ALL Skill Trees RANKED From Worst To Best In Outward Definitive Edition

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yeah boy what's up guys a few people have been asking me what my favorite skill trees are in outward and others have asked for a list of the best options in general so I figured let's just rank a ball from worst to best and see if it helps anyone now to be fair there are no bad skill trees and outward there's just some that seem a little bit better than others there are of course 11 skill trees and outward as the two from new Sirocco don't count they aren't the same thing and can be grabbed on any character technically plus I rarely use them anyway because building new Sirocco sucks but regardless here are outwards skill trees ranked from worst to best for number 11 we have the kazite spellblade skill tree being one of the first scale trees you'll ever find in the game it's pretty darn good I mean Elemental discharge being my favorite giving you access to a very ranged skill dealing High Elemental damage and impact unfortunately this class does take a little bit too much Mana to use after you use the Breakthrough point that it just does really feel like a little bit too much Mana but that's very minimal you can get a lot of Mana regardless now I've never been a big fan of gong strike I think it's actually a very bad skill because it puts you in a bad position and takes a long time to actually activate it takes way too long plus a 30 second cooldown versus a 10 second cooldown which Elemental discharge has just does not feel right to me also gong strike gets rid of your Elemental imbue on your weapon never understood that it immediately makes me pick Elemental discharge every time so this is the worst skill tree in outward um for me I love it though it's one of my favorites to use but it is lacking damage it doesn't give you any damage increases also its breakthrough point is just kind of met extra 15 to health stamina and Mana I mean that doesn't really match the other breakthrough points and the other skill trees so it is arguably the worst skill tree in the game but still an option I love to take or spot number 10 we have the second worst skill tree in outward and that is the Philosopher's skill tree now again I hate to do this because like kazite spellblade this is another one of my favorites uh I love Mana region I I just do the Breakthrough gives it to you it's very nice to have it's a high amount and it's very convenient to have it really is also you have Man Award and fire sigil on the skill tree two skills that can be argued to break the game at times um of making immune to damage or simply just offering too much fire damage to be fair also you have chakrams I love chakras myself although chakrams do require a lot of skill to use and I feel like a lot of new players pick this skill tree because I see the you know oh Mana regen that's awesome but then they don't really get a lot out of this skill tree because they don't know how to efficiently use these skills so I do feel like it lacks because of that also Ice Age was amazing but I feel like I sigil and not being able to get fire Affinity I don't know I always feel like I should get both for some reason fire Affinity is extremely extremely good it's worth taking the skill tree alone but I sigil never really felt as good as the other sigils to me I wish it was a little bit better the cooldown on some of the skills to activate in ice sigil is is a little bit high but still again really good skill tree just not quite as good as some of the other options next up at number nine we have the third worst skill train outward and I hate saying it like that because again it's not bad but Rogue Engineers borderline op for two things unfortunately though only if you're using daggers and only if you are using a backpack that doesn't impede your Dodge now you can actually take the skill tree no matter what because the Breakthrough point will let you dodge a lot more often it reduces the stamina cost by half of all your Dodges it's really really good extremely good if you're using Knuckles or the uh you know the punching weapons uh the gauntlets they're they're extremely good for those because those require a lot of stamina they required you to dodge since Knuckles are the only weapon that don't block all physical or all damage in general they block 90 percent not a hundred so really really good again though this is another one of those skill trees where the top tier skill just kind of it puts me off almost every single time I take this skill tree I get to the top and I go it doesn't really matter you know I don't use pressure plates unless I'm using a pressure plate build so I'm not really going to get the damage bonus from that even though it is a really good damage bonus the stealth I don't use stealth this isn't really a stealth game I mean you can but it's not really built around that so I've always felt like the top two uh passive skills in the skill tree really hurt it I mean they really do if you're using daggers you have to take this because all the dagger skills are op they're insanely good but those those top two I mean they really hurt the skill tree they just really do if the Breakthrough Point wasn't so good it would be the worst skill trade but the Breakthrough point is insanely useful on any build now up at number eight we have the wild hunter skill tree the skill tree is really really good for two different types of builds number one a bow build I mean you want to take that skill instead of Predator leap to get extreme bleeding on enemies that's really really nice used to break the game originally uh but now with de it doesn't quite break the game anymore it's just really nice to have obviously the Tier 1 skills are all based on dealing high impact and dealing good damage with a bow so really if you're taking a bow you've got to be using this and enrage is an OP skill you've got to have it in every build you just do now the top three skills which are really what we care about I don't care too much about the breakthroughs just extra Health it is very nice to have obviously if you're gonna go take if you're going to be taking damage if you're going to be using more Health some skills actually require more Health in order to do more damage but the top three skills are really what we care about and Predator leaves is awesome Predator leaves crazy crazy good it does high impact it does really good damage I highly recommend it because of that impact but the problem is it eats to your weapon insanely quick it's same problem that kazai's Bell blade has it this Elemental discharge is just going to shred your weapon so quickly so honestly if you're using a czar weapon wild hunter is pretty darn good I mean those weapons already have high impact this is going to make that even more ridiculous now the top tier skill on the skill tree is feral strike and honestly it's subpar at best the problem with it is that it has such a high cooldown but it can only be used once because it takes away your rage bonus I don't understand that really if it's gonna have a fast cooldown why on Earth does it get rid of your rage you know now you can get around this by simply chugging and rage potions it does make this skill extremely good because the skill does high damage but unless you're doing that it's really not reliable you're only going to be able to use it once per fight so honestly this is a great skill tree the one thing that hurts it for me is that health is not as in important as some of these other breakthroughs that you get from the other skill trees sitting at number seven this is where we start to get into the territory of every skill tree from here on out is so gosh darn good it really is it's really hard to rank these but mercenary in and of itself is super special it's got a lot of stuff for you first off you have iron shot and Cold Shot both extremely good use them with a gun iron shot instantly knocks down almost everything in the game up until the Caldera really icy shot deals high damage into killing loads of enemies and it's great against bugs too bugs are really weak to eyes so it shreds stuff get it in a good gun and you're just gonna destroy the game you've got blood bullet and Infused Shield at the very top both s-tier skills they're crazy crazy good if used Shield allows you to block Elemental damages just staying in The Fray Never leaving battle which is what you want with the shield because you don't want to be dodging you want to be blocking all your attacks blood bullet uh gives you health back unfortunately it does have a little bit too high of a cooldown but you can fix that with cool down on your armor and making it really really good the Breakthrough point is also insane it gives you 10 percent more movement speed I always thought the marathoner should have been the Breakthrough marathoner feels better to me um it's kind of confusing that they did it that way because the Breakthrough is usually the better one but it doesn't matter because you get both with the skill tree so Swift foot is going to give you 10 increased movement speed which is going to make you faster and then marathon is going to give you 40 percent less stamina consumption while running this is the best skill tree in the game for tank classes not in terms of actually granting you more tankiness but in terms of getting around the map because the biggest problem with tank builds is that they're freaking slow if you choose to use Zar armor you will literally be playing the game for months all right there's a little bit of an exaggeration but it's gonna take forever to beat the game because that armor is extremely slow it really is so this alleviates a lot of that pain of wearing heavy armor and the other thing is they do like you might be paying thinking oh I'll just switch armors right but you can't because heavy armor like Czar armor zagus armor kitsunogi armor all that stuff it weighs 20 pounds per piece so you really can't be putting it in your backpack you're gonna be wasting a lot of space so this really is the skill tree for your tank builds uh it's really good regardless a lot of people like to use it on their light Mage builds as well because you're going to be running a lot and if you're only running and never dodging so you're always like kiting away from the enemy for for example hexes and gun builds both really good to use with mercenary because you're going to be running a lot and you basically have infinite stamina if you take this skill tree so a great skill tree phenomenal I think it is very very good but I put it in the middle because I still think there are some better than this now at number six we have my least favorite skill tree in the game uh this would be the Speedster skill tree now you might be wondering why is it at number six if it's your least favorite because I understand its power that is why uh I hate this skill tree with a passion I've taken it several times I've used it to great effect I don't get enough out of it it's all based on cooldown you get a lot of cooldown based on alertness levels you get a lot of getting your skills back instantly from the skills but to be honest you don't get anything out of the skill tree there are no attack skills other than probe that you get here and you can grab probe without actually taking the skill tree all this stuff is passive skills essentially I mean there are two active skills but they don't actually attack their defensive sort of and so this scale trait to me doesn't always feel great it is ridiculously strong because cooldown is broken in this game if you get it to high enough levels it just is with correct skills you can spam high impact high damage attacks and destroy the game but unfortunately activating probe to get your alertness levels actually weakens your character it will decrease your Elemental resistance not by much but by enough and I hate that I like having really high Elemental resistance all the time now you can take the passive at the top to get more protection but if your protection is higher and your Elemental resistance is lower you're still going to take a lot of damage if you get hit with elemental attacks so this is an acquired taste to skill tree it really is you're either gonna like it or you're not I don't think there's much Middle Ground I only think it's good for high utility if you know exactly what you're doing and you know that you want to be using this otherwise I usually avoid it now on to number five we have Warrior Monk and this is my probably second favorite skill tree in the game now again I put this one Higher on the list because I do think that's not quite strong enough to be the best but this is my second favorite skill tree in the game it is awesome I take this on almost every build not only does it give you brace which is the best skill in the game for its Tier 1 skill it offers you stamina which is arguably one of the most important stats in the game because if you don't have stamina you can't Dodge you can't block you can't attack you need stamina you can have no health and still deal damage and block if you have stamina so stamina is extremely important to me now you also have perfect strike and Flash Onslaught which are op skills flash Onslaught inflicts confusion while doing high damage and making you immune a lot of people forget about that but you literally become a ghost for a couple seconds or teleport to another dimension whatever you want to call it it's really cool now perfect strike turns all your damage to Raw damage and then cuts through the enemy really quickly it's insane pain inflicting pain as well making you deal more damage for physical attacks it's an awesome skill now you also have Master emotion which is going to give you 10 Elemental resistance while your discipline buff is active this is an extremely valuable skill I take this a lot because I for certain builds you're going to have your discipline Boone active 24 7. if that's the case it's often really good to take this just so you have a little bit more defense even if you don't need it now Counter-Strike is Counter-Strike it's you're gonna Parry an attack and re-attack there's not really much special about it it's really good really strong too bad flash Onslaught takes away your discipline Boon but you do have another option and I really like that this Skill Tree to me is something I almost always take that stamina as the Breakthrough is so gosh darn good extra 40 stamina man and that's just nice to have on every build if you want to use all of that to turn into Mana then you're not even using your regular health and stamina for Manny you're going to be using that extra so you're still gonna have a good amount of stamina it just feels really all around like a high quality skill tree and I love it now at number four we have the Rune Sage skill tree of course everybody knows about this one because it's what everybody loves to take their first time around you get runes you place down runic trap you beat half the game with zero effort it's just how it works the runic trap is extremely good for basic enemies now it does fall off a lot late game because you can't actually increase his damage with Buffs so for example armor Buffs they don't actually increase the trap's damage this is literally just an OP skill for the early game and that's about it still usable in the late game but it's not going to insta kill everything the Breakthrough Point grants you more Mana this doesn't seem like much but it is actually pretty good uh when you have a skill tree that offers you Mana regen though this doesn't quite feel as tier uh it's just good and it's nice to have when you're going to be consuming a lot of Mana with these runes now all of the top tier skills are going to be extra above so you got internalize lexicon which is good for builds like Shield builds uh dagger builds that you still want to use rooms is on and then the other two just buff and make your Rune steal more damage so you've got a lot of options with this you can use a one-handed sword to use a two-handed sword both dealing high damage low impact though then you have the runic protection which is insane if you actually take the runic prefix this gives you a ton of Buffs it makes you very very tanky compared to what you would be otherwise you can activate the runes backwards to activate runic heel and heal yourself I mean that's never bad having free healing is great if you're not big on potions which I mean eventually you will be because they're so easy to make but if you're not being a potion to the star I mean you got free heal that's awesome you also have lightning damage from afar which is a really cool skill that you can use in this game the runic skill tree is amazing not only can it be activated by itself to deal high damage but you can use it as backup with just runic protection and make it usable because runic protection is that good now there are two downsides to this skill tree that make it not quite the best or the top three number one you have to have a lexicon in your hand to get the most benefits out of this like I already said you could take internalized lexicon so that you don't have this but you lose out on a lot of the extra Buffs that the runic prefix skill actually gives you so that's a little bit unfortunate you also have the fact that using runes takes up half your skill slots to use runes to the maximum potential you need for open Rune slots and guess what you only got eight so that's half that is a lot of slots for just four runes so it's really hard to use runes and a full other half of your build at the same time like if you're going Warrior monk for example Warrior monk has two skills two high damage skills plus brace that's three skill slots plus all your runes you only got one extra skill slot and there are a load of skills you might want to put in there or maybe even hot bar an item so runes really do take up a lot of your hot bar it kind of sucks sometimes but that is the trade-off you get for such a powerful skill tree next up we have the hex Mage skill tree sitting at number three and I know what some of you are saying already in your head oh my word is wrong this is the best skill tree in the game oh my word what is Sheen doing well after a lot of consideration no this is not the best skill tree in the game I have very good reasons for this but it is freaking amazing first off hexes are extremely fun and cool not only do you get a long range magic that deals insane damage but it just absolutely destroys stuff with low Mana cost none of these skills actually cost really that high Mana um it's a really really good skill tree not only does it deal damage but it debuffs your enemy at the same time so uh Jinx torment then rupture just destroys the game you can also get the passive at the top there to deal more Elemental damage when you're tired I don't use it much but if you're efficient you can get a lot more damage out of this the Breakthrough Point here which is bloodlust is arguably one of the few breakthroughs in the game that completely breaks the game a funny wording there but it really does it gets rid of all of your health burn your mana burn your stamina burn because every time you kill something you get some of it back you'll actually get health back a little bit too so it is actually it's insane um it completely changes the game if you've not taken hex Mage for a while and then you go and you take this it'll be a completely different experience because that stamina burn is a huge deal I mean when you use stamina you burn a lot of it and you don't realize it until you take hex Mage and you go hey I've got full stamina 24 7 no matter what I do this is awesome and it really is it's a it's a breakthrough that they put in the game and it feels so much better than almost every other breakthrough it's crazy now the last thing that we have of course is the blood sigil and cleanse cleanses is great there's not much to talk about it's just getting a dark stone so there's not much there but blood sigil is Another Broken skill in the game this thing deals stupid damage um I believe someone said to me at one point that if you use the dagger slash skill inside this it actually does the highest damage per second in the game I've never used that much but according to Supreme pretty reliable sources that's what that does you can also activate conjure inside this sigil to give you a literal buddy it's a ball of floating blood that shoots for you there's not really any way you can go wrong with that it's insanely powerful deals impact as well and damage on the side it's just super good and it lasts for a long time too so blood sigil is is really gosh darn good and it can buff your Decay damage quite a bit and I mean it's it's awesome it's real the unfortunate thing about the skill tree you know what it is the unfortunate thing is that blood sigil and rupture cannot be grabbed at the same time both are extremely fun but you have to kind of go into one or the other and it's it's so sad to see that sometimes because you'd be like oh man both these would be so fun it fits really well into my build but you can't use both you know you can't have everything this is a game that'd be too op so the hex Mage skill tree is amazing worth it for that breakthrough and all of the stuff above the Breakthrough are asked here as well so the second most powerful skill tree in the game a lot of people aren't gonna like this it's Primal ritualist and I know a lot of people are gonna like it like I said but it's true this skill tree is insanely good people don't like to use it because you have to place down the totems and I'll agree it's a little Annoying they weigh 12 pounds if you have both of them in your backpack it's a lot but the sheer tankiness of the skill tree and the fact that you could I think you could beat the entire game with just a ghost drum and nothing else I I don't think you need a single other item but the ghost drum to beat the entire game that's how strong it is it inflicts Aether bomb after a few hits and Aether bomb takes out half of an enemy's health and this any not talking about is a gargoyle dude a gargoyle is so freaking tanky and the ghost drum will destroy it very quickly and all you got to do is kite around just kite around for a little bit the primary ritual skill tree is the best for Co-Op builds it offers both defense to you and your partner so if you're going for a really strong Co-op build this is what you want to take it's insanely good also in Co-op builds whoever the enemy's on the other guy can hit the totems and because totems deal so much damage they'll de-aggrow and they'll switch aggro constantly it's a very very strong way to play um and even if you're going solo you can just stand in the middle of the totems wait for the enemy to walk up to you and then fight them regularly as you're fighting them if you're in the middle of the totems you'll just automatically hit them deal more damage it's so strong it really is if you use this with a proper tank build you'll take very minimal damage every single time you get hit now the only unfortunate thing about this skill tree is that the two skills right above the Breakthrough are kind of yeah nurturing Echoes extremely good because you get health and stamina back but it depends on how many times you hit the totems and it has a very high cooldown so it's like sometimes it's very very good and at other times you can't use it so it really depends on the situation unfortunately reverberation is pretty bad that this is a skill that seems really really cool but doesn't work out in almost any situation because totems are more valuable when they're being hit they're on the ground you're hitting them they're building up damage the unfortunate thing about reverberation is it requires a few seconds to first off pull the thing off you're gonna have to stand there for a bit and do this but then reverberation picks up one of your totems so you're immediately losing damage from that totem and you'd have to put it back down if you're in a long fight now the good news is reverberation does activate a lot of damage when it is doing that the waves that it does and it does impact as well I believe but it never feels like it's worth it it almost always feels like just leaving the totem on the ground is going to give you the better damage so I unfortunately don't like it but of course we have the two passives at the top that let you use both totems right next to each other and Grant you extra five barrier and protection when you're inside the the radius of those totems it's extremely good great skill tree built around tanks and Co-op and I love to see a skill tree built around Co-op so this is this is the second best skill tree in outward even if you might not like it unfortunately so what is the best skill tree in outward I bet at least half of you already knew this uh it's cabal hermit this skill tree is very simple there's not a lot to it but it's the most powerful first off you have Mana push which is really good for high impact to great in the wind sigil you've got call to Elements which grants you a random buff depending on what cave you're in uh oftentimes it'll give you the buff that you need for that cave which is really strong extra weather tolerance great to have not really necessary reveal soul for infinite Mana I mean why not the Breakthrough point is the op stat here I mean this is going to give you extra damage to Elements by 10 so instead of whenever you activate your Boons you get a 20 buff to damage and uh defense when you have the shamanic resonance breakthrough point you are going to get 30 instead of 20. it's an extra 10 but that's a lot so not only do you have extra defense but you have more damage and this Stacks very very well yeah it just seems to stack better than most things and the win schedule was one of my favorites I love win sigil when using it you can use spark which only uses 5 Mana in the wind schedule and it kills stuff extremely fast you can also use conjure in the wind sigil to insta kill most enemies at least most lower tier enemies as it does over 100 lightning damage in one hit then of course you have wind Infuse which is the other one you could take instead and that one gives you more impact I mean you can knock stuff over in one two hits sometimes that's op that's insanely strong so the only problem with wind Infuse is that you are losing Elemental damage from a boon but if you're using a high Elemental damage weapon it doesn't matter so winded fuse is really really strong hard not to use on slower weapons because it increases their speed conjure of course is the last one conjure can be used in a variety of ways you can summon a ghost you can use it in blood sigil and you can use it in Wind sigil it just has a lot of options and when sigil activates a lightning strike you don't need to be near the sigil it's a very powerful strike and blood sigil it activates the blood turret which I already talked about is really good so all around there's not really any weaknesses to the skill tree other than the fact that you gotta have the the winds totems wind pillars active in each region to use them and unfortunately winded views loses you out on some Elemental damage but again there's ways around that and it's just so strong that often it feels worth it the ball hermit is the single best skill tree in outward it is usable on any character any build the only thing you're not really going to want to use it on is a pure physical damage build because you are getting a lot of the damage bonus from elements but it could still be usable on that for extra defense so it's always usable and it just feels really really good so if you don't know exactly what you want to put in your build you got two skill trees you want to use but you don't know what to use for the last you are always safe picking cabal hermit it will always work for you and there you go guys there are all of these skill trees ranked in the game I think that's a pretty reasonable list it's hard to actually say which ones are the best and which ones are the worst because there's definitely some variation you could put with some of these like mercenary Speedster and wild hunter you can move those around a bit but I do think that the top five are probably my favorite five skill trees in the game hex Mage Primal cabal top three those feel amazing on any build hex Mage is hard not to take just because of bloodlust uh hopefully this helped you guys out hopefully you enjoyed it and I will catch you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: SheenShots
Views: 97,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outward Tips and Tricks, Tips and tricks, Beginners Guide to Outward, Outward Beginners Guide, Outward 2023, Outward skills, RPG, outward best backpacks, outward rpg, outward puzzle, outward tips, outward builds, outward combat guide, best new rpg, Outward DLC, Outward secrets, outward quick guides, how to beat outward, outward, outward gameplay, Definitive Edition, Skill Trees, Best Skill Trees, ALL Skill Trees RANKED From Worst To Best In Outward Definitive Edition, Skills
Id: h0yEFFhVnh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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