence that i can play this game i know i can play this game and i know i can play it at the highest level and successfully so i haven't lacked any confidence who's your favorite guy to play against [Music] myself because a lot of times i had to battle with myself to keep challenging myself have you ever been afraid on the court ever against anybody never have you ever been intimidated by anybody never i mean these guys put on their shorts just like me i don't i don't feed anyone on the basketball court and that's what it's all about on this level if you believe in yourselves and your skills you know which they have skills i mean you certainly can compete in this level because at this level nobody's bad right nobody's bad i mean you're talking about the cream of the crop it's the mind if you've got these things physical you've got a lot of guys with the ability but yet don't have the mind and they're not in the league you know a lot of guys who can run and jump and probably shoot but if they don't have the killer instinct or the comp the confidence in themselves to perform those skills you gotta really kill team center message send a sense of fear to whoever is going to come in that building we don't mess around when you come in you're 10 points down oh yeah where did he go all those things we were trying to send that message was fear of failure a motivator and that if i never feared about my skills you know because i put in the work put them away mj work ethic eliminates fear yes you know so if you put forth the earth to work then what are you fearing you know you what you're capable of doing what you're not fear what's your big fear snakes snakes just any kind of steak doesn't have to be poisonous no don't be afraid to try the worst thing that can happen is it doesn't it doesn't pan out the way that you envision it but at least you know that by giving it a shot tell me what you were thinking about when you were going in for that jam and uh you know with magic over there on the sideline were you thinking about what you were doing i was thinking too much in my mind i think i was going to throw it off the backboard as i did in miami when two years ago and uh i just got to them anxious with the with the ball and i just couldn't grab it and i kept trying to grab and kept trying to grab the mixing you know it's just gone it was really embarrassing but you know everybody makes mistakes a little more bounds pass comes into jordan here's michael at the foul line a shot on eagle oh god and so when he hits the shot go home [ __ ] go home get the [ __ ] out of here get go [ __ ] anywhere but you out of here that shot gave me the idea that i could be better than what people think and i can you know surpass any expectations that i may have for myself that was get the ball michael everybody get the [ __ ] out of the way i just took the shot i felt i was open i felt confident and uh i felt within uh range and you know when i got it i just kept fluid motion and went straight up and and made the shot so i made it with a lot of confidence not not with any not with uh no doubt or anything i i think that my offensive game has reached its peak right now in the way that i'm playing and the confidence that i have in my offensive game there's a lot of conversations about what your game is capable of achieving and i'm a firm believer that if you have a good game your game is going to say that you know you don't have to say it so i guess just trying to play down some of the trash talking you know animosity that's between words and in the whole promotional thing let your game be your promotion and your marketing tool i only talk trash to people that i knew my friends patrick young bird magic those type of guys but um i never talk trash to people that i didn't know or people i'm just meeting and if they did my game always did my talk and i never seen it have you ever met anyone that you felt was as competitive as you are no i just feel that you know my competitive drive is far greater than anyone else that i've met you know i think that i thrive on that i think that's my biggest motivation in life you know is to to to compete you know find different competitions and certain things in life and and and try to overcome that you know be a positive or negative but i have yet to meet someone who's as competitive as me you know and i just feel that much confident about my competitive job if i was in my prime who would i want to play one-on-one with um that list is very long i start off with jerry west elgin baylor kobe bryant and his prime lebron in his prime d-wade and his prime melo that's a good start yeah i don't think i lose other than kobe bryant because he steals all my moves when you're on the court with either of those guys do you ever say wow i wish i could do that or i i wish i would have done it that way yeah i'm amazed by certain things that they do and and sometimes it is a sense of trying to intimidate uh imitate one of those or intimidate too whatever the case might be right but i love playing with those guys uh because you know they're gonna be very competitive they got hearts just like you uh they wanna want the ball when the times uh when the time is running out um and then they're one of the greatest players in the in the league and it's sometimes great to play against players like that and you know i know it's going to be a lot of opinions about who's the greatest team of you know forever i mean when you look at the celtics you know they got 16 18 i don't know how many championships they got but they never won the championships when they had 28 teams and someone's parading at this era so that means something to win three in a row knowing there's so much talent in this league now so much parody in this league you know that's gonna be a heck of a argument by anybody's standard so we we feel we must be considered one of the best teams ever personally i mean individual goal was that magic bird isaiah never did this so that meant a lot to me to do it for the third time yes you know i won't say that i'm better than those people but i think in terms of success continuous and consistently that puts me right up there with them if not you know a step above them three that's enough isn't it enough for you not for you no it's never enough never enough as long as you compete you know it's always great to win that's why you compete and i think uh you know we're gonna certainly try to do this for the fourth time you know but right now the third time was a lot of damn work a lot of people put us out of this whole series and uh you know i opened my mouth a little bit and i challenged the guy to challenge myself to say we can win it four but we didn't win in four we wanted five i don't care how many one here we won and that's all that counts now everybody's well they were lucky you know they were lucky the first time not do it again uh maybe they wasn't lucky do it again but this team is not bad you know and the mentality of your leader starting with phil getting to me getting to scotty and then to the rest of the team was okay let's find a way to stay up top that means we got to go this extra mile you know we got to go a little harder you know we got to go a little longer we are old and sure we're tired it's been a long season but mentally we have a we have a vision we have a finish that we have to attain you know and sometimes you have to do it when you old and you're tired you know and i think it's the test of your will to succeed when you have to deal with you know some of these negatives and i'm pretty sure you know by the end of this playoffs you'll see the old and the tired people were very very young and strong mentally but i felt like we still had a good chance if we would have kept the team together now that was a big decision from the bull standpoint we'll never know but it's great for thinking great for conversation great for debating uh but in my mind i really believe that we could have won seven and if we were seven then you know competitive nature has been let's keep going you know let's get to eight let's get it denied until someone beat us until i actually lose in the finals which was never it never happened you know uh i think we could i like to seeing it stay together i can remember a game coming off the basketball court and we were down i don't know five to ten points and i go off about 25 points so we come back and win the game and we're walking off the floor and texas look at me and says you know there's no eye in team i say text is not it's not an iron team but it's eye and wind [Applause] man beard's very very dirty in terms of uh you know you can see lambie he doesn't jump well yeah he can't block a shot yeah so this is true i mean this is not to be knocking him but yeah you got let's say myself on the break and he's on the break you know he's not gonna block my shot right i mean do you really think he would no no see that's what i'm saying so to see him coming at me with full steam ahead i mean it's only to knock me over not knock me off balance can't block my shot i already said that i got to hear jordan's on he's got to do something and if if if that was the case if if it was something that i i probably was chasing uh-huh i would have never gotten it you've never gotten it because you know a lot of kids think they're going to be like you that's the whole point if you chase something then sometimes you never get it uh-huh if you put forth the work and and all the attitude next thing you know it's bestowed upon you whoa that's terrific i don't look at this moment as a defining end to my relationship with the game of basketball it's simply a continuation of something that i started a long time ago one day you might look up and see me playing the game at 50. oh don't laugh never say never because limits like fears are often just an illusion thank you very much we went into the huddle and phil told michael he said michael i want you to take the last shot and michael said you know phil i don't feel real comfortable in these situations so maybe we ought to go in another direction
Channel: Piotrekz Productions
Views: 854,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last dance, jordan greatness, michael jordan, michael jordan motivation, the last dance netflix, jordan obsession, michael jordan kobe bryant, jordan interview, michael jordan documentary, michael jordan speech, michael jordan commercial, MJ23, greatness nba, michael jordan lebron james, nba players on michael jordan, jordan highlights, the mind of kobe bryant, nba motivation
Id: NauAxHkqAyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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