OUTWARD - Rune Mage Guide

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hello there my RPG fans to yet another video about outwards after a mainly guide I decided it would be a good time to cover some magic in this game I will cover all play styles regardless but magic videos are highly requested in this video I will specifically show you the playstyle of a rune mage there is a lot of space for tweaking this depending on the other skills and items that you prefer to use so don't think that I'm showing you the only way to approach this play style we're actually going to start off by showcasing all the rune combinations that you can do so that you know exactly what can you expect by investing your precious silver in this tree so what is a room age you might ask well it's pretty simple to explain you can learn this for rune spells from a trainer in burg the main city of n marker forest you'll need to carry a lexicon in your offhand in order to cast runes unless you learn an expensive skill that will eliminate this need but more on that later when casted by themselves these spells do nothing you have to at least combine two rules spells in order for something to happen the developers describe this as a ritualistic step-by-step approach to magic it might seem intimidating but it's quite simple after you use it for a while we're starting off by showing you the first combinations that you can cast when you only learn the four rules without spending a breakthrough point and going deeper in this tree we got des the blue rule II got the purple room fel the green room and shrimp the red room without making things too complicated you can only have four different combinations from these four rules spells if you don't decide to go deeper in the tree and these are the combinations casting des + e God will give you a runic protection buff with 15% physical resistance and plus through protection it will last for quite some time and it gives you this nice green effect around you casting fel + des will result in runic Lantern effect which basically eliminates the need for carrying a line through which you it will last for 300 seconds jesting shrimp + e gut will give you a runic blade with 28 eternal damage really good weapon actually with great damage considering you can learn it early in the play through eternal damage will melt ghosts and end marker forest is full of them the last combination you can cast is done by casting shrimp + FAL this come will place a magic trap on the ground that will detonate seven enemies are nearby you can place it before the combat and lower NPCs on it or you can be aggressive and cast it while in the fight it will activate immediately if the enemy is nearby and that will be all for the room combos you can do if you don't decide to go deeper in this tree even with only these four spells you can do quite a lot with clever man a management or learning to wield the one-handed sword and your AoE trap I forgot to mention that this trap will do any damage actually so it's a really powerful tool let's move on deeper in the rune sage tree in order to progress further we need to spend our precious breakthrough point and six hundred silver you'll get a nice boost in mana forty points to be exact and these three really powerful passive effects that will modify your rune spells and add new spells from different combinations we're gonna start off by learning arcane syntax which will unlock all rune combinations everything I showed you so far is still the same but now we can have more combinations and different results let me show you testing des plus e got will still give you that room protection but if you guessed he got plus des after you already have running protection buff on you you'll get this instant heal spell that will consume your runic protection so it's des plus e got plus e got plus deaths of course you can consume your runic protection buff whenever you choose by just casting eager to plus des and you'll get the heal effect turning your runic protection into a hill is the first new effect we got by learning the arcane syntax but let's move on remember our runic sword that you get by casting shrimp plus egit well now you can turn it into a two-handed sword by casting the same combo again while you have your runic sword so basically cast shrimp plus egit again and you'll turn your one-handed sword into a two-hander this will unequip your lexicon so you won't be able to cast runes while holding the sword if you don't have the skill we're going to talk about a bit later the two-handed runic blade does 39 damage really solid damage all around with nice amount of impact damage the next combo requires for you to have your runic Lantern active then when you cast fel plus shrimp you'll fire this energy projectile you guessed it as long as you have the mana and it won't consume your runic Lantern so you can pretty much spam phelp a stream and fire these balls of lightning and the last added effect is for our magic trap so you get your magic trap by casting shrimp plus fel then while it's active if you cast shrimp twice in a row you'll detonate the trap manually that will pretty much cover all what arcane syntax does and now let's take the next skill in the tree called the runic prefix it will basically add more effects on top of our existing ruin combination spells starting off with our simple runic protection it will boost its effectiveness by adding five more physical resistance and add extra 10% to other resistances if you consume the runic protection to get the heal we'll get a short 10-second buff as well that will recover two health per second our runic Lantern is now amplified as well and it lasts for 450 seconds one candidate runic blade will get additional lighting damage and this fancy glow as well two-handed runic blade will get additional DK damage and there should be all what runic prefix does although there might be more not so obvious effects added I'm not really sure I also must give props to steam user Moyne II who made this really useful chart for all the effects we mentioned about the last passive ability you can learn is internalized lexicon beware though you can have both of the last kills in the trees or throughs carefully internalized lexicon will eliminate the need for a lexicon while casting rules allowing you to use a two-hander like the one you can get with the runes and still cast rules with the to handle equipped you can of course equip whatever you like and cast runes there are just a lot of possibilities here and that's pretty much it for the rune sage 3 it's a really really unique approach to casting magic its effectiveness will depend almost entirely on your play style you can have different approach to fights which makes this play style a lot of fun when you get used to it not to mention that you can combine it with two other different trainers I have some bills on the way with this in mind so stay tuned it's worth mentioning again that for this guide I made a new character and played for about five hours in total to be able and learn all the skills in the rune sage tree so if you focus on max in this tree as fast as possible you can expect around the same time a bit more or less here and there depending on your luck with RNG loot the gear you can see on my character can be bought for about 350 silver in total and it will give you a nice reduction to your mana costs when I unlocked mana I decided to go with five points invested which gave me 100 mana you can go with less because you will find the gear with lots of mana reduction but five points will guarantee you a good start as a rune mage in the beginning ok guys that will pretty much cover the sage 3 I hope it was easy to understand and be sure to press the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel because there is a lot more content coming out thanks for the amazing support and special thanks to my patrons if you aswell want to support this channel consider checking it out you can find all the links in the description my channel is based around RPGs in general so if you into those games be sure to check it out see ya in the next one
Channel: Click4Gameplay
Views: 369,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outward rune mage guide, outward magic guide, outward mage guide, outward review, outward tips and tricks, outward guide, outward combat guide, outward how to unlock mana, outward how to play as a mage, outward gameplay, outward melee combat guide, outward best starting build, outward mage build, souls like games, dark souls like games, games like dark souls
Id: JdxGrOpX56A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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